DNC getting ready to release the Kraken on Donald Trump

Hillary mentioned on 60 Minutes last night that she was going to go after Donald on ever vile mean thing he has ever done to other people. The gloves are now off.

Oh Yeah--they've been waiting patiently until after he secured the nomination. It's going to be a freakin slaughter.

I don't get it, what's the punchline?

I just gave you a link with links to 2000 others.

Did you really believe you were going to install a Chimpanzee nominee in the Oval office over Hillary's emails? Really?

After their done with Trump--. Well lets just put is this way, this election is going to go down and make history for the landslide victory for Hillary Clinton.

Ronald Reagan won that title with a 49 state landslide and Hillary Clinton just may break it with a 50 state landslide victory.
Hillary is going to lose West Virginia by like 50 points.

How is she going to win 50 out of the remaining 56 states?
Now that Donald Trump has secured the nomination--the DNC is going to release the Kraken on him.

You didn't really believe they showed all their cards on Trump during the primary did you?

Here we go 2000 links--on Donald Trump many of them will be coming to a T.V advertisement near you.

Real Donald Trump


Yep, hell is coming - and it will be riding a DNC horse.
Yeah right. Are they going to find out that Trump looted the Haiti earthquake relief funds or something?

Haitians Protest Outside Hillary Clinton’s Office Over ‘Billions Stolen’ by Clinton Foundation - Golden Age of Gaia

Absolutely despicable. The Clintons have absolutely no morals or scruples at all.

Maybe they really are krakens. They are certainly monsters, that's for damn sure.

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