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DNC Goes After Destroying President Donald Trump, His Marriage, and His Family

'DNC Goes After Destroying President Donald Trump, His Marriage, and His Family'

Ah, they are giving him the 'Herman Cain' / 'Brett Kavanaugh' 'Politics of Personal Destruction' treatment....

How very 'a threat to our democracy'
Hillary-esgue of them....

Democrat introducing impeachment measure as revenge against President Donald Trump on first day of a new Congress: Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

They cooked this one up right after President Trump won the election and even before he took office. This isn't just and it isn't right.

Convince me and the nation that I'm wrong or right to find it very bad to bust up some man's marriage and hurt his sons and daughters just because he is a Republican and won the Presidency they put all George Soros' money on.

Which marriage?

After the Russian trump tower meeting one could argue don junior is trying harder to ruin the family.
Are you going to claim that you didn't know the whole Trump tower meeting was made up by Lanny Davis?

Blockbuster CNN Trump/Russia Story in More Doubt After Cohen’s Lawyer Recants
So Lanny Davis' conscience finally caught up with him. I'm gonna faint. From your link, which was here: Blockbuster CNN Trump/Russia Story in More Doubt After Cohen’s Lawyer Recants

The Trump administration’s account of this meeting, in which the Russians offered dirt on Hillary Clinton, has shifted many times. But the president continues to maintain that he knew nothing about it beforehand. If that assertion were to be proven false, it would be enormously damaging for Trump, and a boon for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. CNN also reported that Cohen was willing to testify to Mueller about what he’d heard.

But last week, Axios reported that Cohen testified to Congress last year that he had no idea whether Trump knew about the meeting in advance.

And now, BuzzFeed reports that Lanny Davis, Cohen’s lawyer, has admitted he was one of the anonymous sources for the CNN story, and that he cannot corroborate his account of Cohen’s story.

Davis, a consummate spinmeister best known for his work with the Clinton administration, had been walking back the story in the last several days, telling various outlets that he could not confirm it. But he had not confessed that he was actually a source prior to his admission to BuzzFeed. In fact, he straightforwardly denied such involvement last week, telling CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “I think the reporting of the story got mixed up in the course of a criminal investigation. We were not the source of the story.”
And then he went on to say:

“I made a mistake,” Davis told BuzzFeed, adding, of the Anderson Cooper interview, “I did not mean to be cute” — quite the euphemism for lying.

Davis also told BuzzFeed that he served as a source for other outlets that were seeking to confirm CNN’s story. At least two of them, the New York Post and the Washington Post, published stories this week that walked back their original stories. (New York Magazine also ran a story at the time, based on CNN’s scoop.)
Thanks for informing the USMB Board that all this straining at a gnat to swallow a camel by the DNC is based on a false witness report by the resurrectionist of the word "incomprehensible" Mr. Lanny Davis. I sure is funny to see the DNC not get its revenge as planned. :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

Edit: sp
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There will be no impeachment vote unless and until Mueller findings show impeachable offense.

So, the Dems have done nothing of the sort.


Hello moron odd how some demos are bringing it before the house

Yes. But Pelosi hasn’t. Moron.

You dont get it and pesosi not wanting to is part of the point iys a political stunt mr moron

I don’t think you are up to the task. So I’ll let you go.
There will be no impeachment vote unless and until Mueller findings show impeachable offense.

So, the Dems have done nothing of the sort.


Hello moron odd how some demos are bringing it before the house

Yes. But Pelosi hasn’t. Moron.

You dont get it and pesosi not wanting to is part of the point iys a political stunt mr moron

I don’t think you are up to the task. So I’ll let you go.
Are you slur?
Democrat introducing impeachment measure as revenge against President Donald Trump on first day of a new Congress: Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

They cooked this one up right after President Trump won the election and even before he took office. This isn't just and it isn't right.

Convince me and the nation that I'm wrong or right to find it very bad to bust up some man's marriage and hurt his sons and daughters just because he is a Republican and won the Presidency they put all George Soros' money on.

The Dirty Democrats can't win fair, so they lie and cheat
Democrats have lied so much and sworn to each other's lies so many times, they may not be able to recognize the truth any more.
Y'know, TCL, that's sad that the DNC supporters have no idea how fed up this nation is of their false witness. They think that whatever fibbie, no matter how egregious, has no consequences other than to get their new inductees elected. The only trouble is, the inductees can be in some cases okay with the false witness stuff, as is 90% of the leftist reporter corps eager to make headlines like the loudmouth lime Acosta.
Convince me and the nation that I'm wrong or right to find it very bad to bust up some man's marriage and hurt his sons and daughters just because he is a Republican and won the Presidency they put all George Soros' money on
Trump is not only a bumbling incompetent, he has been violating Emoluments Clause since the day he took office:

Donald Trump Will Not Go Quietly Like Nixon

"Trump is vulnerable to impeachment on an even greater variety of fronts than Nixon.

"First and foremost, there is the final report of special counsel Robert Mueller, which may be delivered as soon as the middle of February.

"Even if Mueller hews to present Justice Department policy and declines to indict Trump himself for conspiring and colluding with Russian interests in the 2016 election, and obstructing justice in an effort to impede the Russia probe, he almost certainly will furnish House Democrats with powerful ammunition for impeachment.

"Beyond collusion and obstruction, Trump has arguably committed impeachable offenses for misusing the presidency for personal economic gain in violation of the Constitution’s foreign and domestic emoluments clauses, as well as directing his former attorney, Michael Cohen, to pay hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels and ex-girlfriend Karen McDougal in violation of federal election laws."
So therefore you approve of the more vicious elements in the DNC going for impeachment after they announced it prior to President Trump's Oath of Office was taken by him, and only because all their cheating and all George Soros' money didn't put Hillary Willary back together again. You're just as bad as them, trying to destroy his family and all.
Personally, I believe Hillary, Donald, and George are all on the same side, the richest one percent side.

What evidence would you require to concede Trump is no better than the other two oligarchs?

"Rumors of 'cheap speed' prescriptions and speculation about cocaine use not withstanding, celebrity real estate developer and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump enjoys a decades-old reputation as a teetotaler.

"That did not, however, stop him from employing a convicted cocaine trafficker in the 1980s.

"In October 1985, Joseph Weichselbaum, the general manager of the helicopter service that shuttled VIPs to and from Trump’s Atlantic City casinos, was named in an 18-count indictment accusing him of being a marijuana and cocaine trafficker.

"Convicted of grand larceny and embezzlement in the ‘70s, Weichselbaum, prosecutors stated, 'was a felon even before becoming a drug dealer.' (According to Spy magazine,

"Weichselbaum’s firm also maintained, stored, and flew Trump’s personal helicopter, Ivana.)"


Trump continued to support Weichselbaum even after he was convicted for cocaine trafficking. Does that sound presidential, to you?
To err is human and to forgive is divine, sweetie.
Democrat introducing impeachment measure as revenge against President Donald Trump on first day of a new Congress: Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

They cooked this one up right after President Trump won the election and even before he took office. This isn't just and it isn't right.

Convince me and the nation that I'm wrong or right to find it very bad to bust up some man's marriage and hurt his sons and daughters just because he is a Republican and won the Presidency they put all George Soros' money on.
It's not revenge: it to make our country safe, strong and healthy again. We need to get rid of the cesspool in which Drumph has drowned our once democratic process and the dignity of our country.
Ahhh. We dont like his policies so lets impeach!
Good fucking gawd, you people make the obama haters look like they wanted to get him off.
You guys are almost as embarrassing as trump is!

I can only say I have never heard of a president who has done as good as trump has for America being hated by the other side so much.

Its like a bunch of retards on meth running wild screaming the sky is falling .
The Star witness of the show will a Porn Star...........LOL
I wonder if she'll tell as many fibbies as Lanny Davis. To the sparseness of his credit, he fessed up and kept a New Year's resolution to tell the truth whatever the cost. Oh, well, there likely will be no cost since he waited the right amount of time to start a good stink.
Trump is paying off porn actresses he had affairs with, and us democrats are be being charged with destroying his marriage?
Trump is paying off porn actresses he had affairs with, and us democrats are be being charged with destroying his marriage?
And who the hell do you think made her find it out? :right: The damn Clinton Cabal. If they gonna be miserable, they gonna be sure their political opposition loses the faith of his own family. Indiscretion is a lying mouth. Blockbuster CNN Trump/Russia Story in More Doubt After Cohen’s Lawyer Recants
I see you missed the post about Lanny Davis admitting he "made a mistake." IOW He lied his ass off to get revenge for Creepsister Hillary Clinton's well-earned loss of the Presidency. Case closed!
Convince me and the nation that I'm wrong or right to find it very bad to bust up some man's marriage and hurt his sons and daughters just because he is a Republican and won the Presidency they put all George Soros' money on
Trump is not only a bumbling incompetent, he has been violating Emoluments Clause since the day he took office:

Donald Trump Will Not Go Quietly Like Nixon

"Trump is vulnerable to impeachment on an even greater variety of fronts than Nixon.

"First and foremost, there is the final report of special counsel Robert Mueller, which may be delivered as soon as the middle of February.

"Even if Mueller hews to present Justice Department policy and declines to indict Trump himself for conspiring and colluding with Russian interests in the 2016 election, and obstructing justice in an effort to impede the Russia probe, he almost certainly will furnish House Democrats with powerful ammunition for impeachment.

"Beyond collusion and obstruction, Trump has arguably committed impeachable offenses for misusing the presidency for personal economic gain in violation of the Constitution’s foreign and domestic emoluments clauses, as well as directing his former attorney, Michael Cohen, to pay hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels and ex-girlfriend Karen McDougal in violation of federal election laws."
So therefore you approve of the more vicious elements in the DNC going for impeachment after they announced it prior to President Trump's Oath of Office was taken by him, and only because all their cheating and all George Soros' money didn't put Hillary Willary back together again. You're just as bad as them, trying to destroy his family and all.
Personally, I believe Hillary, Donald, and George are all on the same side, the richest one percent side.

What evidence would you require to concede Trump is no better than the other two oligarchs?

"Rumors of 'cheap speed' prescriptions and speculation about cocaine use not withstanding, celebrity real estate developer and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump enjoys a decades-old reputation as a teetotaler.

"That did not, however, stop him from employing a convicted cocaine trafficker in the 1980s.

"In October 1985, Joseph Weichselbaum, the general manager of the helicopter service that shuttled VIPs to and from Trump’s Atlantic City casinos, was named in an 18-count indictment accusing him of being a marijuana and cocaine trafficker.

"Convicted of grand larceny and embezzlement in the ‘70s, Weichselbaum, prosecutors stated, 'was a felon even before becoming a drug dealer.' (According to Spy magazine,

"Weichselbaum’s firm also maintained, stored, and flew Trump’s personal helicopter, Ivana.)"


Trump continued to support Weichselbaum even after he was convicted for cocaine trafficking. Does that sound presidential, to you?
To err is human and to forgive is divine, sweetie.
Will you be divine and forgive Trump for destroying your party, Twinkie?

Karen Celestino-Horseman: Donald Trump—presidential psychopath? | 2018-04-27 | Indianapolis Business Journal | IBJ.com

"The checklist consists of 20 characteristics for which the individual is scored 0, 1 or 2. A score of 30 means he or she is a psychopath. Most of us think of psychopaths as those who have committed hideous crimes, but not all psychopaths travel through the criminal justice system. It is estimated that 21 percent of CEOs are psychopaths.

"I decided to apply the test to President Trump and here are the unfortunate results.

◗ "Glib and superficial charm. (Trump was a successful reality TV star and commercial personality.)

◗ "Grandiose estimation of self. (He tweeted after he backed off sanctioning Russia: 'Russia will tell you, there’s been nobody tougher than Donald Trump.')

◗ "Need for stimulation. (Twitter war!)

◗ "Pathological lying. (Largest inauguration attendance ever? Not! Even fashion magazine Vogue tackles the lies in a story headlined, “The 25 Worst Lies From Donald Trump’s First 200 Days.”)

◗ "Cunning and manipulativeness. (As in media manipulator. If it is a story he does not like, it is fake news. Or if it is an individual for which he does not care or with whom he disagrees, he or she is discredited: e.g., Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.)

◗ "Lack of remorse or guilt. (Despite his repeated lies and his insults to women and others, have you ever heard him apologize?)

◗ "Shallow affect—superficial emotional responsiveness. (Remember his throwing “beautiful, soft' paper towels to the hurricane survivors in Puerto Rico?)

◗ "Callousness and lack of empathy. (Who can forget that Trump had to be provided a note that reminded him to say, 'I hear you,' while attending a listening session following the Parkland High School shooting?)"

"Parasitic lifestyle. (He is using the presidency to promote the Trump brand and to make money: e.g., membership increase in Mar-A-Lago, and conducting meetings with world leaders at Trump hotels, etc.

"There is also Trump University, which helped underwrite his lifestyle, along with the immigrants he hires to work at his hotels.)

"◗ Poor behavioral controls. (Twitter, again.)

"◗ Sexual promiscuity. (Do I really need to provide examples? OK. Stormy Daniels.)"

story continues below
Convince me and the nation that I'm wrong or right to find it very bad to bust up some man's marriage and hurt his sons and daughters just because he is a Republican and won the Presidency they put all George Soros' money on
Trump is not only a bumbling incompetent, he has been violating Emoluments Clause since the day he took office:

Donald Trump Will Not Go Quietly Like Nixon

"Trump is vulnerable to impeachment on an even greater variety of fronts than Nixon.

"First and foremost, there is the final report of special counsel Robert Mueller, which may be delivered as soon as the middle of February.

"Even if Mueller hews to present Justice Department policy and declines to indict Trump himself for conspiring and colluding with Russian interests in the 2016 election, and obstructing justice in an effort to impede the Russia probe, he almost certainly will furnish House Democrats with powerful ammunition for impeachment.

"Beyond collusion and obstruction, Trump has arguably committed impeachable offenses for misusing the presidency for personal economic gain in violation of the Constitution’s foreign and domestic emoluments clauses, as well as directing his former attorney, Michael Cohen, to pay hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels and ex-girlfriend Karen McDougal in violation of federal election laws."
So therefore you approve of the more vicious elements in the DNC going for impeachment after they announced it prior to President Trump's Oath of Office was taken by him, and only because all their cheating and all George Soros' money didn't put Hillary Willary back together again. You're just as bad as them, trying to destroy his family and all.
Personally, I believe Hillary, Donald, and George are all on the same side, the richest one percent side.

What evidence would you require to concede Trump is no better than the other two oligarchs?

"Rumors of 'cheap speed' prescriptions and speculation about cocaine use not withstanding, celebrity real estate developer and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump enjoys a decades-old reputation as a teetotaler.

"That did not, however, stop him from employing a convicted cocaine trafficker in the 1980s.

"In October 1985, Joseph Weichselbaum, the general manager of the helicopter service that shuttled VIPs to and from Trump’s Atlantic City casinos, was named in an 18-count indictment accusing him of being a marijuana and cocaine trafficker.

"Convicted of grand larceny and embezzlement in the ‘70s, Weichselbaum, prosecutors stated, 'was a felon even before becoming a drug dealer.' (According to Spy magazine,

"Weichselbaum’s firm also maintained, stored, and flew Trump’s personal helicopter, Ivana.)"


Trump continued to support Weichselbaum even after he was convicted for cocaine trafficking. Does that sound presidential, to you?
To err is human and to forgive is divine, sweetie.
Will you be divine and forgive Trump for destroying your party, Twinkie?

Karen Celestino-Horseman: Donald Trump—presidential psychopath? | 2018-04-27 | Indianapolis Business Journal | IBJ.com

"The checklist consists of 20 characteristics for which the individual is scored 0, 1 or 2. A score of 30 means he or she is a psychopath. Most of us think of psychopaths as those who have committed hideous crimes, but not all psychopaths travel through the criminal justice system. It is estimated that 21 percent of CEOs are psychopaths.

"I decided to apply the test to President Trump and here are the unfortunate results.

◗ "Glib and superficial charm. (Trump was a successful reality TV star and commercial personality.)

◗ "Grandiose estimation of self. (He tweeted after he backed off sanctioning Russia: 'Russia will tell you, there’s been nobody tougher than Donald Trump.')

◗ "Need for stimulation. (Twitter war!)

◗ "Pathological lying. (Largest inauguration attendance ever? Not! Even fashion magazine Vogue tackles the lies in a story headlined, “The 25 Worst Lies From Donald Trump’s First 200 Days.”)

◗ "Cunning and manipulativeness. (As in media manipulator. If it is a story he does not like, it is fake news. Or if it is an individual for which he does not care or with whom he disagrees, he or she is discredited: e.g., Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.)

◗ "Lack of remorse or guilt. (Despite his repeated lies and his insults to women and others, have you ever heard him apologize?)

◗ "Shallow affect—superficial emotional responsiveness. (Remember his throwing “beautiful, soft' paper towels to the hurricane survivors in Puerto Rico?)

◗ "Callousness and lack of empathy. (Who can forget that Trump had to be provided a note that reminded him to say, 'I hear you,' while attending a listening session following the Parkland High School shooting?)"

"Parasitic lifestyle. (He is using the presidency to promote the Trump brand and to make money: e.g., membership increase in Mar-A-Lago, and conducting meetings with world leaders at Trump hotels, etc.

"There is also Trump University, which helped underwrite his lifestyle, along with the immigrants he hires to work at his hotels.)

"◗ Poor behavioral controls. (Twitter, again.)

"◗ Sexual promiscuity. (Do I really need to provide examples? OK. Stormy Daniels.)"

story continues below
Every time your side hears a single word President Trump says, it regurgitates the same old hackneyed phrase, "He lied!" And you swallow all of that hook, line and sinker, and you swallow it each and every time the President speaks. Enjoy your creds with your fellow hacks. President Trump is innocent. And as much as this must gall you to hear, he speaks sincerely and truthfully each and every time he twitters his fellow Americans who he think SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH after reading all the lying liars like creepbrother Acosta et al.

But don't worry, I won't hold your TDS against you. It's just that you're living in an alternative universe, carefully orchestrated by master liars like Christine Blasey Ford, who thinks her approach to creating a false scenario to achieve a political end is just hunky dory. And I don't flatter myself by thinking I have helped you stop pulling the wool over your own eyes. Some day you'll wake up and smell the coffee. And if I'm still here, I'll be batting back each and every fantasy set forth by the Hollyweirdest DNC Party hubris that gets more whacko every year. Condolences to you for your living in your own little world of TDS. It's such a sick, sick place to exist in.
Every time your side hears a single word President Trump says, it regurgitates the same old hackneyed phrase, "He lied!" And you swallow all of that hook, line and sinker, and you swallow it each and every time the President speaks. Enjoy your creds with your fellow hacks. President Trump is innocent. And as much as this must gall you to hear, he speaks sincerely and truthfully each and every time he twitters his fellow Americans who he think SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH after r
How many more lies does Trump have to tell before you realize you have been conned?
"100 days of Trump claims

"Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

"As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.Jump to the full list"

100 days of Trump claims
Sorry, georgephilip. With people like Christine Blasey Ford calling the shots a week before the election with all that balderdash passed off as the truth, I don't believe sources sympathetic to DNC smarm goals of innocent people, who call someone a liar for using "a" instead of "the".

Get a life.
Every time your side hears a single word President Trump says, it regurgitates the same old hackneyed phrase, "He lied!" And you swallow all of that hook, line and sinker, and you swallow it each and every time the President speaks. Enjoy your creds with your fellow hacks. President Trump is innocent. And as much as this must gall you to hear, he speaks sincerely and truthfully each and every time he twitters his fellow Americans who he think SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH after r
How many more lies does Trump have to tell before you realize you have been conned?
"100 days of Trump claims

"Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

"As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.Jump to the full list"

100 days of Trump claims

You should know Cult45ers don’t believe in facts or criticism of their messiah.
Every time your side hears a single word President Trump says, it regurgitates the same old hackneyed phrase, "He lied!" And you swallow all of that hook, line and sinker, and you swallow it each and every time the President speaks. Enjoy your creds with your fellow hacks. President Trump is innocent. And as much as this must gall you to hear, he speaks sincerely and truthfully each and every time he twitters his fellow Americans who he think SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH after r
How many more lies does Trump have to tell before you realize you have been conned?
"100 days of Trump claims

"Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

"As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.Jump to the full list"

100 days of Trump claims

You should know Cult45ers don’t believe in facts or criticism of their messiah.
President Trump is not a messiah. But when he makes a mistake he is sorry, and he apologizes, like the gentleman that he likely is. That's why I'm hoping that those hoping he gets in trouble over a Russian lie repeated often and oftener has been recanted by its "reliable" instigator, Lanny Davis. He admitted he "made a mistake" by claiming he knew the Russian deal was a "fact," when he didn't know. And CNN jumped on the lie and said it had "credible proof" that the fantasy was indeed the truth, on account of their "reliable source," that was a figment of Lanny Davis' imagination or being tapped on the shoulder by the new head of the Clinton Cartel, but I won't mention her name. ;)

Edit: corrected adjective sp
Democrat introducing impeachment measure as revenge against President Donald Trump on first day of a new Congress: Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

They cooked this one up right after President Trump won the election and even before he took office. This isn't just and it isn't right.

Convince me and the nation that I'm wrong or right to find it very bad to bust up some man's marriage and hurt his sons and daughters just because he is a Republican and won the Presidency they put all George Soros' money on.

Democrat introducing impeachment measure as revenge against President Donald Trump on first day of a new Congress: Democrat introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress

They cooked this one up right after President Trump won the election and even before he took office. This isn't just and it isn't right.

Convince me and the nation that I'm wrong or right to find it very bad to bust up some man's marriage and hurt his sons and daughters just because he is a Republican and won the Presidency they put all George Soros' money on.

Bust up his marriage?
He was fucking a porn star while his wife was nursing his 5-month old son.
Where do you confuse Trump's obstruction of justice charges with the Dems trying to break up his marriage?
Or have you forgotten the names Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal whom were paid off by Michael Cohen and/or silenced by The National Enquirer.

Get off this site, Russian bot.
Every time your side hears a single word President Trump says, it regurgitates the same old hackneyed phrase, "He lied!" And you swallow all of that hook, line and sinker, and you swallow it each and every time the President speaks. Enjoy your creds with your fellow hacks. President Trump is innocent. And as much as this must gall you to hear, he speaks sincerely and truthfully each and every time he twitters his fellow Americans who he think SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH after r
How many more lies does Trump have to tell before you realize you have been conned?
"100 days of Trump claims

"Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20.Update: See the Fact Checker’s ongoing claims database, 365 days of Trump’s claims

"As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.Jump to the full list"

100 days of Trump claims

You should know Cult45ers don’t believe in facts or criticism of their messiah.
President Trump is not a messiah. But when he makes a mistake he is sorry, and he apologizes, like the gentleman that he likely is. That's why I'm hoping that those hoping he gets in trouble over a Russian lie repeated often and oftener has been recanted by its "reliable" instigator, Lanny Davis. He admitted he "made a mistake" by claiming he knew the Russian deal was a "fact," when he didn't know. And CNN jumped on the lie and said it had "credible proof" that the fantasy was indeed the truth, on account of their "reliable source," that was a figment of Lanny Davis' imagination or being tapped on the shoulder by the new head of the Clinton Cartel, but I won't mention her name. ;)

Edit: corrected adjective sp


WHEN has he EVER apologized for fucking anything, Russian bot????


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