DNC: We knew that power concedes nothing. So did President Obama.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
DNC: We knew that power concedes nothing. So did President Obama.


The attacks are fierce. Deceptive ads are hitting the airwaves in swing districts. GOP lawmakers are pushing to repeal reform -- and preventing the Senate from performing basic functions. A few Republican attorneys general have launched a baseless attack to overturn the legislation. But that's not even the worst of it.

A conservative blogger posted the home address of Congressman Tom Perriello, urging tea partiers to "drop by." Other members have had death threats. Democratic offices have been vandalized.

Can you chip in $25 or more to defend health reform -- and those in Congress who fought to make it possible?


Showing support for reform and those who fought for it is our number one priority right now. We're going all-out, organizing grassroots events around the country, running supportive ads on the air, and making sure that every American knows the truth about the historic legislation that representatives voted into law.

Members of Congress know that reform would not have passed without all of your incredible work. But we also know that it would not have passed without their courage.

Together, along with President Obama, we beat the insurance companies and brought affordable coverage to 32 million without it, reduced costs for families and small businesses, and created the toughest patient protections in history.

A few weeks ago, we made a simple promise to these representatives: You fight for health reform, we'll fight for you. It's time to hold up our end of the deal. Please donate $25 or more:




If they had any Shame...


and we thought the OBAMA was President for ALL THE CITIZENS of this country.

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Those meanies are trying to take away your candy. Help fight back by giving us your money. Don't worry, we gotch ya back, you can trust us.
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