Do aliens really exist??

In my personal opinion it looked very real to me & i do believe that the crash actually took place & i have seen the old reel footage of it as well i found it on the deep web awhile back & some footage was also on YouTube.

It's stunning to me that you, a rational human being, can believe in aliens and space ships crashed in the desert but you can't believe in God.

Well i use to believe a long time ago but humanity made me loose my faith.
In my personal opinion it looked very real to me & i do believe that the crash actually took place & i have seen the old reel footage of it as well i found it on the deep web awhile back & some footage was also on YouTube.

It's stunning to me that you, a rational human being, can believe in aliens and space ships crashed in the desert but you can't believe in God.

Is there an issue with that bro?.
a few times in the past i have seen things fly by in the sky & i couldn't for the life of me make out what the hell it was i am sure a lot of us have had this experience as a conspiracy theorist/truther i do believe that we are not the only form of life out there & that there actually is in reality other forms of life on other planets & that aliens do actually exist & that they are already here on earth but the governments of the world are just keeping them secret even though some people already know there real & out there cause of Roswell but i would like to here you're opinions what do you guys think do aliens really exist or not??.
Being an American living in Ireland, I have a card proclaiming me an alien.
Is there an issue with that bro?

It's just stunning. That you can believe aliens traveled (undetected) for at least 600 light years to fly around in our sky and crash their ship in the desert... but you cannot believe in a spiritual force of intelligent creation which made such a universe possible.
Well i use to believe a long time ago but humanity made me loose my faith.

So you think the question of whether or not God actually exists is based on your faith or your butt hurt over humanity? :dunno:

And why have you failed to answer my question above?

Its not about being butthurt over humanity no i am not butthurt personally i think the human race is just pure-evil most people are not nice in this world & the world is so cruel & that is just a fact & why haven't i responded to you're last post well for one thing it was really fucking long & huge & i don't have time to read it right now also this thread is about aliens not god so please cut it out with the die hard hardcore christian crap yes you have the right to you're opinions as do i but please go hang out in the religion forums & leave us truthers against the Illuminati be.
Well i use to believe a long time ago but humanity made me loose my faith.

So you think the question of whether or not God actually exists is based on your faith or your butt hurt over humanity? :dunno:

And why have you failed to answer my question above?

Its not about being butthurt over humanity no i am not butthurt personally i think the human race is just pure-evil most people are not nice in this world & the world is so cruel & that is just a fact & why haven't i responded to you're last post well for one thing it was really fucking long & huge & i don't have time to read it right now also this thread is about aliens not god so please cut it out with the die hard hardcore christian crap yes you have the right to you're opinions as do i but please go hang out in the religion forums & leave us truthers against the Illuminati be.

I am not arguing religion, I am arguing existence of God and why you can somehow justify belief in aliens but not God. The question I asked isn't very long... here, I'll repeat it: Do you believe the only possible God that can exist must be the God of Abraham?

Now, you may not think this relevant to your OP but bear with me. What if God is an Alien? What if... somewhere back in the cave man days, before humans were actually humans, an alien spacecraft landed here? What if they realized they would never be able to explain technology to us in our primitive state, so they "bestowed" upon us some basic principles we now recognize as "cognizance" or "inspiration"? (The thing that makes us different) After they left... up into the sky... we created the legends of gods from the heavens. Plausible?
...personally i think the human race is just pure-evil most people are not nice in this world & the world is so cruel & that is just a fact...

So why would you seek to destroy faith in something greater than self? I mean... say what you will about Jesus Christ... I'm not Christian but I recognize the message of Jesus Christ was pure love and forgiveness. He poses no threat to you whatsoever he is only giving you a gift of salvation. So this person who was all about giving you unconditional love and unlimited forgiveness and actually died on a cross so that you could be forgiven, is categorically rejected by you as something evil and responsible for the wickedness of humanity? I sense an interpersonal problem here you are not revealing.

I have found in many psychological studies the subject is repressing something from their childhood whenever these kind of stark contradictions in rationality occur. If I had to guess, I would say you grew up with a father who you couldn't manipulate. He always saw through your bullshit and he was a bit of a son of a bitch. Or else, your father wasn't around at all and your mother was who you couldn't manipulate.

In any event, attempting to erase human spirituality in order to achieve a better world is a recipe for failure. Devoid of spirituality, we become immoral animals in the animal kingdom ...and trust me, you don't want to see that happen.
I had the misfortune of experiencing things disappear in space "holes". (Not the famous black holes.) They exist, they can follow you, and know about you, I don't know if they are extraterrestrials or just evil entities. The literature about them is convergent though, despite all the hoax stories injected to muddy up the question.
I had the misfortune of experiencing things disappear in space "holes". (Not the famous black holes.) They exist, they can follow you, and know about you, I don't know if they are extraterrestrials or just evil entities. The literature about them is convergent though, despite all the hoax stories injected to muddy up the question.

I've had experiences physics and my mind cannot explain. Back when I was in my 30s, I was riding as a passenger in a car on a long journey across south Georgia... it's about the size of Texas but with trees. We were on a state highway which naturally had the 'right of way' for the most part... but there was this one place where our highway crossed a US highway and it was a two-way stop. The driver was tired and assumed it was a 4-way stop and pulled right out in front of a semi rig barreling down the road, headed right for my passenger door.

I literally recall seeing the front bumper of the rig out of my peripheral vision about to collide with the door just below the rear view mirror... that image is still in my head... I saw it. I should be dead! Somehow, our car had miraculously cleared the path. To this day, the story gives me chills to think about. I can't explain it, I've never been able to. I should have been road kill.
It's not really the same subject as the OP but related... I have always thought it was intriguing how humans came to believe in aliens. Believe it or not, it was astronomy which caused the initial beliefs. When early astronomers noted "canals" on Mars, it lead to speculation of a Martian civilization. What else could possibly explain the canals? Turns out, physical nature explains them and they aren't "canals" and weren't constructed by a Martian civilization.
Astronomy predates the telescope by millennia...
a few times in the past i have seen things fly by in the sky & i couldn't for the life of me make out what the hell it was i am sure a lot of us have had this experience as a conspiracy theorist/truther i do believe that we are not the only form of life out there & that there actually is in reality other forms of life on other planets & that aliens do actually exist & that they are already here on earth but the governments of the world are just keeping them secret even though some people already know there real & out there cause of Roswell but i would like to here you're opinions what do you guys think do aliens really exist or not??.

I personally do not believe in aliens. We now know for a fact, the closest place any alien could come from is hundreds of light years away. Now, we can SAY anything is possible. I will not say that aliens are impossible. I just don't believe in them. I would have to see concrete proof that is irrefutable and then I have about a bazillion questions.

I have witnessed UFOs. I firmly believe there is a rational explanation although I don't know what that explanation is. I believe there are unexplained phenomenon. The absence of explanation does not cause me to believe in a fantasy.

Some people like to speculate, because we see life here on Earth and because we see trillions of stars, many with planets like ours, that almost certainly there is life elsewhere. I cannot dispute that our 92 fundamental elements comprise everything in our physical universe including life. However, all life is not intelligent. For life to evolve to our state of intelligence, I think it takes a special combination of things happening in a precise order and to precise degrees.

We have a very intricate and specific ecosystem which enables life. Dozens of random (or maybe not so random) factors are in play. For life to exist as we know it, think of all the things that MUST be as they have been? First, the proximity of the planet has to be close to the sun but not too close. It's orbit cannot carry it beyond a certain range or water would freeze solid and life couldn't thrive, if it could even exist at all. The orbit can't carry us too close or we'd all burn up. So a planet has to be in a zone where water is fluid on a constant basis. Another thing that makes this possible is our atmospheric pressure. Certain places on Mars have similar temperatures to Earth at certain times but the temps are not consistent because Mars lacks the atmospheric pressure of Earth. So that "perfect spot" on Mars might be 600 degrees or -200 degrees depending on time of day or night.

We've only been looking out into space for a short time and we've only barely scratched the surface but from what we have seen, we realize that planets like Earth are rare. Many are completely uninhabitable and unable to support any kind of life as we know it. You need liquid water, an abundance of oxygen, atmospheric pressure to keep it all stable... and something else you probably need... Seasons.

Way back in time, a giant celestial body collided with the Earth. The subsequent debris from that collision resulted in our Moon. It also set our planet on it's perpetually wobbly motion which gives us the four seasons. The Moon provides ocean tides. The seasons and tides are vitally important to millions of life forms. If you believe in Darwinian evolution, it is impossible for us to be here without the Moon and seasons.

So whenever we objectively evaluate all the thousands and thousands of parameters and aspects regarding our planet and life, we have to conclude that intelligent life as we know it is a rare thing in our universe. Is there the possibility of life as we don't know it? Sure. And I actually think there IS microbial life all throughout the universe. Perhaps even in our own solar system... after all, the same 92 elements which give us life on earth can give us life elsewhere, the universe is all comprised of the same elements.
I'm not knocking your post. But the "Goldilocks zone" assumption, is a fallacy.
Many gas giants; which are the most common planetary bodies, often have many, many moons. And has been shown within our own solar system; these moons are capable of sustaining liquid water.
a few times in the past i have seen things fly by in the sky & i couldn't for the life of me make out what the hell it was i am sure a lot of us have had this experience as a conspiracy theorist/truther i do believe that we are not the only form of life out there & that there actually is in reality other forms of life on other planets & that aliens do actually exist & that they are already here on earth but the governments of the world are just keeping them secret even though some people already know there real & out there cause of Roswell but i would like to here you're opinions what do you guys think do aliens really exist or not??.

I personally do not believe in aliens. We now know for a fact, the closest place any alien could come from is hundreds of light years away. Now, we can SAY anything is possible. I will not say that aliens are impossible. I just don't believe in them. I would have to see concrete proof that is irrefutable and then I have about a bazillion questions.

I have witnessed UFOs. I firmly believe there is a rational explanation although I don't know what that explanation is. I believe there are unexplained phenomenon. The absence of explanation does not cause me to believe in a fantasy.

Some people like to speculate, because we see life here on Earth and because we see trillions of stars, many with planets like ours, that almost certainly there is life elsewhere. I cannot dispute that our 92 fundamental elements comprise everything in our physical universe including life. However, all life is not intelligent. For life to evolve to our state of intelligence, I think it takes a special combination of things happening in a precise order and to precise degrees.

We have a very intricate and specific ecosystem which enables life. Dozens of random (or maybe not so random) factors are in play. For life to exist as we know it, think of all the things that MUST be as they have been? First, the proximity of the planet has to be close to the sun but not too close. It's orbit cannot carry it beyond a certain range or water would freeze solid and life couldn't thrive, if it could even exist at all. The orbit can't carry us too close or we'd all burn up. So a planet has to be in a zone where water is fluid on a constant basis. Another thing that makes this possible is our atmospheric pressure. Certain places on Mars have similar temperatures to Earth at certain times but the temps are not consistent because Mars lacks the atmospheric pressure of Earth. So that "perfect spot" on Mars might be 600 degrees or -200 degrees depending on time of day or night.

We've only been looking out into space for a short time and we've only barely scratched the surface but from what we have seen, we realize that planets like Earth are rare. Many are completely uninhabitable and unable to support any kind of life as we know it. You need liquid water, an abundance of oxygen, atmospheric pressure to keep it all stable... and something else you probably need... Seasons.

Way back in time, a giant celestial body collided with the Earth. The subsequent debris from that collision resulted in our Moon. It also set our planet on it's perpetually wobbly motion which gives us the four seasons. The Moon provides ocean tides. The seasons and tides are vitally important to millions of life forms. If you believe in Darwinian evolution, it is impossible for us to be here without the Moon and seasons.

So whenever we objectively evaluate all the thousands and thousands of parameters and aspects regarding our planet and life, we have to conclude that intelligent life as we know it is a rare thing in our universe. Is there the possibility of life as we don't know it? Sure. And I actually think there IS microbial life all throughout the universe. Perhaps even in our own solar system... after all, the same 92 elements which give us life on earth can give us life elsewhere, the universe is all comprised of the same elements.
I'm not knocking your post. But the "Goldilocks zone" assumption, is a fallacy.
Many gas giants; which are the most common planetary bodies, often have many, many moons. And has been shown within our own solar system; these moons are capable of sustaining liquid water.

But they don't. And they are not likely to ever be large enough to support both oceans and rock. If they were, the gas giant would have sucked them in during early creation. That is the tricky part. Again... no dispute on my part that we will one day find microbial life forms elsewhere. The physical material universe is all comprised of 92 elements so yeah... probably so.

You see, in order to have an atmosphere like we have, a weather cycle, seasons, tides, ocean currents... all the millions of things that are required to sustain life and make it abundant enough to evolve... is pretty extraordinary. I think we will find it is extremely rare to see the same parameters. But the universe is huge... who knows?
It's not really the same subject as the OP but related... I have always thought it was intriguing how humans came to believe in aliens. Believe it or not, it was astronomy which caused the initial beliefs. When early astronomers noted "canals" on Mars, it lead to speculation of a Martian civilization. What else could possibly explain the canals? Turns out, physical nature explains them and they aren't "canals" and weren't constructed by a Martian civilization.
Astronomy predates the telescope by millennia...

Hmm.. not sure what your point is. It was when Giovanni Schiaparelli (astronomer) observed (through a thing he called a telescope) what he thought were "canals" on Mars in 1877, it gave rise to the pop culture phenomenon of aliens from Mars. It is essentially the birth of Science Fiction.
I had the misfortune of experiencing things disappear in space "holes". (Not the famous black holes.) They exist, they can follow you, and know about you, I don't know if they are extraterrestrials or just evil entities. The literature about them is convergent though, despite all the hoax stories injected to muddy up the question.

I've had experiences physics and my mind cannot explain. Back when I was in my 30s, I was riding as a passenger in a car on a long journey across south Georgia... it's about the size of Texas but with trees. We were on a state highway which naturally had the 'right of way' for the most part... but there was this one place where our highway crossed a US highway and it was a two-way stop. The driver was tired and assumed it was a 4-way stop and pulled right out in front of a semi rig barreling down the road, headed right for my passenger door.

I literally recall seeing the front bumper of the rig out of my peripheral vision about to collide with the door just below the rear view mirror... that image is still in my head... I saw it. I should be dead! Somehow, our car had miraculously cleared the path. To this day, the story gives me chills to think about. I can't explain it, I've never been able to. I should have been road kill.
Very interesting story! I am not entirely surprised though. These and my experiences are why I chose to major in mathematics and chose theoretical physics now that I am starting college. I too will work on what I experienced for the rest of my life. Those people who only know these incidents from news are the luckier ones, I think.
Do alien lifeforms exist elsewhere in the universe?
Yes, but most are probably slime or single cell creatures

Could an intelligent life form travel to earth?
No, the distances are too vast
Do alien lifeforms exist elsewhere in the universe?
Yes, but most are probably slime or single cell creatures

Could an intelligent life form travel to earth?
No, the distances are too vast
Intelligence? I think that is enabled by networking between independent nodes. In a bacterial spread, the number of cells is huge, so intelligence naturally has its network. Even trees are observed to communicate with each other as networks. So, it is possible for example, that in an interstellar dust + gas cloud, micro organic biological autonomous entities operate, then communicate with each other, through the chemistry of the cloud itself, or the abundant electromagnetic energy in space. They don't even need to be carbon based, silicon, sulfur, and iron based microorganism have already been simulated and some even observed on Earth. In addition, mold spores and plant seeds have been sent into space to "roast" in all that ionizing radiation, and were found to have suffered no damage. I guess I would like to say that life doesn't need a planet to carry on, and can be intelligent in ways we don't expect, even achieving better survival than we hope for ourselves.
It is likely life does exist elsewhere, intelligent life is another thing but the numbers of possible habitable worlds lends itself to possibly intelligent life as well. Worrisome that we have been listening for 50 years and have not heard a discernible 'signal' or 'pattern' out there. Since the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years that means Earth showed up about 9 billion years later. Plenty of time for large numbers of planetary experiments like ours that eventually winked out as their sun ended its cycle.

If there were other intelligent life it isn't too far fetched to think they could be millions or even hundreds of millions of years behind or ahead of us. We think interstellar travel impossible but go back a measly 150 years on Earth and tell someone we will soon land a man on the moon and bring him back or land a machine on that comet up there and see images of its surface and no one would think it possible.

With all the pictures and video that people have taken the last 50+ years if there were anything flying close to Earth we'd have some evidence. There isn't any real evidence.

As for Roswell, I'll leave that where it is.
It is likely life does exist elsewhere, intelligent life is another thing but the numbers of possible habitable worlds lends itself to possibly intelligent life as well. Worrisome that we have been listening for 50 years and have not heard a discernible 'signal' or 'pattern' out there. Since the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years that means Earth showed up about 9 billion years later. Plenty of time for large numbers of planetary experiments like ours that eventually winked out as their sun ended its cycle.

If there were other intelligent life it isn't too far fetched to think they could be millions or even hundreds of millions of years behind or ahead of us. We think interstellar travel impossible but go back a measly 150 years on Earth and tell someone we will soon land a man on the moon and bring him back or land a machine on that comet up there and see images of its surface and no one would think it possible.

With all the pictures and video that people have taken the last 50+ years if there were anything flying close to Earth we'd have some evidence. There isn't any real evidence.

As for Roswell, I'll leave that where it is.
I think I may be able to offer an explanation why the intelligence of extraterrestrial life forms appears invisible. The theory is that the byproducts of intelligence transform the life form itself, so the entire phenomenon is only a finite period. There is no physical law either, that time needs to progress linearly, like all our formulations conveniently assume today. Introducing the quantum mechanically supported observation, that consequences can change source events, like a loop of causality with reverse causality, our 50 year search for extraterrestrials dies down in a 50 light year radius. And that is really not too much. In other words, intelligence gets universally fixed, which results in all its consequences fixed too, as if it had never happened. This is why we can't see ET.
It is likely life does exist elsewhere, intelligent life is another thing but the numbers of possible habitable worlds lends itself to possibly intelligent life as well. Worrisome that we have been listening for 50 years and have not heard a discernible 'signal' or 'pattern' out there. Since the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years that means Earth showed up about 9 billion years later. Plenty of time for large numbers of planetary experiments like ours that eventually winked out as their sun ended its cycle.

If there were other intelligent life it isn't too far fetched to think they could be millions or even hundreds of millions of years behind or ahead of us. We think interstellar travel impossible but go back a measly 150 years on Earth and tell someone we will soon land a man on the moon and bring him back or land a machine on that comet up there and see images of its surface and no one would think it possible.

With all the pictures and video that people have taken the last 50+ years if there were anything flying close to Earth we'd have some evidence. There isn't any real evidence.

As for Roswell, I'll leave that where it is.

You make some good points

More evidence we haven't been "visited"
Everyone now carries a video camera in their pocket. Any alien visit would be recorded and posted on youtube within minutes

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