Do aliens really exist??

I have never seen one but I am 100% sure they exist.

It's one of those things.... you know...
Do aliens really exist??

Mathematically, it's impossible for us to be the only life in the universe given its size.

I haven't seen your math but my math says it's very well possible. Size is not the issue. The fact there are trillions of stars and planets doesn't prove life exists on them. As of today, October 30, 2015... we have never discovered any "life" other than on this planet. The closest we have come is discovering chemical precursors for life. Now... we MAY discover life elsewhere some day! I believe we probably will. But until we do that... how the hell does your "math" say it's impossible for life to not exist elsewhere?
Other intelligent life does not have to be like we are......but they have to use the same basic building blocks as we do

Or they can use building blocks we've not discovered yet. This is what I mean... we ASSUME a lot when it comes to this stuff. It's like we think we know everything. I'd say it's a pretty safe bet we don't know everything.

Predators need stereoscopic vision for ranging for instance, so they have likely at least two eyes in the fronts of their heads, and if that's the case finite arrangement for biology then comes into play. Only so many ody configurations where stereoscopic vision predators are gonna successfully evolve.

And we see this manifest in our science fiction creations. However, there is no rule that says other species must follow your preconceptions. You are making rationalizations based on life in your system. Yours may not be the only system. In fact, I think it's far more likely their system would be totally different in ways that we can't even understand as of now. There's no "proof" for any of this, it's all total speculation from top to bottom. We can speculate and rationalize all day long, we're probably not going to live long enough to find out if we were right.

Building blocks are basic elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon

They have the same elements we do......there are no new ones
Other intelligent life does not have to be like we are......but they have to use the same basic building blocks as we do

Or they can use building blocks we've not discovered yet. This is what I mean... we ASSUME a lot when it comes to this stuff. It's like we think we know everything. I'd say it's a pretty safe bet we don't know everything.

Predators need stereoscopic vision for ranging for instance, so they have likely at least two eyes in the fronts of their heads, and if that's the case finite arrangement for biology then comes into play. Only so many ody configurations where stereoscopic vision predators are gonna successfully evolve.

And we see this manifest in our science fiction creations. However, there is no rule that says other species must follow your preconceptions. You are making rationalizations based on life in your system. Yours may not be the only system. In fact, I think it's far more likely their system would be totally different in ways that we can't even understand as of now. There's no "proof" for any of this, it's all total speculation from top to bottom. We can speculate and rationalize all day long, we're probably not going to live long enough to find out if we were right.

Building blocks are basic elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon

They have the same elements we do......there are no new ones

Hmm... really? You've explored the whole universe, have you?
(Imagine the Willy Wonka meme face here)
Other intelligent life does not have to be like we are......but they have to use the same basic building blocks as we do

Or they can use building blocks we've not discovered yet. This is what I mean... we ASSUME a lot when it comes to this stuff. It's like we think we know everything. I'd say it's a pretty safe bet we don't know everything.

Predators need stereoscopic vision for ranging for instance, so they have likely at least two eyes in the fronts of their heads, and if that's the case finite arrangement for biology then comes into play. Only so many ody configurations where stereoscopic vision predators are gonna successfully evolve.

And we see this manifest in our science fiction creations. However, there is no rule that says other species must follow your preconceptions. You are making rationalizations based on life in your system. Yours may not be the only system. In fact, I think it's far more likely their system would be totally different in ways that we can't even understand as of now. There's no "proof" for any of this, it's all total speculation from top to bottom. We can speculate and rationalize all day long, we're probably not going to live long enough to find out if we were right.

Building blocks are basic elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon

They have the same elements we do......there are no new ones

Hmm... really? You've explored the whole universe, have you?
(Imagine the Willy Wonka meme face here)

You have no concept of chemistry. Every time you add an extra proton you get a new element .

They follow the same rules ...they have no choice

Hydrogen is still hydrogen anywhere in the universe
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Building blocks are basic elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon...

Yes, you would assume carbon based life as we understand it would use the same building blocks. What you don't know is whether these are the only building blocks or whether our carbon-based building blocks are even essential to another system. We can speculate and guess... we likely won't ever know.
Building blocks are basic elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon...

Yes, you would assume carbon based life as we understand it would use the same building blocks. What you don't know is whether these are the only building blocks or whether our carbon-based building blocks are even essential to another system. We can speculate and guess... we likely won't ever know.

Simple is best

Complex elements become more unstable as you move up the periodic table. There is no advantage in more complexity
Other intelligent life does not have to be like we are......but they have to use the same basic building blocks as we do

Or they can use building blocks we've not discovered yet. This is what I mean... we ASSUME a lot when it comes to this stuff. It's like we think we know everything. I'd say it's a pretty safe bet we don't know everything.

Predators need stereoscopic vision for ranging for instance, so they have likely at least two eyes in the fronts of their heads, and if that's the case finite arrangement for biology then comes into play. Only so many ody configurations where stereoscopic vision predators are gonna successfully evolve.

And we see this manifest in our science fiction creations. However, there is no rule that says other species must follow your preconceptions. You are making rationalizations based on life in your system. Yours may not be the only system. In fact, I think it's far more likely their system would be totally different in ways that we can't even understand as of now. There's no "proof" for any of this, it's all total speculation from top to bottom. We can speculate and rationalize all day long, we're probably not going to live long enough to find out if we were right.

Building blocks are basic elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon

They have the same elements we do......there are no new ones

Hmm... really? You've explored the whole universe, have you?
(Imagine the Willy Wonka meme face here)

You have no concept of chemistry. Every time you add an extra proton you get a new element .

They follow the same rules ...they have no choice

Oh, I understand chemistry... it's that thing humans invented about 1,000 years ago to try and make sense of how things work. Up until 200 years ago we didn't even know we were part of a galaxy. It seems to be, only within the last generation of half-wit morons and pinheads we've come to know all there is to know about the universe and can't possibly learn anything new.

You do not KNOW what rules another form of living organism might follow. You can THINK you know. You can rationalize it. You might even draw up mathematical formulas and pie charts to support your theories of it.... but you don't KNOW until you KNOW... Smart ass!
Other intelligent life does not have to be like we are......but they have to use the same basic building blocks as we do

Or they can use building blocks we've not discovered yet. This is what I mean... we ASSUME a lot when it comes to this stuff. It's like we think we know everything. I'd say it's a pretty safe bet we don't know everything.

Predators need stereoscopic vision for ranging for instance, so they have likely at least two eyes in the fronts of their heads, and if that's the case finite arrangement for biology then comes into play. Only so many ody configurations where stereoscopic vision predators are gonna successfully evolve.

And we see this manifest in our science fiction creations. However, there is no rule that says other species must follow your preconceptions. You are making rationalizations based on life in your system. Yours may not be the only system. In fact, I think it's far more likely their system would be totally different in ways that we can't even understand as of now. There's no "proof" for any of this, it's all total speculation from top to bottom. We can speculate and rationalize all day long, we're probably not going to live long enough to find out if we were right.

Building blocks are basic elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon

They have the same elements we do......there are no new ones

Hmm... really? You've explored the whole universe, have you?
(Imagine the Willy Wonka meme face here)

You have no concept of chemistry. Every time you add an extra proton you get a new element .

They follow the same rules ...they have no choice

Oh, I understand chemistry... it's that thing humans invented about 1,000 years ago to try and make sense of how things work. Up until 200 years ago we didn't even know we were part of a galaxy. It seems to be, only within the last generation of half-wit morons and pinheads we've come to know all there is to know about the universe and can't possibly learn anything new.

You do not KNOW what rules another form of living organism might follow. You can THINK you know. You can rationalize it. You might even draw up mathematical formulas and pie charts to support your theories of it.... but you don't KNOW until you KNOW... Smart ass!

I need to revert to my old signature

"never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience"

Good is too short
"Do aliens really exist??"

Explain Dennis Rodman...




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