Do Americans Know Enough About Russia/Ukraine to Support US Involvement ?

And the QUESTION is WHAT is "right" ?..... and how is that to be determined ? If you would address the points raised in the OP, you might have a more substantial post.

And what if this invasion of "another country" is good for the people of that country ?
Do you think you know enough about this, to be able to be making a value judgement ?
I think it’s all very very simple. A country is invading another country and stealing their land. If you need me to explain what’s right and wrong here then you need to seek help.
I think it’s all very very simple. A country is invading another country and stealing their land. If you need me to explain what’s right and wrong here then you need to seek help.

People steal over our southern border by the thousands every day and my country doesn't care.

So, now ask me to send family and treasure to Ukraine? Hmmmm. Not interested. Welcome to reaping and sowing
I think it’s all very very simple. A country is invading another country and stealing their land. If you need me to explain what’s right and wrong here then you need to seek help.

As an addendum:

Your party has taken a dump on right and wrong for decades and decades and decades. On your OWN PEOPLE.

Now, halfway across the world, your betters have decided that their personal interests are at stake. IOW, "right and wrong" is now in play.

You buy in. Of course you do. So next up is to shame me about right and wrong.

Not interested. Impervious.
I think it’s all very very simple. A country is invading another country and stealing their land. If you need me to explain what’s right and wrong here then you need to seek help.
No, I don't need help at all. YOU are who needs help at getting the information you need, to be making the reckless comments you're making.

It is not at all as "simple" as you call it. Far from that.
So now we have to be Ukrainian experts to believe we should get involved. I’m not. And I still think so.

Here is why. History shows that aggression unchecked results in greater sorrow later. The obvious example was of course Hitler. But take any historical example. Napoleon if you like.

By the time he was stopped incredible amounts of lives and treasure were expended.

Every historical example says the same thing. Stop the aggression early and it is cheaper.

But let’s play the game. Do you or anyone really think Putin will stop in Ukraine? What is next? If we don’t risk thousands of lives in Ukraine do we risk tens of thousands in Poland?

Putin has been lying all the time. He lied when he said he wouldn’t invade. He lied when he said that ethic peoples were in danger. He has done nothing but lie. So what empty promise does he offer next? Would you believe him?
Or is Putin on a rescue mission -on behalf of the Ukranian people ? (while at the same time absorbing the benefit of Ukrainian resources)

I sense that anti-Russia echos from American (mostly Democrat) media are what's driving American opinion, which I sense is not equipped to exactly have an opinion.
In the mid-1960s, then US President Lyndon Johnson sent massive numbers of US troops to Vietnam. At the time, most Americans, without having much information, blindly supported this action. A few years later, after Americans became more informed (and thousands of dead troops were returning in wooden crates), millions of Americans became fiercely opposed to that military endeavor, and Johnson himself refused to run for re-election in 1968.

I don't know too much about the Russia/Ukraine scenario, but I do know that Ukraine has been part of Russia for hundreds of years. Ukraine is rich in natural resources, while the Ukranian people (with 99.8% literacy) are among the poorest in the world.

Would the Ukranians, now tolerating a corrupt government, be worse off, the same, or better off if that corrupt government disappeared, and Russia (or just about anybody else) were to talk over in Ukraine ? Is Russia going to be fighting the Ukranian PEOPLE, or just a Ukrainan GOVERNMENT, that represents not much more than a wealthy plutocracy of a small number of Ukrainians ?

In any case, Russia is currently going into Ukraine (a non-NATO country), so what business is it of Joe Biden or the US government to be involved in this, with sanctions, troops, or in whatever way ? Do we really understand this whole thing ?
Ukraine is a friendly nation, that has done nothing to provoke this attack, they’ve done nothing to Russia…we should not sit back while other countries try to conquer weaker nations
Most Americans don't know anything about the Ukraine. They just know that the news is saying a lot of scary stuff and that Biden is against them, or posturing like he is, so they just follow along because most Americans don't go past the headline of news stories when it comes to the msm.

Hell most Americans don't even know anything about Canada or Mexico and they are our neighbors. They just know general common knowledge about them, which isn't much.

Most Americans haven't even left our country and have no idea what it's like to be in a different society. They just assume everywhere is like here and it all should operate like we do.

I'd say atleast 60% of Americans aren't anywhere near being qualified to have an opinion of Russia and Ukraine because they don't really even understand what's going on.
People steal over our southern border by the thousands every day and my country doesn't care.

So, now ask me to send family and treasure to Ukraine? Hmmmm. Not interested. Welcome to reaping and sowing
Simple matter of right and wrong. You do recognize that what Russia is doing is wrong correct? Our southern border has zero to do with it. Also putting troops in harms way isn’t the only way to deal with the situation
As an addendum:

Your party has taken a dump on right and wrong for decades and decades and decades. On your OWN PEOPLE.

Now, halfway across the world, your betters have decided that their personal interests are at stake. IOW, "right and wrong" is now in play.

You buy in. Of course you do. So next up is to shame me about right and wrong.

Not interested. Impervious.
Again, the partisan “hypocrisy” game that you’re trying to play has nothing to do with accurately and honestly assessing this situation. Parties and stances on past issues has nothing to do with it.
No, I don't need help at all. YOU are who needs help at getting the information you need, to be making the reckless comments you're making.

It is not at all as "simple" as you call it. Far from that.
It sounds like you need help as you are clearly trying to make excuses for Russias inhumane actions
Ukraine is a friendly nation, that has done nothing to provoke this attack, they’ve done nothing to Russia…we should not sit back while other countries try to conquer weaker nations

"Are the US and the UK bound to intervene in Ukraine?

As they visit Kiev this week, British Foreign Secretary William Hague and US Secretary of State John Kerry are being reminded that their countries signed a 1994 treaty guaranteeing Ukraine’s "independence and sovereignty".

Comments from US and British officials on Ukraine are under particular scrutiny as both countries signed the Budapest Memorandum with Ukraine and Russia in 1994, affirming “their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine”.

"Are the US and the UK bound to intervene in Ukraine?

As they visit Kiev this week, British Foreign Secretary William Hague and US Secretary of State John Kerry are being reminded that their countries signed a 1994 treaty guaranteeing Ukraine’s "independence and sovereignty".

Comments from US and British officials on Ukraine are under particular scrutiny as both countries signed the Budapest Memorandum with Ukraine and Russia in 1994, affirming “their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine”.
yep and Kerry, Obama and xiden completely ignored that agreement…i suppose trying to be more flexible with putin in exchange for help in 2012 election.

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