Do Americans Know Enough About Russia/Ukraine to Support US Involvement ?

yep and Kerry, Obama and xiden completely ignored that agreement…i suppose trying to be more flexible with putin in exchange for help in 2012 election.

The Kremlin helped the Clinton's become wealthy.....


"Psaki says she never heard claim Hunter Biden got $3.5M from wife of ex-Moscow mayor​

WASHINGTON — White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday said that she’s “not familiar” with a widely reported claim that a company associated with first son Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from the wife of Moscow’s former mayor, after being asked by The Post what the payment was for.

The Senate report, released in September, said the firm linked to Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from Elena Baturina, the widow of former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov. The senators said they did not know the purpose of the payment. "

Then there were the payments from China to the Biden Crime Cartel.....
-For some reason, the "civilized" europeans diligently did not notice the deaths of civilians in the Donbas and Odessa, but as soon as the blows moved a little towards the western regions, people's lives suddenly turned out to be priceless for them... Amazing!
The Kremlin helped the Clinton's become wealthy.....


"Psaki says she never heard claim Hunter Biden got $3.5M from wife of ex-Moscow mayor​

WASHINGTON — White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday said that she’s “not familiar” with a widely reported claim that a company associated with first son Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from the wife of Moscow’s former mayor, after being asked by The Post what the payment was for.

The Senate report, released in September, said the firm linked to Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from Elena Baturina, the widow of former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov. The senators said they did not know the purpose of the payment. "

Then there were the payments from China to the Biden Crime Cartel.....
Moscow owns the dem leadership and the xiden’s
Wow dude. Russia is invading another country by force. This is not a “what’s better for the people” question. This is not how things should be done and the world should stand on the side of simply what’s right.
^ Another deranged/duped Democrat thirsty for World War Three.
Putin and his government are criminals and murderers BUT... if he or Xi or anyone else tried to stage advanced weapons and troop formations on the U.S. border, we would fight. I'm all for sending Ukrainians weapons and medical supplies as well as intel on Russian positions but no American should bleed for that nation. It's time to take our troops out of Germany and redistribute them to Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, and other eastern European countries so that he KNOWS he will have one hell of a fight when he tries this again. And he WILL do this again.
We can't take our troops out of Germany. The reason is perfectly simple. If we leave, the Germans will do it all a third time. They ARE still Germans, you know!! They've had to take over Europe with finance and soft power since we are there keeping an eye on them, but they'd start up the goose-stepping in a couple weeks if they could.

We don't do this for Europe. We do this because Germany inevitably drags us into a European War, and we're not having any more of that.

I am not in favor of involving the U.S. in fights with Russia trying to get back the USSR countries. Not our problem, and Europe doesn't want to bother. So no need for us to bother, either.

We're like the eagles in the Hobbit and Ring movies: they stood for Americans in the world wars. We wait till ALLLLL the fighting is almost over, then we swoop in and pull our side out of the fire.

Works for me.
We can't take our troops out of Germany. The reason is perfectly simple. If we leave, the Germans will do it all a third time. They ARE still Germans, you know!! They've had to take over Europe with finance and soft power since we are there keeping an eye on them, but they'd start up the goose-stepping in a couple weeks if they could.
No they won't....They've been pussified by the EU.
Yup… both should mind their own business and stay out of their neighbors territory
Except neither Ukraine nor Taiwan were "neighbors." These countries were both part of the parent country. We never liked it when Spain or USSR intervened in Cuba ----- this is a regression to major powers spheres of influence. Instead of Pax Americana enforced by us, since we've become so weak.
Those Germans have been electing the worthless weak piece of shit Merkel how many times?
True ----- but that's an example of how eager Germans are to obediently follow any leadership. She let in all the illegals, and said any trouble with rape and crime was all Germans' fault, and went whole-hog for the obedience-training Covid mandates.

This was all against Germans' interests. What would happen if they get a more fierce fighter as a leader? We know what would happen; it happened twice before.
It is not the responsibility of the US to protect Ukraine or anybody else over there.

However, as history proves out all too well, we need to forcefully publicly condemn military expansion like the Russians are going.

President Potatohead (i.e, Leader of the Free World) has been very weak and ineffective in marshaling world support against the Russians.

As we saw very well with that disaster in Afghanistan and the economic problems in this country he isn't very good at the job. A total failure.

He is a stupid and weak President and anybody that voted for him is an idiot.
True ----- but that's an example of how eager Germans are to obediently follow any leadership. She let in all the illegals, and said any trouble with rape and crime was all Germans' fault, and went whole-hog for the obedience-training Covid mandates.

This was all against Germans' interests. What would happen if they get a more fierce fighter as a leader? We know what would happen; it happened twice before.
Presuming that's true, they'd be better as allies this time around.
Presuming that's true, they'd be better as allies this time around.
They'd have been better as allies in the FIRST World War, some people think, and I think I may be one of them. Not the second, which went malignant, but yeah, a lot of bad things wouldn't have happened if Germany had won the first world war.

I don't want to be allied with the losers in France and Britain, etc., begging help us, help us again. Right now Europe is doing zero about Ukraine; let's follow suit.
Russia has been talking to Ukraine for 8 years: "Enough of the war, shelling, killing, sit down at the negotiating table."
Well, what can I say to Ukraine now? The sowing wind will reap the storm. Now they answer for everything.
It is not the responsibility of the US to protect Ukraine or anybody else over there.

However, as history proves out all too well, we need to forcefully publicly condemn military expansion like the Russians are going.
"Forceful publicly condemn military expansion" is something EVERYONE does and has done forever! I'm sure the Austrians and Spanish and British and everyone else forcefully condemned Napoleon's expansionism. Lots of good that did, not.

Two things we can be sure never stop war ----- one is forceful public condemnation, and the other is the useless sort of "sanctions" that governments do simply to avoid war while pretending they are doing something.

Kicking Russia out of SWIFT, however, would essentially be a real blockade. Like a war blockade.

Therefore we won't do it. Everything Biden does will be talkie-talkie with no meaning, because he can't make war because his people are not behind it.
Wow dude. Russia is invading another country by force. This is not a “what’s better for the people” question. This is not how things should be done and the world should stand on the side of simply what’s right.
Putin's net worth is estimated to be $70 billion to 200 billion.. and his yearly salary is $137 million. You can see why Trump loves him.
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Except neither Ukraine nor Taiwan were "neighbors." These countries were both part of the parent country. We never liked it when Spain or USSR intervened in Cuba ----- this is a regression to major powers spheres of influence. Instead of Pax Americana enforced by us, since we've become so weak.
We recognize Ukraine as an independent country. Ukraine is now being invaded by the Russian military. Why people can’t admit that as a horrible and wrong act is bewildering to me.

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