Do Americans Know Enough About Russia/Ukraine to Support US Involvement ?

With all due respect, you're in no condition to grasp the condition your condition is in.

You're high on ludicrous/baseless neo-liberal propaganda.

Glad to hear it, but you could have fooled me.

Good point. :)
None of those were specific or real answers. #fail
"Forceful publicly condemn military expansion" is something EVERYONE does and has done forever! I'm sure the Austrians and Spanish and British and everyone else forcefully condemned Napoleon's expansionism. Lots of good that did, not.

Two things we can be sure never stop war ----- one is forceful public condemnation, and the other is the useless sort of "sanctions" that governments do simply to avoid war while pretending they are doing something.

Kicking Russia out of SWIFT, however, would essentially be a real blockade. Like a war blockade.

Therefore we won't do it. Everything Biden does will be talkie-talkie with no meaning, because he can't make war because his people are not behind it.

Potatohead is Putin's bitch and Putin ain't afraid of anything that Potatohead is going to do. If he was he wouldn't have invaded.

Putin invaded during The Worthless Negro/Joe Potatohead administration and now during the Joe Potatohead/Ho administration. That tells me he knows Democrat leadership is weak.

Hell, Potatohead even indirectly gave Putin his blessing to invade a week or so ago. Dumb mutherfucker!

Potatohead is a piss poor "Leader of the Free World". An embarrassment to the US.
You don't need to know about Ukraine - you only need to know about Putin.
Putoin knows the leadership of west is weak and will not meaningully oppose him -- and we'll see that point proven when he moves into the Baltic states, all of whom are members of NATO.
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In the mid-1960s, then US President Lyndon Johnson sent massive numbers of US troops to Vietnam. At the time, most Americans, without having much information, blindly supported this action. A few years later, after Americans became more informed (and thousands of dead troops were returning in wooden crates), millions of Americans became fiercely opposed to that military endeavor, and Johnson himself refused to run for re-election in 1968.

I don't know too much about the Russia/Ukraine scenario, but I do know that Ukraine has been part of Russia for hundreds of years. Ukraine is rich in natural resources, while the Ukranian people (with 99.8% literacy) are among the poorest in the world.

Would the Ukranians, now tolerating a corrupt government, be worse off, the same, or better off if that corrupt government disappeared, and Russia (or just about anybody else) were to talk over in Ukraine ? Is Russia going to be fighting the Ukranian PEOPLE, or just a Ukrainan GOVERNMENT, that represents not much more than a wealthy plutocracy of a small number of Ukrainians ?

In any case, Russia is currently going into Ukraine (a non-NATO country), so what business is it of Joe Biden or the US government to be involved in this, with sanctions, troops, or in whatever way ? Do we really understand this whole thing ?
We recognize Ukraine as an independent country. Ukraine is now being invaded by the Russian military. Why people can’t admit that as a horrible and wrong act is bewildering to me.
When in 2014, as a result of a nationalist armed coup, the legitimate president of Ukraine was overthrown, it was also mysterious to me how democratic states agreed to this criminal act...
But this phrase always helps out: "This is completely different!" (c)
It boils down to the media which has supported democrat military adventures for a hundred years. Was the media aware that Truman sent Troops to Korea under an illegal executive order? Was the media aware that JFK used the CIA to recruit an illegal army to invade Cuba? Was the media aware that LBJ faked an incident to send Troops to Vietnam. My guess is that the media was well aware but chose to withhold the information from the public to protect democrat regimes from criticism. Today it's no different.
When in 2014, as a result of a nationalist armed coup, the legitimate president of Ukraine was overthrown, it was also mysterious to me how democratic states agreed to this criminal act...
But this phrase always helps out: "This is completely different!" (c)
Who overthrew him and where did he go after he was overthrown?
Putin's net worth is estimated to be $70 billion to 200 billion.. and his yearly salary is $137 million. You can see why Trump loves him.
that seems to be why he has so much free money to buy off dems and why they allow him to invade other countries
We recognize Ukraine as an independent country. Ukraine is now being invaded by the Russian military. Why people can’t admit that as a horrible and wrong act is bewildering to me.
Because war is natural and old as humanity. "Horrible and wrong act" is not a useful remark; just a piety.
Really, I should take this point of view about black crime; that it's natural and inevitable. Violent crime goes on forever, just like war. Accept like winter coming ---- Hmmm.
Because war is natural and old as humanity. "Horrible and wrong act" is not a useful remark; just a piety.
Really, I should take this point of view about black crime; that it's natural and inevitable. Violent crime goes on forever, just like war. Accept like winter coming ---- Hmmm.
Nope you should condemn aggressors in war and any kind of crime that’s committed as bad. It’s pretty simple
People steal over our southern border by the thousands every day and my country doesn't care.

So, now ask me to send family and treasure to Ukraine? Hmmmm. Not interested. Welcome to reaping and sowing
Jesus, Sue. Don't you know what is going on? You believe all that Trump trash?

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