Do Americans Know Enough About Russia/Ukraine to Support US Involvement ?

Remember when The Worthless Negro was caught off camera telling the Russians that he would give away the store after the election when he "could be more flexible"? Then the Russians invaded Crimea and The Worthless Negro didn't do jackshit? I suppose you think that is a lie also.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are always in denial about how fucked up the Democrats are.
"What about isms" are for losers and liars like you who can't back up shit of what you say. Once again, the worthless scum is exposing his lies.
Meanwhile, back at the Funny Farm, we hear from a world class piece of shit:
Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on BBC Arabic: The Ukraine Crisis Could Distract the World from the Climate Crisis While Having Massive Emissions Consequences #RussiaUkraineConflict #UkraineRussie #UkraineRussiaCrisis #ClimateCrisis @JohnKerry @ClimateEnvoy
Democrats are some of the most unserious people on the planet.
No wonder Putin invaded Ukraine.
"What about isms" are for losers and liars like you who can't back up shit of what you say. Once again, the worthless scum is exposing his lies.
Remember when The Worthless Negro was caught off camera telling the Russians that he would give away the store after the election when he "could be more flexible"? Then the Russians invaded Crimea and The Worthless Negro didn't do jackshit? I suppose you think that is a lie also.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are always in denial about how fucked up the Democrats are.

Remember when The Worthless Negro was caught off camera telling the Russians that he would give away the store after the election when he "could be more flexible"? Then the Russians invaded Crimea and The Worthless Negro didn't do jackshit? I suppose you think that is a lie also.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are always in denial about how fucked up the Democrats are.
What a stupid ass post. You don't even know what Obama and the guy were talking about you fool. And Obama doing nothing with Crimea? What happened to that Putin pussy Trump? Where the fuck was he? Oh, that's right, he was on his knees blowing Putin, and apologizing for the Russian investigation. What a joke.


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The Kremlin helped the Clinton's become wealthy.....


"Psaki says she never heard claim Hunter Biden got $3.5M from wife of ex-Moscow mayor​

WASHINGTON — White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday said that she’s “not familiar” with a widely reported claim that a company associated with first son Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from the wife of Moscow’s former mayor, after being asked by The Post what the payment was for.

The Senate report, released in September, said the firm linked to Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from Elena Baturina, the widow of former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov. The senators said they did not know the purpose of the payment. "

Then there were the payments from China to the Biden Crime Cartel.....
Why are you a Russian suck up?
The Ukraine made the Biden family rich.

A Biden kid, that never had a real job in his life and got kicked out the Navy because of cocaine addiction, was getting $80K a month for his "expertise" in global energy issues and VP Biden had to threaten the Ukrainians to keep him form being investigated for corruption.
Show us through documentation how Ukraine made the Biden's rich you lying piece of shit.
What a stupid ass post. You don't even know what Obama and the guy were talking about you fool. And Obama doing nothing with Crimea? What happened to that Putin pussy Trump? Where the fuck was he? Oh, that's right, he was on his knees blowing Putin, and apologizing for the Russian investigation. What a joke.
Jesus Christ, he is stupid. Has no idea what Obama was talking about. I have never known Americans to be so hooked on crackpot conspiracy theories. What has happened to us? Trump is the sickest aspect of this trend.
Jesus Christ, he is stupid. Has no idea what Obama was talking about. I have never known Americans to be so hooked on crackpot conspiracy theories. What has happened to us? Trump is the sickest aspect of this trend.
The crack pot conspiracy theories have consumed the Right. They're fucking mental over the conspiracy narrative, because it gives them cover for their lies. Flash doesn't have a clue what the conversation was about with Obama and the other guy. But boy howdy, they can make up some shit to last a life time. And they spend all their time pedaling conspiracies and lies. I'm talking about "all" their time. To answer your question, I don't know. But the GOP is totally detached from engaging in the well being of this country.
Putin's reaction to President Potatohead's "sanctions"

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President Potatohead is glad to have sanctions against Russians.

The Russians are the third largest energy supplier to the US.

.He wants Russian energy cut off to the US so that the Environmental Wackos (that hate fossil fuels more than anything) will be happy as horseshit. They want the price of gas to be even higher than it already is.

Stupid dumb leadership.

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