Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?

Cult 45 has arrived.
Oh look, another moron.

You got a problem, mister.

50% of your country doesn't trust the electoral PROCESS.

You can be a bleating idiot all you want, but the FACT is that confidence in our elections is down to about 1/3.

You can either address the problem, or continue being an ostrich and wait till the next jeep smacks you in the butt.
Oh look, another moron.

You got a problem, mister.

50% of your country doesn't trust the electoral PROCESS.

You can be a bleating idiot all you want, but the FACT is that confidence in our elections is down to about 1/3.

You can either address the problem, or continue being an ostrich and wait till the next jeep smacks you in the butt.
You're doing precisely fuck all about it yourself. Be quiet.
Cult 45 has arrived.
You’re the guy that keeps saying we need to lose elections so somehow we can win later elections. How’s that working out so far? How much better has it been with Trump out and Biden in? Maybe if we lose the next election the one after that will be better.

For the most part I used to until 2020.
One man, who planned to make the voter fraud claim if Hillary had won, stood behind a podium and lied. That is no reason to doubt our elections, since all the claims of "massive voter fraud " have been proven false. Even his AG at the time called them BS.

trump is doing Poootin's bidding as he tries to cast doubt on our election process. You want a voting process deep in authoritarianism, check out Russia's.

For the most part I used to until 2020.

I don't believe....along with million others!

Unless drastic changes are made to prove what American really voted for...

I will not believe in elections in America anymore.

For the most part I used to until 2020.
No. I don't. Mail out Ballots make elections crooked.
They are going to try to steal the 2024 Election again....the Rats are.....



They have to stop this shit this time....otherwise there is no more hope!
Yes. Some Americans are fucking stupid.

This isn't about stupid. This is about ignorance. They just don't know things, and based on this forum, I wouldn't say "Some", I'd say "Most".

Because I come on here and see people going on about fraudulent elections.... they haven't a clue that the system is far, FAR worse at distorting the vote than even any potential massive fraud that could possibly take place.

Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?​

Not so much any more.

of course not! of course Americans do not trust election anymore!

because Americans know Elections are stolen from them by the vermin Rats!
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And they were so good at it that you all had not one bit of actual evidence it took place.

Sucks to be you
Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait till the courts review the evidence and whistleblowers' viewpoints. Somehow, when conservatives prove a point, the puerile left goes to the MSM media for irrelevant projections and feel good narratives and other handouts. Like when President Trump initiated a cleanup of plastics in the Atlantic Ocean slurry area that was killing many schools of fish, and giving the few left of some species a reason to go on reproducing and living. And the media totally ignored it as if nothing happened. :backpedal:

And where's Biden?

Can you find Joe here?

FINALLY!!!! Joe Biden actually notices something needs to be done about the ocean, and he's gonna find a way to get his palsie walsies a quick buck:

Social Media Reacts to Biden Gaffe calling for Railroad 'Across the Indian Ocean'

Meanwhile, the plastic keeps on keeping on:​

More than 170 trillion plastic particles found in the ocean as pollution reaches ‘unprecedented’ levels​

Did Biden forget his promise?
Search engine for 2023 plastic accumulation in ocean image:

Plastics are so toxic they kill fish to endangered specie levels, and while the netherlands are working hard on keeping their ocean areas clean,
Has Joe Biden forgotten his promise to clean up the oceans? :(
I guess I'll have to at vespers time beg the good lord for mercy on our planet's dying fish.
It's going to take some doing to pick up 170 trillion pieses of plastic in just one ocean area alone.​


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