Do atheist obey God?

Children, desperate people, and people under threat are not making informed, free choices.

That's what brainwashing is.

Muslim women don't ":choose" to wear a burqa in the desert sun. They do it because they are FORCED to do it, under threat.

Children do not "choose" to believe in the Jesus mythology.
Look around you when they get of age they choose their own way
Funny how some people are like that till they reach their Deathbed
Like I said, desperate. Yes, when nothing else works, try magic. Not a new idea. Everyone wants to live forever. Rational people know the arentgoing to live forever, and that it is a childish fantasy to think so.
Not sure what this odd sentence means.

But, if you take it to mean being a cafeteria Christian who looks for the morally good things in the bible and holds those close (while ignoring or tossing out the rest), then I support your effort.

Of course, I can't help but wonder why you need the bible at all, then. Since you found the "good morality" before you even opened it, and then searched accordingly.
Truth. Its all about truth. One must worship in spirit and truth. If not you are doing nothing but playing lip service in order to seek accolade. Lefties are grand at seeking accolade among those they claim as peers. Its what they live for. While a true Christian could care less about what someone might think or not think.

You think Jesus was a turn the other cheek type? Only when turning the other cheek was symbolic of minor insults or a slap that would not amount to anything other than embarrassment. Jesus actually taught that its perfectly acceptable to defend both life and property.......even to the point of using a weapon when required (Luke 11:21, 25:32-36), as God pointed out in the O.T., there is a time for everything, including a time to kill. (Eccl. 3:3)

Truth can have no fellowship with darkness (Eph. 5:11) There can be no joining of right and wrong (2 Cor. 6:14, 7:1), in other words engaging in a wrong that good might somehow follow is compromising with the world......when you compromise with the world and think you are making friends you actually make an enemy of God (James 4:4)

Jesus the Christ was very "intolerant" of anyone that taught mistruths. We are to fear God and His righteousness......not man. Why? "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him (God) who able to destroy both body and soul." -- Matt. 10:28.

God wants all men to be saved and COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH (1 Tim. 2:3-4). While God offers salvation to all mankind under His conditions and terms (Titus 2:11)......the majority will reject His offer, and God will destroy them (Matt. 10:23, 2 Thess. 1:9).

God has no respect of person........the rain falls on the just and the unjust........all men face the same life challenges, illness, accidents, diseases, love, hardships, etc., God keeps His word equally to all men. One of the conditions of salvation, only those in the Lord's church have accepted the offer of spiritual salvation....salvation of the spirit and soul. (Acts 20:28). All others are lost.

Christianity is a spiritual endeavor with nothing extra in this life promised other than advise from God concerning a life lived with morality.

Thus, do atheists obey God in certain aspects? Of course they do.......or they live their lives either in prison or as outlaws, or they are executed by the Judicial system. Morality cannot be a obtained naturally having evolved, it must be transcending (superior to man)....why? There is no concept of morality in nature.
Like I said, desperate. Yes, when nothing else works, try magic. Not a new idea. Everyone wants to live forever. Rational people know the arentgoing to live forever, and that it is a childish fantasy to think so.
Like I said it's your choice. But your pres wants to for the vac shot.
Truth. Its all about truth. One must worship in spirit and truth. If not you are doing nothing but playing lip service in order to seek accolade. Lefties are grand at seeking accolade among those they claim as peers. Its what they live for. While a true Christian could care less about what someone might think or not think.

You think Jesus was a turn the other cheek type? Only when turning the other cheek was symbolic of minor insults or a slap that would not amount to anything other than embarrassment. Jesus actually taught that its perfectly acceptable to defend both life and property.......even to the point of using a weapon when required (Luke 11:21, 25:32-36), as God pointed out in the O.T., there is a time for everything, including a time to kill. (Eccl. 3:3)

Truth can have no fellowship with darkness (Eph. 5:11) There can be no joining of right and wrong (2 Cor. 6:14, 7:1), in other words engaging in a wrong that good might somehow follow is compromising with the world......when you compromise with the world and think you are making friends you actually make an enemy of God (James 4:4)

Jesus the Christ was very "intolerant" of anyone that taught mistruths. We are to fear God and His righteousness......not man. Why? "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him (God) who able to destroy both body and soul." -- Matt. 10:28.

God wants all men to be saved and COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH (1 Tim. 2:3-4). While God offers salvation to all mankind under His conditions and terms (Titus 2:11)......the majority will reject His offer, and God will destroy them (Matt. 10:23, 2 Thess. 1:9).

God has no respect of person........the rain falls on the just and the unjust........all men face the same life challenges, illness, accidents, diseases, love, hardships, etc., God keeps His word equally to all men. One of the conditions of salvation, only those in the Lord's church have accepted the offer of spiritual salvation....salvation of the spirit and soul. (Acts 20:28). All others are lost.

Christianity is a spiritual endeavor with nothing extra in this life promised other than advise from God concerning a life lived with morality.

Thus, do atheists obey God in certain aspects? Of course they do.......or they live their lives either in prison or as outlaws, or they are executed by the Judicial system. Morality cannot be a obtained naturally having evolved, it must be transcending (superior to man)....why? There is no concept of morality in nature.
why? There is no concept of morality in nature.



it's christianity - the three desert religions that understand morality ... written in their books.

denegration of nature has always been emblematic of 4th century christianity. clyde
Wow. Has capitalism been around that long?
/——-/ anything more recent? BTW, In your precious Commie countries:
What percentage of children in China work as laborers?
  • About 7.74 percent of children between the ages of 10-15 are laborers although the legal working age in China is 16. There is a positive correlation between child labor and school drop out rates. One study found that on average, a child who works 6.75 hours a day has 6.42 fewer hours to study.
Dude. Just check for reds under the beds, ok? You're not supposed to do anything else.
His word also say if an unmarried virgin is raped, she should be forced to marry her rapist.
There could be another meaning behind that. probably if her boyfriend does something like that. I doubt it refers to a stranger.
You have missed it God wants you to choose him even when there's no evidence
Doesn't seem to want it too much, considering how easily I and so many others could be convinced. Exactly why would anyone choose one god over another, if there is nothing to go by but somebody else's belief?
I do not worship anything, period.

Having said that I do believe there is a higher force that imprints moral values on us which is not an act of instinct but one of choice.
Morals are societal constructs and do not exist as some supernatural force.
  • Thanks
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Morals are societal constructs and do not exist as some supernatural force.

the alterations made by the spiritual content to its physiology, evolution is a supernatural force and surly has a governance as the progression of life on Earth implies, certain rules exist to be maintained.

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