Do atheist obey God?

If God spoke to an atheist, then the atheist wouldn't be an atheist, would he?

There are some on here that would argue that they would not believe it but would rather check themselves into a mental institution. For most people I would say yes but some would still reject him.
Depends on your definition of sin. I haven't always done the right thing, and I sinned against those that I treated wrongly. If you think the only sin is against some sky fairy, then you are probably right though.
I am going with the magical definition.

That, immorality and stupidly, also includes thought crimes.
Muhammad was visited by a lying demon who said he was Gabriel.

Joseph Smith, likewise

The apostle Paul was inspired to say, "if any MAN, or even an angel comes with a different message, than what you received from us (the apostles), God is not with that messenger
- how do you distinguish the angels from the devils ...

according to the christians, without their knowledge they might just as well be hearing from a devil as an angle.

you have no idea what paul was inspired to say - that's from the c bible that has nothing to authenticate anything written in its text - nothing provided by the crucified itinerant whatsoever.

and certainly whoever claims to be hearing voices hasn't the faintest idea whatever that might be and are delusional to believe that has any value over what they witness in real life with their vision seeing and experiencing the real world.

they are at best very confused people - and potentially dangerous as recorded throughout history.
you have no idea what paul was inspired to say - that's from the c bible that has nothing to authenticate anything written in its text - nothing provided by the crucified itinerant whatsoever.

and certainly whoever claims to be hearing voices hasn't the faintest idea whatever that might be and are delusional to believe that has any value over what they witness in real life with their vision seeing and experiencing the real world.

they are at best very confused people - and potentially dangerous as recorded throughout history.
You're so easily triggered
Every single human being is an agnostic. I hate that word. Nobody knows but we all lean one way or the other. There is no 50/50 agnostic. At best someone leans 51% deist 49% atheist. Agnostic is a label for people not interested in discussing the topic. So why that stupid word shows up in conversation puzzles me. If you want to avoid the discussion then avoid the discussion. There is no need to every use that vague and pointless word.
That may be the popular usage of the word. But the real definition is the position that the existence of gods is unknowable, or unprovable. You can be an agnostic and a true believer at the same time.
You're so easily triggered



I did not mention biden, sorry.
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.
You don't even know your own avatar/username? Colour me unsurprised. It is of a piece with the rest of your ignorance and regurgitation of propaganda.

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