Do Black Lives Matter Activists Care About the Facts?

Do Black Lives Matter Activists Care About the Facts?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • No

    Votes: 35 92.1%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 5.3%

  • Total voters
Interracial Rape Statistics (Note: The Bureau of Justice Statistics stopped publishing its table on interracial crime after 2008)

What a surprise! lol ...

Yeah, the DOJ lead by Eric Holder thought that the fact that whites raped blacks at a rate of 0% that it would give in the stereotype of a black on white rape epidemic. Well ....... ........ if that's what the data shows. Democrats for a long time have been trying to get rid of racial reporting requirements for the FBI Uniform Crime Report and the National Victimization Survey. The Congressional Black Caucus is leading the effort. Today, Canada doesn't track crimes by race after they made the determination that the data perpetuates stereotypes. Question: If the data demonstrates a reliable and constant trend year after year, do the assumptions in the data cease to become stereotypes?

There is, however, a major flaw in the FBI data. Hispanics and Latinos are counted as "Hispanic" or "Latino" in the victim category. However, they are counted as "White" in the perpetrator category. So when a Hispanic murders another Hispanic the data demonstrates a White on Hispanic crime. Go figure.

So do you count Holder as a BLMer?

If the data is accepted by most or all involved, then I would have to conclude that the data would not be classified as a stereotype, but as a fact.

Some chickens produce eggs but not all produce eggs. Most people would answer the question "where do eggs come from?" With "chickens."
That doesn't seem like stereotyping chickens.

Holder and the rest of the black political establishment don't live in the 'Hoods; they and the rest of the black middle and upper classes fled to the Burbs right along with whites. This demographic essentially relies on hood rats as a club to beat quotas and bennies for themselves out of the government; they are in reality just holding their own people as hostages, and wouldn't dream of supporting real change in the slums.

Patrick Moynihan pointed this out clearly a long time ago, beginning with the opposition to turning Affirmative Action into a quota system, and why that was a sure way to destroy AA's effectiveness. The neo-fascist brownshirts on the 'left' tanked the Democratic Party in the '68 elections, and Nixon within weeks revived the quota system with the full support of the NAACP and the Black Caucus, as a means to take votes away from the Democratic Party, and also implemented the Federal 'War On Drugs' at the behest of the very same black political establishment, to 'clean up the 'hoods', ostensibly; it was Charles Rangel's own committee that later lobbied hard for the more severe penalties for crack cocaine over powder cocaine, for instance. Of course now they all deny it and claim it was Whitey who did all that, but it's a lie as well.

The black middle class and the black politicians are the ones primarily responsible for the current black problems, and nobody else. Now that dumbing down the education system has even failed to make them feel better n stuff, they have nowhere else to go but fomenting violence and hate crimes to maintain Party discipline and keep those failed programs funded via extortion and shakedowns.

Buying 'peace' in that manner is no more a successful policy than it has been for Europe's buying off Hamas and Palestinian vermin gangsters has been in the ME.

If the black leaders are responsible for the plight of black Americans, what should they be doing different?

That depends, what's the end result desired? Their end result desired is to perpetuate black grievance and keep the idea of racism alive no matter what the evidence says in order to retain power and make money.
Blacks kill each other in far larger numbers than racist whites or bad cops. Black lives mater seems to be deaf to their own message, just preachy to whites and it make them seem a mockery to their own cause.

The Data makes a mockery of their cause.

Murder Arrests by Race in 2014 (2015 data not complete)

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Whites and Hispanic-Whites were arrested in 31.4% of all 2014 murder cases despite making up 63.7% of the U.S. population. Blacks were arrested in 37.2% of all 2014 murders despite making up only 12.2% of the U.S. population. Of all arrests where someone was charged with murder, Whites/Hispanic Whites were arrested at a rate of 44.7% despite making up 72.4% of the U.S. population and Blacks were arrested at a rate of 53% despite making up only 12.2%of the U.S. population.

(Note: Since the FBI’s 2014 Uniform Crime Reporting counts Hispanic or Latino in the White offender category we cannot truly ascertain how many Whites & Non-Hispanic Whites were arrested for murders)

The Color of Crime 2016 revised edition
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
  • Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
The abandonment, by black leadership, of policies which preached empowerment and the switch to policies which emphasize victimization and entitlement seem bizarre and self-defeating to me. I don't find it surprising, though. We started at a post-slavery unemployment rate hovering at about 100%, and now it's about 25%. Still too high, but it shows that improvement is always possible. It's gotten harder, though. The 25% are the hard-core poor. The ones who didn't have the resources available to the Thurgood Marshall's of the old South, who were raised in segregation and fought their way out. Now these inner city neighborhoods are filled with the people who couldn't get out. Put enough of them in any public school and that public school will fail. The permanent underclass.

They are our problem. They are very expensive. We can't ship them to Liberia and we can't kill them. They've got to be trained from birth to become good citizens of a service based economy if we want to break the cycle of poverty, and their poverty is something we all pay for one way or another.

Yeah, but how to you pay for single motherhood? Ask them politely to stop?

Out of Wedlock Birth Rates by Race in 2014 (2015 data not yet complete)
Births to Unmarried Women

Whites: 2.9 out of 10 White children were born to a single mother in 2014.
Blacks: 7 out of 10 Black children were born to a single mother in 2014.
Hispanic: 5.29 out of 10 Hispanic children were born to a single mother in 2014.

2015 Welfare Demographics

Welfare Statistics – Statistic Brain
Whites made up 38.8 % of those on welfare in 2015 despite making up 63.7% of the U.S. population
Blacks made up 39.8 % of those on welfare in 2015 despite making up 12.2% of the U.S. population
Hispanics made up 15.7 % of those on welfare in 2015 despite making up 16.3% of the U.S. population
Asians made up 2.4% of those on welfare in 2015 despite making up 4.7% of the U.S. population
Yeah, but how to you pay for single motherhood? Ask them politely to stop?
You do it the same way you do it with anyone else. You educate them. You call hip-hop what it is, a culture of failure. The culture of the permanent underclass. You provide a culture in which they are respected. A culture in which they are supervised. Easier said than done, obviously, but that's the job. It starts with a recognition of just how bad an upbringing people get in the inner cities. Parenting matters. A lot. People love to go on about how much their folks did for them, and rightly so, but then they turn around and dismiss those who had no such support and failed in life as a result. People who are great-grandparents in their forties. Working three jobs to support everyone in her extended family. What can someone like that provide by way of long-term guidance? We've redefined the family in a lot of places, but in the inner cities it's been shredded. It's not easy to fix, but we all lose by ignoring it.

The trouble is that such an initiative cannot come from white people, but a cultural revolution within the black community. How in the world can you expect a people who developed themselves first and foremost as a counterculture in the 60's & 70's to suddenly adopt successful behavior patterns that they rejected long ago?
If you keep sucking all the talent from the community then you can't expect much good to come of the efforts of the talentless ones left behind. The notion that the "counterculture" attitudes of the 60's & 70's were formative of black culture is interesting, but unconvincing to me. Slavery created the strange, broken culture we suffer with today. The poor ones are hip hop culture, the poor black, Hispanic and even Indian kids in an inner city neighborhood adopt hip-hop as protective coloration. What about black middle class life? That's most black people, just as is the case with the white middle class. We know nothing about them.

Why should we expect poor people to be able to suddenly help themselves? To break the cycle of poverty they find themselves trapped in? Why should we expect help for the inner city poor to come from the middle class? That's not how it works. The government and charitable organizations have to try to do something, even if they're completely ineffective.
The Data makes a mockery of their cause.

Murder Arrests by Race in 2014 (2015 data not complete)

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Whites and Hispanic-Whites were arrested in 31.4% of all 2014 murder cases despite making up 63.7% of the U.S. population. Blacks were arrested in 37.2% of all 2014 murders despite making up only 12.2% of the U.S. population. Of all arrests where someone was charged with murder, Whites/Hispanic Whites were arrested at a rate of 44.7% despite making up 72.4% of the U.S. population and Blacks were arrested at a rate of 53% despite making up only 12.2%of the U.S. population.

(Note: Since the FBI’s 2014 Uniform Crime Reporting counts Hispanic or Latino in the White offender category we cannot truly ascertain how many Whites & Non-Hispanic Whites were arrested for murders)

The Color of Crime 2016 revised edition
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
  • Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
The abandonment, by black leadership, of policies which preached empowerment and the switch to policies which emphasize victimization and entitlement seem bizarre and self-defeating to me. I don't find it surprising, though. We started at a post-slavery unemployment rate hovering at about 100%, and now it's about 25%. Still too high, but it shows that improvement is always possible. It's gotten harder, though. The 25% are the hard-core poor. The ones who didn't have the resources available to the Thurgood Marshall's of the old South, who were raised in segregation and fought their way out. Now these inner city neighborhoods are filled with the people who couldn't get out. Put enough of them in any public school and that public school will fail. The permanent underclass.

They are our problem. They are very expensive. We can't ship them to Liberia and we can't kill them. They've got to be trained from birth to become good citizens of a service based economy if we want to break the cycle of poverty, and their poverty is something we all pay for one way or another.

Yeah, but how to you pay for single motherhood? Ask them politely to stop?

Out of Wedlock Birth Rates by Race in 2014 (2015 data not yet complete)
Births to Unmarried Women

Whites: 2.9 out of 10 White children were born to a single mother in 2014.
Blacks: 7 out of 10 Black children were born to a single mother in 2014.
Hispanic: 5.29 out of 10 Hispanic children were born to a single mother in 2014.

2015 Welfare Demographics

Welfare Statistics – Statistic Brain
Whites made up 38.8 % of those on welfare in 2015 despite making up 63.7% of the U.S. population
Blacks made up 39.8 % of those on welfare in 2015 despite making up 12.2% of the U.S. population
Hispanics made up 15.7 % of those on welfare in 2015 despite making up 16.3% of the U.S. population
Asians made up 2.4% of those on welfare in 2015 despite making up 4.7% of the U.S. population
Yeah, but how to you pay for single motherhood? Ask them politely to stop?
You do it the same way you do it with anyone else. You educate them. You call hip-hop what it is, a culture of failure. The culture of the permanent underclass. You provide a culture in which they are respected. A culture in which they are supervised. Easier said than done, obviously, but that's the job. It starts with a recognition of just how bad an upbringing people get in the inner cities. Parenting matters. A lot. People love to go on about how much their folks did for them, and rightly so, but then they turn around and dismiss those who had no such support and failed in life as a result. People who are great-grandparents in their forties. Working three jobs to support everyone in her extended family. What can someone like that provide by way of long-term guidance? We've redefined the family in a lot of places, but in the inner cities it's been shredded. It's not easy to fix, but we all lose by ignoring it.

The trouble is that such an initiative cannot come from white people, but a cultural revolution within the black community. How in the world can you expect a people who developed themselves first and foremost as a counterculture in the 60's & 70's to suddenly adopt successful behavior patterns that they rejected long ago?
If you keep sucking all the talent from the community then you can't expect much good to come of the efforts of the talentless ones left behind. The notion that the "counterculture" attitudes of the 60's & 70's were formative of black culture is interesting, but unconvincing to me. Slavery created the strange, broken culture we suffer with today. The poor ones are hip hop culture, the poor black, Hispanic and even Indian kids in an inner city neighborhood adopt hip-hop as protective coloration. What about black middle class life? That's most black people, just as is the case with the white middle class. We know nothing about them.

Why should we expect poor people to be able to suddenly help themselves? To break the cycle of poverty they find themselves trapped in? Why should we expect help for the inner city poor to come from the middle class? That's not how it works. The government and charitable organizations have to try to do something, even if they're completely ineffective.

I dunno, the "legacy of slavery and Jim Crow" theory simply doesn't hold water, whereas during Jim Crow the black employment rate was much higher (higher than whites at some times) and the out of wedlock birth rate was much much much lower. Poor Asian refugees from Vietnam whose parents never seen the inside of the classroom saw a complete transition from rags to riches in only one generation. Southern California is full of wealthy Vietnamese businessmen today. The culture of Hip Hop you speak of is a counter cultural object. The Africanization of names is a countercultural initiative. Adopting different styles of dress that were never a part of the slave/Jim Crow culture or black history is a countercultural initiative.

The idea is to become different for no other reason than to be different whether it leads to bad outcomes or not. Generally there are two types of cultures in the world. Liberal cultures, who often drop their ills in order to adopt newly learned patterns of behavior from other cultures, and Conservative cultures, who often stringently hold on to their culture (warts and all). Black culture in the United States is largely a conservative culture. That's in part why politically they're one large Democrat voting block whereas more liberal whites tend to have various and different political voting blocks.

The Scottish, when taken over by the British, adopted British technology, culture, and education, shortly before becoming a bastion of philosophy and enlightenment. Certainly they hated the Brits, but they weren't too proud to see that the Brits had a more successful system/culture and adopted it quickly. The Japanese, in the days of Commodore Perry, chose to adopt the successful parts of American culture as opposed to resisting imperialism as so many other countries who got taken over did. They became one of the most powerful countries in the world and won a war against China, Russia, and Korea, and rivaled the US in the Pacific. These were liberal cultures. Blacks in the United States currently lack the capacity to drop their bad habits and adopt good ones for fear of selling out their "blackness." Older generation blacks don't do this of course, but they did when they were younger and they lack the ability to stop subsequent generations from following in their footsteps.

With the mountain of evidence of people both in the United States and abroad who were subjugated and oppressed only to turn around within one generation and realize success, the "Legacy of Jim Crow and Slavery" excuse is a bad one indeed. There are many cultures that are able to break the cycle of poverty and surpass the dominant culture in one generation given the environment enjoyed in the United States. There is no reason that blacks cannot do the same.

The idea that the government needs to "try to do something" even though they're failing is odd to me. part of the reason for the massive out of wedlock birth rate among blacks is that they've become comfortable in their poverty. There are no repercussions financially for someone born poor, never aspired to get out of poverty, and doesn't mind living off of the public dole. Before the rise of the welfare state both whites and blacks experienced a much lower rate of single motherhood. So when do we realize that we're feeding the beast and subsidizing bad behavior? And how do we stop subsidizing bad behavior without starving people to death?
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Blacks kill each other in far larger numbers than racist whites or bad cops. Black lives mater seems to be deaf to their own message, just preachy to whites and it make them seem a mockery to their own cause.

The Data makes a mockery of their cause.

Murder Arrests by Race in 2014 (2015 data not complete)

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Whites and Hispanic-Whites were arrested in 31.4% of all 2014 murder cases despite making up 63.7% of the U.S. population. Blacks were arrested in 37.2% of all 2014 murders despite making up only 12.2% of the U.S. population. Of all arrests where someone was charged with murder, Whites/Hispanic Whites were arrested at a rate of 44.7% despite making up 72.4% of the U.S. population and Blacks were arrested at a rate of 53% despite making up only 12.2%of the U.S. population.

(Note: Since the FBI’s 2014 Uniform Crime Reporting counts Hispanic or Latino in the White offender category we cannot truly ascertain how many Whites & Non-Hispanic Whites were arrested for murders)

The Color of Crime 2016 revised edition
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
  • Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Don't believe the HYPE: Compare the FBI Crime report to the above BS:View attachment 71803

No it isn't. See here >>> Expanded Homicide Data Table 3 . You found the metropolitan counties set of data from God knows where in the United States. I pulled the national data. you're and idiot. Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

You pulled Table 55A. I pulled table 3. Your data is irrelevant for two reasons. 1) you don't know the demographics of the area encumbered by the data, so you don't know what groups are over/under represented in the crime stats. 2) Hispanics are counted as white for the purposes of the "offender category."
Blacks kill each other in far larger numbers than racist whites or bad cops. Black lives mater seems to be deaf to their own message, just preachy to whites and it make them seem a mockery to their own cause.

They even dominate in interracial crime. It would seem that the grievance is the other way around.



Interracial Rape Statistics (Note: The Bureau of Justice Statistics stopped publishing its table on interracial crime after 2008)

6 Years of Black on White Rape Statistics 6 Years of Black on White Rape Statistics: A Trend Seems to be Developing

Year 2003 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black:0
Black on White: 20,309
Black on Black: 21,104

Year 2004 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 11,610
Black on Black: 35,330

Year 2005 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black : 0
Black on White: 37,460
Black on Black: 36, 620

Year 2006 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 32, 443
Black on Black: 7,705

Year 2007 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 14,092
Black on Black: 12,780

Year 2008 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 19,292
Black on Black: 34,841

Total over six conservative years:

White on Black: 0
Black on White: 135,206
Black on Black: 148,380

Average over six consecutive years:
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 22,534
Black on Black: 24,730
The white women need to start charging money, too, in order to bring those stats down.
Blacks kill each other in far larger numbers than racist whites or bad cops. Black lives mater seems to be deaf to their own message, just preachy to whites and it make them seem a mockery to their own cause.

They even dominate in interracial crime. It would seem that the grievance is the other way around.



Interracial Rape Statistics (Note: The Bureau of Justice Statistics stopped publishing its table on interracial crime after 2008)

6 Years of Black on White Rape Statistics 6 Years of Black on White Rape Statistics: A Trend Seems to be Developing

Year 2003 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black:0
Black on White: 20,309
Black on Black: 21,104

Year 2004 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 11,610
Black on Black: 35,330

Year 2005 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black : 0
Black on White: 37,460
Black on Black: 36, 620

Year 2006 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 32, 443
Black on Black: 7,705

Year 2007 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 14,092
Black on Black: 12,780

Year 2008 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 19,292
Black on Black: 34,841

Total over six conservative years:

White on Black: 0
Black on White: 135,206
Black on Black: 148,380

Average over six consecutive years:
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 22,534
Black on Black: 24,730
The white women need to start charging money, too, in order to bring those stats down.

Took me a while to understand what you were talking about. Bad boy! BAD!
Blacks kill each other in far larger numbers than racist whites or bad cops. Black lives mater seems to be deaf to their own message, just preachy to whites and it make them seem a mockery to their own cause.

The Data makes a mockery of their cause.

Murder Arrests by Race in 2014 (2015 data not complete)

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3
Blacks kill each other in far larger numbers than racist whites or bad cops. Black lives mater seems to be deaf to their own message, just preachy to whites and it make them seem a mockery to their own cause.

The Data makes a mockery of their cause.

Murder Arrests by Race in 2014 (2015 data not complete)

[URL='']Expanded Homicide Data Table 3
Whites and Hispanic-Whites were arrested in 31.4% of all 2014 murder cases despite making up 63.7% of the U.S. population. Blacks were arrested in 37.2% of all 2014 murders despite making up only 12.2% of the U.S. population. Of all arrests where someone was charged with murder, Whites/Hispanic Whites were arrested at a rate of 44.7% despite making up 72.4% of the U.S. population and Blacks were arrested at a rate of 53% despite making up only 12.2%of the U.S. population.

(Note: Since the FBI’s 2014 Uniform Crime Reporting counts Hispanic or Latino in the White offender category we cannot truly ascertain how many Whites & Non-Hispanic Whites were arrested for murders)

The Color of Crime 2016 revised edition
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
  • Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Don't believe the HYPE: Compare the FBI Crime report to the above BS:View attachment 71803

No it isn't. See here >>> Expanded Homicide Data Table 3 . You found the metropolitan counties set of data from God knows where in the United States. I pulled the national data. you're and idiot. Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

You pulled Table 55A. I pulled table 3. Your data is irrelevant for two reasons. 1) you don't know the demographics of the area encumbered by the data, so you don't know what groups are over/under represented in the crime stats. 2) Hispanics are counted as white for the purposes of the "offender category."

Whites and Hispanic-Whites were arrested in 31.4% of all 2014 murder cases despite making up 63.7% of the U.S. population. Blacks were arrested in 37.2% of all 2014 murders despite making up only 12.2% of the U.S. population. Of all arrests where someone was charged with murder, Whites/Hispanic Whites were arrested at a rate of 44.7% despite making up 72.4% of the U.S. population and Blacks were arrested at a rate of 53% despite making up only 12.2%of the U.S. population.

(Note: Since the FBI’s 2014 Uniform Crime Reporting counts Hispanic or Latino in the White offender category we cannot truly ascertain how many Whites & Non-Hispanic Whites were arrested for murders)

The Color of Crime 2016 revised edition
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
  • Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Don't believe the HYPE: Compare teh FBI Crime report to the above BS:View attachment 71803

You've chosen to look at metropolitan counties. Two observations. 1. The DOJ counts Hispanics and Latinos as "White." 2. What are the populations for each demographic in the metropolitan counties? For example, blacks make up 13% of the total US population but 50% of our nations murders. That's national data. What's the population of the segment of society you chose to look at for each demographic within that segment of society?
If the DOJ ( aren't they mostly white?) counts Hispanics as "White: who are YOU to dispute that? You aren't going to change the rules now that I got your ass on the hot seat. BTW many Hispanics ARE white. And if you get into the statistical game, I'll throw THIS at you:

You posted a link describing cities with majority or large Black communities as the most dangerous in America . Notably Whites and Asians reside in those cities as well. Yet you and the author concluded that what makes those cities dangerous is connected to their large Black populations. You want to completely ignore the reality that Whites are contributing to the crime in those cities. Of the total
1,681,283 arrests in Metro counties 1, 216,126 were White and only 427,384 were Black. That doesn't look good for your side does it?SOOOO! You proceeded to play the old tired proportional statistic card saying blacks are 13% of the national population but responsible for 50% of the nations murders. Well, in the context of the metro counties , ( so-called dangerous cities are in those counties) my table shows that White people committed far more crimes in raw numbers. But add to that the fact that proportionally, the smaller number of whites in metropolitan areas, including cities are committing more crimes than their population numbers suggest they should in places where they are minorities. For instance if city A has a pop that is 70% Blacks and and 20% White and Whites commit 40% of the crime that city is more dangerous because of Whites, not Blacks, since they would be committing crimes at twice the rate indicated by their population numbers in that city while Blacks would only be committing crimes well below the rate suggested by their populations in that city.
Blacks kill each other in far larger numbers than racist whites or bad cops. Black lives mater seems to be deaf to their own message, just preachy to whites and it make them seem a mockery to their own cause.

The Data makes a mockery of their cause.

Murder Arrests by Race in 2014 (2015 data not complete)

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Whites and Hispanic-Whites were arrested in 31.4% of all 2014 murder cases despite making up 63.7% of the U.S. population. Blacks were arrested in 37.2% of all 2014 murders despite making up only 12.2% of the U.S. population. Of all arrests where someone was charged with murder, Whites/Hispanic Whites were arrested at a rate of 44.7% despite making up 72.4% of the U.S. population and Blacks were arrested at a rate of 53% despite making up only 12.2%of the U.S. population.

(Note: Since the FBI’s 2014 Uniform Crime Reporting counts Hispanic or Latino in the White offender category we cannot truly ascertain how many Whites & Non-Hispanic Whites were arrested for murders)

The Color of Crime 2016 revised edition
  • The evidence suggests that if there is police racial bias in arrests it is negligible. Victim and witness surveys show that police arrest violent criminals in close proportion to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes.
  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.
  • Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.
Don't believe the HYPE: Compare the FBI Crime report to the above BS:View attachment 71803

No it isn't. See here >>> Expanded Homicide Data Table 3 . You found the metropolitan counties set of data from God knows where in the United States. I pulled the national data. you're and idiot. Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

You pulled Table 55A. I pulled table 3. Your data is irrelevant for two reasons. 1) you don't know the demographics of the area encumbered by the data, so you don't know what groups are over/under represented in the crime stats. 2) Hispanics are counted as white for the purposes of the "offender category."
Oh my data is VERY relevant. It clearly shows that most of the crime in metro counties are committed by White offenders. That knowledge impacts your Dangerous cities scenario whether you want it to or not! Some of those cities are dangerous because of White crime too.
"Do Black Lives Matter Activists Care About the Facts?"

Clearly those hostile to Black Lives Matter don’t.

Such as the fact that the movement represents only itself, not African-Americans or any other class of persons.

The fact that most on the right are ignorant as to the movement’s intent.

The fact that the right’s attacks on the movement fail as hasty generalization fallacies.

The fact that for some on the right the hostility toward the movement is motivated by racism.

And the fact that the right’s unwarranted hostility toward the movement is predicated on lies and misinformation.
For those in the Peanut Gallery who actually care about this and civil rights issues, Hugh Davis Graham's book The Civil Rights Era is the best critique out there; just read for yourselves what happened as the bureaucracy and self-serving politicians and special interest groups began to warp the movement and administrative implementations of the Bills and legislation beyond all recognition, and it will be obvious why it failed to achieve any lasting improvements. It's the only book you'll ever need, really. You will also get probably the only education about the differences between real liberals like Rayburn, Moynihan, and Humphrey, and the cesspool of cranks, racists, con artists, and assorted neo-fascist idiots that pass for ' neo-liberal Democrats' these days, something most of you younger people are deliberately kept clueless about in what passes for 'academia' the last three decades, things you will never learn about in college any more.
In 1906, W.E.B. Du Bois, a great Black educator and social activist, said:

"Blacks are going to have to realize that white people are not the cause of everything that goes wrong in their lives."

Du Bois...and America, too....are still waiting.
Of course that statement has a modicum of truth...Blacks like Clarence Thomas and Ward Connerly play a major part in some things that go wrong in Black's lives.

Whoa! That's some racist shit, right there!
In 1906, W.E.B. Du Bois, a great Black educator and social activist, said:

"Blacks are going to have to realize that white people are not the cause of everything that goes wrong in their lives."

Du Bois...and America, too....are still waiting.
Of course that statement has a modicum of truth...Blacks like Clarence Thomas and Ward Connerly play a major part in some things that go wrong in Black's lives.

What role do they play?
I would say their roles encapsulate the classic definition of the world renown Uncle Tom.

And you double down on the
This shit sure keeps some people up at night.

It should keep everyone up at night.

Only if you are an insecure weak white guy who thinks Mayberry really existed.

The chaos in the black community, created by lies means nothing to you?

Created by lies? You mean the lies that convinced white people to believe that God didn't want black people to be equal to them....that they weren't human? The ones that compelled white people impose segregation policies upon black people.....both before and after it became illegal to do so? The lies that allow losers to justify bullshit like "stop and frisk" and condone a system of court fees and fines that is no more than debtors prison?

You are one of the people of limited intellect who believes that liberals have conspired to keep black people down in search of votes...right? Talk about the human mind being able to convince itself of anything. Idiot.
This shit sure keeps some people up at night.

It should keep everyone up at night.

Only if you are an insecure weak white guy who thinks Mayberry really existed.

The chaos in the black community, created by lies means nothing to you?

Created by lies? You mean the lies that convinced white people to believe that God didn't want black people to be equal to them....that they weren't human? The ones that compelled white people impose segregation policies upon black people.....both before and after it became illegal to do so? The lies that allow losers to justify bullshit like "stop and frisk" and condone a system of court fees and fines that is no more than debtors prison?

You are one of the people of limited intellect who believes that liberals have conspired to keep black people down in search of votes...right? Talk about the human mind being able to convince itself of anything. Idiot.

No, I mean lies like, "hands up! Don't shoot!"
This shit sure keeps some people up at night.

It should keep everyone up at night.

Only if you are an insecure weak white guy who thinks Mayberry really existed.

The chaos in the black community, created by lies means nothing to you?

Created by lies? You mean the lies that convinced white people to believe that God didn't want black people to be equal to them....that they weren't human? The ones that compelled white people impose segregation policies upon black people.....both before and after it became illegal to do so? The lies that allow losers to justify bullshit like "stop and frisk" and condone a system of court fees and fines that is no more than debtors prison?

You are one of the people of limited intellect who believes that liberals have conspired to keep black people down in search of votes...right? Talk about the human mind being able to convince itself of anything. Idiot.

No, I mean lies like, "hands up! Don't shoot!"

How can it be a lie when guys on the scene as it happened said his hands were up? Who disproved this video?
It should keep everyone up at night.

Only if you are an insecure weak white guy who thinks Mayberry really existed.

The chaos in the black community, created by lies means nothing to you?

Created by lies? You mean the lies that convinced white people to believe that God didn't want black people to be equal to them....that they weren't human? The ones that compelled white people impose segregation policies upon black people.....both before and after it became illegal to do so? The lies that allow losers to justify bullshit like "stop and frisk" and condone a system of court fees and fines that is no more than debtors prison?

You are one of the people of limited intellect who believes that liberals have conspired to keep black people down in search of votes...right? Talk about the human mind being able to convince itself of anything. Idiot.

No, I mean lies like, "hands up! Don't shoot!"

How can it be a lie when guys on the scene as it happened said his hands were up? Who disproved this video?

He wasn't surrendering. Everyone who claimed he was has been proven to be lying.

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