Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

Maybe I'll read this whole thread this weekend. So, without knowing what anyone else has said, my take on it is that the 1960s rabble rousers sobered up and realized they would have to ear a living. Since they really couldn't qualify themselves for anything else, they ducked into the colleges. Having taught in a college for a few years, I can tell you it is pretty easy. Far easier than practice. But the pay sucks if you are qualified to do something that pays 4 times as much. They have been there ever since proselytizing.
You can make the argument that hundreds of philosophers inspired the development of psychological theory. Do I really need to know all of them? No I don't. While they may have some weak inspiration to the field, they are far from pioneers of the science itself.

Look up Freud sometime, you might learn something.

Freud is completley irrelevant in modern day psychology. Most of the community does not give his ideas any legitimacy. Using Freud as a representation of contemporary psychology is pure ignorance.

wait a second, Freud was a lunatic, but not to psycologists...what planet do you live on again?
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Frankly, I don't get the impression that conservatives ever wonder about much about anything. It just seems as if they think they know everything. Hence, there seems to be no real need as far as they're concerned to investigate and dig deeper for meaning or understanding. They just tend to 'go with their gut feeling' ala Bush.

Remember those days? Forget the whole WMD debate for a moment. Did they need more troops in Iraq to keep the peace and prevent an insurgency? No, there would be no insurgency because we would be greeted as liberators.

Did Bush need to assure that our gov't was prepared for Katrina? No. Brownie said we were ready. No need to ask any questions.

All they had to do is believe something for it to be true in their minds. But those damn liberals are always making plans and trying to be prepared by investigating things and coming up with contingency plans.
Isnt that the POINT of science? Anything with a study, is just a wast of taxpayer money, it's not sciences are crap.....especially when liberals like you just blame genetics anyway. Just study genes and not behavior.....voila done!

They don't call it social SCIENCE for nothing. Liberals blame everything on genetics? If you think psychology only examines genetic traits, then you are a mountain of ignorance.

Uh I didnt say I did, I said LIBERALS do...gays, crime, ect.....

in fact I dont think gentics has ANYTHING to do with psycology and vice do....which is why I laugh at you.

Let me clue you in, genetics compose our PHYSICAL characteristics, nothing more....

Social science....isnt science because it has the term in's because the people that love those fields try to equate it to science, and it's you said it's less concrete (ie cannot be proven with scientific method) it's just bs...hell sports science has far more integrity than social science.

You are wrong. Twin studies have revealed a plethora of esoteric characteristics that genetics affect.
Maybe I'll read this whole thread this weekend. So, without knowing what anyone else has said, my take on it is that the 1960s rabble rousers sobered up and realized they would have to ear a living. Since they really couldn't qualify themselves for anything else, they ducked into the colleges. Having taught in a college for a few years, I can tell you it is pretty easy. Far easier than practice. But the pay sucks if you are qualified to do something that pays 4 times as much. They have been there ever since proselytizing.

well sumarized.....and again liberals think the elite colleges produce the thinkers and since the elite colleges require rich students, therefore the students are republicans(aka rich) and thus the thinkers are republicans......
Isnt that the POINT of science? Anything with a study, is just a wast of taxpayer money, it's not sciences are crap.....especially when liberals like you just blame genetics anyway. Just study genes and not behavior.....voila done!

They don't call it social SCIENCE for nothing. Liberals blame everything on genetics? If you think psychology only examines genetic traits, then you are a mountain of ignorance.

Uh I didnt say I did, I said LIBERALS do...gays, crime, ect.....

in fact I dont think gentics has ANYTHING to do with psycology and vice do....which is why I laugh at you.

Let me clue you in, genetics compose our PHYSICAL characteristics, nothing more....

Social science....isnt science because it has the term in's because the people that love those fields try to equate it to science, and it's you said it's less concrete (ie cannot be proven with scientific method) it's just bs...hell sports science has far more integrity than social science.

Why can't you just admit you do not know what you are talking about? As Sunshine says, the study of genetics and behavior is done by studying identical twins raised in different environments.
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Liberals hijacked Big Education just like they hijacked.....

- Big Union, Big Legal, Big Environment, Big Regulation,.......
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Frankly, I don't get the impression that conservatives ever wonder about much about anything. It just seems as if they think they know everything. Hence, there seems to be no real need as far as they're concerned to investigate and dig deeper for meaning or understanding. They just tend to 'go with their gut feeling' ala Bush.

Remember those days? Forget the whole WMD debate for a moment. Did they need more troops in Iraq to keep the peace and prevent an insurgency? No, there would be no insurgency because we would be greeted as liberators.

Did Bush need to assure that our gov't was prepared for Katrina? No. Brownie said we were ready. No need to ask any questions.

All they had to do is believe something for it to be true in their minds. But those damn liberals are always making plans and trying to be prepared by investigating things and coming up with contingency plans.

coming up with contingency plans? I almost shit a brick when I read that. you have to be fucking with me... Lmao. everything they do blows up in their face. they never look ahead...
I wonder how many posters realize they are exposing their lack of education on these threads? It also explains why history and other subjects can be altered to fit one's political beliefs. Is history a science, how about political science, anthropology?
how many posters on here understand they are dumb ass's and dont know the difference between knowledge and wisdom?
Okay, but to call it a fake science is just ignorant. Studying psychology requires the scientific method like any other science. The conclusions are less concrete, but the pursuit of objectivity is just as important.

It does not require the scientific method because it is not even the fake science of sociology, which at least uses data and actual numbers. Psychology is all about guessing how a specific individual will react to various circumstances, that is not science.

Guessing? Lol you clearly do not know anything about the field.

Do you want an outline of all the repeatable experiments that define your field?

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You can make the argument that hundreds of philosophers inspired the development of psychological theory. Do I really need to know all of them? No I don't. While they may have some weak inspiration to the field, they are far from pioneers of the science itself.

Look up Freud sometime, you might learn something.

Freud is completley irrelevant in modern day psychology. Most of the community does not give his ideas any legitimacy. Using Freud as a representation of contemporary psychology is pure ignorance.

Do you realize you just contradicted yourself?
They don't call it social SCIENCE for nothing. Liberals blame everything on genetics? If you think psychology only examines genetic traits, then you are a mountain of ignorance.

Uh I didnt say I did, I said LIBERALS do...gays, crime, ect.....

in fact I dont think gentics has ANYTHING to do with psycology and vice do....which is why I laugh at you.

Let me clue you in, genetics compose our PHYSICAL characteristics, nothing more....

Social science....isnt science because it has the term in's because the people that love those fields try to equate it to science, and it's you said it's less concrete (ie cannot be proven with scientific method) it's just bs...hell sports science has far more integrity than social science.

Why can't you just admit you do not know what you are talking about? As Sunshine says, the study of genetics and behavior is done by studying identical twins raised in different environments.

Yes, and they have conclusively proven that there is no causative link between them. Despite this, psychologists continue to insist that their fake science shows there is a link.
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Uh I didnt say I did, I said LIBERALS do...gays, crime, ect.....

in fact I dont think gentics has ANYTHING to do with psycology and vice do....which is why I laugh at you.

Let me clue you in, genetics compose our PHYSICAL characteristics, nothing more....

Social science....isnt science because it has the term in's because the people that love those fields try to equate it to science, and it's you said it's less concrete (ie cannot be proven with scientific method) it's just bs...hell sports science has far more integrity than social science.

Why can't you just admit you do not know what you are talking about? As Sunshine says, the study of genetics and behavior is done by studying identical twins raised in different environments.

Yes, and they have conclusively proven that there is no causative link between them. Despite this, psychologists continue to insist that their fake science shows there is a link.

Lol I am really starting to doubt your educational achievements. You are as ignorant as a post.

Okay smart guy, show me the research that says there is not specific common traits between identical twins raised apart.

Do you realize how transparent you are when you just pull shit out of your ass?

If you think that genetics does not contribute to thoughts, emotion, and behavior then you shouldn't even bother continuing this discussion because its pretty easy to laugh at you.

Also, you do see the contradiction in this statement right? You say psychology is a fake science, yet you support the finding of a psychological study.

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