Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

I've noticed that many of the so called "professors" have little to no real world experience in the areas that they bloviate in. Their experiences are based on books and not much more.

so true....if these so-called experts ever came down from the Ivory Tower, reality would punch them in the throat.....hard....
I've noticed that many of the so called "professors" have little to no real world experience in the areas that they bloviate in. Their experiences are based on books and not much more.

so true....if these so-called experts ever came down from the Ivory Tower, reality would punch them in the throat.....hard....

That's bullshit. I got to know lots of my professors and they all had plenty of work experience in the field.
I've noticed that many of the so called "professors" have little to no real world experience in the areas that they bloviate in. Their experiences are based on books and not much more.

so true....if these so-called experts ever came down from the Ivory Tower, reality would punch them in the throat.....hard....

That's bullshit. I got to know lots of my professors and they all had plenty of work experience in the field.

It's just another myth about educators, such as: those who can, do, & those who can't teach; they are lazy and are only interested in salary, benefits and time off; they are only interested in brain washing and indoctrinating the youth; they are stupid and don't have a clue about real life; they only know about their subject and are idiots when it comes to daily functioning; they are molesting the children; they took degrees in education because such degrees are easy and teachers are less intelligent; etc. It goes on and on and on. Those who believe all this BS have irrational fears and anger about educators for some reason and are blindly ignorant about reality. It is indicative of their own short comings and lack of ability to think critically and use logical reasoning. They have tunnel vision and a crippled world view.
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. It is indicative of their own short comings and lack of ability to think critically and use logical reasoning. They have tunnel vision and a crippled world view.

This is coming from a person who took a shit on John Locke earlier in thread. lololol existentialism teacher was a Czech freedomfighter captured by the NAZIs. Escaped fled to England. Came back continued to kill NAZIs. Got caught in a bombing raid and survived in a cellar for days.

My political science teacher flew bombing missions over Germany with the 8th Army Air force...the unit with the highest rate of combatdeaths in the entire Allied effort

Nah, those college profs don't know nothing about real life, do they?

ENVY is prime motivator for the punk tripe most of you nobodies are posting, I suspect.
Last edited: existentialism teacher was a Czech freedomfighter captured by the NAZIs. Escaped fled to England. Came back continued to kill NAZIs. Got caught in a bombing raid and survived in a cellar for days.

My political science teacher flew bombing missions over Germany with the 8th Army Air force...the unit with the highest rate of combatdeaths in the entire Allied effort

Nah, those college profs don't know nothing about real life, do they?

ENVY is prime motivator for the punk tripe most of you nobodies are posting, I suspect.

Any chance your political science teacher would have managed to be a "Freedom Fighter" if they had complied with the NAZI gun laws to disarm undesirables?

You don't mind that I took a screen shot of this right? I want to have this forever when you bring your NAZI gun control arguments to this board.
. It is indicative of their own short comings and lack of ability to think critically and use logical reasoning. They have tunnel vision and a crippled world view.

This is coming from a person who took a shit on John Locke earlier in thread. lololol

The thing is you are just fucking anal about Locke. I'm not. There is a lot more to think about in this complex world than just hanging onto and hero worshipping one man's ideas. You're narrow minded, unable to have a broad world vision, and you expect everyone else to be thus also. Not going to happen. existentialism teacher was a Czech freedomfighter captured by the NAZIs. Escaped fled to England. Came back continued to kill NAZIs. Got caught in a bombing raid and survived in a cellar for days.

My political science teacher flew bombing missions over Germany with the 8th Army Air force...the unit with the highest rate of combatdeaths in the entire Allied effort

Nah, those college profs don't know nothing about real life, do they?

ENVY is prime motivator for the punk tripe most of you nobodies are posting, I suspect.

Any chance your political science teacher would have managed to be a "Freedom Fighter" if they had complied with the NAZI gun laws to disarm undesirables?

You don't mind that I took a screen shot of this right? I want to have this forever when you bring your NAZI gun control arguments to this board.

You're a tad confused, lad, but not too confused to try to change the subject, right?

The wishful thinking that the uneducated have that the educated know nothing except what they learn in books is rather pathetic.

I just gave you two excellent examples of my college professors to prove that point.

FWIW, per usual, anyone who objects to anything any right winging nobody posts, makes that clueless right winger ASSUME that they must therefore be a liberal caracature.

I am on record on this board as opposing more pointless gun controls.

Feel free to check that record, lad.
so true....if these so-called experts ever came down from the Ivory Tower, reality would punch them in the throat.....hard....

That's bullshit. I got to know lots of my professors and they all had plenty of work experience in the field.

It's just another myth about educators, such as: those who can, do, & those who can't teach; they are lazy and are only interested in salary, benefits and time off; they are only interested in brain washing and indoctrinating the youth; they are stupid and don't have a clue about real life; they only know about their subject and are idiots when it comes to daily functioning; they are molesting the children; they took degrees in education because such degrees are easy and teachers are less intelligent; etc. It goes on and on and on. Those who believe all this BS have irrational fears and anger about educators for some reason and are blindly ignorant about reality. It is indicative of their own short comings and lack of ability to think critically and use logical reasoning. They have tunnel vision and a crippled world view.

Great example of profound ignorance, which is quite common in academia: Arguing that your stereotypes are morally superior to others' stereotypes. The premise of the OP is that educators are more liberal than the general population. Do you dispute that?
One problem I find. is that conservatives often have their own history, their own thinking methods, their own sciences, and many other beliefs that differ from from what is taught in most schools. These boards are full of these beliefs. I also think conservatives believe that science, history, biology and those subjects are really decided by political parties and ideology, and not by some type of scientific method.
If conservatives win an election they expect schools to now teach students their beliefs, their sciences, their history, and sadly education just goes on and they cannot understand why no change.
That's bullshit. I got to know lots of my professors and they all had plenty of work experience in the field.

It's just another myth about educators, such as: those who can, do, & those who can't teach; they are lazy and are only interested in salary, benefits and time off; they are only interested in brain washing and indoctrinating the youth; they are stupid and don't have a clue about real life; they only know about their subject and are idiots when it comes to daily functioning; they are molesting the children; they took degrees in education because such degrees are easy and teachers are less intelligent; etc. It goes on and on and on. Those who believe all this BS have irrational fears and anger about educators for some reason and are blindly ignorant about reality. It is indicative of their own short comings and lack of ability to think critically and use logical reasoning. They have tunnel vision and a crippled world view.

Great example of profound ignorance, which is quite common in academia: Arguing that your stereotypes are morally superior to others' stereotypes. The premise of the OP is that educators are more liberal than the general population. Do you dispute that?

You are not even able to comprehend what I wrote.
One problem I find. is that conservatives often have their own history, their own thinking methods, their own sciences, and many other beliefs that differ from from what is taught in most schools. These boards are full of these beliefs. I also think conservatives believe that science, history, biology and those subjects are really decided by political parties and ideology, and not by some type of scientific method.
If conservatives win an election they expect schools to now teach students their beliefs, their sciences, their history, and sadly education just goes on and they cannot understand why no change.

Is this subject really that far over your head? The question is why educators are more liberal than the general population. The fact that conservatives have views that "differ from what is taught in most schools" is, by definition, obvious. Only people who feel that their beliefs are morally superior (i.e., good vs. evil) to those with whom they disagree view this as a "problem."
One problem I find. is that conservatives often have their own history, their own thinking methods, their own sciences, and many other beliefs that differ from from what is taught in most schools. These boards are full of these beliefs. I also think conservatives believe that science, history, biology and those subjects are really decided by political parties and ideology, and not by some type of scientific method.
If conservatives win an election they expect schools to now teach students their beliefs, their sciences, their history, and sadly education just goes on and they cannot understand why no change.

Is this subject really that far over your head? The question is why educators are more liberal than the general population. The fact that conservatives have views that "differ from what is taught in most schools" is, by definition, obvious. Only people who feel that their beliefs are morally superior (i.e., good vs. evil) to those with whom they disagree view this as a "problem."

I think you are confused by the premise of my question, which is understandable. I probably wasn't clear enough about it. While I do believe that educators in higher education are liberal, I do not think they have a liberal bias in their curriculum; at least not in general. Some political science professors will make their views known to the classroom, but that is the only bias you will see. But even those professors respect the value of objectivity in their research. Most of them anyway.
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You really think there is no bias in the classroom...even though you readily admit that most educators are liberal and "make their views known to the classroom"? How can there NOT be bias in the classroom when the person in charge of said classroom espouses a certain view?

This is what always makes me shake my head about liberals and this subject. You KNOW that there is a bias in the way that students are being taught but you can't bring yourself to admit that it exists. It's the same thing with the bias that exists in the Main Stream Media. You KNOW that it exists yet you don't want to admit that it's there.
I've noticed that many of the so called "professors" have little to no real world experience in the areas that they bloviate in. Their experiences are based on books and not much more.

so true....if these so-called experts ever came down from the Ivory Tower, reality would punch them in the throat.....hard....
In fact it is. And to the detriment of us all. The Obama administration is a classic case of academic ideology put to practical use and destroying what it seeks to control. We'd have recovered 3 years ago if anyone (I'm not even saying no to a Liberal President in this statement) other than a bunch of academics had won the election in 2008.

However, it was the academics, we have suffered at least 3 years longer than was necessary, and the point is proven. Academia is useful for giving people set theory, but those people still need to get out into the real world and learn where it works, where it does not, how it works, why it works, and gain the experience along with the knowledge to improve it.
you see higher education does not reward the fact adverse.

That is why you cant seem to learn how to teach anyone anything
I've noticed that many of the so called "professors" have little to no real world experience in the areas that they bloviate in. Their experiences are based on books and not much more.

so true....if these so-called experts ever came down from the Ivory Tower, reality would punch them in the throat.....hard....
In fact it is. And to the detriment of us all. The Obama administration is a classic case of academic ideology put to practical use and destroying what it seeks to control. We'd have recovered 3 years ago if anyone (I'm not even saying no to a Liberal President in this statement) other than a bunch of academics had won the election in 2008.

However, it was the academics, we have suffered at least 3 years longer than was necessary, and the point is proven. Academia is useful for giving people set theory, but those people still need to get out into the real world and learn where it works, where it does not, how it works, why it works, and gain the experience along with the knowledge to improve it.

Bla Bla bla.

what you really mean to say is the wealthy would have made even more money quicker if we jsut let the little guy take it harder in the ass this go arround.

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