Do Democrats really want iCE to raid businesses that may employ illegals?

We keep hearing it...right?
“As long as Humberto and Guadalupe can get a job in the U.S. they’ll keep coming.”
The severely LefTarded will usually use this when diverting from what actually matters...Correct me if I wrong but didn’t ALL LefTarded folks shit themselves when iCE was going ape shit raiding businesses and arresting brown cockroaches?
Just the other day at a McDonalds, when I went in to order , the cashier could barely speak English, the manager could speak okay English but had an IQ of a liberal, and the rest of the crew were all Hispanic without one black or white in the mix. So I went to the ICE complaint boards telling my concerns and hope that McDonald does get raided, the employees investigated and if any illegals work there, may the owner of the store get put in jail.

Good on you for taking action.
I refuse to spend any amount of money at any place of business where even one person can’t or doesn’t speak perfect English.
I call code enforcement and or the law on ‘street vendors’ 3-5 times per day in various cities I frequent....the dispatchers know me by name.

If socialism is outlawed will you turn in your liberal neighbors?

I definitely would turn you in.
We keep hearing it...right?
“As long as Humberto and Guadalupe can get a job in the U.S. they’ll keep coming.”
The severely LefTarded will usually use this when diverting from what actually matters...Correct me if I wrong but didn’t ALL LefTarded folks shit themselves when iCE was going ape shit raiding businesses and arresting brown cockroaches?
Democrats want ICE eliminated.

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