Do Democrats Seriously Want to Raise the minimum Wage or ...

Do Democrats Seriously Want to Raise the Minimum Wage

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • No, they just want to distract the public from Obamacare

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
Usually when the minimum wage is raised, the amount increase is insignificant.

Right, and no wage hike has keep pace with the cost of living since 1968. All working class wages are terribly lagging behind the increasing cost of living and show no sign of ever again keeping pace. We all are getting poorer a little at a time and that is the awful truth behind the lie of trickle down.
The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting fucked. This is under the current system as the rich can pocket more and more.

You tea fuckers want to make this a thousand times worse.
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People today seem to have bigger houses and a lot more stuff than they had back in 1968.
People today seem to have bigger houses and a lot more stuff than they had back in 1968.

And this makes it ok for the rich to take hundreds of times more then the avg worker? This makes the growing difference ok...Why shouldn't people have a large house, car and computer?

People today seem to have bigger houses and a lot more stuff than they had back in 1968.

Stuff is not necessarily wealth, In those days a working couple could just pay to send their kids to school, now a loan is in order for even well-to-do families. Hospitals, doctors, housing, energy etc. have all increased faster than inflation.

The mandatory spending has all gone sky-high while appliances and TVs are cheaper, not a good trade off. Also consumer debt has gone stratospheric, we have nice stuff but the bank owns it and a significant chunk of our income for life.
People today seem to have bigger houses and a lot more stuff than they had back in 1968.

And this makes it ok for the rich to take hundreds of times more then the avg worker? This makes the growing difference ok...Why shouldn't people have a large house, car and computer?


It's fine by me if people have a large house, car and computer. I'm also not jealous of the dude that earns much more than I do. If I did, I'd never go to the movies or watch pro sports.
People today seem to have bigger houses and a lot more stuff than they had back in 1968.

And this makes it ok for the rich to take hundreds of times more then the avg worker? This makes the growing difference ok...Why shouldn't people have a large house, car and computer?


I.don't know I just do fine with a.$12 dollar phone and no cable and I have a 2 bedroom mobile home on 5 acres in South Carolina. I still get to afford 2 vactions a year and some savings and a 401k and some stocks. Trust me Being Rich just makes you content and not happy.

Raising the MW is not going to raise up the middle class. All Obama care and a federal wage increase is.... trickle up poor.
Dems have been trying to raise the minimum wage for many years, where the hell have you been?

Exactly, 'cuz ensuring the most vulnerable among us have no opportunity to work is a GOOD thing, right? I mean, fuck those young people with no experience! And those with low intelligence and little skill, they don't need to work. Screw those fuckers, who needs 'em! Even the senior citizen that just wants to engage in a work place...he should just stay home and die for heaven's sake. Plus, everyone wants higher prices too. As we know, when government mandates higher expenses, why that NEVER gets passed on to consumers. No, it's a good thing to ensure as many of our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from earning a living and forced on the dole. That's what's good for them...because certainly, the central planners know what's best for us all.

Thanks comrade, we couldn't get through the day without you.

Spare us the lesson in fantasy economics.

Notice how you COMPLETELY avoided the real impact of minimum wage? I did. Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

The floor is yours comrade.

Not periodically raising the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation is the same as cutting it in small yearly increments. Every year away from a wage hike would therefore be better according to your theory.

No, eliminating the cause of inflation, the Federal Reserve, would be better. But you go ahead and keep supporting those central planners that control the price of money and cause that inflation...and then look to those same central planners to fix the problem.

Brilliant plan comrade.

How about you let a person work for what they're willing to work for? Why, you might even find someone willing to work for free. That's called an internship, which many have found incredibly valuable in gaining real experience and connections despite earning little to no income.

Sorry to break it to you comrade, but you DON'T know what best for others.
Half of the GOP congress critters will vote for it, gang.

Beholden to those demanding a handout without merit. I wouldn't say they were voting for it more so than I would assess that they're not going to vote against it during a midterm.
Exactly, 'cuz ensuring the most vulnerable among us have no opportunity to work is a GOOD thing, right? I mean, fuck those young people with no experience! And those with low intelligence and little skill, they don't need to work. Screw those fuckers, who needs 'em! Even the senior citizen that just wants to engage in a work place...he should just stay home and die for heaven's sake. Plus, everyone wants higher prices too. As we know, when government mandates higher expenses, why that NEVER gets passed on to consumers. No, it's a good thing to ensure as many of our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from earning a living and forced on the dole. That's what's good for them...because certainly, the central planners know what's best for us all.

Thanks comrade, we couldn't get through the day without you.

Spare us the lesson in fantasy economics.

Notice how you COMPLETELY avoided the real impact of minimum wage? I did. Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

The floor is yours comrade.

Not periodically raising the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation is the same as cutting it in small yearly increments. Every year away from a wage hike would therefore be better according to your theory.

No, eliminating the cause of inflation, the Federal Reserve, would be better. But you go ahead and keep supporting those central planners that control the price of money and cause that inflation...and then look to those same central planners to fix the problem.

Brilliant plan comrade.

How about you let a person work for what they're willing to work for? Why, you might even find someone willing to work for free. That's called an internship, which many have found incredibly valuable in gaining real experience and connections despite earning little to no income.

Sorry to break it to you comrade, but you DON'T know what best for others.

It's almost like you will personally have to hand some poor sap more money. Wage parity with China is a disastrous goal you foolish person.
Spare us the lesson in fantasy economics.

Notice how you COMPLETELY avoided the real impact of minimum wage? I did. Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

The floor is yours comrade.

Not periodically raising the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation is the same as cutting it in small yearly increments. Every year away from a wage hike would therefore be better according to your theory.

No, eliminating the cause of inflation, the Federal Reserve, would be better. But you go ahead and keep supporting those central planners that control the price of money and cause that inflation...and then look to those same central planners to fix the problem.

Brilliant plan comrade.

How about you let a person work for what they're willing to work for? Why, you might even find someone willing to work for free. That's called an internship, which many have found incredibly valuable in gaining real experience and connections despite earning little to no income.

Sorry to break it to you comrade, but you DON'T know what best for others.

It's almost like you will personally have to hand some poor sap more money. Wage parity with China is a disastrous goal you foolish person.

You're still avoiding the question. Telling. One more time: Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.
Exactly, 'cuz ensuring the most vulnerable among us have no opportunity to work is a GOOD thing, right? I mean, fuck those young people with no experience! And those with low intelligence and little skill, they don't need to work. Screw those fuckers, who needs 'em! Even the senior citizen that just wants to engage in a work place...he should just stay home and die for heaven's sake. Plus, everyone wants higher prices too. As we know, when government mandates higher expenses, why that NEVER gets passed on to consumers. No, it's a good thing to ensure as many of our most vulnerable citizens are prevented from earning a living and forced on the dole. That's what's good for them...because certainly, the central planners know what's best for us all.

Thanks comrade, we couldn't get through the day without you.

Spare us the lesson in fantasy economics.

Notice how you COMPLETELY avoided the real impact of minimum wage? I did. Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

The floor is yours comrade.

Not periodically raising the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation is the same as cutting it in small yearly increments. Every year away from a wage hike would therefore be better according to your theory.

No, eliminating the cause of inflation, the Federal Reserve, would be better. But you go ahead and keep supporting those central planners that control the price of money and cause that inflation...and then look to those same central planners to fix the problem.

Brilliant plan comrade.

How about you let a person work for what they're willing to work for? Why, you might even find someone willing to work for free. That's called an internship, which many have found incredibly valuable in gaining real experience and connections despite earning little to no income.

Sorry to break it to you comrade, but you DON'T know what best for others.

An internship would be a great way to learn how to be a plumber.
Spare us the lesson in fantasy economics.

Notice how you COMPLETELY avoided the real impact of minimum wage? I did. Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

The floor is yours comrade.

Not periodically raising the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation is the same as cutting it in small yearly increments. Every year away from a wage hike would therefore be better according to your theory.

No, eliminating the cause of inflation, the Federal Reserve, would be better. But you go ahead and keep supporting those central planners that control the price of money and cause that inflation...and then look to those same central planners to fix the problem.

Brilliant plan comrade.

How about you let a person work for what they're willing to work for? Why, you might even find someone willing to work for free. That's called an internship, which many have found incredibly valuable in gaining real experience and connections despite earning little to no income.

Sorry to break it to you comrade, but you DON'T know what best for others.

An internship would be a great way to learn how to be a plumber.

Indeed. Or any one of many career paths available to the unskilled willing to work towards that end...unless they are prevented from doing so by those are just sure they know what's best for everyone else...:doubt:

Color me reactionary, but I think preventing a person from working is immoral.
Notice how you COMPLETELY avoided the real impact of minimum wage? I did. Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

The floor is yours comrade.

No, eliminating the cause of inflation, the Federal Reserve, would be better. But you go ahead and keep supporting those central planners that control the price of money and cause that inflation...and then look to those same central planners to fix the problem.

Brilliant plan comrade.

How about you let a person work for what they're willing to work for? Why, you might even find someone willing to work for free. That's called an internship, which many have found incredibly valuable in gaining real experience and connections despite earning little to no income.

Sorry to break it to you comrade, but you DON'T know what best for others.

It's almost like you will personally have to hand some poor sap more money. Wage parity with China is a disastrous goal you foolish person.

You're still avoiding the question. Telling. One more time: Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

Excuse me? Any wage increase that will actually pass will only get us back to an adjusted wage of sometime in the last decade at best. If these people of whom you speak were worth it in say, 2003, why would they not be worth it today? You need to understand that minimum wage was never meant to be what someone makes over the long term but with so many good jobs having been replaced with crappy service sector jobs there just is no wage increase for a lot of Americans unless someone makes McDonald's or Walmart do it, keeping the wage unchanged is a slow death spiral for the working class who are increasingly having to hold these formerly entry level jobs for years because of lack of opportunity.
It's almost like you will personally have to hand some poor sap more money. Wage parity with China is a disastrous goal you foolish person.

You're still avoiding the question. Telling. One more time: Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

Excuse me? Any wage increase that will actually pass will only get us back to an adjusted wage of sometime in the last decade at best.

You're still not address the question...the problem created by a minimum wage. Now why is that?

If these people of whom you speak were worth it in say, 2003, why would they not be worth it today?

What their skills bear in a voluntary market. Stated differently, whatever they're willing to work for that someone is willing to pay. Next.

You need to understand that minimum wage was never meant to be what someone makes over the long term but with so many good jobs having been replaced with crappy service sector jobs there just is no wage increase for a lot of Americans unless someone makes McDonald's or Walmart do it, keeping the wage unchanged is a slow death spiral for the working class who are increasingly having to hold these formerly entry level jobs for years because of lack of opportunity.

Again, still not addressing the point. One last shot at it: Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.
You're still avoiding the question. Telling. One more time: Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

Excuse me? Any wage increase that will actually pass will only get us back to an adjusted wage of sometime in the last decade at best.

You're still not address the question...the problem created by a minimum wage. Now why is that?

If these people of whom you speak were worth it in say, 2003, why would they not be worth it today?

What their skills bear in a voluntary market. Stated differently, whatever they're willing to work for that someone is willing to pay. Next.

You need to understand that minimum wage was never meant to be what someone makes over the long term but with so many good jobs having been replaced with crappy service sector jobs there just is no wage increase for a lot of Americans unless someone makes McDonald's or Walmart do it, keeping the wage unchanged is a slow death spiral for the working class who are increasingly having to hold these formerly entry level jobs for years because of lack of opportunity.

Again, still not addressing the point. One last shot at it: Tell us how the unemployment rate among the young and uneducated is a "fantasy". Explain to us how you expect those that do not qualify for your minimum wage to earn a living.

I already answered the question, comrade asholovich, if we raise the min wage to where it has the pitifully sad buying power of 2004 for instance, what is the difference? It's the best anyone can hope for. If those entry level jobs continue to be worked by single moms and retirees for years at a time how is a wage hike going to effect teenagers? We can assume the people working these jobs for more than a year are very well qualified for them and probably need a raise they will never get if people like you have any say in the matter.
Yes, but as always their motives are disingenuous. They want to make it appear they are doing something for the poor, but they know they are really fucking the poor. that's pretty much the case with all liberal social programs.

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