Do Dems Risk Alienating Women by Rejecting a Female Supreme Court Nominee?

Are you kidding? Democrats know their angry base. Political agenda trumps (no pun intended) woman's rights, capitalism and the U.S. Constitution. Democrats would filibuster Mother Teresa if push came to shove and the media would claim that Mother Teresa was a tool of the Russian government.

Democrats aren't the people who nominated Clarence Thomas - a man with a history of sexual harassmant, or Brett Kavenaugh, a highly partisan and deeply flawed choice.
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?


The idea that women shouldn't attempt to discredit a female nominee tells me that you're a man and a pretty clueless man at that. The whole idea of gender equality is equal treatment. Why should an unqualified or otherwise unsuitable candidate be given a pass just because she's a woman, or a woman of colour? Was Sarah Palin given a pass because she's a woman?
Equal treatment is preposterous. So if one of my daughters is being attacked by a boy, another boy shouldn’t come to her rescue? She should fend for herself. Let me tell you something, you evil, fat troll. Boys and men on average are much stronger than girls and women. Men and boys need to defend and protect women.

What a prepoterous analogy, and equal treatment never means letting someone in trouble 'fend for themselves".

If one your children, male or female is being physically attacked SOMEONE should intervene, but the isn't a discussion about physical attacks. You have no common sense or sense of decency to think that way.

Welfare Queen implies that a female nominee, especially a non-white female nominee, could not be criticized by other women, especially women of colour. To hell with her qualifications. Women must let a woman, especially a woman of colour, pass without criticism.
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?

/----/ democRATs have the FemiNazi Seal of Approval to totally trash any woman that doesn't tow the liberal agenda, especially on abortion. So, no, nothing will happen if the democRATs go after a conservative female nominee. Case in point : Gov Palin was savaged by the democRATs and LSM.

Liberals were right to "savage" Palin. She was and is an unqualified twit, who has done nothing but make a public spectacle of herself ever since she ran.
Aha so you pick and choose when women are equal. Got it. What a pathetic hypocrite you are.
You were picking such a silly nonsense and you were called on it by Dragonlady.
Are you kidding? Democrats know their angry base. Political agenda trumps (no pun intended) woman's rights, capitalism and the U.S. Constitution. Democrats would filibuster Mother Teresa if push came to shove and the media would claim that Mother Teresa was a tool of the Russian government.

Democrats aren't the people who nominated Clarence Thomas - a man with a history of sexual harassmant, or Brett Kavenaugh, a highly partisan and deeply flawed choice.

no they nominate pedo sniffer toucher creepy joe and blo job billy
President Trump has already stated his likely New Supreme Court nominee will be a woman. The odds on favorite is Amy Barrett.

Ms. Barrett is 48 years old. She graduated Magna Cum Laude undergrad and was first in her Law School class. She taught Law and has been an Appellate Court judge (the level below the Supreme Court) since 2017. She is Catholic, married, and has children.

I think it is safe to assume the Dems will do everything in their power to bring her down. If that means destroying her life and career so be it.

Question: Is this a risk for Dems. If they attempt to destroy any female Supreme Court nominee do they risk alienating female voters, particularly suburban white female voters?


No , she will be against women rights.

do u support pedo sniffer toucher creepy joe as a woman?
The ladies must love you, Jake. :thup:
I think they just have him pegged.
sometimes three or four times a night, even
Real ladies prefer real virile liberal men to incel cons and Trumpbumplicans, yes.

real women? libs have none. btw libs support the pedo sniffer toucher biden.
It's the Republican congressmen who go to jail for being pedoes. Only a matter of time before Trump and Barr are caught,
The ladies must love you, Jake. :thup:
I think they just have him pegged.
sometimes three or four times a night, even
Real ladies prefer real virile liberal men to incel cons and Trumpbumplicans, yes.

real women? libs have none. btw libs support the pedo sniffer toucher biden.
It's the Republican congressmen who go to jail for being pedoes. Only a matter of time before Trump and Barr are caught,

i bet you havent watched the i sniffed a girl compilation by pedo joe?
Nah, 'queen, a female GOP justice nominee is like a fish out of water to Dems and libs.

No problem saying momma gotta leave the house.
You push globalism which will turn on you. And then take shots on Republican and/or Non Prog women.
The ladies must love you, Jake. :thup:
I think they just have him pegged.
sometimes three or four times a night, even
Real ladies prefer real virile liberal men to incel cons and Trumpbumplicans, yes.

real women? libs have none. btw libs support the pedo sniffer toucher biden.
It's the Republican congressmen who go to jail for being pedoes. Only a matter of time before Trump and Barr are caught,

i bet you havent watched the i sniffed a girl compilation by pedo joe?
I have watched the dozens of condemnations of Trump's sexual perversions, yes.
You push globalism which will turn on you. And then take shots on Republican and/or Non Prog women.

When a Trump cultist says "globalists", he means "Jews".

When a Trump cultist says "BLM", he means "N-word"

And so on. They have their little secret language of dog-whistles.

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