Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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The entire Defense Industry is paid for by the Government. Infrastructure, Schools, Fire, Police, R&D
wrong, those things are all paid for by
The entire Defense Industry is paid for by the Government. Infrastructure, Schools, Fire, Police, R&D
wrong, all of those are paid for by us, the taxpayers, and WE should have a say in how our money is spent. the waste in DOD alone could fund all police and fire departments in the entire country. I spent my entire working career dealing with DOD so I know of the waste first hand.
wrong, those things are all paid for by

wrong, all of those are paid for by us, the taxpayers, and WE should have a say in how our money is spent. the waste in DOD alone could fund all police and fire departments in the entire country. I spent my entire working career dealing with DOD so I know of the waste first hand.
Another stupid Conservative meme

Read the Constitution. We the People established the Government. The Government is us.

We get to decide what that Government will do and what services they provide. If not, we vote them out.

Those services provide JOBS and help the economy.

So Yes, the government creates jobs
Another stupid Conservative meme

Read the Constitution. We the People established the Government. The Government is us.

We get to decide what that Government will do and what services they provide. If not, we vote them out.

Those services provide JOBS and help the economy.
That's like telling criminals they have free reign to steal....
Another stupid Conservative meme

Read the Constitution. We the People established the Government. The Government is us.

We get to decide what that Government will do and what services they provide. If not, we vote them out.

Those services provide JOBS and help the economy.

So Yes, the government creates jobs
The creation of jobs is different in different ways of employment and what supports it. Manufacturing produces the most massive work to support it and private employment to service it. Government is on the bottom as it uses people's taxes to support it even with private service employment.
The government would accountable to the people if the people exercised their power over it instead of rubber stamping whatever party they are loyal to

People trust the govt which continually lies. Look no further than the recent mRNA injections that injured and killed millions. Govt just skates off and only a handful hold them to account.
wrong, those things are all paid for by

wrong, all of those are paid for by us, the taxpayers, and WE should have a say in how our money is spent. the waste in DOD alone could fund all police and fire departments in the entire country. I spent my entire working career dealing with DOD so I know of the waste first hand.

You DO have a say in how it's spent. It's called the VOTE.

I do agree with you that Defense Department spending is whackadoodle, but it's Republicans who keep increasing the money flushed away on $600 toilets, and $200 hammers, and it's Republicans who put former Boeing and excutives from other big DoD contractors into procurement positions within the Department.

And it's Republicans who howl the loudest the moment Democrats cut defense spending. It you're going to be pulling out of NATO, why do you need a 1 million strong military force with bases all over the world? Why to reward the military industrial complex, of course.
Voting people out of power is not an insurrection.

Seems an adult would know this.
So, then explain this post, like an adult….

You're voting for the guy who refuses to be held accountable and demands "absolute immunity" and who refused to leave when the people overwhelmingly vote him out of office.

Now he's refusing to say he's accept the results of THIS election.
He absolutely did not say he wouldn’t accept results…you’re lying again.

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So, then explain this post, like an adult….

We the citizens exercise our power over the Govt by voting out those that do not do what we the people want them to do.

Or that is how it should happen, but the powers that be have 2/3 of the nation convinced the other side is so evil that they have to vote for their side no matter what.

The system cannot work when 2/3 of the voters put party before country, which is what is happening today

The results of this is that members of congress win reelection at a greater than 90% rate and we are stuck choosing between the two most flawed individuals to ever run against each other for POTUS.
yeah, he pretty much did. He said he would accept them if they were legit, which in Trump talk means he won.

Remember this is the guy that said the only legit polls were the ones that favored him.

In Trumps world, he gets to decide which elections are legit.
The fact that he is unable to convince the courts that they are not has no bearing.

No election is legal until Trump admits he lost
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