Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?

Where is the legislation?!? Did you seriously just say that?!? Dumbocrtas just like you who think everything should be owned & controlled by the federal government (ie communism) and who hate the church, are working around the clock to block tax reform and stop small government conservatives from restoring constitutional government to the U.S., want to know "where" the legislation is?!? :bang3:


Yes Puppy, where is the legislation. It doesn't have to be Federal legislation, Pupster. Republicans control a lot of state houses. Where's the bill that would end legal marriage in those states?

I'll answer your question again:

Where is the legislation?!? Did you seriously just say that?!? Dumbocrtas just like you who think everything should be owned & controlled by the federal government (ie communism) and who hate the church, are working around the clock to block tax reform and stop small government conservatives.

It's Dumbocrats just like you who are blocking it at the state levels. It's Dumbocrats just like you who work every day to achieve voter fraud to prevent small government conservatives from getting into office (yes at the state and local levels) because you fear the gravy train that you mooch off of might end.

You want gay marriage for the benefits, then turn around and ask where is the legislation to take government "out of the marriage business" :bang3:

Come on Puppy, you know you're just full of shit and deflecting. Where's the legislation? State houses all over the country are chock full of tea baggers. They're the ones running the show in the House of Reps at the Fed level. They've introduced ridiculous legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act 40 times so the fact that it wouldn't pass is obviously not an obstacle.

We want equality Puppy, that's the point. If you want to take away the cash and prizes associated with being legally married, go right ahead. We're still going to want equal access to Civil Marriage in whatever form it comes in. That's the part you're not getting because you're so focused on trying to stop us from equality.
are you OK with bigamy and polygamy as well? after all, those "marriages" are nothing but property contracts between a group of people.

If they successfully petition to have their multi-unit relationship recognized as legal, yes I would support it. Ain't gonna happen, but I would support them.

And here we see Ms. Disingenuous rear her ugly head again. The question is would you support their plight to help make it legal (you know, the same way you supported the DOMA plight despite not having a fucking clue what you were supporting)?

Now give us more of your disingenuous bullshit so you can *think* you're masking your extreme and repulsive hypocrisy.

I wouldn't do anything. I'd watch. I simply don't care enough either way.

I was a huge fan of "Big Love", so I'm fairly certain they have an argument or two I could support, sure.
We could get nuked by Martians and a Gay thread would draw attention away from it.


Gay threads need to just go away.

Besides, nobody has ever denied Gays the right to marry.

A gay man could always get married any time he wanted to.

Just not to another man. Or his dog. Or his pet Iguana.

As is usual, minorities don't want equal treatment, they want special treatment.

Yup, just like blacks that wanted to marry whites...they wanted "special treatment"...of course, when the SCOTUS overturned anti miscegenation laws (with the proponents using arguments EXACTLY like yours) and blacks could marry whites, it wasn't "special" 'cause anyone could do it. Same goes for gay and lesbian marriage equality. It's not "special" because you will be able to marry someone of the same sex too.
We could get nuked by Martians and a Gay thread would draw attention away from it.


Gay threads need to just go away.

Besides, nobody has ever denied Gays the right to marry.

A gay man could always get married any time he wanted to.

Just not to another man. Or his dog. Or his pet Iguana.

As is usual, minorities don't want equal treatment, they want special treatment.

If you want gay threads and much of the back and forth chitter chatter to go away, then vote "yes" the next time you are asked whether or not a man should be able to marry a man in your area.

It's silly to whine about an issue that only you can solve, lol.
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No, it's not - it’s completely irrelevant.

Citizens are not required to justify the exercising of a Constitutional right to indeed exercise that right.

It makes no difference why a given same-sex couple wishes to marry, as long as they meet the requirements of the contract – which they do – and enter into the contract in good faith.

If a same-sex couple wishes to ‘marry for money,’ they have every right to do so, and such a motive in no way mitigates or undermines that right; it’s not as if no opposite-sex couple has ever married for money.

You completely missed the point. I didn't even mention citizenship. So your argument is a non sequitur off the bat. If you marry for the sake of wealth, the commitment to your partner would be pointless. If you really married for love, then I have no doubt the commitment would be genuine. But to hear the homosexuals side of it, it's all about material wealth and acquisition of property under bonds of matrimony. It makes be doubt with every fiber of my being that gay marriage shares anything in common with the practice, I doubt the commitment as well.

Why must they make a show of it? Homosexuality is an inherent aberration in the human species. I don't discriminate against them, I don't hate them, but I do oppose their way of life.

You obviously haven't been listening to the gay and lesbian "side" of it if that's the conclusion you came to.

It's about being treated equally period. There are certain rights, benefits and protections that are associated with civil marriage. We want those same rights, benefits and protections for our families that heterosexual families have. If you wish to limit those rights, benefits and protections for everyone, go right ahead, but then it just looks like you're filling the pool so the black kids can't swim.

Yes, you do wish to discriminate against "them" if you wish to deny us marriage equality. That is, by definition, discrimination.

Thats is the biggest lie yet? You gays want more than being treated equal, you want to be trated as special. Go ahead and try to deny it.
You completely missed the point. I didn't even mention citizenship. So your argument is a non sequitur off the bat. If you marry for the sake of wealth, the commitment to your partner would be pointless. If you really married for love, then I have no doubt the commitment would be genuine. But to hear the homosexuals side of it, it's all about material wealth and acquisition of property under bonds of matrimony. It makes be doubt with every fiber of my being that gay marriage shares anything in common with the practice, I doubt the commitment as well.

Why must they make a show of it? Homosexuality is an inherent aberration in the human species. I don't discriminate against them, I don't hate them, but I do oppose their way of life.

You obviously haven't been listening to the gay and lesbian "side" of it if that's the conclusion you came to.

It's about being treated equally period. There are certain rights, benefits and protections that are associated with civil marriage. We want those same rights, benefits and protections for our families that heterosexual families have. If you wish to limit those rights, benefits and protections for everyone, go right ahead, but then it just looks like you're filling the pool so the black kids can't swim.

Yes, you do wish to discriminate against "them" if you wish to deny us marriage equality. That is, by definition, discrimination.

Thats is the biggest lie yet? You gays want more than being treated equal, you want to be trated as special. Go ahead and try to deny it. be allowed to marry as straight people already do is.....special. How so? Please explain how to be allowed to do what other law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are allowed to do is somehow "special".
You obviously haven't been listening to the gay and lesbian "side" of it if that's the conclusion you came to.

It's about being treated equally period. There are certain rights, benefits and protections that are associated with civil marriage. We want those same rights, benefits and protections for our families that heterosexual families have. If you wish to limit those rights, benefits and protections for everyone, go right ahead, but then it just looks like you're filling the pool so the black kids can't swim.

Yes, you do wish to discriminate against "them" if you wish to deny us marriage equality. That is, by definition, discrimination.

Thats is the biggest lie yet? You gays want more than being treated equal, you want to be trated as special. Go ahead and try to deny it. be allowed to marry as straight people already do is.....special. How so? Please explain how to be allowed to do what other law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are allowed to do is somehow "special".

Shuddup liar.
A NARTH Member sent the following letter to a call-in radio show, "Love Line," hosted by a psychotherapist named Dr. Drew. As an ex-gay man himself, our reader was disturbed that Dr. Drew had a one-sided understanding of the homosexual condition. This insightful struggler notes that people should not necessarily act on what or who they are attracted to, because those attractions may be rooted in a deficit and cannot be fulfilled within a sexual relationship.

"Listen to Ex-Gays, Too"
Thats is the biggest lie yet? You gays want more than being treated equal, you want to be trated as special. Go ahead and try to deny it. be allowed to marry as straight people already do is.....special. How so? Please explain how to be allowed to do what other law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are allowed to do is somehow "special".

Shuddup liar. that all you've got? You can't answer the question, can you?
A NARTH Member sent the following letter to a call-in radio show, "Love Line," hosted by a psychotherapist named Dr. Drew. As an ex-gay man himself, our reader was disturbed that Dr. Drew had a one-sided understanding of the homosexual condition. This insightful struggler notes that people should not necessarily act on what or who they are attracted to, because those attractions may be rooted in a deficit and cannot be fulfilled within a sexual relationship.

"Listen to Ex-Gays, Too"

NARTH.....*chuckle. be allowed to marry as straight people already do is.....special. How so? Please explain how to be allowed to do what other law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are allowed to do is somehow "special".

Shuddup liar. that all you've got? You can't answer the question, can you?

recognizing sexual orientation as a protected civil rights minority classification,

Thats not equal...thats special
It doesn't matter if people choose to be gay or not.

No adult should be barred from entering a property contract which is all marriage is.

My partner and I have several "contracts" involving property. No marriage license needed. But there is paperwork involved.

I found that statement to be revealing (no pun intended). Is it really about marriage for homosexuals? Or is it all about the attainment of wealth? Is marriage just a tool for them? A path to material satisfaction?

Interesting proposition is it not?
Its about harming the Church....Thats all. They hate the idea that people CANT be forced to approve of their lifestyle. The progressives go along cause it helps destroy the family model. Yes I know this sounds crazy but every time homo's are given the chance for civil unions that give them ALL THE SAME MONETARY RIGHTS they spit it back at the state.
I dont care if homos chose to be homos or not I just wish they chose to shut the fuck up about it....WE DONT CARE THAT YOU SMOKE POLE ! There is a reason sex is called private .

You and others on the right have a strange way of showing your disinterest.

If that’s the case then simply allow same-sex couples access to marriage law, in accordance with the Constitution; you’ll never hear a peep from gay people again.

Unlike you I dont wish to destroy the family unit or the Church.
No, it's not - it’s completely irrelevant.

Citizens are not required to justify the exercising of a Constitutional right to indeed exercise that right.

It makes no difference why a given same-sex couple wishes to marry, as long as they meet the requirements of the contract – which they do – and enter into the contract in good faith.

If a same-sex couple wishes to ‘marry for money,’ they have every right to do so, and such a motive in no way mitigates or undermines that right; it’s not as if no opposite-sex couple has ever married for money.

You completely missed the point. I didn't even mention citizenship. So your argument is a non sequitur off the bat. If you marry for the sake of wealth, the commitment to your partner would be pointless. If you really married for love, then I have no doubt the commitment would be genuine. But to hear the homosexuals side of it, it's all about material wealth and acquisition of property under bonds of matrimony. It makes be doubt with every fiber of my being that gay marriage shares anything in common with the practice, I doubt the commitment as well.

Why must they make a show of it? Homosexuality is an inherent aberration in the human species. I don't discriminate against them, I don't hate them, but I do oppose their way of life.

You obviously haven't been listening to the gay and lesbian "side" of it if that's the conclusion you came to.

It's about being treated equally period. There are certain rights, benefits and protections that are associated with civil marriage. We want those same rights, benefits and protections for our families that heterosexual families have. If you wish to limit those rights, benefits and protections for everyone, go right ahead, but then it just looks like you're filling the pool so the black kids can't swim.

Yes, you do wish to discriminate against "them" if you wish to deny us marriage equality. That is, by definition, discrimination.

Actually, I have friends who are gay. One works at the University, and the other lives in Toronto. I don't let the fact that I oppose their lifestyle get in the way of me making them friends of mine. I had another friend who was a lesbian and lived in Germany, I got a real good insight into how a homosexual mind works before she got all uppity with me earlier this year. You remind me a bit of her, come to think of it.

You breed intolerance when you force yourselves on a faith that doesn't condone your way of life. When you want to get married, you must force a priest or a pastor to go against everything the Bible teaches in order to marry you. Gee, for people who are so proud of what they are doing, you seem quite insecure about yourselves.
You completely missed the point. I didn't even mention citizenship. So your argument is a non sequitur off the bat. If you marry for the sake of wealth, the commitment to your partner would be pointless. If you really married for love, then I have no doubt the commitment would be genuine. But to hear the homosexuals side of it, it's all about material wealth and acquisition of property under bonds of matrimony. It makes be doubt with every fiber of my being that gay marriage shares anything in common with the practice, I doubt the commitment as well.

Why must they make a show of it? Homosexuality is an inherent aberration in the human species. I don't discriminate against them, I don't hate them, but I do oppose their way of life.

You obviously haven't been listening to the gay and lesbian "side" of it if that's the conclusion you came to.

It's about being treated equally period. There are certain rights, benefits and protections that are associated with civil marriage. We want those same rights, benefits and protections for our families that heterosexual families have. If you wish to limit those rights, benefits and protections for everyone, go right ahead, but then it just looks like you're filling the pool so the black kids can't swim.

Yes, you do wish to discriminate against "them" if you wish to deny us marriage equality. That is, by definition, discrimination.

Actually, I have friends who are gay. One works at the University, and the other lives in Toronto. I don't let the fact that I oppose their lifestyle get in the way of me making them friends of mine. I had another friend who was a lesbian and lived in Germany, I got a real good insight into how a homosexual mind works before she got all uppity with me earlier this year. You remind me a bit of her, come to think of it.

You breed intolerance when you force yourselves on a faith that doesn't condone your way of life. When you want to get married, you must force a priest or a pastor to go against everything the Bible teaches in order to marry you. Gee, for people who are so proud of what they are doing, you seem quite insecure about yourselves.
Gays live in Pretend Land. That is why Halloween is their favorite holiday and drag shows a favorite entertainment. They can pretend that men are really women and vice versa. Unfortunately this inability to see reality extends to the political arena as well. So the fact that "gay" is less descriptive than left handed does not bar them from making comparisons to the legitimate civil rights struggle. The fact that they enjoy exactly the same civil rights as any straight person does not relieve them of the burden of being constantly offended.
I dont like to use the word Gay to describe homosexuals.... Why? Because Gay means happy and not one I have met is happy. I also despise the fact that they take a completely innocent word and twist it to be something else.
My partner and I have several "contracts" involving property. No marriage license needed. But there is paperwork involved.

I found that statement to be revealing (no pun intended). Is it really about marriage for homosexuals? Or is it all about the attainment of wealth? Is marriage just a tool for them? A path to material satisfaction?

Interesting proposition is it not?
Its about harming the Church....Thats all. They hate the idea that people CANT be forced to approve of their lifestyle. The progressives go along cause it helps destroy the family model. Yes I know this sounds crazy but every time homo's are given the chance for civil unions that give them ALL THE SAME MONETARY RIGHTS they spit it back at the state.

The basic Unit of society is not the Individual, it is the Family.
I dont like to use the word Gay to describe homosexuals.... Why? Because Gay means happy and not one I have met is happy. I also despise the fact that they take a completely innocent word and twist it to be something else.

I know quite a few happy gay people. Guess we cancel each other out.
I dont like to use the word Gay to describe homosexuals.... Why? Because Gay means happy and not one I have met is happy. I also despise the fact that they take a completely innocent word and twist it to be something else.

I know quite a few happy gay people. Guess we cancel each other out.

You know happy happy people? Gay means Happy it does not mean homosexual. Oh and a rainbow is a rainbow not a bath house.
I dont like to use the word Gay to describe homosexuals.... Why? Because Gay means happy and not one I have met is happy. I also despise the fact that they take a completely innocent word and twist it to be something else.

I know quite a few happy gay people. Guess we cancel each other out.

You know happy happy people? Gay means Happy it does not mean homosexual. Oh and a rainbow is a rainbow not a bath house.

I beg to differ, as "gay" - in modern society (ie the time period in which you and I live) - is now a synonym for "homosexual". Words change over time.

Society determines that, not you.
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