Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?

I'm not implying that. I've said it explicitly here many many times. And it is true. They are asking for something straight people cannot do either. That makes them special.

Rabbi, when gay-marriage is legalized I assure you that allstraight adult individuals will have the ability to partake in a same-sex union if they wish to do so.

That right will be given to all individuals within the society. This is not a case of "special treatment".

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I'm not implying that. I've said it explicitly here many many times. And it is true. They are asking for something straight people cannot do either. That makes them special.

Rabbi, when gay-marriage is legalized I assure that ALL straight people will be able to partake in a same-sex union if they wish to do so.

That right will be given to all individuals within the society. This is not a case of "special treatment".


Sure about that? I'm not. Maybe there should be a test or something. But currently gays have every right that straight people have. You are correct that legalizing that abomination will result in straights also having the same rights. So it is not an issue of rights at all.
I'm not implying that. I've said it explicitly here many many times. And it is true. They are asking for something straight people cannot do either. That makes them special.

Rabbi, when gay-marriage is legalized I assure that ALL straight people will be able to partake in a same-sex union if they wish to do so.

That right will be given to all individuals within the society. This is not a case of "special treatment".


Sure about that? I'm not. Maybe there should be a test or something. But currently gays have every right that straight people have. You are correct that legalizing that abomination will result in straights also having the same rights. So it is not an issue of rights at all.

My question is - what "special rights" are gays asking for that straight people won't also have access to?
Rabbi, when gay-marriage is legalized I assure that ALL straight people will be able to partake in a same-sex union if they wish to do so.

That right will be given to all individuals within the society. This is not a case of "special treatment".


Sure about that? I'm not. Maybe there should be a test or something. But currently gays have every right that straight people have. You are correct that legalizing that abomination will result in straights also having the same rights. So it is not an issue of rights at all.

My question is - what "special rights" are gays asking for that straight people won't also have access to?
True. Whether they are gay or straight. Similarly people who are planning on marrying those already married, people who are planning on marrying underage persons, and people who are planning on marrying close relatives are also not afforded a legal marriage license.

I fail to see any discrimination. Unless you think we should just issue marriage licenses to anyone who asks for it. accept gender discrimination.

Deflection fail.

How is it a deflection? Is it the truth. It's all about the gender of the person you wish to marry. No law stops a gay man from marrying a gay woman. So it's not the gayness of the person applying, it's about the gender of who they are applying with.

Gender discrimination.
Sure about that? I'm not. Maybe there should be a test or something. But currently gays have every right that straight people have. You are correct that legalizing that abomination will result in straights also having the same rights. So it is not an issue of rights at all.

My question is - what "special rights" are gays asking for that straight people won't also have access to?

So, there ARE no special rights gay couples are asking for. Thanks for the confirmation. I wonder if Bootlicker will see your post.
Sure about that? I'm not. Maybe there should be a test or something. But currently gays have every right that straight people have. You are correct that legalizing that abomination will result in straights also having the same rights. So it is not an issue of rights at all.

My question is - what "special rights" are gays asking for that straight people won't also have access to?

wow you are fucking stupid. It doesnt matter, eventually the nation will pass by people like you.
therefore arguing over this issue with you is meaningless. Your opinion no longer matters.
My question is - what "special rights" are gays asking for that straight people won't also have access to?

wow you are fucking stupid. It doesnt matter, eventually the nation will pass by people like you.
therefore arguing over this issue with you is meaningless. Your opinion no longer matters.

Keep beating that drum, Sparky.
File:Constitutional bans on same-sex unions types US.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tell me again what rights gay people are denied?

Is it something Obabble thought up to get your vote?
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Tell me again what rights gay people are denied?

Is it something Obabble thought up to get your vote?

Gay people are unable to marry a person of the same sex. That's what they're unable to do, and that's what they're fighting to achieve.

I can care less what other people do with their lives so long as it doesn't hurt others; not sure why others are so concerned.

We should live in a society with less rules and regulations vs. more.

Small gov't is the most noble way to run things because it empowers the individual.

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You obviously haven't been listening to the gay and lesbian "side" of it if that's the conclusion you came to.

It's about being treated equally period. There are certain rights, benefits and protections that are associated with civil marriage. We want those same rights, benefits and protections for our families that heterosexual families have. If you wish to limit those rights, benefits and protections for everyone, go right ahead, but then it just looks like you're filling the pool so the black kids can't swim.

Yes, you do wish to discriminate against "them" if you wish to deny us marriage equality. That is, by definition, discrimination.

Thats is the biggest lie yet? You gays want more than being treated equal, you want to be trated as special. Go ahead and try to deny it. be allowed to marry as straight people already do is.....special. How so? Please explain how to be allowed to do what other law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are allowed to do is somehow "special".

You were already allowed to "marry as straight people do" :bang3: that all you've got? You can't answer the question, can you?

recognizing sexual orientation as a protected civil rights minority classification,

Thats not equal...thats special

Equality is how one is treated by the government. By allowing one group of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens the protections and benefits afforded by a marriage license but NOT allowing another group of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens the same rights is discrimination. BTW...this is a gender discrimination issue. This discrimination is based on the gender of who you wish to get a marriage license with.

Nice way to avoid addressing my example you wanted, next time you cut and paste a statement you should link to the author of it.
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wow you are fucking stupid. It doesnt matter, eventually the nation will pass by people like you.
therefore arguing over this issue with you is meaningless. Your opinion no longer matters.

Keep beating that drum, Sparky.
File:Constitutional bans on same-sex unions types US.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Don't you love libtard "logic"? Basic nature dictates they will always be the minority (based on the fact that they can't procreate). But they wake up every day believing tomorrow will be the day that gay people rule the world... :lmao:
Tell me again what rights gay people are denied?

Is it something Obabble thought up to get your vote?

Gay people are unable to marry a person of the same sex. That's what they're unable to do, and that's what they're fighting to achieve.

I can care less what other people do with their lives so long as it doesn't hurt others; not sure why others are so concerned.

We should live in a society with less rules and regulations vs. more.

Small gov't is the most noble way to run things because it empowers the individual.

I agree! But Dumbocrats are demanding MORE government and demanding that government jump into bed with them....
Tell me again what rights gay people are denied?

Is it something Obabble thought up to get your vote?

Gay people are unable to marry a person of the same sex. That's what they're unable to do, and that's what they're fighting to achieve.

I can care less what other people do with their lives so long as it doesn't hurt others; not sure why others are so concerned.

We should live in a society with less rules and regulations vs. more.

Small gov't is the most noble way to run things because it empowers the individual.


Gays should accept that marriage is not a institution applicable to their situation. Accept civil unions with equal rights that marriage provides. You get your rights ...we get to keep the sanctity of marriage.
Tell me again what rights gay people are denied?

Is it something Obabble thought up to get your vote?

Gay people are unable to marry a person of the same sex. That's what they're unable to do, and that's what they're fighting to achieve.

I can care less what other people do with their lives so long as it doesn't hurt others; not sure why others are so concerned.

We should live in a society with less rules and regulations vs. more.

Small gov't is the most noble way to run things because it empowers the individual.


Gays should accept that marriage is not a institution applicable to their situation. Accept civil unions with equal rights that marriage provides. You get your rights ...we get to keep the sanctity of marriage.

They don't want that because we are not forced to except their lifestyle
I agree! But Dumbocrats are demanding MORE government and demanding that government jump into bed with them....

Well, I agree a lot of Dems do argue for more gov't in many respects (but so do the Repubs, don't forget - ie Patriot Act, NDAA 2013)...

But when it comes to marriage, it's the Republicans who want to restrict our options as adult citizens.

More options:
Adult can choose to marry either a same sex or opposite sex partner.

Less options:
Adult can only choose to marry an opposite sex partner.

Tell me again what rights gay people are denied?

Is it something Obabble thought up to get your vote?

Gay people are unable to marry a person of the same sex. That's what they're unable to do, and that's what they're fighting to achieve.

I can care less what other people do with their lives so long as it doesn't hurt others; not sure why others are so concerned.

We should live in a society with less rules and regulations vs. more.

Small gov't is the most noble way to run things because it empowers the individual.

First off I have never seen a law or statute that prevents gay people from marrying people of the same sex. There isn't one.
Second, many states have voted in constitutional provisions defining marriage as one man, one woman. That is small government in action.
Third, you want to take that power away from voting individuals and allow the central gov't to dictate what should and shouldn't be the law.
That makes you a big ole hypocrite.

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