Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?

No, problem. I was a republican for decades, before they went crazy, so I can relate. Hell I voted for every republican who ran for president from Ford, and did not stop until Bush (the sequel)!
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Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.

Do pedophiles ask to be different? Just asking. How about those attracted to their own family members? Or sociopaths?
No, problem. I was a republican for decades, before they went crazy, so I can relate. Hell I voted for every republican who ran for president from Ford, and did not stop until Bush (the sequel)!
If only I could vote for a 3rd party and it make a difference.
Well, the two most successful 3rd party runs in my life time were George Wallace and Ross Perot, so I wouldn't count on it....
Well, the two most successful 3rd party runs in my life time were George Wallace and Ross Perot, so I wouldn't count on it....
Exactly, the country won't accept them even though there are some sound ideas outside of the two party system.

I'm curious to see what this thread says tomorrow.
"Religious brainwashing"? :lol:

Hey dumb ass, I grew up in a home with zero religion. To this day, I have never seen either of my parents attend a single religious service.

Second, I'm "inflexible" because I recognize marriage for what it is? :lol: That's some vintage libtard "logic" there.

I've seen a thousand vows in my day, and never once did they include anything about a contract. Each one of them included things about love, cherish, honor, commitment, etc.

You seem to think marriage only happens in a church the ceremony performed by a clergy.

You are of course wrong but don't let that bother you.

The legal definition of marriage clearly states that it is a contract

That is not the issue here for anyone but you.

Exposing your profound ignorance is both easy and fun....




1.The formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.
2.A relationship between married people or the period for which it lasts.

Show me anywhere in this official definition where you see the word "contract" ass-wipe. Furthermore, do you see where it says "typically recognized by law"? Well that completely blows your ignorant theory on "legal contract" out of the water dumb-ass, as a legal contract is ALWAYS recognized by the law you buffoon.

Are you ready to be a big boy yet admit you spoke out of your ass, or is your ignorance only exceeded by your arrogance?

Game. Set. Match bitch....


Where was that definition from?

marriage legal definition of marriage. marriage synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Marriage is a legally sanctioned contract

Marriage - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law

Some states do not have the opposite sex clause in their legal definitions of the marriage contract some do that is the issue here not that marriage is a contract but rather not allowing some people to enter that contract with the person of their choice..
"There could be another 700 responses and still not a single sane comment by a conservative as to why same-sex couples should not be allowed to access marriage law."

You will not accept any comment sane or otherwise. There is no need or reason for same sex "marriage". You can get all your rights by other means through civil unions...recognized by Caesar but not by God. Stop asking God to give you what He never intended you have. You are much like spoiled children of goofy LIBTARDS.

Oral sex has no "reason or need" either. Should we ban that?

Just because you don't love a man, what gives you the right to say another man or woman cannot want to marry a person of the same sex?

And for that matter, what gives the GOVERNMENT the right to determine who we can and can't marry?

And which God are we asking? YOUR God? Or mine? Who do atheists or Buddhists ask?

This is a country of freedoms. I thought conservatives believed in that.

Its not your place to define or determine what 2 people can marry.
It certainly isn't the governments place to determine that.
And in a country that has separation of church and state, and freedom of religion, if 2 people love each other, and THEIR God- or lack of one- approves, then whats the problem?

Proof of my point.
Im just asking this as part of my year long "waking the fuck up" from my years in the conservative/Republican cocoon.

I can't bring myself to any logical or rational reason why...if my neighbor was a woman, and she had romantic love for another woman, and had no desire to ever be with any other person, and the two wanted to share and celebrate the same love as my other married neighbors......WHY cant they? Why cant they have a wedding album? And cake? And all that comes with it?

I believe in God. I think God made them that way. I am very attracted to women. If my man-parts fell off, and I woke up with the other parts tomorrow, I'd be a lesbian. That's just fact.

I don't think its the job or role of the government to make that decision. I think the church and government are separate, and should stay that way. If a couple find a church that will marry them, whose business is it other than theirs and that church?

We should NEVER force any church to marry a couple they don't believe should be. Nor should we deny a church the right to marry 2 people that the church feels is proper.
Completely agree.

It's also interesting to note that some churches are changing their philosophy. I do not know if they marry same-sex couples, but I do know the Lutheran Church has split in two, and allows gay pastors.

More and more churches are changing their philosophy as they find their memberships dwindling. The most often cited reason young people are shunning church (not religion, church) is the intolerance they experience in mainstream churches.

Putnam says that in the past two decades, many young people began to view organized religion as a source of "intolerance and rigidity and doctrinaire political views," and therefore stopped going to church.

Young Americans Losing Their Religion

Consider the following facts about millennials in general:
• Seven in 10 millennials say sex between an unmarried man and woman is morally acceptable (PDF). (According to Kinnaman, young Christians are as sexually active as non-Christians.)

• Most women in their early 20s who give birth are unmarried.

• More than six in 10 millennials (including 49% of Republican millennials) support same-sex marriages.

• Six in 10 millennials say abortion should be legal (PDF), a higher proportion than found in the general population. A higher percentage say abortion services should be available in local communities.

Millennials also part ways with conservative orthodoxy on wealth distribution and caring for the environment. According to a report in The Christian Science Monitor, three out of four say that wealthy corporations and financiers have too much power and that taxes should be raised on the very wealthy, and two out of three say financial institutions should be regulated more closely. In addition, most say that creationists' view on evolution is outdated.

Why young evangelicals are leaving church
Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.

Do pedophiles ask to be different? Just asking. How about those attracted to their own family members? Or sociopaths?

Pedophiles fall into a different category because it's an example of one person violating another's rights (ie adult manipulating a child). It's therefore unallowed.

Incest is also different (and prohibited) because it produces children with serious genetic defects; again, an action that results in serious harm to another.

A gay relationship between two adults - on the other hand - does not hurt anybody.
I don't understand why so many liberals and pro-gay advocates NEED that homosexuality is a genetic trait, like being blonde or black or a male. They get so angry if you tell them that it may be a choice too. Who cares? If you defend freedom among consenting adult individuals, it doesn't matter.
More and more churches are changing their philosophy as they find their memberships dwindling. The most often cited reason young people are shunning church (not religion, church) is the intolerance they experience in mainstream churches.

Putnam says that in the past two decades, many young people began to view organized religion as a source of "intolerance and rigidity and doctrinaire political views," and therefore stopped going to church.

Young Americans Losing Their Religion

Consider the following facts about millennials in general:
• Seven in 10 millennials say sex between an unmarried man and woman is morally acceptable (PDF). (According to Kinnaman, young Christians are as sexually active as non-Christians.)

• Most women in their early 20s who give birth are unmarried.

• More than six in 10 millennials (including 49% of Republican millennials) support same-sex marriages.

• Six in 10 millennials say abortion should be legal (PDF), a higher proportion than found in the general population. A higher percentage say abortion services should be available in local communities.

Millennials also part ways with conservative orthodoxy on wealth distribution and caring for the environment. According to a report in The Christian Science Monitor, three out of four say that wealthy corporations and financiers have too much power and that taxes should be raised on the very wealthy, and two out of three say financial institutions should be regulated more closely. In addition, most say that creationists' view on evolution is outdated.

Why young evangelicals are leaving church

Ironically, in Europe, the pro-gay churches are the most struggling ones. The fact that some of them are state-owned or regulated (like Norway, UK, Sweden, Denmark) makes it very unlikely they will disappear. But figures don't lie: in Sweden only 3% attends the church weekly.

Atheists will never care about progressive churches. And social conservatives are turned off by them.
Can we table this for a couple of weeks so that we can concentrate more of our attention on important stuff, like war and peace?
Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.

Do pedophiles ask to be different? Just asking. How about those attracted to their own family members? Or sociopaths?

Pedophiles fall into a different category because it's an example of one person violating another's rights (ie adult manipulating a child). It's therefore unallowed.

Incest is also different (and prohibited) because it produces children with serious genetic defects; again, an action that results in serious harm to another.

A gay relationship between two adults - on the other hand - does not hurt anybody.


And laws prohibiting pedophilia and incestuous marriage are applied to everyone equally, no particular class of persons is singled out for exclusion; such laws are also rationally based and pursue a legitimate legislative end, unlike laws prohibiting same-sex couples’ access to marriage law.
I don't understand why so many liberals and pro-gay advocates NEED that homosexuality is a genetic trait, like being blonde or black or a male. They get so angry if you tell them that it may be a choice too. Who cares? If you defend freedom among consenting adult individuals, it doesn't matter.

It’s not a matter of ‘need,’ it's rather one of respecting statements by homosexuals themselves as to the origin of their sexual orientation.
Can we table this for a couple of weeks so that we can concentrate more of our attention on important stuff, like war and peace?

Humans have the remarkable capacity to multitask.

And that some seek to deny citizens their civil liberties is just as important an issue as any other.
I don't understand why so many liberals and pro-gay advocates NEED that homosexuality is a genetic trait, like being blonde or black or a male. They get so angry if you tell them that it may be a choice too. Who cares? If you defend freedom among consenting adult individuals, it doesn't matter.

It’s not a matter of ‘need,’ it's rather one of respecting statements by homosexuals themselves as to the origin of their sexual orientation.

No it isn't. If that was all it was no one would argue with people who say they chose their sexual orientation. The reason they want sexual preference to be an immutable trait is that is the only way federal law can be stretched to cover it. Even a pretend law buff should understand that.
Can we table this for a couple of weeks so that we can concentrate more of our attention on important stuff, like war and peace?

Humans have the remarkable capacity to multitask.

And that some seek to deny citizens their civil liberties is just as important an issue as any other.

Humans have a remarkable ability to lie to themselves. No one can effectively multitask because our brains cannot concentrate on more than one thing at a time. The really great thinkers are the ones that understand that and compartmentalize their thinking.

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