Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?

Call it whatever you like... the more you denigrate the legitimate feelings and positions of the vast majority of folks who do NOT share your atypical and unnatural behaviors and practices, the more enemies and adversaries and opponents you make...

And the beauty of that is, YOU are doing THEIR job FOR them... mustering and focusing additional resistance and resentment...

It's a Win-Win situation for your adversaries...

Get used to the idea of having a (legalistic and political) target on your chest, 'cause I think your times-a-comin', and that fairly quickly, as history measures time...
tongue_smile.gif are mad that gay people exist and want the same rights as any other law-abiding, tax-paying citizen? A bummer, dude. A real bummer you don't get to oppress people you find icky.
Tell us what it is that homosexuality accomplishes for the general good of the entire society.

The same why heterosexuality accomplishes for the general good for the entire society.

If you those. They are the same.
"If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

Living in Santa Monica and driving through West Hollywood, (Boy's Town) twice a day, and working in the entertainment industry, I know a lot of GLBTQ people, and interact with them every day. Sometimes I think we in California are way ahead of the rest of the nation in understanding GLBTQ people. And, to be honest anyone out there who did not do some "experimenting" at puberty is either lying or is maladjusted today.

It is my opinion that somehow I was attracted to my wife as a person, (it may have been chemistry), that developed into love. Her flip attitude about life, and her insulting politics have kept me mesmerized for seven years. I did not make a choice, I went with the flow. I think love is a natural thing. I don't think we choose sex or sexual orientation, I think it chooses us.

God makes us in all kinds of ways...with all sorts of proclivities...and then He theoretically gave us the same set of guidelines regardless of different proclivities...the nuns described them as "crosses to bear on the journey to heaven". Hallelujah!!!

Tell you what though, the gays are getting a hell of a lot more sex than we do. When I think of the hours I spent listening to women empty their heads as I bought them drinks.

These gay guys can be in and out of a bar in minutes. Evidently, some times they barely even catch the names of their hookups. I guess the whole thing depends on instant sexual attraction, and off they head to a bed. I'm told that on the ride home they often list their bedroom preferences to each other. What can we straight guys do to modify our behavior in singles bars? Well, it is too late for me, my single days are over. Thank God!

This sequence ran in prime time on last seasons The New Normal. Audience reaction? Nothing but high ratings.
We at advertising agencies watch these trends very closely. Gays have a lot of discretionary income.
America has grown up!​
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Wow! I must be less open in my sexuality than I thought.

I am male. I am Moderately Republican.

I could never choose to be with a man. In fact, it wouldn't be physically possible.

It seems several believe they could make that choice.

It does make one wonder, doesn't it?
Living in Santa Monica and driving through West Hollywood, (Boy's Town) twice a day, and working in the entertainment industry, I know a lot of GLBTQ people, and interact with them every day. Sometimes I think we in California are way ahead of the rest of the nation in understanding GLBTQ people. And, to be honest anyone out there who did not do some "experimenting" at puberty is either lying or is maladjusted today.

It is my opinion that somehow I was attracted to my wife as a person, (it may have been chemistry), that developed into love. Her flip attitude about life, and her insulting politics have kept me mesmerized for seven years. I did not make a choice, I went with the flow. I think love is a natural thing. I don't think we choose sex or sexual orientation, I think it chooses us.

God makes us in all kinds of ways...with all sorts of proclivities...and then He theoretically gave us the same set of guidelines regardless of different proclivities...the nuns described them as "crosses to bear on the journey to heaven". Hallelujah!!!

Tell you what though, the gays are getting a hell of a lot more sex than we do. When I think of the hours I spent listening to women empty their heads as I bought them drinks.

These gay guys can be in and out of a bar in minutes. Evidently, some times they barely even catch the names of their hookups. I guess the whole thing depends on instant sexual attraction, and off they head to a bed. I'm told that on the ride home they often list their bedroom preferences to each other. What can we straight guys do to modify our behavior in singles bars? Well, it is too late for me, my single days are over. Thank God!

This sequence ran in prime time on last seasons The New Normal. Audience reaction? Nothing but high ratings.
We at straights at advertising agencies watch these trends very closely. America has grown up!​

I got news for's not a gay's a guy thing. Think about it....guy X guy....what did you THINK you would get?
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Lol again scotus ruled you are wrong. They are being denied rights.

This attempt to reverse the issue isnt going to work. You are wrong, and society sooner or later will shun people like you. They will have a good reason too.

If society shuns people who have a moral and ethical compass, then society is doomed.

A society of "anything goes" is a doomed society. History proves it.

no, not its fucking simpleton.

yes, yes it bigger fucking simpleton

Apparently libtards like Plasmaball are getting dumber by the minute. How anyone could believe that a society of "anything goes" would not be guaranteed to be doomed defies all basic logic.

Anything goes means rape libtard. Means murder. Means mobs.

God you are so profoundly fuck'n STUPID Plasmaball.... :bang3:
Gays should have the same rights as everyone else.

They already do, and always have.

The problem rests with those who seek to deny homosexuals their rights.

No one is denying them shit try to stop being a dishonest hack


Proof of those seeking to deny homosexuals their civil liberties can be found in this very thread, see post #700, for example.

Proof of those seeking to deny homosexuals their civil liberties can be found in Proposition 8, which sought to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights.

Proof of those seeking to deny homosexuals their civil liberties can be found in DOMA, which authorized the Federal government to discriminate against same-sex couples.

Proof of those seeking to deny homosexuals their civil liberties can be found in Lawrence v. Texas, where the Supreme Court struck down a Texas law criminalizing homosexual acts.

Proof of those seeking to deny homosexuals their civil liberties can be found in Romer v. Evans, where the Supreme Court struck down a Colorado law denying homosexuals access to anti-discrimination measures.

Sadly, the list goes on; but it’s ignorant idiocy to contend that there are not currently efforts to indeed deny homosexuals their civil rights.
If society shuns people who have a moral and ethical compass, then society is doomed.

A society of "anything goes" is a doomed society. History proves it.

no, not its fucking simpleton.

yes, yes it bigger fucking simpleton

Apparently libtards like Plasmaball are getting dumber by the minute. How anyone could believe that a society of "anything goes" would not be guaranteed to be doomed defies all basic logic.

Anything goes means rape libtard. Means murder. Means mobs.

God you are so profoundly fuck'n STUPID Plasmaball.... :bang3:

there has never been a society like this.
God makes us in all kinds of ways...with all sorts of proclivities...and then He theoretically gave us the same set of guidelines regardless of different proclivities...the nuns described them as "crosses to bear on the journey to heaven". Hallelujah!!!

Tell you what though, the gays are getting a hell of a lot more sex than we do. When I think of the hours I spent listening to women empty their heads as I bought them drinks.

These gay guys can be in and out of a bar in minutes. Evidently, some times they barely even catch the names of their hookups. I guess the whole thing depends on instant sexual attraction, and off they head to a bed. I'm told that on the ride home they often list their bedroom preferences to each other. What can we straight guys do to modify our behavior in singles bars? Well, it is too late for me, my single days are over. Thank God!

This sequence ran in prime time on last seasons The New Normal. Audience reaction? Nothing but high ratings.
We at straights at advertising agencies watch these trends very closely. America has grown up!​

I got news for's not a gay's a guy thing. Think about it....guy X guy....what did you THINK you would get?

I have no expectations on this subject other than I am in the entertainment industry which is heavily gay and lesbian. It is also heavily Jewish, as a WASP I make it my business to know as much about both groups as possible. The better I understand GLBTQ, the better I can work with my peers.

In the entertainment business everyone must bring talents to the table in order to best reach our audience. I was surprised to learn recently that the best directors of straight love scenes tend to be Lesbians. Not really that surprising when you think about it. The gay male love scenes in Brokeback Mountain were directed by an Asian Lesbian. As far as I am concerned you could leave the love scenes of movies on the cutting room floor. I don't care to see sexual situations, I make my own in real life.

However I find this interesting, but it would make sense that an Asian Lesbian might have the most objectivity in finding reality in a guy X guy, love scene. Then again, I am the guy who finds women most sexy in high collar Victorian clothing. Go figure!


It just says, "No, you can not."​
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Over 700 responses.

And not a single sane comment about why, as conservative right wingers, they support denying the right to marry another human being to people who are created by God the way they are.

And, if they are going to suggest that God creates us all with the same opposite gender sexual attraction and gays simply choose it, then it's safe to assume that every straight gun loving Republican man shares the exact same % of desire to have sex with men that gays have, but he simply chooses to be with a woman instead. But something tells me that's not the case. That sexual attraction is determined at birth, you God made people. So we cannot judge that. Or deny them the ability to marry the person (1) that they love.

I mean, I like women. And I know gay men who like men. I don't "choose" women. I am attracted to them. To suggest gay men just choose men, would imply that I have the same attraction to men that they do, and they have the same to women that I do, and we simply choose our mates. That's just not true. I have no attraction to men. And a gay friend of mine met a gorgeous former classmate of mine, and literally had absolutely no attraction to her at all.....even after she asked him out because she thought he was handsome (and didn't know he was gay).

God made each of us how we are. And if you don't believe in God, then nature made us all how we are. We cant judge one another based off that.

There could be another 700 responses and still not a single sane comment by a conservative as to why same-sex couples should not be allowed to access marriage law.
If society shuns people who have a moral and ethical compass, then society is doomed.

A society of "anything goes" is a doomed society. History proves it.

no, not its fucking simpleton.

yes, yes it bigger fucking simpleton

Apparently libtards like Plasmaball are getting dumber by the minute. How anyone could believe that a society of "anything goes" would not be guaranteed to be doomed defies all basic logic.

Anything goes means rape libtard. Means murder. Means mobs.

God you are so profoundly fuck'n STUPID Plasmaball.... :bang3:

^ Meltdown in progress.
Over 700 responses.

And not a single sane comment about why, as conservative right wingers, they support denying the right to marry another human being to people who are created by God the way they are.

And, if they are going to suggest that God creates us all with the same opposite gender sexual attraction and gays simply choose it, then it's safe to assume that every straight gun loving Republican man shares the exact same % of desire to have sex with men that gays have, but he simply chooses to be with a woman instead. But something tells me that's not the case. That sexual attraction is determined at birth, you God made people. So we cannot judge that. Or deny them the ability to marry the person (1) that they love.

I mean, I like women. And I know gay men who like men. I don't "choose" women. I am attracted to them. To suggest gay men just choose men, would imply that I have the same attraction to men that they do, and they have the same to women that I do, and we simply choose our mates. That's just not true. I have no attraction to men. And a gay friend of mine met a gorgeous former classmate of mine, and literally had absolutely no attraction to her at all.....even after she asked him out because she thought he was handsome (and didn't know he was gay).

God made each of us how we are. And if you don't believe in God, then nature made us all how we are. We cant judge one another based off that.

There could be another 700 responses and still not a single sane comment by a conservative as to why same-sex couples should not be allowed to access marriage law.
I am new here, because I wanted to see the opinions of others around the country. My state of Indiana is trying to pass an amendment to our state constitution to ban same-sex marriage even though it is not legal anyway.

I am a pro gun moderate Republican (pro gun has nothing to do with it, just responding to the gun loving comment). I consider myself that, because I am slightly more right wing. Vote for Repubs and Independents.

I agree 100% with these comments.

There will be no logical reason that can be said to not allow equality.

I have several gay friends; none chose. I did not choose to be straight. Although, I have had one gay friend that "choose" to act straight to avoid the discrimination and she was miserable with the farce.
"There could be another 700 responses and still not a single sane comment by a conservative as to why same-sex couples should not be allowed to access marriage law."

You will not accept any comment sane or otherwise. There is no need or reason for same sex "marriage". You can get all your rights by other means through civil unions...recognized by Caesar but not by God. Stop asking God to give you what He never intended you have. You are much like spoiled children of goofy LIBTARDS.
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"There could be another 700 responses and still not a single sane comment by a conservative as to why same-sex couples should not be allowed to access marriage law."

You will not accept any comment sane or otherwise. There is no need or reason for same sex "marriage". You can get all your rights by other means through civil unions...recognized by Caesar but not by God. Stop asking God to give you what He never intended you have. You are much like spoiled children of goofy LIBTARDS.
I do believe God accepts it, but let us suppose God does not.

I could be wrong as I am straight and don't want to speak for others, but I think most want the same benefits as a married couple no matter what word we use to describe it.

Do you believe they should have the same rights if they do not call it marriage? I.E. Hospital visits, adoption regulations, death benefits, tax benefits.
"There could be another 700 responses and still not a single sane comment by a conservative as to why same-sex couples should not be allowed to access marriage law."

You will not accept any comment sane or otherwise. There is no need or reason for same sex "marriage". You can get all your rights by other means through civil unions...recognized by Caesar but not by God. Stop asking God to give you what He never intended you have. You are much like spoiled children of goofy LIBTARDS. can't even it.
Being gay isn't "harmful" you bigoted fuck.

Do you know why gays are often more likely to attempt suicide or experiment with drugs?

The findings, published online today in Pediatrics, showed that lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) teens living in counties with a high proportion of gay and lesbian couples, and those who went to schools with gay-straight alliances and anti-discrimination policies, were less likely to attempt suicide than LGB teens living in less accepting environments.

Social environment linked to gay teen suicide risk

We already feel normal now, we just want the equal rights that go along with our feelings.

Not all rights are enumerated in the Constitution, surely you're aware of that right? The Supreme Court of the United States of America has declared marriage a fundamental right on no less than three occasions. In order to keep a group of people (for whom you feel great animus toward) from accessing such a fundamental right, you must be able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing them. You can't.

The ignorance is all yours. The FACTS of higher than normal drug abuse; suicide rates; sexually transmitted diseases; multiple sex partners etc. are ALL indicators of an unhappy lifestyle- this is not imaginary, but factual.

The stats you post claim a "less" likely...and the stats are NOT that favorable for so called "acceptance" by others. Suicide rates are always higher in teenage populations than adult ones. But Suicide rates in adult homosexuals is also higher than normal. I am sure it is easier for homosexuals during the brief years they are teenagers if they are not being bullied...but that goes for straight teenagers as well.

The FACT of the matter however is that the destructive behaviors homosexuals engage in continues at a higher than normal rate of their straight counterparts throughout their lives!

There is no denial of equal matter how many times you say there is. What the homosexual community wants are "special" rights based on their sexual preferences. Nothing will satisfy the real issue- which is their sexual deviation from the norm.

Again NO Constitutional right is being denied...though it is an obvious push to make marriage a Constitutional right- it does not actually exist.

The fact is when teens are in more tolerant environments, they don't commit suicide as frequently. What does that tell YOU?

Look up "Fundamental Rights".

WOW...I see you agree- but the fact is ALL teens- straight or gay, suffer bullying and higher than normal suicide rates. SO that is not an illustrative point to the facts I provided or the issue of acceptance being a key factor in the long run. We can see this since adult suicide rates; drug abuse; multiple partners; sexually transmitted diseases; depression etc among homosexuals, is also higher despite the last decade or more of "acceptance" without improvement to these factors.

The problem lies much deeper in the psyche of the homosexual as demonstrated by their destructive lifestyles and illustrated in stats.

Look up Constitutional Rights~

But again, no level of societal acceptance will ever give the homosexual what he needs. Just like no amount of alcohol will give the drunk what he needs, the pedophile what he needs, the womanizer what he needs...broken people are not "fixed" by people signing onto their brokenness.

But PC idiots and hand-wringers will continue the idiotic march of "normalization" using political mechanisms and our courts to make homosexual sex mainstream. THIS will likely succeed- BUT IT WILL NOT make homosexuals feel normal or happy as stats show.
"There could be another 700 responses and still not a single sane comment by a conservative as to why same-sex couples should not be allowed to access marriage law."

You will not accept any comment sane or otherwise. There is no need or reason for same sex "marriage". You can get all your rights by other means through civil unions...recognized by Caesar but not by God. Stop asking God to give you what He never intended you have. You are much like spoiled children of goofy LIBTARDS.

Oral sex has no "reason or need" either. Should we ban that?

Just because you don't love a man, what gives you the right to say another man or woman cannot want to marry a person of the same sex?

And for that matter, what gives the GOVERNMENT the right to determine who we can and can't marry?

And which God are we asking? YOUR God? Or mine? Who do atheists or Buddhists ask?

This is a country of freedoms. I thought conservatives believed in that.

Its not your place to define or determine what 2 people can marry.
It certainly isn't the governments place to determine that.
And in a country that has separation of church and state, and freedom of religion, if 2 people love each other, and THEIR God- or lack of one- approves, then whats the problem?
"There could be another 700 responses and still not a single sane comment by a conservative as to why same-sex couples should not be allowed to access marriage law."

You will not accept any comment sane or otherwise. There is no need or reason for same sex "marriage". You can get all your rights by other means through civil unions...recognized by Caesar but not by God. Stop asking God to give you what He never intended you have. You are much like spoiled children of goofy LIBTARDS.

I nominate this poster, who does not understand the concept of marriage as a legal state recognized contract, versus a religious marriage ceremony, the single most clueless individual on the board today!!:clap2:
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Im just asking this as part of my year long "waking the fuck up" from my years in the conservative/Republican cocoon.

I can't bring myself to any logical or rational reason why...if my neighbor was a woman, and she had romantic love for another woman, and had no desire to ever be with any other person, and the two wanted to share and celebrate the same love as my other married neighbors......WHY cant they? Why cant they have a wedding album? And cake? And all that comes with it?

I believe in God. I think God made them that way. I am very attracted to women. If my man-parts fell off, and I woke up with the other parts tomorrow, I'd be a lesbian. That's just fact.

I don't think its the job or role of the government to make that decision. I think the church and government are separate, and should stay that way. If a couple find a church that will marry them, whose business is it other than theirs and that church?

We should NEVER force any church to marry a couple they don't believe should be. Nor should we deny a church the right to marry 2 people that the church feels is proper.
Im just asking this as part of my year long "waking the fuck up" from my years in the conservative/Republican cocoon.

I can't bring myself to any logical or rational reason why...if my neighbor was a woman, and she had romantic love for another woman, and had no desire to ever be with any other person, and the two wanted to share and celebrate the same love as my other married neighbors......WHY cant they? Why cant they have a wedding album? And cake? And all that comes with it?

I believe in God. I think God made them that way. I am very attracted to women. If my man-parts fell off, and I woke up with the other parts tomorrow, I'd be a lesbian. That's just fact.

I don't think its the job or role of the government to make that decision. I think the church and government are separate, and should stay that way. If a couple find a church that will marry them, whose business is it other than theirs and that church?

We should NEVER force any church to marry a couple they don't believe should be. Nor should we deny a church the right to marry 2 people that the church feels is proper.
Completely agree.

It's also interesting to note that some churches are changing their philosophy. I do not know if they marry same-sex couples, but I do know the Lutheran Church has split in two, and allows gay pastors.

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