Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?

I see we are still plagued by ignoramuses trying to redefine the word "abnormal" to be synonymous with "wrong".
You are talking about the church side of the marriage discussion (which is separate from the public debate). This has nothing to do with the topic at hand, as (no one) to my knowledge is trying to force churches to marry gay individuals.

The church is a private institution and can do what it wants (and it should stay that way).

But when it comes to the public sphere, marriage IS just a social contract.

The church won't marry gays, yet you have to be gay to preach in a Catholic church. What would Jesus say?
What a disgusting post.... Thanks for showing that it is you liberals with the true hate.

Not his fault the Catholic Church Hierarchy is such a pool of pedophiles and pedophile enablers right now.
I never said any such thing.

What I said, is that idiotic emotionally charged PC attempts at :making normal" an abnormal deviation, would not make homosexuals gay (content) people. That they are, deep down, a broken person.

Their lifestyle is harmful DUE to the fact of its abnormality and psychological depravity.

Being gay isn't "harmful" you bigoted fuck.

Do you know why gays are often more likely to attempt suicide or experiment with drugs?

The findings, published online today in Pediatrics, showed that lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) teens living in counties with a high proportion of gay and lesbian couples, and those who went to schools with gay-straight alliances and anti-discrimination policies, were less likely to attempt suicide than LGB teens living in less accepting environments.

Social environment linked to gay teen suicide risk

We already feel normal now, we just want the equal rights that go along with our feelings.

There are no constitutional rights denied any person because they are homosexual. That is a canard tossed about on this issue from either ignorance or idiocy.

Not all rights are enumerated in the Constitution, surely you're aware of that right? The Supreme Court of the United States of America has declared marriage a fundamental right on no less than three occasions. In order to keep a group of people (for whom you feel great animus toward) from accessing such a fundamental right, you must be able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing them. You can't.

The ignorance is all yours. The FACTS of higher than normal drug abuse; suicide rates; sexually transmitted diseases; multiple sex partners etc. are ALL indicators of an unhappy lifestyle- this is not imaginary, but factual.

The stats you post claim a "less" likely...and the stats are NOT that favorable for so called "acceptance" by others. Suicide rates are always higher in teenage populations than adult ones. But Suicide rates in adult homosexuals is also higher than normal. I am sure it is easier for homosexuals during the brief years they are teenagers if they are not being bullied...but that goes for straight teenagers as well.

The FACT of the matter however is that the destructive behaviors homosexuals engage in continues at a higher than normal rate of their straight counterparts throughout their lives!

There is no denial of equal matter how many times you say there is. What the homosexual community wants are "special" rights based on their sexual preferences. Nothing will satisfy the real issue- which is their sexual deviation from the norm.

Again NO Constitutional right is being denied...though it is an obvious push to make marriage a Constitutional right- it does not actually exist.

The fact is when teens are in more tolerant environments, they don't commit suicide as frequently. What does that tell YOU?

Look up "Fundamental Rights".
I see we are still plagued by ignoramuses trying to redefine the word "abnormal" to be synonymous with "wrong".

They used to do that to abnormal left-handed people too.

But they never prevented them from marrying each other. Convicted murderers on death row are fine to get married because theirs is a "normal" marriage, but not loving committed same sex couples. :rolleyes:
I see we are still plagued by ignoramuses trying to redefine the word "abnormal" to be synonymous with "wrong".

They used to do that to abnormal left-handed people too.

Last anybody looked, there is no condemnation of Left-Handed Behavior in the Sacred Texts of most of the world's mainstream religions...

Fudge-packing (and by extension, carpet-munching), though, well...

Muslims (Iranians) don't hang Left-Handed Folk...

They do, however, hang their 'Abnormals' in this context...
I see we are still plagued by ignoramuses trying to redefine the word "abnormal" to be synonymous with "wrong".

They used to do that to abnormal left-handed people too.

Last anybody looked, there is no condemnation of Left-Handed Behavior in the Sacred Texts of most of the world's mainstream religions...

Fudge-packing (and by extension, carpet-munching), though, well...

Muslims (Iranians) don't hang Left-Handed Folk...

They do, however, hang their 'Abnormals' in this context...

Southpaws, lefties, sinistrals. All these terms describe a misunderstood group of people: left-handers. Lefties have been unfairly treated for hundreds of years.

Enmity against left-handers is thought to have begun with ancient sun worship. Most of these sun worshippers lived in the Northern Hemisphere and faced south when worshipping the sun. Under these conditions, the sun appears to move from left to right. Since the sun moved toward the right, ancient peoples saw everything related to the right "good" and everything having to do with the left as "bad."

The Bible contains about 25 unfavorable references to the left hand. In the best known example, in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says: "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations: And he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, 'Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.' ... Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, 'Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.'" (Matthew 25:31-34, 41)

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Over 700 responses.

And not a single sane comment about why, as conservative right wingers, they support denying the right to marry another human being to people who are created by God the way they are.

And, if they are going to suggest that God creates us all with the same opposite gender sexual attraction and gays simply choose it, then it's safe to assume that every straight gun loving Republican man shares the exact same % of desire to have sex with men that gays have, but he simply chooses to be with a woman instead. But something tells me that's not the case. That sexual attraction is determined at birth, you God made people. So we cannot judge that. Or deny them the ability to marry the person (1) that they love.

I mean, I like women. And I know gay men who like men. I don't "choose" women. I am attracted to them. To suggest gay men just choose men, would imply that I have the same attraction to men that they do, and they have the same to women that I do, and we simply choose our mates. That's just not true. I have no attraction to men. And a gay friend of mine met a gorgeous former classmate of mine, and literally had absolutely no attraction to her at all.....even after she asked him out because she thought he was handsome (and didn't know he was gay).

God made each of us how we are. And if you don't believe in God, then nature made us all how we are. We cant judge one another based off that.
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I see we are still plagued by ignoramuses trying to redefine the word "abnormal" to be synonymous with "wrong".

They used to do that to abnormal left-handed people too.

Last anybody looked, there is no condemnation of Left-Handed Behavior in the Sacred Texts of most of the world's mainstream religions...

Fudge-packing (and by extension, carpet-munching), though, well...

Muslims (Iranians) don't hang Left-Handed Folk...

They do, however, hang their 'Abnormals' in this context...

In most mainstream religions, the left side was the side of the Devil....the Sinister (which means 'left') Left-handed people were more likely to be thought of as witches or heretics and persecuted. Children were punished for using their left hand as dominant....way up til modern times. In some cultures, you showed that you were left-handed at your own peril.
Mainstream religions are actually mainstream superstitions. Consequently, gay people should have the right to marry uinless a black cat crosses their path.
I never said any such thing.

What I said, is that idiotic emotionally charged PC attempts at :making normal" an abnormal deviation, would not make homosexuals gay (content) people. That they are, deep down, a broken person.

Their lifestyle is harmful DUE to the fact of its abnormality and psychological depravity.

Being gay isn't "harmful" you bigoted fuck.

Do you know why gays are often more likely to attempt suicide or experiment with drugs?

The findings, published online today in Pediatrics, showed that lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) teens living in counties with a high proportion of gay and lesbian couples, and those who went to schools with gay-straight alliances and anti-discrimination policies, were less likely to attempt suicide than LGB teens living in less accepting environments.

Social environment linked to gay teen suicide risk

We already feel normal now, we just want the equal rights that go along with our feelings.

There are no constitutional rights denied any person because they are homosexual. That is a canard tossed about on this issue from either ignorance or idiocy.

Not all rights are enumerated in the Constitution, surely you're aware of that right? The Supreme Court of the United States of America has declared marriage a fundamental right on no less than three occasions. In order to keep a group of people (for whom you feel great animus toward) from accessing such a fundamental right, you must be able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing them. You can't.

The ignorance is all yours. The FACTS of higher than normal drug abuse; suicide rates; sexually transmitted diseases; multiple sex partners etc. are ALL indicators of an unhappy lifestyle- this is not imaginary, but factual.

The stats you post claim a "less" likely...and the stats are NOT that favorable for so called "acceptance" by others. Suicide rates are always higher in teenage populations than adult ones. But Suicide rates in adult homosexuals is also higher than normal. I am sure it is easier for homosexuals during the brief years they are teenagers if they are not being bullied...but that goes for straight teenagers as well.

The FACT of the matter however is that the destructive behaviors homosexuals engage in continues at a higher than normal rate of their straight counterparts throughout their lives!

There is no denial of equal matter how many times you say there is. What the homosexual community wants are "special" rights based on their sexual preferences. Nothing will satisfy the real issue- which is their sexual deviation from the norm.

Again NO Constitutional right is being denied...though it is an obvious push to make marriage a Constitutional right- it does not actually exist.

Lol again scotus ruled you are wrong. They are being denied rights.

This attempt to reverse the issue isnt going to work. You are wrong, and society sooner or later will shun people like you. They will have a good reason too.
Being gay isn't "harmful" you bigoted fuck.

Do you know why gays are often more likely to attempt suicide or experiment with drugs?

The findings, published online today in Pediatrics, showed that lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) teens living in counties with a high proportion of gay and lesbian couples, and those who went to schools with gay-straight alliances and anti-discrimination policies, were less likely to attempt suicide than LGB teens living in less accepting environments.

Social environment linked to gay teen suicide risk

We already feel normal now, we just want the equal rights that go along with our feelings.

Not all rights are enumerated in the Constitution, surely you're aware of that right? The Supreme Court of the United States of America has declared marriage a fundamental right on no less than three occasions. In order to keep a group of people (for whom you feel great animus toward) from accessing such a fundamental right, you must be able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing them. You can't.

The ignorance is all yours. The FACTS of higher than normal drug abuse; suicide rates; sexually transmitted diseases; multiple sex partners etc. are ALL indicators of an unhappy lifestyle- this is not imaginary, but factual.

The stats you post claim a "less" likely...and the stats are NOT that favorable for so called "acceptance" by others. Suicide rates are always higher in teenage populations than adult ones. But Suicide rates in adult homosexuals is also higher than normal. I am sure it is easier for homosexuals during the brief years they are teenagers if they are not being bullied...but that goes for straight teenagers as well.

The FACT of the matter however is that the destructive behaviors homosexuals engage in continues at a higher than normal rate of their straight counterparts throughout their lives!

There is no denial of equal matter how many times you say there is. What the homosexual community wants are "special" rights based on their sexual preferences. Nothing will satisfy the real issue- which is their sexual deviation from the norm.

Again NO Constitutional right is being denied...though it is an obvious push to make marriage a Constitutional right- it does not actually exist.

Lol again scotus ruled you are wrong. They are being denied rights.

This attempt to reverse the issue isnt going to work. You are wrong, and society sooner or later will shun people like you. They will have a good reason too.

If society shuns people who have a moral and ethical compass, then society is doomed.

A society of "anything goes" is a doomed society. History proves it.
The ignorance is all yours. The FACTS of higher than normal drug abuse; suicide rates; sexually transmitted diseases; multiple sex partners etc. are ALL indicators of an unhappy lifestyle- this is not imaginary, but factual.

The stats you post claim a "less" likely...and the stats are NOT that favorable for so called "acceptance" by others. Suicide rates are always higher in teenage populations than adult ones. But Suicide rates in adult homosexuals is also higher than normal. I am sure it is easier for homosexuals during the brief years they are teenagers if they are not being bullied...but that goes for straight teenagers as well.

The FACT of the matter however is that the destructive behaviors homosexuals engage in continues at a higher than normal rate of their straight counterparts throughout their lives!

There is no denial of equal matter how many times you say there is. What the homosexual community wants are "special" rights based on their sexual preferences. Nothing will satisfy the real issue- which is their sexual deviation from the norm.

Again NO Constitutional right is being denied...though it is an obvious push to make marriage a Constitutional right- it does not actually exist.

Lol again scotus ruled you are wrong. They are being denied rights.

This attempt to reverse the issue isnt going to work. You are wrong, and society sooner or later will shun people like you. They will have a good reason too.

If society shuns people who have a moral and ethical compass, then society is doomed.

A society of "anything goes" is a doomed society. History proves it.

Oh? People that opposed interracial marriage thought they were on the "moral" side too. They weren't.
Ya just gotta love all these 'Equivalencies' that the Gay Folk serve-up in defense of their status and their behaviors...

It's no worse than being left-handed...

It's no worse than interracial marriage...

It's no worse than being a Jew or Communist in pre-Holocaust Germany...

And on and on and on...

Unfortunately for Gay Folk, the Left-Handers and Interracialists and Jews and Communists were not condemned in the Holy Books and Teachings of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and the societies populated by adherents of those religions did not pass draconian laws centuries ago, criminalizing such behaviors and in some cases even making such behaviors a capital offense - a stoning or hanging offense...

The so-called 'Equivalancies' and 'Similarities' and 'Analogies' begin to break down and disintegrate quickly once that philosophical threshhold is crossed...

And we have, at present, a secular government administration that is so far divorced from the religious and cultural beliefs of vast numbers of its constitutiency so as to set laws into motion that are almost certainly going to result in legal and other troubles in the years to come...

Nature, and The People, have a way of setting things right, whenever the government over-reaches...

Time will reveal whether there is any merit in conjuring such a likelihood, in this context...
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Ya just gotta love all these 'Equivalencies' that the Gay Folk serve-up in defense of their status and their behaviors...

It's no worse than being left-handed...

It's no worse than interracial marriage...

It's no worse than being a Jew or Communist in pre-Holocaust Germany...

And on and on and on...

Unfortunately for Gay Folk, the Left-Handers and Interracialists and Jews and Communists were not condemned in the Holy Books and Teachings of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and the societies populated by adherents of those religions did not pass draconian laws centuries ago, criminalizing such behaviors and in some cases even making such behaviors a capital offense - a stoning or hanging offense...

The so-called 'Equivalancies' and 'Similarities' and 'Analogies' begin to break down and disintegrate quickly once that philosophical threshhold is crossed...

And we have, at present, a secular government administration that is so far divorced from the religious and cultural beliefs of vast numbers of its constitutiency so as to set laws into motion that are almost certainly going to result in legal and other troubles in the years to come...

Nature, and The People, have a way of setting things right, whenever the government over-reaches...

Time will reveal whether there is any merit in conjuring such a likelihood, in this context...

Your book of parables has nothing to do with the laws of this country. Your Church is free to discriminate until they run out of parishioners, the government cannot.
Ya just gotta love all these 'Equivalencies' that the Gay Folk serve-up in defense of their status and their behaviors...

It's no worse than being left-handed...

It's no worse than interracial marriage...

It's no worse than being a Jew or Communist in pre-Holocaust Germany...

And on and on and on...

Unfortunately for Gay Folk, the Left-Handers and Interracialists and Jews and Communists were not condemned in the Holy Books and Teachings of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and the societies populated by adherents of those religions did not pass draconian laws centuries ago, criminalizing such behaviors and in some cases even making such behaviors a capital offense - a stoning or hanging offense...

The so-called 'Equivalancies' and 'Similarities' and 'Analogies' begin to break down and disintegrate quickly once that philosophical threshhold is crossed...

And we have, at present, a secular government administration that is so far divorced from the religious and cultural beliefs of vast numbers of its constitutiency so as to set laws into motion that are almost certainly going to result in legal and other troubles in the years to come...

Nature, and The People, have a way of setting things right, whenever the government over-reaches...

Time will reveal whether there is any merit in conjuring such a likelihood, in this context...

I believe the problem is that your religion has no place deciding if what people do in their bedrooms has any moral implications other than for yourself. Morally it may be wrong for you. If thats the case don't be gay and you wont have an issue. In the mean time there are other humans that believe differently and should not have to deal with your religious issues.
"If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

Living in Santa Monica and driving through West Hollywood, (Boy's Town) twice a day, and working in the entertainment industry, I know a lot of GLBTQ people, and interact with them every day. Sometimes I think we in California are way ahead of the rest of the nation in understanding GLBTQ people. And, to be honest anyone out there who did not do some "experimenting" at puberty is either lying or is maladjusted today.

It is my opinion that somehow I was attracted to my wife as a person, (it may have been chemistry), that developed into love. Her flip attitude about life, and her insulting politics have kept me mesmerized for seven years. I did not make a choice, I went with the flow. I think love is a natural thing. I don't think we choose sex or sexual orientation, I think it chooses us.

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