Do gays choose to be gay? How can we refuse equal rights?

go are on the losing side, deal with it.

No, I am not on a "losing" side. I am on the right side in a lost culture. But you don't shut up at the risk of not being popular.

What I posted is factual...not emotional.

You’re on the side of hate, fear, and ignorance.

No, I am exactly where I said I am. The only ignorance is displayed by posters such as yourself who cannot address points and facts raised by those who see this issue differently.

This makes YOU the hateful ignorant bigots- not me.

Try a little research- honest clinical research.

An Open Secret: The Truth About Gay Male Couples - Joseph Nicolosi
No, I am not on a "losing" side. I am on the right side in a lost culture. But you don't shut up at the risk of not being popular.

What I posted is factual...not emotional.

You’re on the side of hate, fear, and ignorance.

No, I am exactly where I said I am. The only ignorance is displayed by posters such as yourself who cannot address points and facts raised by those who see this issue differently.

This makes YOU the hateful ignorant bigots- not me.

Try a little research- honest clinical research.

An Open Secret: The Truth About Gay Male Couples - Joseph Nicolosi


You’re attempting to contrive an argument that because the ‘gay lifestyle’ is ‘dangerous’ homosexuals should be denied their Constitutional rights and subject to punitive measures.

You’re a hateful, ignorant authoritarian, typical of most on the right.
You’re on the side of hate, fear, and ignorance.

No, I am exactly where I said I am. The only ignorance is displayed by posters such as yourself who cannot address points and facts raised by those who see this issue differently.

This makes YOU the hateful ignorant bigots- not me.

Try a little research- honest clinical research.

An Open Secret: The Truth About Gay Male Couples - Joseph Nicolosi


You’re attempting to contrive an argument that because the ‘gay lifestyle’ is ‘dangerous’ homosexuals should be denied their Constitutional rights and subject to punitive measures.

You’re a hateful, ignorant authoritarian, typical of most on the right.

I never said any such thing.

What I said, is that idiotic emotionally charged PC attempts at :making normal" an abnormal deviation, would not make homosexuals gay (content) people. That they are, deep down, a broken person.

Their lifestyle is harmful DUE to the fact of its abnormality and psychological depravity.

It might make you feel good to support "gay marriage" but it does not, and will not, fix the brokenness inside a homosexual. Indeed all of the outward trappings such as marriage to attempt normalization, has caused more harm as it will never give them a true feeling of normalcy. Numerous studies have been done that have proven this- and yet the PC crowd pushes on.

There are no constitutional rights denied any person because they are homosexual. That is a canard tossed about on this issue from either ignorance or idiocy.
Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.
if your argument is *GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY * so we should give them equal rights
well then *GOD MADE PEDIFILES THAT WAY *so we should give them equal rights to
Gays should have the same rights as everyone else.

they have free speech same as everyone else
they have freedom of religion same as everyone else
they have liberty same as everyone else
they have all the first amendment stuff everyone else has
they have all the 2nd amendment stuff everybody else has
they have the right to vote like every other citizen has
No, I am not on a "losing" side. I am on the right side in a lost culture. But you don't shut up at the risk of not being popular.

What I posted is factual...not emotional.

You’re on the side of hate, fear, and ignorance.

No, I am exactly where I said I am. The only ignorance is displayed by posters such as yourself who cannot address points and facts raised by those who see this issue differently.

This makes YOU the hateful ignorant bigots- not me.

Try a little research- honest clinical research.

An Open Secret: The Truth About Gay Male Couples - Joseph Nicolosi

Seems the chap arrived at the wrong conclusion.


Although homosexuals do lack cultural supports, such as the freedom in every culture to marry a same-sex partner, I believe this is not the cause of gay promiscuity. I believe the central cause of gay promiscuity is to be found in the inherent sexual and emotional incompatability between two males. Men were designed for women, and when some factor—psychological, biological, or a combination of both—interferes with that wired-in design, the freedom to marry a partner of the same sex cannot change the fact that “something’s not working.”

We of course find this same incompatibility between hetrosexuals, cheating, swaping, and even base their divorce arrangements on it!!! I guess that means something is not working. And peoples relationships have more to do with the psychological nature of it, than with sex. But where there is hetero-sex, there is anal, breast, feet, hand, oral, etc. sex taking place. In the extremist role of hetero-sex, according to the logic of your author, only rape is allowed for procreation, or it is not working!!:eusa_whistle:
Gays should have the same rights as everyone else.

they have free speech same as everyone else
they have freedom of religion same as everyone else
they have liberty same as everyone else
they have all the first amendment stuff everyone else has
they have all the 2nd amendment stuff everybody else has
they have the right to vote like every other citizen has

Hmm, you giving the short list tonight? lol!! There are obvious concerns, as gays aren't seeking rights because they already have them. LMAO!!:eusa_whistle:
Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.
if your argument is *GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY * so we should give them equal rights
well then *GOD MADE PEDIFILES THAT WAY *so we should give them equal rights to

Well, did god make them that way, and does it matter one way or the other as to their rights? I say they were born that way, there is no god, and they do deserve equal rights under the laws of America. As to pedophiles, it is a crime according to our societys rules. Being homo is not a crime. So apples & oranges.
No, I am exactly where I said I am. The only ignorance is displayed by posters such as yourself who cannot address points and facts raised by those who see this issue differently.

This makes YOU the hateful ignorant bigots- not me.

Try a little research- honest clinical research.

An Open Secret: The Truth About Gay Male Couples - Joseph Nicolosi


You’re attempting to contrive an argument that because the ‘gay lifestyle’ is ‘dangerous’ homosexuals should be denied their Constitutional rights and subject to punitive measures.

You’re a hateful, ignorant authoritarian, typical of most on the right.

I never said any such thing.

What I said, is that idiotic emotionally charged PC attempts at :making normal" an abnormal deviation, would not make homosexuals gay (content) people. That they are, deep down, a broken person.

Their lifestyle is harmful DUE to the fact of its abnormality and psychological depravity.

Being gay isn't "harmful" you bigoted fuck.

Do you know why gays are often more likely to attempt suicide or experiment with drugs?

The findings, published online today in Pediatrics, showed that lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) teens living in counties with a high proportion of gay and lesbian couples, and those who went to schools with gay-straight alliances and anti-discrimination policies, were less likely to attempt suicide than LGB teens living in less accepting environments.

Social environment linked to gay teen suicide risk

It might make you feel good to support "gay marriage" but it does not, and will not, fix the brokenness inside a homosexual. Indeed all of the outward trappings such as marriage to attempt normalization, has caused more harm as it will never give them a true feeling of normalcy. Numerous studies have been done that have proven this- and yet the PC crowd pushes on.

We already feel normal now, we just want the equal rights that go along with our feelings.

There are no constitutional rights denied any person because they are homosexual. That is a canard tossed about on this issue from either ignorance or idiocy.

Not all rights are enumerated in the Constitution, surely you're aware of that right? The Supreme Court of the United States of America has declared marriage a fundamental right on no less than three occasions. In order to keep a group of people (for whom you feel great animus toward) from accessing such a fundamental right, you must be able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing them. You can't.
Gays should have the same rights as everyone else.

they have free speech same as everyone else
they have freedom of religion same as everyone else
they have liberty same as everyone else
they have all the first amendment stuff everyone else has
they have all the 2nd amendment stuff everybody else has
they have the right to vote like every other citizen has

Not all rights are enumerated in the Constitution. Look up "Fundamental Rights".
That's begging the question. It's different because a man is not a woman.


Why should a hetero couple be allowed to enter a social contract with special rights and privileges that a same sex couple can't?

Why are you even weighing in when you have no fucking clue what marriage even is? You actually believe marriage is a "social contract"? :lmao:

You're really taking ignorance to new heights with your comments in this thread...
That's all it is.

There is nothing divine or sacred about marriage.

It's a property contract that is granted special rights and privileges that is all.
Gays should have the same rights as everyone else.

they have free speech same as everyone else
they have freedom of religion same as everyone else
they have liberty same as everyone else
they have all the first amendment stuff everyone else has
they have all the 2nd amendment stuff everybody else has
they have the right to vote like every other citizen has

Hmm, you giving the short list tonight? lol!! There are obvious concerns, as gays aren't seeking rights because they already have them. LMAO!!:eusa_whistle:

Actually, if you had even the slightest clue about rights, you would understand that gays enjoy 100% of them.

There is no right to marriage genius. It doesn't exist. Read the Constitution for once in your life.
Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.
if your argument is *GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY * so we should give them equal rights
well then *GOD MADE PEDIFILES THAT WAY *so we should give them equal rights to

Well, did god make them that way, and does it matter one way or the other as to their rights? I say they were born that way, there is no god, and they do deserve equal rights under the laws of America. As to pedophiles, it is a crime according to our societys rules. Being homo is not a crime. So apples & oranges.

He's not talking about what is legal. You claim "God made homo's that way so we should support them. And he correctly pointed out "God made pedophiles too" (illustrating the monumental flaw in your "logic"). It is 100% apples-to-apples. Stop running like a coward. If you can't answer the question, then you really need to examine your stance on the issue.
Anyone see Stephen Colbert last night? They went to Vicco, Kentucky. Smallest town in KY. They have a gay mayor, and just passed a "fairness ordinance" regarding gays. The townsfolk were what you'd expect. Rural, country, deep drawl accents. But surprisingly- or not- they were mostly all in favor of it, and supportive of their mayor. One guy....who was a bit slow speaking and country, nothing wrong with that- put it so clearly and simple: "If God made 'em that way, how can the Bible say its wrong? Why'd he make 'em that way?" It was the best argument I've heard.

So, let me ask, did God make them that way? If so, how can He, or we, judge them?

Now, lets say you are gonna argue God did NOT make them that way. That they CHOSE. That would mean the rest of use CHOSE to be attracted to women, right? Wouldn't that suggest that gays and straights- like all you right wingers who oppose gay rights- have a 50/50 attraction to men/women, and you too just chose the opposite sex?

And as for God...does he make us or not? If our rights cannot be granted by the government, but instead, are "God given" the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms..........and God makes us, then why is it that God made some humans to be born in a country where His rights are granted, but condemns other humans he makes to be born in places like N Korea that deny the rights that are God given by Him?

Unless you want to argue God created the world, but, then stepped away and let nature and humanity run it's course, and therefore, doesn't interfere with genetic deformities, mental illness, birth defects, OR things like a human being born with a sexual attraction to the same sex.
if your argument is *GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY * so we should give them equal rights
well then *GOD MADE PEDIFILES THAT WAY *so we should give them equal rights to

ANOTHER person who does not see the difference between what goes on between consenting law-abiding, tax-paying adults....and doing something that HURTS others or their rights.

It's scary how many don't have that ability.
if your argument is *GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY * so we should give them equal rights
well then *GOD MADE PEDIFILES THAT WAY *so we should give them equal rights to

Well, did god make them that way, and does it matter one way or the other as to their rights? I say they were born that way, there is no god, and they do deserve equal rights under the laws of America. As to pedophiles, it is a crime according to our societys rules. Being homo is not a crime. So apples & oranges.

He's not talking about what is legal. You claim "God made homo's that way so we should support them. And he correctly pointed out "God made pedophiles too" (illustrating the monumental flaw in your "logic"). It is 100% apples-to-apples. Stop running like a coward. If you can't answer the question, then you really need to examine your stance on the issue.

AND.......another one who cannot see the difference between consent and hurting others.

Why should a hetero couple be allowed to enter a social contract with special rights and privileges that a same sex couple can't?

Why are you even weighing in when you have no fucking clue what marriage even is? You actually believe marriage is a "social contract"? :lmao:

You're really taking ignorance to new heights with your comments in this thread...
That's all it is.

There is nothing divine or sacred about marriage.

It's a property contract that is granted special rights and privileges that is all.

No, that's not what marriage is you buffoon.

The church is NOT a court room genius.

The bible (which discusses marriage endlessly) is NOT a law book genius.

A clergyman who performs a wedding is NOT an attorney genius.

Please refrain from speaking about "property contracts" when you know about as much about the law as my 4-year old does.

If marriage was anything even remotely close to your ignorant claim, then there would be no vows, no guests, no exchange of rings, etc. It would be 2 people sitting down with an attorney and signing contracts.
if your argument is *GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY * so we should give them equal rights
well then *GOD MADE PEDIFILES THAT WAY *so we should give them equal rights to

Well, did god make them that way, and does it matter one way or the other as to their rights? I say they were born that way, there is no god, and they do deserve equal rights under the laws of America. As to pedophiles, it is a crime according to our societys rules. Being homo is not a crime. So apples & oranges.

He's not talking about what is legal. You claim "God made homo's that way so we should support them. And he correctly pointed out "God made pedophiles too" (illustrating the monumental flaw in your "logic"). It is 100% apples-to-apples. Stop running like a coward. If you can't answer the question, then you really need to examine your stance on the issue.

One is criminal, one is not. One deals with consent, the other does not. Apples to kumquats.
Why are you even weighing in when you have no fucking clue what marriage even is? You actually believe marriage is a "social contract"? :lmao:

You're really taking ignorance to new heights with your comments in this thread...
That's all it is.

There is nothing divine or sacred about marriage.

It's a property contract that is granted special rights and privileges that is all.

No, that's not what marriage is you buffoon.

The church is NOT a court room genius.

The bible (which discusses marriage endlessly) is NOT a law book genius.

A clergyman who performs a wedding is NOT an attorney genius.

Please refrain from speaking about "property contracts" when you know about as much about the law as my 4-year old does.

If marriage was anything even remotely close to your ignorant claim, then there would be no vows, no guests, no exchange of rings, etc. It would be 2 people sitting down with an attorney and signing contracts.

You are talking about the church side of the marriage discussion (which is separate from the public debate). This has nothing to do with the topic at hand, as (no one) to my knowledge is trying to force churches to marry gay individuals.

The church is a private institution and can do what it wants (and it should stay that way).

But when it comes to the public sphere - where there are no churches or clergymen - marriage IS just a social contract, and people are married in the courtroom, by judges who are bound by the law rather than the teachings of the Bible.
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Why are you even weighing in when you have no fucking clue what marriage even is? You actually believe marriage is a "social contract"? :lmao:

You're really taking ignorance to new heights with your comments in this thread...
That's all it is.

There is nothing divine or sacred about marriage.

It's a property contract that is granted special rights and privileges that is all.

No, that's not what marriage is you buffoon.

The church is NOT a court room genius.

The bible (which discusses marriage endlessly) is NOT a law book genius.

A clergyman who performs a wedding is NOT an attorney genius.

Please refrain from speaking about "property contracts" when you know about as much about the law as my 4-year old does.

If marriage was anything even remotely close to your ignorant claim, then there would be no vows, no guests, no exchange of rings, etc. It would be 2 people sitting down with an attorney and signing contracts.

You're arguing religious marriage while SP is arguing civil marriage. We already have equal access to religious marriage.
Well, did god make them that way, and does it matter one way or the other as to their rights? I say they were born that way, there is no god, and they do deserve equal rights under the laws of America. As to pedophiles, it is a crime according to our societys rules. Being homo is not a crime. So apples & oranges.

He's not talking about what is legal. You claim "God made homo's that way so we should support them. And he correctly pointed out "God made pedophiles too" (illustrating the monumental flaw in your "logic"). It is 100% apples-to-apples. Stop running like a coward. If you can't answer the question, then you really need to examine your stance on the issue.

One is criminal, one is not. One deals with consent, the other does not. Apples to kumquats.

Have you noticed how many DON'T SEEM TO KNOW the difference between consent and not consent? It's getting scary to see how many.

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