Do I tell my mom & step-dad about this?

I just don't see any problem with what she wrote. Fibbing about your age and trying to act sexy are par for the course with twelve year-old girls and boys as has been the case with most of the people I grew up with.

I agree that she should be made aware of the possibilities of pedophiles, but spying on her is pretty wrong in my book. She'll lose trust for her sister if she knows that she's been spying behind her back.

Maybe she should be approached about it while she is on the internet so that she thinks it's just an impromptu lesson from big sis. That way she will still trust you and will probably be more inclined to listen to what you say.
You got yourself in trouble when you checked your history, signed up and spied on her. Now you're in a no win situation. You lose your sisters trust. Or if you just drop it at this point and she gets in trouble on the internet later you get in trouble with your mom for not telling her what was going on. It is so easy to break into peoples email, computers, chat rooms, etc. But it can get both parties into a lot of trouble. Best thing is to mind your own business.
It's not your job to be her friend. It's your job to do the right thing; help protect her from herself if need be. Tell your mom and step dad - ask them to 'find' the stuff on the computer. Good parents don't need warrants to snoop; good parents snoop often.
Hagbard Celine said:
I agree that she should be made aware of the possibilities of pedophiles, but spying on her is pretty wrong in my book. She'll lose trust for her sister if she knows that she's been spying behind her back.

Maybe she should be approached about it while she is on the internet so that she thinks it's just an impromptu lesson from big sis. That way she will still trust you and will probably be more inclined to listen to what you say.
spying on her was correct. specially when its on her own computer.
but your second paragraph is a good approach. she doesnt have to know she was spying.

You got yourself in trouble when you checked your history, signed up and spied on her. Now you're in a no win situation. You lose your sisters trust. Or if you just drop it at this point and she gets in trouble on the internet later you get in trouble with your mom for not telling her what was going on. It is so easy to break into peoples email, computers, chat rooms, etc. But it can get both parties into a lot of trouble. Best thing is to mind your own business.
treat it like a business. if your using a companies computer, there is no resonable expectation of privacy. specially being a minor. but like i stated before, she doesnt have to know.
I check my daughters' site every day or so...DADs' KNOW EVERYTHING! :dev1:
Johnney said:
spying on her was correct. specially when its on her own computer.
but your second paragraph is a good approach. she doesnt have to know she was spying.

treat it like a business. if your using a companies computer, there is no resonable expectation of privacy. specially being a minor. but like i stated before, she doesnt have to know.

Yeah, there's a huge difference between spying on her personal computer, and you looking on your personal computer that she used. And if she posted on a public whatever with a name you could find that easy, well, it's fair game and not spying.
The ClayTaurus said:
Yeah, there's a huge difference between spying on her personal computer, and you looking on your personal computer that she used. And if she posted on a public whatever with a name you could find that easy, well, it's fair game and not spying.
either way its looking out for her well being. kids may not understand it right now, but when they have kids they will know right where you came from

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