Do liberals like the idea of boot camp? Ideologically, it would seem to fit, right?

I remember going though boot camp (Jesus! over 40 years ago!!) and thinking to myself how brilliantlly it was designed to break us down and build us up into a useful tool.

I don't know who (if anybody) designed boot camp. I suspect the process of boot camp was organically designed over time to control recruits.

But that system is rather brilliant.

It manipulates people and plays on their weaknesses to create a sense of group identity.

Now seriously...does anyone here think that such a brilliantly maipulative system for brainwashing could have been designed based on either a liberal or conservative POV?


Trying to impose the liberal v conservative paradigm on something like boot camp is just silly to the max.

In fact trying to suggest that the military is anything BUT an authoritarian system of power and control, or and in any way a political event is rather missing the point of the military (and its role in society) entirely.

But as so many partisians are clueless idiots, this sort of goofy blather is to be expected in a place like this.

I think basic training's roots are from the Prussians.
Sorry to chime in at the end of this thread, but the original post is complete ridiculousness.
While I feel this is a humor thread, and I see the humor in the OP.

Liberals would hate actual bootcamp, b/c EVERYONE hates boot camp.

The utopian idea dies when they have to follow orders and work as a team.

Thinking back, it was about 50/50 libs to cons in boot, by the time we were done it was around 40/60 libs to cons, as it got harder and harder to follow the rules, people were sent back or sent packing.
I remember going though boot camp (Jesus! over 40 years ago!!) and thinking to myself how brilliantlly it was designed to break us down and build us up into a useful tool.

I don't know who (if anybody) designed boot camp. I suspect the process of boot camp was organically designed over time to control recruits.

But that system is rather brilliant.

It manipulates people and plays on their weaknesses to create a sense of group identity.

Now seriously...does anyone here think that such a brilliantly maipulative system for brainwashing could have been designed based on either a liberal or conservative POV?


Trying to impose the liberal v conservative paradigm on something like boot camp is just silly to the max.

In fact trying to suggest that the military is anything BUT an authoritarian system of power and control, or and in any way a political event is rather missing the point of the military (and its role in society) entirely.

But as so many partisians are clueless idiots, this sort of goofy blather is to be expected in a place like this.

I think basic training's roots are from the Prussians.


We get marching from Romans. and a single uniform with rank insignias.


The barracks in boot are.. "Spartan"
While I feel this is a humor thread, and I see the humor in the OP.

Liberals would hate actual bootcamp, b/c EVERYONE hates boot camp.

The utopian idea dies when they have to follow orders and work as a team.

Thinking back, it was about 50/50 libs to cons in boot, by the time we were done it was around 40/60 libs to cons, as it got harder and harder to follow the rules, people were sent back or sent packing.

How did you make that determination?

When I was in boot, the last thing on our minds was ones political leanings.
While I feel this is a humor thread, and I see the humor in the OP.

Liberals would hate actual bootcamp, b/c EVERYONE hates boot camp.

The utopian idea dies when they have to follow orders and work as a team.

Thinking back, it was about 50/50 libs to cons in boot, by the time we were done it was around 40/60 libs to cons, as it got harder and harder to follow the rules, people were sent back or sent packing.

How did you make that determination?

When I was in boot, the last thing on our minds was ones political leanings.


I took a poll. I had everyone write down everything about themselves.

Left handed people did poorly in marching, and rifle drills. They claimed it was b/c they had to do everything with "The wrong hand". pfft, stoopid lefties. [get it?]

No, just talking to people, getting to know them, then as an older adult, thinking back on that time. Also the 9.5 years of service and really getting to know people, you can come to an approximate average.
I think I agree with Two Thumbs on this one in terms of leanings. The best soldier I ever saw was as true-blue red-as-could-be American commie.
I remember going though boot camp (Jesus! over 40 years ago!!) and thinking to myself how brilliantlly it was designed to break us down and build us up into a useful tool.

I don't know who (if anybody) designed boot camp. I suspect the process of boot camp was organically designed over time to control recruits.

But that system is rather brilliant.

It manipulates people and plays on their weaknesses to create a sense of group identity.

Now seriously...does anyone here think that such a brilliantly maipulative system for brainwashing could have been designed based on either a liberal or conservative POV?


Trying to impose the liberal v conservative paradigm on something like boot camp is just silly to the max.

In fact trying to suggest that the military is anything BUT an authoritarian system of power and control, or and in any way a political event is rather missing the point of the military (and its role in society) entirely.

But as so many partisians are clueless idiots, this sort of goofy blather is to be expected in a place like this.

I think basic training's roots are from the Prussians.


We get marching from Romans. and a single uniform with rank insignias.


The barracks in boot are.. "Spartan"

Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You haven't a clue about what you are talking about.


Get out every once in a while. Do some charity work.

And..maybe read the New York Times.


I was a cop in southwest Atlanta for 8 years. I don't need charity work to see the true state of the "poor" in America.

Our poor have obesity problems. They aren't starving.
They also often live in homes that are owned. Own cars. TV's. Cell phones. Washer, dryer, fridge, etc.

They dont' live as well as the suburbs. But they aren't hurting like most of the rest of the world either. Despite what the Times and MSNBC tell you.

Yeah..I owned a bar on Peachtree street in Atlanta. Everything gets loaded with sugar and fat in Georgia..the cuisine is terrible and unhealthy as heck.

And yeah..they are "starving". In some places they are malnourished..and in some places they eat poorly.

I was a mover in NYC for 11 years. I have seen how poor die. They get neglected..and die alone in their apartments. The walls are black and everything smells of decay in those places. They leak through floors and ceilings..that's the only way the are remembered.

I see poor in NYC sleeping on church steps. I see them in drug clinics. I see them just giving up on life. That shouldn't be happening.

Given that "conservatives" consider every life "sacred" really should stick in your craw that anyone goes without..and dies in misery.

Or maybe..that's just talk.

That is not just the poor. It is how the elderly die, from all walks of life. Unless they happen to make it into a nursing home or hospital, the weak and sickly die, alone. If they don't live with family, they are alone. Many of them prefer it that way, up until they are really ill. Seeing terrible things does not mean other people want that to happen. I am sorry you have been a witness to that. Know that each one of those is loved by the Lord, and can be in Heaven with prayer, or with His will.

As for the sinners.... drug addicts, alcoholics, etc., at what point do you stop supporting 'their habit'? When they steal from you? When they steal from your children? When they hurt a loved one? When they kill a loved one? Sin is a choice. At some point, you have to let them go. It is sad. It is tragic. It is the sinner's choice: they have chosen their sin over people. Know that each one of those is loved by the Lord, and can be in Heaven with prayer, or with His will.
logical4u, we have had those in our family and in the families of friends. You don't stop serving them, you simply stop letting them abuse you. And careful with 'drug abuse is sin.' I have seen too many cases of such to believe that at all.

I really agree with you about the Lord and love.

To any atheist or agnostic: if you want to know if God exists, then for the next year you make a conscientious effort to serve another person each day of the year. Tell me if you don't meet God somewhere along that path.
I read this whole thread waiting for a lib to list their beliefs/values, and it never came.
What are their values/beliefs?
Huh? That complete rebound had dick little to do with what he said. All people don't die weak and alone. Poor people aren't all addicts. WTF.
That all you can add?

Is boot camp not a perfect example of near total pure liberalism?

- Gun ban.
- Total equality in pay, shelter, food.
- Free healthcare.
- Green transportation.
- Total racial equality.
- Harsh and stifling government regulation of all aspects of daily life.
- Bans on bad foods.
- Bans on things that are bad for us.

Aside from the yelling and ban on gays, it's liberal utopia, right? Show me where I'm wrong.

He's right and you're a troll.
It is very specific. If you are asking for methodology, give us some ideas.

Are you helping fellow man by controlling his life?
Are you helping fellow man by letting him make his own decisions?
Are you helping fellow man by knocking down those that have climbed hard to get more out of life?
Are you helping fellow man by taking from some one else to give to someone with a sob story?
Are you helping fellow man by giving opportunities to do as well as they 'choose' to do?
What are your values?
What are your beliefs?
What do you think the job of the government is?
Do you think the government should be limited to its Constitutional duties?
Do you think the government should be limited to its Constitutional duties?

Let's talk about that one. Are you one of those people that has fuckall idea regarding the fact that everything the big C lays out ISNT actually in the document? You realize that there are agencies and doctrines and caselaw that define, describe, and illuminate what we as a people have decided creates our country?

Sure, there's judical activism (on both sides)...but they created a check on that (whether we use it or not) called enacting laws. You think a judge created law from the bench that's not constitutional? Go get your congresswoman to delineate the law exactly how you like it.

It is so fucking annoying (but not surprising) that Christian bible literalists (not saying you're one) don't get that there's doctrine outside the Constitution that IS constitutional.

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