Do liberals owe an apology to the victims of sterilization?

You keep thinking that and I'll keep laughing at your stupid ass.

While foaming and flapping your arms...sort of like the little emoticons you like so much. And your avatar. I'm sure that's a relatively accurate depiction.
umm okay I'll be honest, I really just sort of skimmed through the bickering, but...are there really people who doubt that early progressives supported eugenics? seriously?

Not that it says anything about modern progressives, mind you.
umm okay I'll be honest, I really just sort of skimmed through the bickering, but...are there really people who doubt that early progressives supported eugenics? seriously?

Not that it says anything about modern progressives, mind you.

Progressive for the era? Yes. However, I am not exactly sure that it was progressive in the same sense we talk about political progressives. I don't think eugenics as a theory lined up especially with one political orientation. Just a quick google search suggests that it was accepted by many people of both parties.

However, it is a small point. Obviously, you are quite correct that it doesn't say anything about modern progressives.
No, and I find it amazing that this site has so many village idiots congregated in one place. The thread is about how LIBERALISM and EUGENICS are connected, and whether or not liberals should publicly own their mistakes.

But of course, you'd have to realize there WAS a mistake to own it.

The only thing worse than a retard is a bigoted, eugenic-supporting retard.

Look stupid (tho you can't help that) That was not in the original question. Of course sterilization was wrong. when it was done and now if it were done again. but your thread was about appologizing for doing so. and only those who were involved should do so. not those presently involved in Liberalism. the question was not about liberalism, nor any of the other factors you brought in later. I answered the original question. not all the red herrings you added later.
Look stipd (tho you can't help that) That was not in the original question. Of course sterilization was wrong. when it was done and now if it were done again. but your thread was about appologizing for doing so. not about liberalism, nor any of the other factors you brought in later. I answered the original question. not all the red herrings you brought in later.

Really? You claimed it was old outdated information and that you were not even alive when it occurred, despite the fact it was still legal and authorized in at least one State until 1979.
Ouch, that hurts. I know, you and Doniston and a couple other foam-mouthed fanatics are patting yourselves on the backs.

I really want to be accepted by that crowd, let me tell you.
Have you noticed that no one is agreeing with you? ----except shattered sometimes. and look where her credibility level has sunk too.
According to Wikipedia, it was 1974, not 1979. Apparently though, sterilization laws were almost wholly out of use by 1963, even if they were left on the books.

Fine lets go with 1963... Once again Doniston claimed they were so old he wasn't even around when they were used. Umm he claims he was "discharged" from the military in the late 50's. I suggest he was most likely around when these laws WERE in force AND used..
Really? You claimed it was old outdated information and that you were not even alive when it occurred, despite the fact it was still legal and authorized in at least one State until 1979.
go back and reread and you will find that is NOT what I said. If you disagree, well, then repost it.
Fine lets go with 1963... Once again Doniston claimed they were so old he wasn't even around when they were used. Umm he claims he was "discharged" from the military in the late 50's. I suggest he was most likely around when these laws WERE in force AND used..
like I said. go back and reread it, that isn't what I said, and no matter how much you wish it were, it simply is not so. If I am wrong, then repost it. but you can't because it isn't what I said. Otherwise, you simply remain a liar.
like I said. go back and reread it, that isn't what I said, and no matter how much you wish it were, it simply is not so. If I am wrong, then repost it. but you can't because it isn't what I said. Otherwise, you simply remain a liar.

Doniston, he did just repost it, didn't he?
Look stupid (tho you can't help that) That was not in the original question. Of course sterilization was wrong. when it was done and now if it were done again. but your thread was about appologizing for doing so. and only those who were involved should do so. not those presently involved in Liberalism. the question was not about liberalism, nor any of the other factors you brought in later. I answered the original question. not all the red herrings you added later.

No, although the article refers to apologizing, the gist of it, and my comments about it, was that liberalism embraces the most basic tenets of eugenics.

And since apparently you didn't read the first post, here it is, sans the article:

"For all that liberal supporters of abortions, stem cell research, and the promotion of illegal sexual activity between and with children, make the claim that these things are really for the good of the masses, I have my doubts.

Abortion, birth control, sterilization, the tagging and targeting of certain underprivileged groups of people...these are all tools to subjugate said marginalize and eliminate them."

Thank god it doesn't take a fully functioning brain to breathe...
Doniston, he did just repost it, didn't he?
NO NO NO, he posted what I actually said, Not what he reported I said. andthere is a great deal of difference.

Please read:Originally Posted by doniston

How long ago---Pray tell? It is certainly before MY time. and most assuredly not recent or current.

Now he may spin it to mean that it was before I was born but that is neither what I said, nor what I meant. further, if you will note, I qualified my statement by saying it was not recent or current. But you see, that is his habit. to decide on his own what someone means rather than accepting what is actually said
NO NO NO, he posted what I actually said, Not what he reported I said. andthere is a great deal of difference.

Please read:Originally Posted by doniston

How long ago---Pray tell? It is certainly before MY time. and most assuredly not recent or current.

Now he may spin it to mean that it was before I was born but that is neither what I said, nor what I meant. further, if you will note, I qualified my statement by saying it was not recent or current. But you see, that is his habit. to decide on his own what someone means rather than accepting what is actually said

So now "before my time" means something other then , well , before your time? Yes I see it all now clearly. In 1963 you were already OUT of the military but that was BEFORE your time. When exactly WAS your time Doniston?
No, although the article refers to apologizing, the gist of it, and my comments about it, was that liberalism embraces the most basic tenets of eugenics.

And since apparently you didn't read the first post, here it is, sans the article:

"For all that liberal supporters of abortions, stem cell research, and the promotion of illegal sexual activity between and with children, make the claim that these things are really for the good of the masses, I have my doubts.

Abortion, birth control, sterilization, the tagging and targeting of certain underprivileged groups of people...these are all tools to subjugate said marginalize and eliminate them."

Thank god it doesn't take a fully functioning brain to breathe...
But your post asked only (repeat) "ONLY" about appologies. if you had wanted more answers , you should have asked more questions, instead or orating. As to your final statement< You best thank your lucky stars that that is true, otherwise you wouldn't be arround to sully up the site.

and further, I have been going to mention this, but kept neglecting to do so: Aboit your sig.:

I wonder how many people have actually read what you posted. To me, four little words point directly at your mental capacities. the words are:

"He said to myself" -----WHA???????
So now "before my time" means something other then , well , before your time? Yes I see it all now clearly. In 1963 you were already OUT of the military but that was BEFORE your time. When exactly WAS your time Doniston?
Look retard, I could take the time to painstakingly point the whole thing out to you--- but why should I, You have already made up your mind as to what you are going to beleive, (as is you Modus Oppereni)(sp). You simply aren't worth the agrevation. and you have already proven that you won't change your mind, ---about anything. You jump to conclusions, and then stick with it---come hell or high water.

Just one question. Did I ever say it happened before I was born? or is that just what you assumed I meant. -----Case closed!
Look retard, I could take the time to painstakingly point the whole thing out to you--- but why should I, You have already made up your mind as to what you are going to beleive, (as is you Modus Oppereni)(sp). You simply aren't worth the agrevation. and you have already proven that you won't change your mind, ---about anything. You jump to conclusions, and then stick with it---come hell or high water.

Just one question. Did I ever say it happened before I was born? or is that just what you assumed I meant. -----Case closed!

Hey dumb shit, what does "BEFORE MY TIME" mean? Or in your senile befuddled mind have you already forgotten you said that?
umm okay I'll be honest, I really just sort of skimmed through the bickering, but...are there really people who doubt that early progressives supported eugenics? seriously?

Not that it says anything about modern progressives, mind you.

Here, let me bold that for the right-winger she-bitch who is trying to grow a dick like her mentor Ann Coulter.

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