Do Masks Work?

And such a small % is in the hospital that it really does not reflect on our reality.
If I got covid, the last thing I would do is go to a hospital.
It is almost like a death sentence, since hospitals are treating it like pneumonia, and it isn't at all like pneumonia.
Is that why some hospitals are running out of capacity?
Being unvaccinated is worse than being vaccinated. Your odds are worse being unvaxxed.

You can't say that for sure because we do not know what the long range effects are going to be yet, just like with Thalidomide.
The covid virus harms no one, so all the harm is really autoimmune, by our own immune system over reacting.
The vaccines can easily greatly increase that in the future.
Is that why some hospitals are running out of capacity?

All hospitals always try to run at maximum capacity.
But covid only requires hospitalization if you are experiencing an autoimmune response making it difficult to breath.
And then you have to be in the ICU only.
So then there is no way that covid could possibly ever cause a hospital to over flow.
And besides, FEMA has hundreds of mobile emergency ICU facilities that have not once yet been called for.
Very few people under 70 are even being hospitalized at all.
N95's can reduce exposure.

Do not buy into the HYPE ...

On either side ...
My dentist was wearing a KN95 mask and asked me the diameter of the Covid virus.
I replied "0.1 micron."
He said "This mask only filters down to 2 microns." (20 times the size of a virus)

SO NO, it does nothing.
There are the vulnerable ....

This SHIT is real ......

They have to be protected from Faucci's virus .....

N95's .... social distancing for our most venerable (sic) is a necessity ....

Do not underestimate what these people are doing ....

YOU are invenerable.

(He obviously meant to say "vulnerable" but frightened sheep are easily confused.)

  1. accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.)
...............Spreading the virus.

CDC: Data Shows Vaccinated People Can Spread The Delta ...

Oh, and..................."most did not wear masks once they entered, however"
Spreading as little as possible as opposed to your plan

Alabama positivity 20.3%
NY Positivity rate 4.1%
Now look at all THOSE masks.

But why the delta? 20% v 4%
My goodness, there must be a cause.
But, as always, here to save the day is YOUR Dado with a theory.
We know the GOP is populated primarily by Tiny Minded "conservatives"
Now having a tiny mind inside a human sized skull results in a cavernous cranial cavity.
The virus seeks out this cavity in which to hide while it takes over.
So, Alabama and other Red states have far more covid infections because
there's is just so much room inside those Tiny Tiny Minds.
But why the delta? 20% v 4%
My goodness, there must be a cause.
But, as always, here to save the day is YOUR Dado with a theory.
We know the GOP is populated primarily by Tiny Minded "conservatives"
Now having a tiny mind inside a human sized skull results in a cavernous cranial cavity.
The virus seeks out this cavity in which to hide while it takes over.
So, Alabama and other Red states have far more covid infections because
there's is just so much room inside those Tiny Tiny Minds.

The failed theories surrounding covid are piling up.

Vaccinated People Are Spreading the Covid-19 Delta Variant

Disease Expert Tells CNN: Most Masks Don't Really Work ...

Based on what?
Danielpalos and his Leftist Comrades prefer fear and virtue posturing to medical science.
How many links have they been shown that the vaccines are KILLING THOUSANDS and NOT PREVENTING COVID and still they insist their nonsense posture. That is why I have him on ignore and suggest you do likewise. Brandolini's Law.
Here's what he actually said

At the outset, I want to make several points crystal clear:

  • I support the wearing of cloth face coverings (masks) by the general public.
  • Stop citing CIDRAP and me as grounds to not wear masks, whether mandated or not.
  • Don't, however, use the wearing of cloth face coverings as an excuse to decrease other crucial, likely more effective, protective steps, like physical distancing
  • Also, don't use poorly conducted studies to support a contention that wearing cloth face coverings will drive the pandemic into the ground. But even if they reduce infection risk somewhat, wearing them can be important.
Hey all you fking mask lovers….

While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face

Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

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