Do Masks Work?

Here's an excerpt from your own link :laugh: Funny how it completely contradicts your conspiracy theory claim that hospitals are making out like bandits by claiming flu cases as covid so they make extra money from the government.

This is what being a nutter conspiracy theorist gets you. It makes you dumber.

Perhaps you can get a 5th grader to explain what a monetary motive is and how you just proved it exists using information I provided to you. LMAO

why does the fda post they don't stop viruses? you should read my links I posted in here.

Because they aren't 100%. But they do reduce the risk if used properly as I pointed out.
Perhaps you can get a 5th grader to explain what a monetary motive is and how you just proved it exists using information I provided to you. LMAO

Perhaps you can get a 3rd grader to explain to you that a monetary motive doesn't actually exist when there's no way for you to make money off of it. Thanks for providing the link proving that and contradicting your claim btw.
So you are lazy

No, you are simply too dumb to understand the logical fallacy of attempting to get others to prove your own loony claims, which no one else with any kind of intelligence believes in but you.
Masks are placebos.


noun: placebo; plural noun: placebos
  1. a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.
    "his Aunt Beatrice had been kept alive on sympathy and placebos for thirty years"
    • a substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs.
    • a measure designed merely to calm or please someone.
      "pacified by the placebos of the previous year, they claimed a moral victory"
Masks DO NOT WORK.....and Democrat communists PROVE every day they KNOW masks do not work.

Its all over their actions. If masks worked and mandates should be nationwide.....WHY THE FUCK ARE THE RULING COMMUIST ELITES NOT WEARING MASKS?

Because they aren't 100%. But they do reduce the risk if used properly as I pointed out.

True, but no one uses them properly.
For example, once masks have been worn over a half hour, they start to dry out and release any virus they might have filtered out as a saliva droplet.
I also have never seen anyone sneeze into a mask, and they all pull it down.
Masks must work better than Nothing especially when there are not enough morals to go around on the right-wing to depend on any miracles.

Better than nothing is not nearly as good or effective as a real strategy that works quickly, such as either full quarantine, or the opposite, where you do deliberate variolation of volunteers least likely to die.
Flattening the curve is the worst possible strategy because it keeps the epidemic going forever, killing the largest number of people.
True, but no one uses them properly.
For example, once masks have been worn over a half hour, they start to dry out and release any virus they might have filtered out as a saliva droplet.
I also have never seen anyone sneeze into a mask, and they all pull it down.

Tell you what...the next time you or anyone you love has surgery...insist nobody wears a mask. Ok?

Are they 100% effective? No. You do a better job of protecting yourself with proper PPE than you do without.
The purpose of a mask in surgery is to prevent infection from the surgeon opening up someone's body. Otherwise for all intents and purposes they do absolutely nothing but filter out a little dust. Masks are useless against a virus.
Better than nothing is not nearly as good or effective as a real strategy that works quickly, such as either full quarantine, or the opposite, where you do deliberate variolation of volunteers least likely to die.
Flattening the curve is the worst possible strategy because it keeps the epidemic going forever, killing the largest number of people.
How many of the unvaccinated are wearing masks?

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