Do Masks Work?

So you're one of those illiterate commies. Or is it dementia like your dear leader? You might want to go back and read what I actually said, instead of trying to put words in my mouth.

BTW, it's not just medicare patients that get the increased reimbursements, but anyone who's care was based on medicare rates.

How about you attach a number to "likely higher". And give us a number of flu deaths that were listed a "presumed covid", you know the hospitals and doctors have a monetary motive for listing cases as covid and not the flu, right? I don't believe a damn thing that comes out of the CDC or WHO mouths.

^^^^ The above quote was from you. I don't need to put words in your mouth, the stupid comes straight out of you at absolutely no effort on my part. I was simply calling you out for your stupidity. Even the first idiot who started this conspiracy has completely backtracked on this claim, because even he knows it's stupid.
Nope. That is a cooked up conspiracy theory by the creative geniuses who brought us the wonderful comedies of, "The Vaccines are meant to Depopulate Earth!" and " The Vaccines Magnetize Us" and "The Vaccines Contain 5G microchips!"

You do realize that there's covid cases all over the planet right? Are all the hospitals in the world working with the cdc for profit? Listen to yourself. You sound like every other loon in a straight jacket.
Why are vaccinated getting hospitalized and wearing masks?
^^^^ The above quote was from you. I don't need to put words in your mouth, the stupid comes straight out of you at absolutely no effort on my part. I was simply calling you out for your stupidity. Even the first idiot who started this conspiracy has completely backtracked on this claim, because even he knows it's stupid.
Which part of his quote are you referring to?
That wasn't your claim. Your claim was that hospitals were deliberately falsifying medical records and claiming patients have covid even when they don't and treating them as if they have covid. This is easily one of the dumber conspiracy theories i've heard. Are hospitals falsifying positive covid tests too? Is everyone from doctors and nurses all in on the conspiracy? We know the hospital gets extra funding for treating medicare covid patients but what do these ppl get? Do all the doctors and nurses get something slipped under the table in order to go along with it all? At what point did you stop thinking for yourself?

There have been many documented cases of death obviously not caused by Rona being recorded as Rona. My personal favorite is the guy who died in a motorcycle crash WITH RONA…ruled a death FROM RONA.

communist logic
As soon as the saliva dries up and no longer sticks the virus together and to the cloth, it floats up on the air, due to is microscopically small size and lack of weight.
Air pressure through the cloth immediately makes it airborne.
After the first 20 minute delay, then the mask does absolutely nothing at all, except for if the person is coughing or sneezing, in which case range is slightly reduced. But in hallways for example, range is irrelevant. People are going to walk exactly where others previously walked. So reducing range does no good at all.

Any evidence for this?
Which was corrected in like...five minutes...which is why we know about it

Why was it lied about in the first place?

Why was it lied about in the first place?

Who the fuck knows what happened but they fixed it in like five minutes
Why was it lied about in the first place?

There have been many documented cases of death obviously not caused by Rona being recorded as Rona. My personal favorite is the guy who died in a motorcycle crash WITH RONA…ruled a death FROM RONA.

communist logic
Many? Ok, link to all the "many" cases of death attributed to covid, which was not. Go.
^^^^ The above quote was from you. I don't need to put words in your mouth, the stupid comes straight out of you at absolutely no effort on my part. I was simply calling you out for your stupidity. Even the first idiot who started this conspiracy has completely backtracked on this claim, because even he knows it's stupid.

You have yet to point to anything I said that wasn't true.

Many? Ok, link to all the "many" cases of death attributed to covid, which was not. Go.

This is like the mantra of the left requiring the right to show millions of cases of voter fraud to prove their case. Imagine a judge or jury requiring that thousands of marked dollars must be recovered from a suspected bank robber to prove his guilt despite the fact that he was in position of 5 marked bills, was seen running from the scene and was ID’ed by all the bank employers.

If any deaths were being incorrectly contributed to COVID, which they clearly were, coupled with the fact that hospitals were being reimbursed by the feds for COVID patients a reasonable assumption can be made that there were more than just a couple. Given the stark decrease in deaths OTHER than COVID coupled with stories like this, common sense should prevail.
This is like the mantra of the left requiring the right to show millions of cases of voter fraud to prove their case. Imagine a judge or jury requiring that thousands of marked dollars must be recovered from a suspected bank robber to prove his guilt despite the fact that he was in position of 5 marked bills, was seen running from the scene and was ID’ed by all the bank employers.

If any deaths were being incorrectly contributed to COVID, which they clearly were, coupled with the fact that hospitals were being reimbursed by the feds for COVID patients a reasonable assumption can be made that there were more than just a couple. Given the stark decrease in deaths OTHER than COVID coupled with stories like this, common sense should prevail.
In other CAN'T document your bullshit claims
Long story short, the answer is no.

"In sum, of the 14 RCTs that have tested the effectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, three suggest, but do not provide any statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis, that masks might be useful. The other eleven suggest that masks are either useless—whether compared with no masks or because they appear not to add to good hand hygiene alone—or actually counterproductive. Of the three studies that provided statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis that was not contradicted within the same study, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than hand hygiene alone, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than nothing, and one found that cloth masks were less effective than surgical masks."

Yes they are effective if used properly. They are not 100%. But if you're going into the food store to pick up some items yes a mask will help prevent transmission. However, if you're hanging out indoors for an extended period of time in one spot with no circulation and in a crowd no it won't be very helpful.

An example of it not working is the douchebag I witnessed take his mask off indoors because he didn't want to sneeze into his mask. Sneezing and coughing is exactly what the mask is for. It's so you don't project your germs across the room.

Another example of it not working is these douchebag school board members that want kids to mask all day but will allow them to take it off in a packed cafeteria to eat. Not to mention wearing a mask 6 hours a day in a room full of 30 kids is pretty ineffective anyway.

It really comes down to common sense. The mask will help if I'm walking through a store to shop. But it helps if someone else isn't coughing and sneezing at me without a mask or without covering up (that's just common courtesy anyway). The mask will be useless for kids in school all day, not to mention detrimental. They really needed to extend the hybrid option.

So yes, I mask when picking up carry out or grocery shopping. I do not mask outdoors. If I do eat out I request outdoor seating. I do think making people mask on a 5 hour plane flight is ridiculous because at that point your already exposed with or without the mask. Just common sense really.

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