Do Masks Work?

There are about 6 posts on this thread which show the efficacy of masks both to protect the wearer and other people who might be exposed to a covid infected person wearing a mask.

And there is no greater example than the San Francisco school system.

No deaths and no INFECTIONS
At least 5 times on this very thread it has been shown that your "chain link fence" DOES protect against virus transmission
Lesh. A lot of people don't realize you are a board certified specialist from Google Medical College and know far above us
try fogging a mirror with your breath.
If its difficult or impossible to fog a mirror that way wearing a mask, then the mask works.

It is trivial to fog up a mirror, glasses, etc. after your mask becomes saturated with moisture after about 15 minutes.
So masks only work for about 15 minutes, until they become saturated and the saliva starts evaporating again.
At least 5 times on this very thread it has been shown that your "chain link fence" DOES protect against virus transmission

A fresh mask only temporarily reduces airborne particles.
After 15 minutes or so, when the collected saliva starts to dry out, the particles are released once again;
Why do they not stop the spread?

The reason masks do not at all stop any spread is that they are worn too long.
They do not permanently work, but only temporarily.
When you breath, talk, cough, or sneeze, you are not projecting bare virus, but saliva droplets containing virus.
And those saliva droplets will mostly be contain by the cloth mask because the water in the saliva is very adhesive.
The water sticks the virus and mask together.
But it can't last.
The movement of air quickly causes the water to evaporate.
The folding of the mask quickly breaks up any crystals the virus residue may be contained in.
So the virus are rapidly released back into the air after about 15 minutes or so.
Which means masks do NOT work as filters, but only as a short 15 minute delay.
Ohhhh nooooo...your glasses fog?

Thus proving that the masks are not holding back water vapor, and since the water vapor is what traps virus, the mask do not hold back any virus.
The fact masks start out dry and will temporarily slow the spread of virus for the first 15 minutes, does not at all mean they work after a half hour.
Once the saliva on the mask has had a chance to dry out, masks no longer work at all.
I'm talking about N95's ...

You got a problem with it?
N95 doesn't do shit either. They would if breathing was limited to actually going through the filter, but in real life our breath flows easily through and around it like it isn't even there.
Thus proving that the masks are not holding back water vapor, and since the water vapor is what traps virus, the mask do not hold back any virus.
The fact masks start out dry and will temporarily slow the spread of virus for the first 15 minutes, does not at all mean they work after a half hour.
Once the saliva on the mask has had a chance to dry out, masks no longer work at all.
Masks never work. Breath flows easily through and around them like they aren't even there. Surgical masks have openings on the sides big enough to pick your nose through.

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