Zone1 Do most Jews believe they killed Jesus?

Romans/Italians called the shots

They made the laws, held the trials, executed the sentence

Crucifixion was a Roman punishment ……not Jewish
Yeah, just like Democrats today, still punishing Jesus. 'For the people' that is.....
Yeah but the Jews brought him to the Romans knowing he would be put to death, so what's the difference? They didn't pull the trigger but they bought the gun.

They may have put him into the Raman machine…..But the Romans/Italians drove in the spikes
What do Jews say about their history? How do they explain the Jesus stuff? Do some of them believe they killed him? IT's in other scribes other than the bible that the Jews did.
We don't Jesus is at best a footnote.

And the faulty logic has always been: Xtians persecuted Jews through the centuries for killing Jesus. But the entire religion is predicated on Jesus dying and being resurrected. So which is it for Xtians, Jesus being killed a good or a bad thing?
It's a simple question. Do Jews hate Jesus and support what happened to him? Did the ancient Jews support it and do the modern day ones support it as well?
there is no historic evidence to support the notion that
"JEWS" had anything to do with the crucifixion of Jesus or
"supported it" As to "modern day ones"----ya nevah know
what a jerk walking on the street is going to say-----remember
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Yeah but the Jews brought him to the Romans knowing he would be put to death, so what's the difference? They didn't pull the trigger but they bought the gun.
You believe the Romans obeyed Jewish dictates? I got a bridge in the bay area that I'll let you have it for a song. Interested?
What I'm saying is do most Jews agree with the Jesus being crucified? In the religion itself and amongst the jewish population. What do they truly believe?

This ain't it.

If you believe Jesus is who He said He was, no one could have crucified Him without His permission. Not the Romans, the Jews, or all the Romans and Jew combined who ever lived. Remember, even on death He "gave up" His spirit. Jesus is God. He was only killed because He decided to die for our sins.

A Christian has no cause to look past that last part--"my sins". My sin put Jesus on the Cross. That's it, end of story.
This ain't it.

If you believe Jesus is who He said He was, no one could have crucified Him without His permission. Not the Romans, the Jews, or all the Romans and Jew combined who ever lived. Remember, even on death He "gave up" His spirit. Jesus is God. He was only killed because He decided to die for our sins.

A Christian has no cause to look past that last part--"my sins". My sin put Jesus on the Cross. That's it, end of story.

Yep, exactly. Playing the blame game is missing the whole point. He gave His life willingly. (John 10:18) He knew it was the reason* He came to this world, to be the spotless lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

*one of the reasons

Do most Jews believe they killed Jesus?​

Why would I kill my gardener?!

I'm saying historically from a Christian perspective that the Jews helped kill Jesus. Did they support it throughout history the last 2000 years? I know now they don't but what about up to the 19th century? Are there any Jews in this message board site that could help me understand? Did Jews support the execution for a while throughout history and only in the last 100 years say it wasn't right to execute? When did they change their minds?
Jesus has no footprint in Judaism any more than Mohammad has one in Christianity.
What I'm saying is that after the bible days did Jews support the execution of Christ? The NT says the Jews brought Jesus to t he Romans.
What about during the middle ages? Did they support the execution if u asked them? This was dark times. When did they stop supporting it?
What I'm saying is that after the bible days did Jews support the execution of Christ? The NT says the Jews brought Jesus to t he Romans.
Other than Xtians using that to kill us, we don't think about it. Now or then. I know it seems hard for Xtians to understand, but we are not obsessed with Jesus.
Other than Xtians using that to kill us, we don't think about it. Now or then. I know it seems hard for Xtians to understand, but we are not obsessed with Jesus.
Thanks for answering. I wanted the Jewish perspective. Do they support his execution now?
Yeah but the Jews brought him to the Romans knowing he would be put to death, so what's the difference? They didn't pull the trigger but they bought the gun.
The only people guilty of murder are murderers. In this case, executioners, and that was Roman soldiers. I'm tired of people saying that this or that leader killed so and so when no one killed so and so except the actual murderer. It doesn't matter who organized it or ordered it: matters who DID it. No Jews, no Pontius Pilate. Just a few Roman soldiers and functionaries.

Crucifixion was the normal punishment for crime. In fact the Latin word was normally used as a general term for all torture and execution, and even made jokes about. So the comic playwright Plautus constantly has slaves talk about getting crucified if they do this or that prank ----- it's quite creepy given the religious history we have. They don't mean it; it was supposed to be funny.

Doesn't really work in 2022, however.
Judas did it.
Nope, he just took the thirty pieces of silver for identifying Jesus to the authorities. They weren't sure which of them he was: Jesus had quite a posse, after all. Taking money is not the same as murdering people.

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