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Do not kill me


I gave milk to your children. I gave milk to your ancestors. Why are you killing us?
Because its "natural" and complies with the laws of nature.

"So God created man in His image, in the image of God created him; male and female created He them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth; AND SUBDUE IT; AND HAVE DOMINION OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, AND OVER THE FOUL OF THE AIR, AND OVER EVERY LIVING THING THAT MOVETH UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH." -- Genesis 1:27-28

Suggestion: PETA could have all its members and supporters Identify as being Bovine.........just a thought.
Because its "natural" and complies with the laws of nature.

No, it's a result of this being a fallen world. You are stating the secular view.

"So God created man in His image, in the image of God created him; male and female created He them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth; AND SUBDUE IT; AND HAVE DOMINION OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, AND OVER THE FOUL OF THE AIR, AND OVER EVERY LIVING THING THAT MOVETH UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH." -- Genesis 1:27-28

Suggestion: PETA could have all its members and supporters Identify as being Bovine.........just a thought.

Dominion does not mean exploitation, cruelty, and selfishness. I just did a video on the topic of dominion a few days ago, check it out:

Dominion does not mean exploitation, cruelty, and selfishness. I just did a video on the topic of dominion a few days ago, check it out:

Well done good and faithful servant! Excellent video!

It also says "in our image, according to our likeness"

Although we were created in the form of God, "image" and especially "likeness" means much more than physical appearance. Having the likeness of God means having a his character.

Repeatedly, Jesus taught that dominion and stewardship is not OPPRESSION and cruelty, but SERVICE. Both toward your fellow man and also the rest of His creation.
Well done good and faithful servant! Excellent video!

It also says "in our image, according to our likeness"

Although we were created in the form of God, "image" and especially "likeness" means much more than physical appearance. Having the likeness of God means having a his character.

Repeatedly, Jesus taught that dominion and stewardship is not OPPRESSION and cruelty, but SERVICE. Both toward your fellow man and also the rest of His creation.

Thank you! And yes, exactly! That's why I said in an earlier post that it's amazing to me that Christians collectively have gotten dominion so very wrong! I mean basically upside-down.

I think that is starting to change, though. This might sound crazy to some, but as we get closer to the end of this age and the prophesied time when "the wolf will dwell with the lamb" I think more and more Christians are moving in that direction. I've seen that with my own eyes, just in the last few years.

Thanks again for your kind words... I'm so glad you're here, as you know being on this side we're usually always outnumbered.

ETA: btw, right now I'm working on the 2nd video of that series... It's going to be on Genesis 1:29-30.
No, it's a result of this being a fallen world. You are stating the secular view.

Dominion does not mean exploitation, cruelty, and selfishness. I just did a video on the topic of dominion a few days ago, check it out:

Something else you pointed our near the end of the video.

How would a dog or cat owner react or feel if someone walked up to your pet and clubbed it over the head or slit its throat because they were "hungry" and liked the taste of dog or cat.

Is that a "good" person, or an evil person? What makes slaughtering one kind of animal okay, but one you have a personal attachment to, evil? Shallow thinkers, and those whose conscience are pricked, cannot give an honest answer to this question.
Something else you pointed our near the end of the video.

How would a dog or cat owner react or feel if someone walked up to your pet and clubbed it over the head or slit its throat because they were "hungry" and liked the taste of dog or cat.

Is that a "good" person, or an evil person? What makes slaughtering one kind of animal okay, but one you have a personal attachment to, evil? Shallow thinkers, and those whose conscience are pricked, cannot give an honest answer to this question.

Yep, I was just thinking about that cognitive dissonance today. The same ones here who say that merely discussing or debating this issue is "forcing beliefs" would probably have no problem with someone talking about the evils of the dog meat trade. You know, how dogs are kidnapped, tortured and slaughtered because someone wants to eat their dead body.

And I absolutely agree with the last thing you said. Well put.
How would a dog or cat owner react or feel if someone walked up to your pet and clubbed it over the head or slit its throat because they were "hungry" and liked the taste of dog or cat.

Umm,.. that is irrelevant because most people who raise cattle, chickens, and pigs is to raise them for slaughter so they're not going to feel exactly the same way as we would with our pets since there usually isn't the same emotional attachment. It's not like somebody is murdering their livestock against their will, it's how they being farmers make a living.
Yep, I was just thinking about that cognitive dissonance today. The same ones here who say that merely discussing or debating this issue is "forcing beliefs" would probably have no problem with someone talking about the evils of the dog meat trade. You know, how dogs are kidnapped, tortured and slaughtered because someone wants to eat their dead body.

I'll point this out to you since you brought up a new point. As sad as it makes me that's the custom in a lot of other countries and if I was born in one of them then maybe I would feel differently. Just like I would if I grew up in a place where cattle are considered holy and sacred.
And finally, the vast majority of people read right over what you said about "the god of this world." Even few Christians understand.

But when God gave Adam and Eve the CHOICE to follow Him, or CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES "good and evil," in making the choice they did, they chose Satan as their god and the god all the generations that came after them until the Return.

Few realize how much of what they think is "good," "right," and "natural" comes from the "god of this world." And most people are happy with that and are angered if anyone tells them that this is from the enemy of God.

Jesus rebuked His disciples when they fell into this spirit, telling them, "You don't know what spirit you are of"
They can express THEIR opinions, but you're not allowed yours. 😄

Stating and discussing an opinion is a whole lot different than trying to show you a bunch of videos and articles you don't want to see and ask you millions of times if you're sure that's your opinion while trying to get you to change yours. Especially when you've stated over a million times that you're not interested in them and getting your opinion changed. Even Jesus knew when to just give it a rest when people weren't interested and on top of that the guy ate meat so obviously He doesn't find it to be sinful behavior.
I'll point this out to you since you brought up a new point. As sad as it makes me that's the custom in a lot of other countries and if I was born in one of them then maybe I would feel differently. Just like I would if I grew up in a place where cattle are considered holy and sacred.

I wasn't going to reply to you anymore because you made it clear that you didn't want to continue, but to answer what you just said to me.... culture, man-made customs or even man-made laws is not what determines truth and right vs wrong.

If a particular culture thought that murdering children was OK, would that make it right? Of course not. I mean, I'm sure you already know that... at least I hope you do.
If a particular culture thought that murdering children was OK, would that make it right? Of course not. I mean, I'm sure you already know that... at least I hope you do.

Well obviously I'm against abortion, but that's an entirely different topic and we can still talk about this,.. I just don't want to hear the same thing over and over about here watch this video, watch this one, here's this article and trying to get me to change my mind. As long as it isn't anything about that then feel free to talk to me as you will still receive a friendly response. :)
I wasn't going to reply to you anymore because you made it clear that you didn't want to continue, but to answer what you just said to me.... culture, man-made customs or even man-made laws is not what determines truth and right vs wrong.

If a particular culture thought that murdering children was OK, would that make it right? Of course not. I mean, I'm sure you already know that... at least I hope you do.
Probably my last response to this thread tonight, but this reminded me of debates I've had with liberal vegans who correctly argue THIS issue but side with the pro-abort cult. They get just as angry and triggered with me over the abortion issue as many here do over their unwillingness to see the evil of slaughtering any sentient creature. THAT group doesn't have a consistent ideology either.
Probably my last response to this thread tonight, but this reminded me of debates I've had with liberal vegans who correctly argue THIS issue but side with the pro-abort cult. They get just as angry and triggered with me over the abortion issue as many here do over their unwillingness to see the evil of slaughtering any sentient creature. THAT group doesn't have a consistent ideology either.

You know if you're comparing a child to a pig or cow then you have a problem as there shouldn't be any comparison as the life of a child should be a LOT more important and highly valued.
Probably my last response to this thread tonight, but this reminded me of debates I've had with liberal vegans who correctly argue THIS issue but side with the pro-abort cult. They get just as angry and triggered with me over the abortion issue as many here do over their unwillingness to see the evil of slaughtering any sentient creature. THAT group doesn't have a consistent ideology either.

I know, it's definitely true that secular vegans and biblical vegans part ways on certain things... for the most part anyway. I think there are some who are pro-life... hopefully more will come around. And SO true that both sides (non-christian vegans and non-vegan christians) don't have the full picture. I'm part of a group that is trying to change that... and like I said, I think the change is happening, slowly but surely. :)
I know, it's definitely true that secular vegans and biblical vegans part ways on certain things... for the most part anyway. I think there are some who are pro-life... hopefully more will come around. And SO true that both sides (non-christian vegans and non-vegan christians) don't have the full picture. I'm part of a group that is trying to change that... and like I said, I think the change is happening, slowly but surely. :)

The thing you're missing though is you can't be the one to change people. You can give them information and see if they're interested, but if they're like me and they're not willing to change their eating habits or whatever about them you don't like you just have to go move on.

And I'm saying this because I care, the pushier you are about something, the more people are going to get pissy with you and not even want to listen to a word you're saying. I mean, I'm never going to change my eating habits, but if you hadn't been so pushy I wouldn't have gotten so aggravated with you in the first place.
Oh yeah and especially if you keep doing it then all you create is drama.
The thing you're missing though is you can't be the one to change people. You can give them information and see if they're interested, but if they're like me and they're not willing to change their eating habits or whatever about them you don't like you just have to go move on.

And I'm saying this because I care, the pushier you are about something, the more people are going to get pissy with you and not even want to listen to a word you're saying. I mean, I'm never going to change my eating habits, but if you hadn't been so pushy I wouldn't have gotten so aggravated with you in the first place.

I know full well that you can only lead a horse to water, you can't make him drink. But I do have to say that based on my experience and talking to a lot of people, different people respond to different styles of influencing... (for lack of a better word.)

What I mean by that is some people respond to the soft, sweet "check out these recipes" types of influencers... and other people have said that it was the much more direct approach that influenced them.

You said you didn't want to hear anything more, and I said we can stop debating then, but you keep coming back to this thread and posting, not only to others but to me too. lol. But whatever, I'm fine either way. :dunno:
I know full well that you can only lead a horse to water, you can't make him drink. But I do have to say that based on my experience and talking to a lot of people, different people respond to different styles of influencing... (for lack of a better word.)

What I mean by that is some people respond to the soft, sweet "check out these recipes" types of influencers... and other people have said that it was the much more direct approach that influenced them.

You said you didn't want to hear anything more, and I said we can stop debating then, but you keep coming back to this thread and posting, not only to others but to me too. lol. But whatever, I'm fine either way. :dunno:

Well now it's different because you're actually talking to me normally and realizing what you were doing clearly wasn't working so you stopped what you were doing before. So, yeah,.. we're good now. :)

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