Do Not Speak Out Against BLM!!

Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

Low IQ folks look at everything through the prism of Race. I have no NEED to say Black Lives Matter because ALL lives matter.

All lives do matter. However, black lives matter. You've no doubt heard the house on fire analogy, right? This would be a good time to refer to that.

Did you want to show where the Founding Documents grant anyone the "Right" to no be offended?

Do you want to show me the 'founding documents' where people have the right to employment while being offensive?
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
That's fascinating because I know people who live all over the world and Muslim terrorists have been kidnapping and murdering people globally for way more then 20 years.

Those in glass houses.........
Can you elaborate...for once.

You understand what I am saying.
No; Muslims have always been globally aggressive.
My friends from the Philippines say they've destroyed the place with their kidnappings.

The United States has been at war for nearly all of it's existence.
Prior to WWI?
Since WWI we have been on the lookout for Global instigators.

How many nations have not been at war for most of their existence?

Argue that. But don't argue it's all the fault of one group. But to answer your question, many nations have not.

Australia. Japan has been quite peaceful for 75 years now. Canada. I could continue.
Canada has the most powerful military on earth at it's beck and call...The US.
Australia...Like anybody wants to conquer...what's it called again?...Oh! Australia. Like anybody will send their navy.
Japan has a military?

Now tell us where the US has instigated the actions it is involved in.
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
That's fascinating because I know people who live all over the world and Muslim terrorists have been kidnapping and murdering people globally for way more then 20 years.

Those in glass houses.........
Can you elaborate...for once.

You understand what I am saying.
No; Muslims have always been globally aggressive.
My friends from the Philippines say they've destroyed the place with their kidnappings.

The United States has been at war for nearly all of it's existence.
Prior to WWI?
Since WWI we have been on the lookout for Global instigators.

How many nations have not been at war for most of their existence?
Not a good answer.
Europe is at war right now and your a$$ is safe here.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.

Mac this has zero to do with Donald Trump or Donald Trump supporters, your Trump Derangement Syndrome is now critical. Also my opinion is that if anyone burns the flag of their nation they should be punished.
Right on cue.

Yes, you are a one trick pony.
Indeed. I'm against authoritarian ideological fundamentalism. Consistently.

No, I see very little evidence of that.
I know.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
You have already remade America into an Orwellian culture. It will turn on you. And it is already.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
You have already remade America into an Orwellian culture. It will turn on you. And it is already.
Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.
Burning the flag is legal

but so should be saying all lives matter
He wasn't arrested. As a well known radio announcer, the station didn't appreciate his public remark that was insulting to a good number of their listeners. When you're a public figure, you need to think about it before making controversial political comments. It was a business decision and he should have known better. Now he's apologized, saying he didn't realize it was offensive to many. Was this really his first visit to twitter? That's pretty danged naive, imo.
WTF is there to protest about?
You have not listened. That is what they are protesting about. No one has been listening.
Do you live in a Hood?
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
That's fascinating because I know people who live all over the world and Muslim terrorists have been kidnapping and murdering people globally for way more then 20 years.

Those in glass houses.........
Can you elaborate...for once.

You understand what I am saying.
No; Muslims have always been globally aggressive.
My friends from the Philippines say they've destroyed the place with their kidnappings.

The United States has been at war for nearly all of it's existence.

The wars up to ww2 were mostly justified and declared. You can thank LBJ, bush family, and obama.
Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.
Burning the flag is legal

but so should be saying all lives matter
He wasn't arrested. As a well known radio announcer, the station didn't appreciate his public remark that was insulting to a good number of their listeners. When you're a public figure, you need to think about it before making controversial political comments. It was a business decision and he should have known better. Now he's apologized, saying he didn't realize it was offensive to many. Was this really his first visit to twitter? That's pretty danged naive, imo.
WTF is there to protest about?
You have not listened. That is what they are protesting about. No one has been listening.
Do you live in a Hood?
How many dogs do you own?
Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.
Burning the flag is legal

but so should be saying all lives matter
He wasn't arrested. As a well known radio announcer, the station didn't appreciate his public remark that was insulting to a good number of their listeners. When you're a public figure, you need to think about it before making controversial political comments. It was a business decision and he should have known better. Now he's apologized, saying he didn't realize it was offensive to many. Was this really his first visit to twitter? That's pretty danged naive, imo.
WTF is there to protest about?
You have not listened. That is what they are protesting about. No one has been listening.
Do you live in a Hood?
How many dogs do you own?
I used to; I love dogs so much I would ignore my children.
But there are a lot of dogs on my block.

You keep defending the Hood.
Do you live in a Hood?
Do you drive through Hoods?
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
That's fascinating because I know people who live all over the world and Muslim terrorists have been kidnapping and murdering people globally for way more then 20 years.

Those in glass houses.........
Can you elaborate...for once.

You understand what I am saying.
No; Muslims have always been globally aggressive.
My friends from the Philippines say they've destroyed the place with their kidnappings.

The United States has been at war for nearly all of it's existence.
Prior to WWI?
Since WWI we have been on the lookout for Global instigators.

How many nations have not been at war for most of their existence?

Argue that. But don't argue it's all the fault of one group. But to answer your question, many nations have not.

Australia. Japan has been quite peaceful for 75 years now. Canada. I could continue.
Canada has the most powerful military on earth at it's beck and call...The US.

They have their own military. What they don't do is constantly stick their nose in other people's business.
Nobody has to ask Canada to stop stealing their resources or trying to block them from freely trading them.

Australia...Like anybody wants to conquer...what's it called again?...Oh! Australia. Like anybody will send their navy.
Japan has a military?

Now tell us where the US has instigated the actions it is involved in.

Nearly every single war has been none of our business.
Don't speak out against the BLM?...interesting.
Here's the odd thing no one else is talking about......

The Federal government has a number of "spy" agencies including the FBI and CIA and some you will never know about.

But here's the thing.....
If you had a KKK rally, I guarantee you there would be government infiltrators among you.
If you had an American Patriots Convention, I guarantee there would be government infiltrators among you.
If you were involved with ANY group that didn't agree with Leftists ideals, I guarantee there would be government infiltrators among you.

So why then is it that BLM and Antifa seem to be able to operate unimpeded?

You now know why.
Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

Low IQ folks look at everything through the prism of Race. I have no NEED to say Black Lives Matter because ALL lives matter.

All lives do matter. However, black lives matter. You've no doubt heard the house on fire analogy, right? This would be a good time to refer to that.

Did you want to show where the Founding Documents grant anyone the "Right" to no be offended?

Do you want to show me the 'founding documents' where people have the right to employment while being offensive?

All souls matter.
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
That's fascinating because I know people who live all over the world and Muslim terrorists have been kidnapping and murdering people globally for way more then 20 years.

Those in glass houses.........
Can you elaborate...for once.

You understand what I am saying.
No; Muslims have always been globally aggressive.
My friends from the Philippines say they've destroyed the place with their kidnappings.

The United States has been at war for nearly all of it's existence.

The wars up to ww2 were mostly justified and declared. You can thank LBJ, bush family, and obama.

We can argue the earlier wars but no argument that we have allowed war criminals live out their life in relative luxury here.
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
That's fascinating because I know people who live all over the world and Muslim terrorists have been kidnapping and murdering people globally for way more then 20 years.

Those in glass houses.........
Can you elaborate...for once.

You understand what I am saying.
No; Muslims have always been globally aggressive.
My friends from the Philippines say they've destroyed the place with their kidnappings.

The United States has been at war for nearly all of it's existence.
Prior to WWI?
Since WWI we have been on the lookout for Global instigators.

How many nations have not been at war for most of their existence?

Argue that. But don't argue it's all the fault of one group. But to answer your question, many nations have not.

Australia. Japan has been quite peaceful for 75 years now. Canada. I could continue.
Canada has the most powerful military on earth at it's beck and call...The US.

They have their own military. What they don't do is constantly stick their nose in other people's business.
Nobody has to ask Canada to stop stealing their resources or trying to block them from freely trading them.

Australia...Like anybody wants to conquer...what's it called again?...Oh! Australia. Like anybody will send their navy.
Japan has a military?

Now tell us where the US has instigated the actions it is involved in.

Nearly every single war has been none of our business.

We protect Canada. They don't need to use resources for their protection. We provide. There's a reason no one bothers them.
Mac this has zero to do with Donald Trump or Donald Trump supporters, your Trump Derangement Syndrome is now critical. Also my opinion is that if anyone burns the flag of their nation they should be punished.

My gut wants to agree with you but burning a flag is a free speech issue.

I agrre,many have fought for their "Right" to be able to burn that flag. Those who did it were buoyed by the sight of it in some tough situations.
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
That's fascinating because I know people who live all over the world and Muslim terrorists have been kidnapping and murdering people globally for way more then 20 years.

Those in glass houses.........
Can you elaborate...for once.

You understand what I am saying.
No; Muslims have always been globally aggressive.
My friends from the Philippines say they've destroyed the place with their kidnappings.

The United States has been at war for nearly all of it's existence.
Prior to WWI?
Since WWI we have been on the lookout for Global instigators.

How many nations have not been at war for most of their existence?

Argue that. But don't argue it's all the fault of one group. But to answer your question, many nations have not.

Australia. Japan has been quite peaceful for 75 years now. Canada. I could continue.
Canada has the most powerful military on earth at it's beck and call...The US.

They have their own military. What they don't do is constantly stick their nose in other people's business.
Nobody has to ask Canada to stop stealing their resources or trying to block them from freely trading them.

Australia...Like anybody wants to conquer...what's it called again?...Oh! Australia. Like anybody will send their navy.
Japan has a military?

Now tell us where the US has instigated the actions it is involved in.

Nearly every single war has been none of our business.
To be honest, I agree with you.
Our sole real concern is China, which we've turned into a super power.
We will have to be concerned when China builds an island within 200 miles of California and claims the US as part of China as they have been doing with other nations.
Or you will lose your job

How is that for freedom of speech?

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” -- from the American Taliban Bible Orwell's "1984"
We are there.
Blacks need to have all lives matter beaten into their heads with brick bats. Because blacks believe that only black lives matter they burn men alive and beat elderly women to the ground. Because no other lives matter to the black man they can torture a puppy then strangle it.

Black lives matter was good for about 30 seconds years ago.

Over fathers day weekend, 106 people where shot in Chicago, ten deaths so far, including a 3 year old black child. Where are the protests and riots?
What have you done to organize any protesting?

I don't protest, I do it the American way by making sure I vote every election. That's the way civilized people do things in the modern world.
Well then the founders of our nation would not be attractive to you what with their protesting, killing, burning, looting and revolution...

I guess you skipped over the part where I used the "modern world" when you read my reply.

At one time people did protest and riot because that was the only way to be heard or recognized. Today we don't need to behave like savages. We have the media, the internet, texting, cable television, cell phones, social media to express ourselves. If I sent a complaint to my state representative, he receives it in less than two seconds after I hit the send button.

Also in the past there was genuine inequality, not like today. What are they protesting and rioting about? An officer killed one guy, he was arrested, and he will have his day in court. WTF is there to protest about? This is the way a civilized society handles matters--not burning down restaurants, public buildings, taking over police stations, poisoning police officers, hundreds injured while protecting us, several dead, and one paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
The modern world where the US invades any nation it wants and strong arms nations and people into following its planned policy?
The cops have only killed one guy!? You better step back and see what is really happening in the world.
There would be no riots if the system did more than lip service when people have grievances. I know you like the authoritarian/police state, you don't give a shit about people that are abused and subjugated by the state...You can't even recognize that there many people killed by pigs no matter their color because you support that type of treatment of humans..
Sadam Hussein was a murderer we should have left alone.
After all, every Muslim murderer simply gets replaced by the next Muslim murderer.

I'd tend to agree with that except for the Kurds, Saddam needed to pay for that

We have been murdering the same people we condemned Saddam for killing.
Russia used Syria to test their equipment and the US used Israel.
Regardless, Syria was going to attack Israel.

Saddam was in Iraq. We have been killing people there for nearly 20 years now. People that have never done a thing to us.
That's fascinating because I know people who live all over the world and Muslim terrorists have been kidnapping and murdering people globally for way more then 20 years.

Those in glass houses.........
Can you elaborate...for once.

You understand what I am saying.
No; Muslims have always been globally aggressive.
My friends from the Philippines say they've destroyed the place with their kidnappings.

The United States has been at war for nearly all of it's existence.
Prior to WWI?
Since WWI we have been on the lookout for Global instigators.

How many nations have not been at war for most of their existence?

Argue that. But don't argue it's all the fault of one group. But to answer your question, many nations have not.

Australia. Japan has been quite peaceful for 75 years now. Canada. I could continue.
Canada has the most powerful military on earth at it's beck and call...The US.

They have their own military. What they don't do is constantly stick their nose in other people's business.
Nobody has to ask Canada to stop stealing their resources or trying to block them from freely trading them.

Australia...Like anybody wants to conquer...what's it called again?...Oh! Australia. Like anybody will send their navy.
Japan has a military?

Now tell us where the US has instigated the actions it is involved in.

Nearly every single war has been none of our business.

We protect Canada. They don't need to use resources for their protection. We provide. There's a reason no one bothers them.

No one has a reason to attack them. They mind their own business.

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