Do Not Speak Out Against BLM!!

Or you will lose your job

How is that for freedom of speech?
This is total bullshit. Imagine getting fired for saying that everyone's life matters! SUE! SUE! SUE! By saying all lives matter, you are agreeing that black lives matter because black lives is part (a subset) of all lives.

Worse, the organization BLM is headed by a Marxist. SUE the fucking bastards into oblivion.
I agree this is an issue that should be addressed 100%? I wonder if you're receive higher sentences when committing the same crimes as women, do you give a shit about that?
Consistent? him Happy Joy? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. He's a fking kkk leftist. he needs the focus off his racist kkk ass.
You refused to accept the 2016 election and refused to peacefully turn over power .
Huh? From which radio show did you get THAT one?
all of the ones since November 2016. Mueller sound familiar?
Power was peacefully turned over. In Normal World.

You guys act like bigger victims than the college snowflakes.
we watched for almost four years, naw, that never happened. I get it, you stand eyes wide closed.
BLM is affecting change all over the keep hoping though, retard.

Yes they are. George Soros' money has been well spent as this organization predicated on making black criminality inviolate is helping to propel the dissolution of western society he seeks.
Yes they are. George Soros' money has been well spent as this organization predicated on making black criminality inviolate is helping to propel the dissolution of western society he seeks.
There are indeed. While you're online bitching about a fantastical boogeyman.
Good job, loser.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.

If you consume news that only shows rioting then you're an idiot and it's completely your fault that you so willfully dupe yourself.

I consume all news honey, I am in no way duped. They are in the news today for the illegal thungs they are doing, I get it, you don't like that truth but it is what it is. You need to come to terms with their lawlessness

I'm pretty tight with the truth, we go way back.

When NASCAR is banning the confederate flag, they ain't doing it to be unpopular.
but they will be. It's not freedom. just saying, either you are for freedom or you're not. I am. destroy statues without a vote is not freedom, it's a crime.

Sure, many of their fans will almost take this too personally. Who are we kidding, they're throwing wing-dings. But not all their fans and soon enough their advertisers many who need to sell to a much larger audience than NASCAR fans alone understand this. In a year...more like 6 months, it's not going to matter that offensive rag won't be an issue for them as they, like everyone else will simply move on.
We will see. The NFL suffered and didn’t learn and will suffer yet again . Sad kneeling with evil

The Super Bowl was the 11th highest rated program of the history of television. This despite there being more and more options.

How did 2018 go, Comrade?

It was down 3% from the year before. Not exactly world ending.
Down 15% in attendance


The National Football League's overall attendance was down slightly in 2018, falling 1.9 percent to 33.8 million from 34.5 million in 2017.
yeah, you go with that. I'll just continue to laugh at your stupid. hahahahahahahahaha
BLM is affecting change all over the keep hoping though, retard.

Yes they are. George Soros' money has been well spent as this organization predicated on making black criminality inviolate is helping to propel the dissolution of western society he seeks.
Yes they are. George Soros' money has been well spent as this organization predicated on making black criminality inviolate is helping to propel the dissolution of western society he seeks.
There are indeed. While you're online bitching about a fantastical boogeyman.
Good job, loser.
we've been stay at home over that fantastical boogeyman.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.

If you consume news that only shows rioting then you're an idiot and it's completely your fault that you so willfully dupe yourself.

I consume all news honey, I am in no way duped. They are in the news today for the illegal thungs they are doing, I get it, you don't like that truth but it is what it is. You need to come to terms with their lawlessness

I'm pretty tight with the truth, we go way back.

When NASCAR is banning the confederate flag, they ain't doing it to be unpopular.
but they will be. It's not freedom. just saying, either you are for freedom or you're not. I am. destroy statues without a vote is not freedom, it's a crime.

Sure, many of their fans will almost take this too personally. Who are we kidding, they're throwing wing-dings. But not all their fans and soon enough their advertisers many who need to sell to a much larger audience than NASCAR fans alone understand this. In a year...more like 6 months, it's not going to matter that offensive rag won't be an issue for them as they, like everyone else will simply move on.
We will see. The NFL suffered and didn’t learn and will suffer yet again . Sad kneeling with evil

The Super Bowl was the 11th highest rated program of the history of television. This despite there being more and more options.

How did 2018 go, Comrade?

It was down 3% from the year before. Not exactly world ending.
Down 15% in attendance


The National Football League's overall attendance was down slightly in 2018, falling 1.9 percent to 33.8 million from 34.5 million in 2017.
yeah, you go with that. I'll just continue to laugh at your stupid. hahahahahahahahaha

It's not about me.
There are indeed. While you're online bitching about a fantastical boogeyman.
Good job, loser.

I'm sorry you are abjectly stupid, Hutch I really am. Despite my ability to commiserate with you over the luck of the draw I still have to say that I would never hire you as an employee of my company. I require people who can think.
BLM is affecting change all over the keep hoping though, retard.

Yes they are. George Soros' money has been well spent as this organization predicated on making black criminality inviolate is helping to propel the dissolution of western society he seeks.
Yes they are. George Soros' money has been well spent as this organization predicated on making black criminality inviolate is helping to propel the dissolution of western society he seeks.
There are indeed. While you're online bitching about a fantastical boogeyman.
Good job, loser.
we've been stay at home over that fantastical boogeyman.
we've been stay at home over that fantastical boogeyman.
Your governor?
BLM is affecting change all over the keep hoping though, retard.

Yes they are. George Soros' money has been well spent as this organization predicated on making black criminality inviolate is helping to propel the dissolution of western society he seeks.
Yes they are. George Soros' money has been well spent as this organization predicated on making black criminality inviolate is helping to propel the dissolution of western society he seeks.
There are indeed. While you're online bitching about a fantastical boogeyman.
Good job, loser.
we've been stay at home over that fantastical boogeyman.
we've been stay at home over that fantastical boogeyman.
Your governor?
all of them that had stay at home warned us of the evil Wuhan boogeyman, yep.
There are indeed. While you're online bitching about a fantastical boogeyman.
Good job, loser.

I'm sorry you are abjectly stupid, Hutch I really am. Despite my ability to commiserate with you over the luck of the draw I still have to say that I would never hire you as an employee of my company. I require people who can think.
I'm sorry you are abjectly stupid, Hutch I really am. Despite my ability to commiserate with you over the luck of the draw I still have to say that I would never hire you as an employee of my company. I require people who can think.
Whew!Good thing I'm not in the market for a job. ;)

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