Do Not Speak Out Against BLM!!

Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

Low IQ folks look at everything through the prism of Race. I have no NEED to say Black Lives Matter because ALL lives matter.

All lives do matter. However, black lives matter. You've no doubt heard the house on fire analogy, right? This would be a good time to refer to that.

Did you want to show where the Founding Documents grant anyone the "Right" to no be offended?

Do you want to show me the 'founding documents' where people have the right to employment while being offensive?

Saying all lives matter doesn’t contradict black lives matter.

It doesn't, it simply diminishes the challenges at hand when we are specifically speaking of systemic racism.

Point to examples of systematic racism

Voter supression:

Harsher prison sentences for committing the same crimes:

Lasting impacts of red-lining that have influenced inter-generational wealth differences between races even after the practice was outlawed

School funding - Using property taxes to fund local schools creates differences in quality of education

Shopping while black

Hiring practices

The President

Democrats do everything short of casting votes for black people. They bus them in droves to voting stations. There is no suppression of the black vote. A lot of blacks just don’t vote on their on accord. Get out of here with this bs

So....that was weak. :auiqs.jpg:

What’s weak is your claims of systemic racism. If blacks are suppressed from going to the polls, why on earth are the democrats always pandering for the black vote? Mind you blacks make up only 13% of the population.

I'm not quite sure of your logic there..

What I do know is you asked for examples of systemic racism and I gave you multiple. Doesn't appear that your responses back are worth much. Not that I'm surprised.

you gave nada. Systemic racism is the hot new buzz term that wasn’t even used a few years ago. First it was institutional racism, that was bull shit, now it’s systemic racism, which is a reincarnation of institutional racism. Vague terms that when people are asked to give examples you either here crickets or lies.

Systemic and Institutional racism are the same thing. Yes, it's a 'term' and the meaning can be easily looked up. It's not vague you simply have to want to understand it. You asked me for examples and I gave them to you and you have decided to ignore them you lazy ass.

You want to know a term that came about recently in wide use? Deep State, TDS, the anagram MAGA and KEK. You're such an imbecile but I get it. You're white and you don't see the same things so you ignore it when others bring them up. You're part of the problem. Thankfully you're also part of a small however vocal part of our society.

Im by far not part of the problem. I judge people strictly on merit. You are the problem, bullshit artist

Of course you're part of the problem because you don't even know there is one. Change needs to happen but you're most likely going to stand in the way.

Oh I’ll stand in the way. I’ll fight your racism tooth and nail

Neat. So, if I think inner city schools should receive the same amount of funds per student that other schools do you think I'm a racist?

Just stupid. Peoples’ taxes go to fund schools. If you live in a poor area your school is going to get less funded. However I grew up in New York. 3 specialized public schools to which you have to take a standardized test to enroll. I fortunately made it to Brooklyn tech. Blacks made up 30% of the student body. Guess who they lowered admission standards for?

Neat. I'm not interested in your personal stories.

Are you OK with leveling out the funding gap between prominently white schools and prominently black school or are you OK with giving white kids a head start? This is an example of systemic racism that your dumb ass doesn't realize exists.

Dumbass, blacks are fully capable of breaking the cycle of poverty. It’s something they have to do without a hand up from me. I came into this country an immigrant. My parents climbed the latter to middle class status. Many blacks have done this, more would, if there wasn’t a SYSTEMIC breakdown of the black family. Take inventory, and leave other people alone who are going about their business in pursuit of their own happiness.

Many have, but it doesn't look like an easy path. When you keep whole generations of kids without a proper education what do you expect to happen? Then when that kid gets caught smoking a joint he ends up serving a longer sentence while the white boy serves less time for the same crime. So now you've got a black kid with a shitty education sitting in jail for way longer than need be. What could possibly go wrong?

Like I said, you're part of the problem.

A) Blacks have low high school graduation rates. How is that my problem. Who is forcing them to dropout.

2) no one gets a prison sentence from smoking a joint.

How is that your problem? Maybe it's not. Maybe it's the outcome of systemic racism that you don't care about.

Well, black people receive higher sentences when committing the same crimes. as a white person. I'm sure you don't give a shit. However it is an example of systemic racism that you claim is made up.
Fuck BLM! They all need hanged like the seditionist commie rioters they are!

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

You of course agree that they should be punished for the laws they've broken, right?

The rioters? Sure. The protesters no.
Protesters didn’t leave, they allowed the rioters to consume their protest, that makes the protesters culpable

Sure buddy.
Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

Low IQ folks look at everything through the prism of Race. I have no NEED to say Black Lives Matter because ALL lives matter.

All lives do matter. However, black lives matter. You've no doubt heard the house on fire analogy, right? This would be a good time to refer to that.

Did you want to show where the Founding Documents grant anyone the "Right" to no be offended?

Do you want to show me the 'founding documents' where people have the right to employment while being offensive?

Saying all lives matter doesn’t contradict black lives matter.

It doesn't, it simply diminishes the challenges at hand when we are specifically speaking of systemic racism.

Point to examples of systematic racism

Voter supression:

Harsher prison sentences for committing the same crimes:

Lasting impacts of red-lining that have influenced inter-generational wealth differences between races even after the practice was outlawed

School funding - Using property taxes to fund local schools creates differences in quality of education

Shopping while black

Hiring practices

The President

Democrats do everything short of casting votes for black people. They bus them in droves to voting stations. There is no suppression of the black vote. A lot of blacks just don’t vote on their on accord. Get out of here with this bs

So....that was weak. :auiqs.jpg:

What’s weak is your claims of systemic racism. If blacks are suppressed from going to the polls, why on earth are the democrats always pandering for the black vote? Mind you blacks make up only 13% of the population.

I'm not quite sure of your logic there..

What I do know is you asked for examples of systemic racism and I gave you multiple. Doesn't appear that your responses back are worth much. Not that I'm surprised.

you gave nada. Systemic racism is the hot new buzz term that wasn’t even used a few years ago. First it was institutional racism, that was bull shit, now it’s systemic racism, which is a reincarnation of institutional racism. Vague terms that when people are asked to give examples you either here crickets or lies.

Systemic and Institutional racism are the same thing. Yes, it's a 'term' and the meaning can be easily looked up. It's not vague you simply have to want to understand it. You asked me for examples and I gave them to you and you have decided to ignore them you lazy ass.

You want to know a term that came about recently in wide use? Deep State, TDS, the anagram MAGA and KEK. You're such an imbecile but I get it. You're white and you don't see the same things so you ignore it when others bring them up. You're part of the problem. Thankfully you're also part of a small however vocal part of our society.

Im by far not part of the problem. I judge people strictly on merit. You are the problem, bullshit artist

Of course you're part of the problem because you don't even know there is one. Change needs to happen but you're most likely going to stand in the way.

Oh I’ll stand in the way. I’ll fight your racism tooth and nail

Neat. So, if I think inner city schools should receive the same amount of funds per student that other schools do you think I'm a racist?

Just stupid. Peoples’ taxes go to fund schools. If you live in a poor area your school is going to get less funded. However I grew up in New York. 3 specialized public schools to which you have to take a standardized test to enroll. I fortunately made it to Brooklyn tech. Blacks made up 30% of the student body. Guess who they lowered admission standards for?

Neat. I'm not interested in your personal stories.

Are you OK with leveling out the funding gap between prominently white schools and prominently black school or are you OK with giving white kids a head start? This is an example of systemic racism that your dumb ass doesn't realize exists.

Dumbass, blacks are fully capable of breaking the cycle of poverty. It’s something they have to do without a hand up from me. I came into this country an immigrant. My parents climbed the latter to middle class status. Many blacks have done this, more would, if there wasn’t a SYSTEMIC breakdown of the black family. Take inventory, and leave other people alone who are going about their business in pursuit of their own happiness.

Many have, but it doesn't look like an easy path. When you keep whole generations of kids without a proper education what do you expect to happen? Then when that kid gets caught smoking a joint he ends up serving a longer sentence while the white boy serves less time for the same crime. So now you've got a black kid with a shitty education sitting in jail for way longer than need be. What could possibly go wrong?

Like I said, you're part of the problem.

First off, education quality is determined by the taxpayers of that area. Some get federal or state help, but even in such cases, most of it is locally funded, and the locals can pump as much money as they desire into those schools.

I live in a very diverse suburb. At one time, our schools were rated at the top in the county. After blacks moved in, they were rated educational emergency.

Years ago the neighbor kid next door bought a portable basketball hoop. Before you knew it, we had a yard full of kids, sometimes over a dozen. They would start playing immediately after school, and play right until the night. A few times I had to call the cops to break it up.

The question is, where were the parent(s) of these kids staying out so late? Why are they not getting homework done? Why are they not getting a shower and in bed for the next school day? That pretty much answers the question of school accountability when it comes to education.

In short, you can take the best school system in the state, bus lower income people to those schools, and there wouldn't be any change in achievements by those kids. Conversely, you can do the exact same with those upper-class kids going to those lower income schools, and their achievements won't change either.

If you're going to blame education, put the blame where it rightfully belongs, at the feet of the parent(s) who believe that their only contribution to their children education is making sure they get on the school bus in the morning.
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.

If you consume news that only shows rioting then you're an idiot and it's completely your fault that you so willfully dupe yourself.

I consume all news honey, I am in no way duped. They are in the news today for the illegal thungs they are doing, I get it, you don't like that truth but it is what it is. You need to come to terms with their lawlessness

I'm pretty tight with the truth, we go way back.

When NASCAR is banning the confederate flag, they ain't doing it to be unpopular.
but they will be. It's not freedom. just saying, either you are for freedom or you're not. I am. destroy statues without a vote is not freedom, it's a crime.

Sure, many of their fans will almost take this too personally. Who are we kidding, they're throwing wing-dings. But not all their fans and soon enough their advertisers many who need to sell to a much larger audience than NASCAR fans alone understand this. In a year...more like 6 months, it's not going to matter that offensive rag won't be an issue for them as they, like everyone else will simply move on.
We will see. The NFL suffered and didn’t learn and will suffer yet again . Sad kneeling with evil

How did the NFL suffer? Declining viewership? Well, people who were for and against the kneeling were watching fewer games. Other reasons for declining viewership is the health of the players, specifically in CTE injuries. Looks like the NFL has sharply drifted into the BLM camp like most Americans so I'm not so sure what sort of lesson you idiots can teach them, you're social pariahs now. Shouldn't be a surprise it's been happening for years now.

Well, black people receive higher sentences when committing the same crimes. as a white person. I'm sure you don't give a shit. However it is an example of systemic racism that you claim is made up.

Judges dish out sentences based on more than the crime committed. Let's look at that:

You have a white kid that got busted with coke. He or she never had any prior offenses. They dressed well and gave the court their utter respect. They showed the judge remorse for their actions.

Take a black kid with the same charge. The judge looks at his lengthy criminal history, especially when it came to recreational narcotics. He ran from the police, fought with them while being arrested, called the officers every name in the book, was uncooperative during booking, and refused to comply with demands.

Do you really think both should get the same sentence?

Your facts are correct, but leaves out a lot in between.
Yeah, in the face of protest he was. If no one protested probably, judging by what's previous occurrences the copy would most likely not be charged. So, at any time feel free to thank the protesters.

That's an all out lie because in the very rare cases where an officer is found to act out of procedure, he is prosecuted by the prosecutor or grand jury; no riots involved.
How many cops have gone to prison for shooting unarmed black men? Just curious. Whatever happened to Daniel Pantaleo and that choke hold? I don't think that was apart of NYPD procedure. How about the cops that gunned down Tamir Rice in like 5 seconds of arriving? If me or anyone in my right wing neighborhood lost a kid playing with a toy gun that cop would be dead. But that doesn't happen in white neighborhoods very often.

As I explained to you earlier, there is no law that says deadly force by an officer can only be used against somebody with a weapon. Police (and CCW holders) can use deadly force if they have every reason to believed they or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death.

A police officer does not go to prison because he didn't follow police procedure. The fat clown that died after the choke hold was due to his poor health and refusal to comply with police during the arrest.

Tamir Rice was pulling out a realistic looking gun on police officers, who received a call about a person aiming a gun at passing cars, in a park renown for drug activity and shootings. What would you expect the officer to do in that situation? He was found not guilty by a grand jury after extensive reviews of the video recording. Here is a picture of the "toy" gun he was pulling out, and the real gun it was replicated after. Can you tell me which is the real gun and which one is the toy?

Tamir Rice.jpeg
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
They are fascists in your minds only. Or, I could also say the same about the Right if I were so inclined. But hyperbole like that is silly to me.

Boycott those awful companies if you want.
Listen goober, we are talking about brown shirts restricting free speech via active oppression So who wants to repeal the First Amendment in regards to offensive speech? Is it the Left or right?

Currently about half of America wants to repeal the first amendment, then comes the appointed Left wing czar who will declare what is offensive and what is not.

Sounds to me like you are desperately trying to rationalize this fact, as if to say, there is no real difference between the polarized political groups.
What I'm actually doing is what I often do: Pointing out the many blazingly obvious behavioral similarities between the two nasty ends of our political spectrum.

And, predictably, triggering many nutters.

I like it.
Actually, you have to stretch the truth into a lie when it comes to conservatives. Do you believe conservatives are racists?
What an incredibly general question. As one monolith? No.
It's too late. The democrats ARE the Khmer Rouge.
Holy shit. What the fuck.

The Khmer freakin' Rouge now.

GET a GRIP, people!


These fuckers are circling the drain into madness. :spinner: I even got compared to a Nazi. Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
And this is WITH their guy in the White House. Yikes.

November could be interesting. If Trump were to lose, they're not going to accept it.

The question is, would HE? He'll certainly claim that he was cheated, but THEN what happens?
Last edited:
Sure, the Regressive Left is all about the punishment and intimidation of freedom of expression.

Just like Trump and those Trumpsters who want to punish and intimidate flag burning.

Peas in a pod. Illiberal, freedom of expression-phobic authoritarians, all of them. That's not America.
Who lost their job burning a flag?

I'm talking real world here.
The Regressive Left has clearly been much worse in this way.

That doesn't excuse similar behaviors from the Right.
LOL. In other words, the Left are the fascists and not vice versa.

Here is a full list of all the corporations that have sold their soul to BLM. Any critique about them will not be tolerated and met with endless accusations of racism.

Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has sold their souls to the DNC.
Corporate America has recognized that 70% of Americans support BLM. They'll follow the money. You'll follow the dope who lost his job.

If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts.
If you think 70% of American's suports the burning nd looting you're nuts
I said 70% support BLM. Obviously they see something you fringe types don't.

View attachment 354493
BLM is destroing and stealing other people things, I'll guarantee there is nothing close to 70% support.

I am as mainstream as it gets kid. I fully support equality for all, but these looters shoul be arrsrd and sent to prison.

If you consume news that only shows rioting then you're an idiot and it's completely your fault that you so willfully dupe yourself.

I consume all news honey, I am in no way duped. They are in the news today for the illegal thungs they are doing, I get it, you don't like that truth but it is what it is. You need to come to terms with their lawlessness

I'm pretty tight with the truth, we go way back.

When NASCAR is banning the confederate flag, they ain't doing it to be unpopular.
but they will be. It's not freedom. just saying, either you are for freedom or you're not. I am. destroy statues without a vote is not freedom, it's a crime.

Sure, many of their fans will almost take this too personally. Who are we kidding, they're throwing wing-dings. But not all their fans and soon enough their advertisers many who need to sell to a much larger audience than NASCAR fans alone understand this. In a year...more like 6 months, it's not going to matter that offensive rag won't be an issue for them as they, like everyone else will simply move on.
We will see. The NFL suffered and didn’t learn and will suffer yet again . Sad kneeling with evil

The Super Bowl was the 11th highest rated program of the history of television. This despite there being more and more options.
Now, when the final straw hit the camel's back and the black community exploded, everyone is saying huh....
Kapernick and the black thigs in the street are exploding over a lie

the police are no more racist than any other group in America

but they have to deal with the worst people in America and thats not an easy thing to do

the common theme running through all these examples of police racism is black people acting stupid and resisting arrest

our of the hundreds of millions of interactions each year a handful go bad

thats not a bad record

on the other hand look at the anarchists in seattle and their cop-free zone

without the police to enforce the laws its become a madhouse
It's too late. The democrats ARE the Khmer Rouge.
Holy shit. What the fuck.

The Khmer freakin' Rouge now.

GET a GRIP, people!


These fuckers are circling the drain into madness. :spinner: I even got compared to a Nazi. Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
And this is WITH their guy in the White House. Yikes.

November could be interesting. If Trump were to lose, they're not going to accept it.

The question is, would HE? He'll certainly claim that he was cheated, but THEN what happens?

With mail in ballots, he could lose because it creates a much wider ability for cheating. If they decide to vote in person as normal, Trump will take it hands down.
Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

Low IQ folks look at everything through the prism of Race. I have no NEED to say Black Lives Matter because ALL lives matter.

All lives do matter. However, black lives matter. You've no doubt heard the house on fire analogy, right? This would be a good time to refer to that.

Did you want to show where the Founding Documents grant anyone the "Right" to no be offended?

Do you want to show me the 'founding documents' where people have the right to employment while being offensive?

Saying all lives matter doesn’t contradict black lives matter.

It doesn't, it simply diminishes the challenges at hand when we are specifically speaking of systemic racism.

Point to examples of systematic racism

Voter supression:

Harsher prison sentences for committing the same crimes:

Lasting impacts of red-lining that have influenced inter-generational wealth differences between races even after the practice was outlawed

School funding - Using property taxes to fund local schools creates differences in quality of education

Shopping while black

Hiring practices

The President

Democrats do everything short of casting votes for black people. They bus them in droves to voting stations. There is no suppression of the black vote. A lot of blacks just don’t vote on their on accord. Get out of here with this bs

So....that was weak. :auiqs.jpg:

What’s weak is your claims of systemic racism. If blacks are suppressed from going to the polls, why on earth are the democrats always pandering for the black vote? Mind you blacks make up only 13% of the population.

I'm not quite sure of your logic there..

What I do know is you asked for examples of systemic racism and I gave you multiple. Doesn't appear that your responses back are worth much. Not that I'm surprised.

you gave nada. Systemic racism is the hot new buzz term that wasn’t even used a few years ago. First it was institutional racism, that was bull shit, now it’s systemic racism, which is a reincarnation of institutional racism. Vague terms that when people are asked to give examples you either here crickets or lies.

Systemic and Institutional racism are the same thing. Yes, it's a 'term' and the meaning can be easily looked up. It's not vague you simply have to want to understand it. You asked me for examples and I gave them to you and you have decided to ignore them you lazy ass.

You want to know a term that came about recently in wide use? Deep State, TDS, the anagram MAGA and KEK. You're such an imbecile but I get it. You're white and you don't see the same things so you ignore it when others bring them up. You're part of the problem. Thankfully you're also part of a small however vocal part of our society.

Im by far not part of the problem. I judge people strictly on merit. You are the problem, bullshit artist

Of course you're part of the problem because you don't even know there is one. Change needs to happen but you're most likely going to stand in the way.

Oh I’ll stand in the way. I’ll fight your racism tooth and nail

Neat. So, if I think inner city schools should receive the same amount of funds per student that other schools do you think I'm a racist?

Just stupid. Peoples’ taxes go to fund schools. If you live in a poor area your school is going to get less funded. However I grew up in New York. 3 specialized public schools to which you have to take a standardized test to enroll. I fortunately made it to Brooklyn tech. Blacks made up 30% of the student body. Guess who they lowered admission standards for?

Neat. I'm not interested in your personal stories.

Are you OK with leveling out the funding gap between prominently white schools and prominently black school or are you OK with giving white kids a head start? This is an example of systemic racism that your dumb ass doesn't realize exists.

Dumbass, blacks are fully capable of breaking the cycle of poverty. It’s something they have to do without a hand up from me. I came into this country an immigrant. My parents climbed the latter to middle class status. Many blacks have done this, more would, if there wasn’t a SYSTEMIC breakdown of the black family. Take inventory, and leave other people alone who are going about their business in pursuit of their own happiness.

Many have, but it doesn't look like an easy path. When you keep whole generations of kids without a proper education what do you expect to happen? Then when that kid gets caught smoking a joint he ends up serving a longer sentence while the white boy serves less time for the same crime. So now you've got a black kid with a shitty education sitting in jail for way longer than need be. What could possibly go wrong?

Like I said, you're part of the problem.

A) Blacks have low high school graduation rates. How is that my problem. Who is forcing them to dropout.

2) no one gets a prison sentence from smoking a joint.

How is that your problem? Maybe it's not. Maybe it's the outcome of systemic racism that you don't care about.

Well, black people receive higher sentences when committing the same crimes. as a white person. I'm sure you don't give a shit. However it is an example of systemic racism that you claim is made up.

I agree this is an issue that should be addressed 100%? I wonder if you're receive higher sentences when committing the same crimes as women, do you give a shit about that?
Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

Low IQ folks look at everything through the prism of Race. I have no NEED to say Black Lives Matter because ALL lives matter.

All lives do matter. However, black lives matter. You've no doubt heard the house on fire analogy, right? This would be a good time to refer to that.

Did you want to show where the Founding Documents grant anyone the "Right" to no be offended?

Do you want to show me the 'founding documents' where people have the right to employment while being offensive?

Saying all lives matter doesn’t contradict black lives matter.

It doesn't, it simply diminishes the challenges at hand when we are specifically speaking of systemic racism.

Point to examples of systematic racism

Voter supression:

Harsher prison sentences for committing the same crimes:

Lasting impacts of red-lining that have influenced inter-generational wealth differences between races even after the practice was outlawed

School funding - Using property taxes to fund local schools creates differences in quality of education

Shopping while black

Hiring practices

The President

Democrats do everything short of casting votes for black people. They bus them in droves to voting stations. There is no suppression of the black vote. A lot of blacks just don’t vote on their on accord. Get out of here with this bs

So....that was weak. :auiqs.jpg:

What’s weak is your claims of systemic racism. If blacks are suppressed from going to the polls, why on earth are the democrats always pandering for the black vote? Mind you blacks make up only 13% of the population.

I'm not quite sure of your logic there..

What I do know is you asked for examples of systemic racism and I gave you multiple. Doesn't appear that your responses back are worth much. Not that I'm surprised.

you gave nada. Systemic racism is the hot new buzz term that wasn’t even used a few years ago. First it was institutional racism, that was bull shit, now it’s systemic racism, which is a reincarnation of institutional racism. Vague terms that when people are asked to give examples you either here crickets or lies.

Systemic and Institutional racism are the same thing. Yes, it's a 'term' and the meaning can be easily looked up. It's not vague you simply have to want to understand it. You asked me for examples and I gave them to you and you have decided to ignore them you lazy ass.

You want to know a term that came about recently in wide use? Deep State, TDS, the anagram MAGA and KEK. You're such an imbecile but I get it. You're white and you don't see the same things so you ignore it when others bring them up. You're part of the problem. Thankfully you're also part of a small however vocal part of our society.

Im by far not part of the problem. I judge people strictly on merit. You are the problem, bullshit artist

Of course you're part of the problem because you don't even know there is one. Change needs to happen but you're most likely going to stand in the way.

Oh I’ll stand in the way. I’ll fight your racism tooth and nail

Neat. So, if I think inner city schools should receive the same amount of funds per student that other schools do you think I'm a racist?

Just stupid. Peoples’ taxes go to fund schools. If you live in a poor area your school is going to get less funded. However I grew up in New York. 3 specialized public schools to which you have to take a standardized test to enroll. I fortunately made it to Brooklyn tech. Blacks made up 30% of the student body. Guess who they lowered admission standards for?

Neat. I'm not interested in your personal stories.

Are you OK with leveling out the funding gap between prominently white schools and prominently black school or are you OK with giving white kids a head start? This is an example of systemic racism that your dumb ass doesn't realize exists.

Dumbass, blacks are fully capable of breaking the cycle of poverty. It’s something they have to do without a hand up from me. I came into this country an immigrant. My parents climbed the latter to middle class status. Many blacks have done this, more would, if there wasn’t a SYSTEMIC breakdown of the black family. Take inventory, and leave other people alone who are going about their business in pursuit of their own happiness.

Many have, but it doesn't look like an easy path. When you keep whole generations of kids without a proper education what do you expect to happen? Then when that kid gets caught smoking a joint he ends up serving a longer sentence while the white boy serves less time for the same crime. So now you've got a black kid with a shitty education sitting in jail for way longer than need be. What could possibly go wrong?

Like I said, you're part of the problem.

A) Blacks have low high school graduation rates. How is that my problem. Who is forcing them to dropout.

2) no one gets a prison sentence from smoking a joint.

How is that your problem? Maybe it's not. Maybe it's the outcome of systemic racism that you don't care about.

Well, black people receive higher sentences when committing the same crimes. as a white person. I'm sure you don't give a shit. However it is an example of systemic racism that you claim is made up.
So is the system MASSIVELY sexist against men then?

A black woman will receive a better sentence than a white man. With about 50% of the population, men occupy over 90% of the prison population. The prison and sentencing disparities between men and women massively dwarfs those between races. If this is not an extremely strong proof of clear systemic sexism against men, why are the statistics along race proof that there is a major systemic racism in the system? If it is proof of systemic sexism in the system we certainly do not hear anyone saying it needs to be addressed at all.
Truth of the matter is no one's first amendment rights were violated and people quite honestly usually don't give a shit if someone is sacked for saying something they personally disagree with. The NBA most likely felt it's fans wouldn't appreciate this persons words and it could potentially hurt their brand. That's life.

If NASCAR wanted to fire people for saying 'Black Lives Matter' then that's their prerogative. Some people will not like it, some will. NASCAR it appears has thankfully chosen a different route which is surprising and refreshing.

Yes...they chose to appease racists, and marxists....

Black lives matter was founded by marxists.....marxism is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million men, women and children around the world.......and the slogan "Black Lives Matter," is racist....expecially when those same supporters attack anyone who believes that all human lives matter.........they are racist to their core......that is why they are embraced by the racists of the democrat party.

So, even Marxists understand that Black Lives Matter but you don't?

These must be horrifically scary times for you. That's awesome, you're either going to grow as a human being or be stomped into silence by your own fear. You're the minority now and I do not mean that racially.


Marxism is responsible for the deaths of close to, if not over 100 million people around the world...........they don't understand anything.

black lives matter was started by marxists...therefore, according to left wing is tainted with 100 million innocent deaths from around the is also racist. It is a black supremacist movement based in wants to murder people by its very nature....

Logic? Since when do you know anything about logic? You like the word Marxism though. I'm concerned about unadulterated Marxism about as much as unregulated capitalism which also doesn't have a pretty track record.

I do know that black lives matter and you can't even say that. Yes, all lives matter but right now in crisis I can say black lives matter. You can't, pussy.

Low IQ folks look at everything through the prism of Race. I have no NEED to say Black Lives Matter because ALL lives matter.

All lives do matter. However, black lives matter. You've no doubt heard the house on fire analogy, right? This would be a good time to refer to that.

Did you want to show where the Founding Documents grant anyone the "Right" to no be offended?

Do you want to show me the 'founding documents' where people have the right to employment while being offensive?

Saying all lives matter doesn’t contradict black lives matter.

It doesn't, it simply diminishes the challenges at hand when we are specifically speaking of systemic racism.

Point to examples of systematic racism

Voter supression:

Harsher prison sentences for committing the same crimes:

Lasting impacts of red-lining that have influenced inter-generational wealth differences between races even after the practice was outlawed

School funding - Using property taxes to fund local schools creates differences in quality of education

Shopping while black

Hiring practices

The President

Democrats do everything short of casting votes for black people. They bus them in droves to voting stations. There is no suppression of the black vote. A lot of blacks just don’t vote on their on accord. Get out of here with this bs

So....that was weak. :auiqs.jpg:

What’s weak is your claims of systemic racism. If blacks are suppressed from going to the polls, why on earth are the democrats always pandering for the black vote? Mind you blacks make up only 13% of the population.

I'm not quite sure of your logic there..

What I do know is you asked for examples of systemic racism and I gave you multiple. Doesn't appear that your responses back are worth much. Not that I'm surprised.

you gave nada. Systemic racism is the hot new buzz term that wasn’t even used a few years ago. First it was institutional racism, that was bull shit, now it’s systemic racism, which is a reincarnation of institutional racism. Vague terms that when people are asked to give examples you either here crickets or lies.

Systemic and Institutional racism are the same thing. Yes, it's a 'term' and the meaning can be easily looked up. It's not vague you simply have to want to understand it. You asked me for examples and I gave them to you and you have decided to ignore them you lazy ass.

You want to know a term that came about recently in wide use? Deep State, TDS, the anagram MAGA and KEK. You're such an imbecile but I get it. You're white and you don't see the same things so you ignore it when others bring them up. You're part of the problem. Thankfully you're also part of a small however vocal part of our society.

Im by far not part of the problem. I judge people strictly on merit. You are the problem, bullshit artist

Of course you're part of the problem because you don't even know there is one. Change needs to happen but you're most likely going to stand in the way.

Oh I’ll stand in the way. I’ll fight your racism tooth and nail

Neat. So, if I think inner city schools should receive the same amount of funds per student that other schools do you think I'm a racist?

Just stupid. Peoples’ taxes go to fund schools. If you live in a poor area your school is going to get less funded. However I grew up in New York. 3 specialized public schools to which you have to take a standardized test to enroll. I fortunately made it to Brooklyn tech. Blacks made up 30% of the student body. Guess who they lowered admission standards for?

Neat. I'm not interested in your personal stories.

Are you OK with leveling out the funding gap between prominently white schools and prominently black school or are you OK with giving white kids a head start? This is an example of systemic racism that your dumb ass doesn't realize exists.

Dumbass, blacks are fully capable of breaking the cycle of poverty. It’s something they have to do without a hand up from me. I came into this country an immigrant. My parents climbed the latter to middle class status. Many blacks have done this, more would, if there wasn’t a SYSTEMIC breakdown of the black family. Take inventory, and leave other people alone who are going about their business in pursuit of their own happiness.

Many have, but it doesn't look like an easy path. When you keep whole generations of kids without a proper education what do you expect to happen? Then when that kid gets caught smoking a joint he ends up serving a longer sentence while the white boy serves less time for the same crime. So now you've got a black kid with a shitty education sitting in jail for way longer than need be. What could possibly go wrong?

Like I said, you're part of the problem.

A) Blacks have low high school graduation rates. How is that my problem. Who is forcing them to dropout.

2) no one gets a prison sentence from smoking a joint.

How is that your problem? Maybe it's not. Maybe it's the outcome of systemic racism that you don't care about.

Well, black people receive higher sentences when committing the same crimes. as a white person. I'm sure you don't give a shit. However it is an example of systemic racism that you claim is made up.

I agree this is an issue that should be addressed 100%? I wonder if you're receive higher sentences when committing the same crimes as women, do you give a shit about that?
Well, you beat me to the question lol.

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