Do only Christians go to heaven?

Which is why you need to define "heard from". If I read a letter my wife wrote to me, have I heard from her? Yes. I do not need to see her face to face or hear her physical voice to "hear from" her. If I'm watching TV, and I see a clip from a speech the president made to the nation, have I "heard from" the president?

No, not the same at all.

You know your wife and have seen and heard the president before many times. Of them you could say you heard from them even if only from a distance..How would you know if something written came from your wife or the president if you were never married or never owned a TV and couldn't tell the difference between a president and an imposter?

If you have never seen or heard from God before, you know nothing about him from direct experience and couldn't possibly know the difference between god or the figment of some crazy persons imagination even if you read an entire library filled with books about God written by experts who never heard from God either..
And therein lies the difference. When God calls, you know it. When you answer and are in relationship with Him, you hear from Him. It's not something someone on the outside can ever understand, but that every Christian in relationship with God does. When I know a letter is from my wife, I hear from her. Likewise, when I know a written message is from God, I hear from Him.

How do you know that it's the voice of God in your head? Maybe it's just your left brain discussing things with your right brain via the thing that makes us Human: Language.

God Just Spoke to Me....... Again.

Who said I hear voices? I didn't.

How then do you 'hear from God'? :dunno:

We all hear voices in our head - thinking in words is what makes us human.....

The secret to sanity is determining which voice belongs to God, which one belongs to The Devil, and which voice belongs to Self.

:wink_2: Or so a little bird once told me.....

And The Word was God.
One way to hear from God is to read the Word. Let's put it this way.
If I want to please God, I find out what He wants from me and the Word tells me what He wants. You should understand that, because you can read the Word for yourself.

Most times, Christians just know they need to do something. They don't have to hear a voice. In fact if they heard a voice, they'd probably discount it and think they had lost their mind. They just know what they need to do. You won't understand that because you can't unless you experience it.
Is this the word you read?
No, not the same at all.

You know your wife and have seen and heard the president before many times. Of them you could say you heard from them even if only from a distance..How would you know if something written came from your wife or the president if you were never married or never owned a TV and couldn't tell the difference between a president and an imposter?

If you have never seen or heard from God before, you know nothing about him from direct experience and couldn't possibly know the difference between god or the figment of some crazy persons imagination even if you read an entire library filled with books about God written by experts who never heard from God either..
And therein lies the difference. When God calls, you know it. When you answer and are in relationship with Him, you hear from Him. It's not something someone on the outside can ever understand, but that every Christian in relationship with God does. When I know a letter is from my wife, I hear from her. Likewise, when I know a written message is from God, I hear from Him.

How do you know that it's the voice of God in your head? Maybe it's just your left brain discussing things with your right brain via the thing that makes us Human: Language.

God Just Spoke to Me....... Again.

Who said I hear voices? I didn't.

How then do you 'hear from God'? :dunno:

We all hear voices in our head - thinking in words is what makes us human.....

The secret to sanity is determining which voice belongs to God, which one belongs to The Devil, and which voice belongs to Self.

:wink_2: Or so a little bird once told me.....

And The Word was God.
One way to hear from God is to read the Word. Let's put it this way.
If I want to please God, I find out what He wants from me and the Word tells me what He wants. You should understand that, because you can read the Word for yourself.

Most times, Christians just know they need to do something. They don't have to hear a voice. In fact if they heard a voice, they'd probably discount it and think they had lost their mind. They just know what they need to do. You won't understand that because you can't unless you experience it.
Is this the word you read?
You posted a meme. How about a real link to a real source that can be vetted for accuracy and compared to other sources?
And therein lies the difference. When God calls, you know it. When you answer and are in relationship with Him, you hear from Him. It's not something someone on the outside can ever understand, but that every Christian in relationship with God does. When I know a letter is from my wife, I hear from her. Likewise, when I know a written message is from God, I hear from Him.

How do you know that it's the voice of God in your head? Maybe it's just your left brain discussing things with your right brain via the thing that makes us Human: Language.

God Just Spoke to Me....... Again.

Who said I hear voices? I didn't.

How then do you 'hear from God'? :dunno:

We all hear voices in our head - thinking in words is what makes us human.....

The secret to sanity is determining which voice belongs to God, which one belongs to The Devil, and which voice belongs to Self.

:wink_2: Or so a little bird once told me.....

And The Word was God.
One way to hear from God is to read the Word. Let's put it this way.
If I want to please God, I find out what He wants from me and the Word tells me what He wants. You should understand that, because you can read the Word for yourself.

Most times, Christians just know they need to do something. They don't have to hear a voice. In fact if they heard a voice, they'd probably discount it and think they had lost their mind. They just know what they need to do. You won't understand that because you can't unless you experience it.
Is this the word you read?
You posted a meme. How about a real link to a real source that can be vetted for accuracy and compared to other sources?
I'm sure there are lots of links out there for you to enjoy. This meme sums up the whole bullshit-ness of the KJB in a short, direct way.
How do you know that it's the voice of God in your head? Maybe it's just your left brain discussing things with your right brain via the thing that makes us Human: Language.

God Just Spoke to Me....... Again.

Who said I hear voices? I didn't.

How then do you 'hear from God'? :dunno:

We all hear voices in our head - thinking in words is what makes us human.....

The secret to sanity is determining which voice belongs to God, which one belongs to The Devil, and which voice belongs to Self.

:wink_2: Or so a little bird once told me.....

And The Word was God.
One way to hear from God is to read the Word. Let's put it this way.
If I want to please God, I find out what He wants from me and the Word tells me what He wants. You should understand that, because you can read the Word for yourself.

Most times, Christians just know they need to do something. They don't have to hear a voice. In fact if they heard a voice, they'd probably discount it and think they had lost their mind. They just know what they need to do. You won't understand that because you can't unless you experience it.
Is this the word you read?
You posted a meme. How about a real link to a real source that can be vetted for accuracy and compared to other sources?
I'm sure there are lots of links out there for you to enjoy. This meme sums up the whole bullshit-ness of the KJB in a short, direct way.
So, IOW, you don't have any. You found a meme, thought it said something substantial, and posted it. Here's a clue for you. I don't use just one version.
The source of the KJV Bible is common historical fact and that graphic sums it up fairly nicely.

That historic fact still doesn't prove that God wasn't behind the work, it just reduces the possibilities and provides zero proof to the contrary.
How then do you 'hear from God'? :dunno:

We all hear voices in our head - thinking in words is what makes us human.....

The secret to sanity is determining which voice belongs to God, which one belongs to The Devil, and which voice belongs to Self.

:wink_2: Or so a little bird once told me.....

And The Word was God.
One way to hear from God is to read the Word. Let's put it this way.
If I want to please God, I find out what He wants from me and the Word tells me what He wants. You should understand that, because you can read the Word for yourself.

Most times, Christians just know they need to do something. They don't have to hear a voice. In fact if they heard a voice, they'd probably discount it and think they had lost their mind. They just know what they need to do. You won't understand that because you can't unless you experience it.
Is this the word you read?
You posted a meme. How about a real link to a real source that can be vetted for accuracy and compared to other sources?
I'm sure there are lots of links out there for you to enjoy. This meme sums up the whole bullshit-ness of the KJB in a short, direct way.
So, IOW, you don't have any. You found a meme, thought it said something substantial, and posted it. Here's a clue for you. I don't use just one version.
At least you realize what you're reading, which is a load of made up shit.
One way to hear from God is to read the Word. Let's put it this way.
If I want to please God, I find out what He wants from me and the Word tells me what He wants. You should understand that, because you can read the Word for yourself.

Most times, Christians just know they need to do something. They don't have to hear a voice. In fact if they heard a voice, they'd probably discount it and think they had lost their mind. They just know what they need to do. You won't understand that because you can't unless you experience it.
Is this the word you read?
You posted a meme. How about a real link to a real source that can be vetted for accuracy and compared to other sources?
I'm sure there are lots of links out there for you to enjoy. This meme sums up the whole bullshit-ness of the KJB in a short, direct way.
So, IOW, you don't have any. You found a meme, thought it said something substantial, and posted it. Here's a clue for you. I don't use just one version.
At least you realize what you're reading, which is a load of made up shit.

Why do you think they call their christ the Scarab? = A Dung beetle, they roll dung till it grows and grows to what you said a load of ......
Are Christians the only ones accepted into heaven? - Interesting read (includes Bible verses)
"Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be condemned to hell. A number of texts are typically cited in support of this position."

So a good person who is an atheist goes to hell, but a Christian who commits crimes and murders people can go to heaven?
Please discuss. Is accepting Jesus Christ the only way to go to Heaven?
so its only those who accept Jesus Christ
That's right " only Christians" since the 2/3 rds of mankind that didn't fall for the Roman joke are a compassionate bunch and we don't want to hurt your feelings in the future World to come we can always create a big floppy disc marked " heaven" and recreate your belief in what you think heaven is and place the fallen 1/3 Rd there in a giant computer program so they can be with their Jesus for all eternity... You wouldn't even know the difference and you will be able to do all the things you think you can with your saviour... I think that would be a fair trade off and then the rest of us would be free to live in a world where such nonsense doesn't exsist...
Are Christians the only ones accepted into heaven? - Interesting read (includes Bible verses)
"Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be condemned to hell. A number of texts are typically cited in support of this position."

So a good person who is an atheist goes to hell, but a Christian who commits crimes and murders people can go to heaven?
Please discuss. Is accepting Jesus Christ the only way to go to Heaven?
so its only those who accept Jesus Christ
Do I still get 72 virgins?
One way to hear from God is to read the Word. Let's put it this way.
If I want to please God, I find out what He wants from me and the Word tells me what He wants. You should understand that, because you can read the Word for yourself.

Most times, Christians just know they need to do something. They don't have to hear a voice. In fact if they heard a voice, they'd probably discount it and think they had lost their mind. They just know what they need to do. You won't understand that because you can't unless you experience it.
Is this the word you read?
You posted a meme. How about a real link to a real source that can be vetted for accuracy and compared to other sources?
I'm sure there are lots of links out there for you to enjoy. This meme sums up the whole bullshit-ness of the KJB in a short, direct way.
So, IOW, you don't have any. You found a meme, thought it said something substantial, and posted it. Here's a clue for you. I don't use just one version.
At least you realize what you're reading, which is a load of made up shit.
There is no point in arguing over a meme, so I won't, but you cannot arrive at that conclusion based on what I said.
Are Christians the only ones accepted into heaven? - Interesting read (includes Bible verses)
"Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be condemned to hell. A number of texts are typically cited in support of this position."

So a good person who is an atheist goes to hell, but a Christian who commits crimes and murders people can go to heaven?
Please discuss. Is accepting Jesus Christ the only way to go to Heaven?
so its only those who accept Jesus Christ
It is only through Christ that man can be saved, but you are held accountable to what you know.
Are Christians the only ones accepted into heaven? - Interesting read (includes Bible verses)
"Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be condemned to hell. A number of texts are typically cited in support of this position."

So a good person who is an atheist goes to hell, but a Christian who commits crimes and murders people can go to heaven?
Please discuss. Is accepting Jesus Christ the only way to go to Heaven?

Jesus is the way.

That means you must accept him into your life and with that acceptance comes great power and responsibilities.
Remember the 10 Commandments.

But what is the 11th commandment?

"....To love one another as I have loved you..."

You cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven without following this commandment.
"Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be condemned to hell. A number of texts are typically cited in support of this position."
You realize that angels in the original concepts were Men with Messages..... So using the proper criteria and not mistaken ones by using "Classical envangelical" ASSumptions you are using Messages from EVIL ANGELS( Ev / Angel icals) whose messages are bogus
Is this the word you read?
You posted a meme. How about a real link to a real source that can be vetted for accuracy and compared to other sources?
I'm sure there are lots of links out there for you to enjoy. This meme sums up the whole bullshit-ness of the KJB in a short, direct way.
So, IOW, you don't have any. You found a meme, thought it said something substantial, and posted it. Here's a clue for you. I don't use just one version.
At least you realize what you're reading, which is a load of made up shit.
There is no point in arguing over a meme, so I won't, but you cannot arrive at that conclusion based on what I said.
Meme or not, it's the truth you won't respond to.
Are Christians the only ones accepted into heaven? - Interesting read (includes Bible verses)
"Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be condemned to hell. A number of texts are typically cited in support of this position."

So a good person who is an atheist goes to hell, but a Christian who commits crimes and murders people can go to heaven?
Please discuss. Is accepting Jesus Christ the only way to go to Heaven?
so its only those who accept Jesus Christ

Yes. But not just accept. It's not like "I accept you as a forum poster". You also must accept him as Lord.

In Luke 6:46, Jesus himself said:
"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?"

Some people want to 'accept' Jesus as savior. I like being saved. This is great! Sign me up!.

But they have a hard time 'accepting' him as Lord. If you "accept" Jesus, that means you also have to do what he tells you to do. He is Lord.

And that's what being a Christian is. Jesus Christ, as both Lord and Savior, and only then are you a Christian.

There are many people who have claimed to be 'christian', without following the commands of our Lord, Jesus Christ. If you fail to do what Jesus said, in the Bible, then you are not a Christian, no matter how much you claim to be.

Now beyond this, there are a few specific exceptions to this rule. One is the age of accountability. G-d would not send someone to eternal punishment, when they are not even old enough to understand. So an infant that has SIDS for example, is not doomed. G-d is fair and just. He would never require something so insane.

Additionally, those who are completely ignorant, will be judged by their own hearts. So someone living in the desert their entire lives, or someone in the darkest part of Africa, or the jungles of south America, who has never heard the good news, would not be judged for rejecting Jesus whom they never heard of.

Now they still will be judged, but by the actions of their own heart. Without reading a single verse of the Bible, most people grasp lying is wrong. Sleeping with someone's wife is wrong. If you do those things, and you know in your own heart it is wrong, then by your own standard you will be judged.

Of course anyone reading this post alone, is disqualified from that exception.
You posted a meme. How about a real link to a real source that can be vetted for accuracy and compared to other sources?
I'm sure there are lots of links out there for you to enjoy. This meme sums up the whole bullshit-ness of the KJB in a short, direct way.
So, IOW, you don't have any. You found a meme, thought it said something substantial, and posted it. Here's a clue for you. I don't use just one version.
At least you realize what you're reading, which is a load of made up shit.
There is no point in arguing over a meme, so I won't, but you cannot arrive at that conclusion based on what I said.
Meme or not, it's the truth you won't respond to.
What truth? I asked for a link to a real source that could be analyzed and compared to other sources, not just a blanket statement that anyone could make with no effort whatsoever. It is, therefore, not worth arguing over.
What truth? I asked for a link to a real source that could be analyzed and compared to other sources, not just a blanket statement that anyone could make with no effort whatsoever. It is, therefore, not worth arguing over.
When Constantine explained his Luciferous dream to the Intellectuals of his time, they responded with the very same words as you.
"Jesus who? There is no Jew who ever lived with such an unkosher name, nor is this name in Biblical or Historical texts.
What truth are you to claim? I asked for a historical link to a real source that could be analyzed and compared to other sources, not just a blanket statement that anyone could make with no effort whatsoever. It is, therefore, not worth arguing over."

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