Do only Christians go to heaven?

And again you focus on one verse while ignoring the totality of the passage. It's very plain. God became man.

It is not very plain to anyone who ever read the OT. The entire teaching of the Torah precludes any such possibility.

The only honest course to take is to question the teachings of the church that became dogma in Rome after the council of Nicaea in 325 c.e. by a bunch of superstitious people who knew nothing of Jewish thought, belief, and figurative expressions to see if there is some other rational way to interpret what was written hundreds of years earlier by dedicated Jews.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

You can no longer say that there is no other way to interpret those words that doesn't make Jesus, the authors of the Gospels and the early church out to be either liars or insane.

I have shown it to you.
i read it too!
Where did you get your divinity degree? What makes you an authority on Scripture? The Bible is clear about this. There are, literally. hundreds of prophetic verses that foretell the coming of the Messiah. Jesus fulfilled every one them. A statistical impossibility.

EDIT: I may have replied to the wrong person. I sometimes have a problem deciding who said what. Looking back over your previous replies, it looks like you may agree with me. I was trying to reply to Hobo, or whatever that idiots name is. :)
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Christ is Only The Way to Heaven. Besides, not all who trust in Him as God will be saved, but those who do the Will of God Who is in Heaven. Matthew 7:21. Many lukewarm Christians go to Hell along with pagans. Proverbs 14:12.
And again you focus on one verse while ignoring the totality of the passage. It's very plain. God became man.

It is not very plain to anyone who ever read the OT. The entire teaching of the Torah precludes any such possibility.

The only honest course to take is to question the teachings of the church that became dogma in Rome after the council of Nicaea in 325 c.e. by a bunch of superstitious people who knew nothing of Jewish thought, belief, and figurative expressions to see if there is some other rational way to interpret what was written hundreds of years earlier by dedicated Jews.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

You can no longer say that there is no other way to interpret those words that doesn't make Jesus, the authors of the Gospels and the early church out to be either liars or insane.

I have shown it to you.
i read it too!
Christ is Only The Way to Heaven. Besides, not all who trust in Him as God will be saved, but those who do the Will of God Who is in Heaven. Matthew 7:21. Many lukewarm Christians go to Hell along with pagans. Proverbs 14:12.
A Christian cannot go to Hell. Those lukewarm Christian you speak of are not really Christians. They are false converts.
And again you focus on one verse while ignoring the totality of the passage. It's very plain. God became man.

It is not very plain to anyone who ever read the OT. The entire teaching of the Torah precludes any such possibility.

The only honest course to take is to question the teachings of the church that became dogma in Rome after the council of Nicaea in 325 c.e. by a bunch of superstitious people who knew nothing of Jewish thought, belief, and figurative expressions to see if there is some other rational way to interpret what was written hundreds of years earlier by dedicated Jews.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

You can no longer say that there is no other way to interpret those words that doesn't make Jesus, the authors of the Gospels and the early church out to be either liars or insane.

I have shown it to you.
i read it too!
Christ is Only The Way to Heaven. Besides, not all who trust in Him as God will be saved, but those who do the Will of God Who is in Heaven. Matthew 7:21. Many lukewarm Christians go to Hell along with pagans. Proverbs 14:12.
A Christian cannot go to Hell. Those lukewarm Christian you speak of are not really Christians. They are false converts.
Vain Christians can't go to Heaven. Such as so-called GLBT Christians, drinking Christians, Adulterers Christians, abortion Christians, and so on. 1 Cor 6:9-10. People must gave up sins, in order to please Christ. Those who claim that they are Christians and justifying their sins, those are nothing but hypocrites.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made.

Here, the author of John is teaching that the existing metaphor for the word of God, manna from heaven, became flesh in the person of Jesus. It is not about God becoming a human. Just like manna = teaching from God, bread from heaven, the word, became the flesh of Jesus or teaching from God that came into the world through Jesus, given for the life of the world.

Without knowing this the command to "eat my flesh" is unintelligible and impossible to correctly comply with.

I'm not sure what part of:

"The word became flesh"

You missed....

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14

And why did the religious leaders of the day say:

"We are not stoning you for any good work," they replied, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God."

Funny how they understood exactly what Jesus was saying, yet you do not.
And again you focus on one verse while ignoring the totality of the passage. It's very plain. God became man.

It is not very plain to anyone who ever read the OT. The entire teaching of the Torah precludes any such possibility.

The only honest course to take is to question the teachings of the church that became dogma in Rome after the council of Nicaea in 325 c.e. by a bunch of superstitious people who knew nothing of Jewish thought, belief, and figurative expressions to see if there is some other rational way to interpret what was written hundreds of years earlier by dedicated Jews.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

You can no longer say that there is no other way to interpret those words that doesn't make Jesus, the authors of the Gospels and the early church out to be either liars or insane.

I have shown it to you.
i read it too!
Christ is Only The Way to Heaven. Besides, not all who trust in Him as God will be saved, but those who do the Will of God Who is in Heaven. Matthew 7:21. Many lukewarm Christians go to Hell along with pagans. Proverbs 14:12.
A Christian cannot go to Hell. Those lukewarm Christian you speak of are not really Christians. They are false converts.
Vain Christians can't go to Heaven. Such as so-called GLBT Christians, drinking Christians, Adulterers Christians, abortion Christians, and so on. 1 Cor 6:9-10. People must gave up sins, in order to please Christ. Those who claim that they are Christians and justifying their sins, those are nothing but hypocrites.

Agreed. A more clear answer is... It is impossible for a Christian to go to Hell. All Christians will go to Heaven.

However it is entirely possible, and quite common for a person who claims to be Christian, to not be one, and thus go to Hell.
quote: "All Christians will go to Heaven"

and this is exactly how they created hell, with such irrational thinking and standards.
quote:"All Christians will go to Heaven"

and this is exactly how they created hell, through such irrational thinking and silly counter productive standards.
You mean the 66 books of man=6?
called the Holy Bible=666
In Hebrew numerics: "ROMIITH"=666 means the Roman Kingdom which instituted those books which compiled the mystery religions with the many messianic cults into a one world religion.
created by "the Roman Man"=666
under AsVatican( the Vatican)=666
through the Roman one world religion
"Vaticanas"(Vatican Unity movement)=666
Creating the group called:
using the idol son of baal as one in the same mythology
thus the number of his name
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.
Good luck with that!
You mean the 66 books of man=6?
called the Holy Bible=666
In Hebrew numerics: "ROMIITH"=666 means the Roman Kingdom which instituted those books which compiled the mystery religions with the many messianic cults into a one world religion.
created by "the Roman Man"=666
under AsVatican( the Vatican)=666
through the Roman one world religion
"Vaticanas"(Vatican Unity movement)=666
Creating the group called:
using the idol son of baal as one in the same mythology
thus the number of his name
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll numerology used to secret #'s from names.
Good luck with that!

None of what you said, has to do with anything... You might as well have told me moon rocks are purple in smell.
You said it's in the (satanic) Bible, the same one which said the number of the name would be 666.
This means using your standard regarding Christians going to heaven is as you quoted:
"None of what you said, has to do with anything... You might as well have told me moon rocks are purple in smell."

Those are your own words and standard, so you can't retract them without losing your original argument, hence whichever move, you kill the wicked king.=checkmate.
You said it's in the (satanic) Bible, the same one which said the number of the name would be 666.
This means using your standard regarding Christians going to heaven is as you quoted:
"None of what you said, has to do with anything... You might as well have told me moon rocks are purple in smell."

Those are your own words and standard sp you can't retract them without losing your original argument hence whichever move you kill the wicked king.=checkmate.


Wow, you are loony! Ok, then quackers!
You said it's in the (satanic) Bible, the same one which said the number of the name would be 666.
This means using your standard regarding Christians going to heaven is as you quoted:
"None of what you said, has to do with anything... You might as well have told me moon rocks are purple in smell."

Those are your own words and standard sp you can't retract them without losing your original argument hence whichever move you kill the wicked king.=checkmate.


Wow, you are loony! Ok, then quackers!
thats true haha. Good presentation
quote:"Wow, you are loony! Ok, then quackers!"

equivalent to a child throwing the chess board to the ground.
You inadvertantly called your previous assertions:" loony! then quackers!"

Keep going, this is fun having you attack yourself.
quote:"Wow, you are loony! Ok, then quackers!"

equivalent to a child throwing the chess board to the ground.
You inadvertantly called your previous assertions:" loony! then quackers!"

Keep going, this is fun having you attack yourself.

nice video
hadit , Which God do you believe in, and why?
"Which God"? That's very interesting. I assume you mean to ask if I can put a name to God? Please elaborate.

I believe in God because I have seen Him move and work in my own life and in the lives of the people closest to me. I have seen lives changed.

Yes please. Name Him.

I don't like to assume that by 'God' you mean The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and/or The Qur'an unless specified, even though that's exactly Who most Americans are referring to when they use the term 'God'.

I'm also curious as to why you believe in the God that holds your faith.

Please, can you name your God and tell me why you chose Him / Her / It as your God?

Yes, the God of Abraham. The Hebrews refer to Him as YHWH, a name that can't be pronounced. I call Him by the English words God, Lord, or Father, and I have faith in Him because He has moved and worked in my own life and in the lives of those I love.

How do you know that the ancient Arab stories have anything to do with it?

I'm open to the possibility of God, but, based on human history, I seriously doubt that any of the ancient stories that remain popular today are the last word on the subject.
Yes but he is bound by his word. If you heard from God in any form whatsoever you would not be worshipping a human being.
Again, I am not a prophet. If I was, you would know. Have you ever read a letter or an email from a friend and thought, "It was nice to hear from them"? God speaks through His word, you do know that, right?

The question asked was if you ever saw or heard from God, not if you ever read a book about other people who heard from God.

Reading about about someone else who was kicked by a mule is not the same thing as being kicked by a mule.

You know that, right?
Which is why you need to define "heard from". If I read a letter my wife wrote to me, have I heard from her? Yes. I do not need to see her face to face or hear her physical voice to "hear from" her. If I'm watching TV, and I see a clip from a speech the president made to the nation, have I "heard from" the president?

No, not the same at all.

You know your wife and have seen and heard the president before many times. Of them you could say you heard from them even if only from a distance..How would you know if something written came from your wife or the president if you were never married or never owned a TV and couldn't tell the difference between a president and an imposter?

If you have never seen or heard from God before, you know nothing about him from direct experience and couldn't possibly know the difference between god or the figment of some crazy persons imagination even if you read an entire library filled with books about God written by experts who never heard from God either..
And therein lies the difference. When God calls, you know it. When you answer and are in relationship with Him, you hear from Him. It's not something someone on the outside can ever understand, but that every Christian in relationship with God does. When I know a letter is from my wife, I hear from her. Likewise, when I know a written message is from God, I hear from Him.

How do you know that it's the voice of God in your head? Maybe it's just your left brain discussing things with your right brain via the thing that makes us Human: Language.

God Just Spoke to Me....... Again.
quote:"Wow, you are loony! Ok, then quackers!"

equivalent to a child throwing the chess board to the ground.
You inadvertantly called your previous assertions:" loony! then quackers!"

Keep going, this is fun having you attack yourself.

Yes, of course. I always post videos after saying something completely bonkers too. Carry on.
The Topic is heaven, and you claimed all Christians are going there.
1)you don't even know where the term heaven stems from nor where or what it is.
If you think you do then by all means share with us while we all go make some popcorn to gather around and hear this shpiel of yours. Don't be surprised to get popcorn thrown at you as you ad hominem your way out of answering though.
2) your assertion means you are saying Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Napolean, Mobsters,
Benny Hinn, the guy who stole your lawn gnomes are all going to heaven for being Christian. SO you are in no intellect to call anyone bonkers, let alone tie your own shoes.

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