Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?

Europeans conquered land in Palestine through force. That is a fact. And, conquering land through force is illegal. What part of that do you not understand.

The Pope gave the Americas to Portugal and Spain. The English Crown chartered colonies in North America. It does not make it legal or right.

When five Arab states attacked Israel, Israel was on the defensive. The land they captured during that war is now part of Israel. It's inside the green line and globally recognized. Israel is also a member of the U.N. Also, the Palestinians recognize that land as being Israel's.The land that Israel declared independence on however was not conquered through force. The Jews practised sovereignty over the land, the SAME WAY THE PALESTINIANS DID OVER THEIR LAND, as I have proved. Declaring independence over land is NOT conquering it. Why can't you understand that ?
So because 5 neighboring countries attacked Israel (???) and lost (???) Israel won land from Palestine?

Do you have a link to that legal theory?

They won no land from the nation of Palestine because it does not yet exist, so the land outside of that allocated to Israel was free for the taking. Because the arab league invaded they altered the status of the land allowing Israel to lay claim to what they captured in 1949. This was inline with common practise at the time and did not constitute acquiring land by force. In 1967 it was a different set of rules in force and the land occupied belonged to Egypt and Jordan. So that land was not claimed as Israeli.

Do you understand this ?

The "Arab League" intervened in an attempt to stop the aggression of the hostile European colonists (HEC) who were planning to establish a separate European colony within Palestine. None of the land was "free for the taking" by European colonists. No matter how you dress it up, it was simply the dispossession of land from the local inhabitants by colonists from Europe.

Are you unable to comprehend this simple fact?

They surrounded Israel from all sides and attacked them with threats of annihalation. The 'European colonist' thing is Palestinian propaganda.

They were European and colonized Palestine. What don't you understand?
And you have been given the answer many times. The Mandate for Palestine granted the Jews the land as defined for their national home. In much the same way the LoN also granted Syria and trans Jordan the land for their national homes.
So there is your answer and if you don't like it then that is tough because it entered into International Law in 1923.
Where does it say that?

Quote the passage.

WHY? didn't you read it yesterday when I posted or the other many hundreds of times to this same demand. The words have not changed nor have the boundaries of the land granted. Just go back a few pages and read them again.
I didn't see anything about transferring land to Israel.

Because Israel did not exist then, so it was called the National Home for the Jews. And it was also referred to as the Balfour declaration
The Balfour declaration was not a treaty. It was just a letter.

NOPE that was the McMahon. But it does not alter the facts that the LoN granted the remaining 22% of Palestine to the Jews after giving 78% to the Palestinian arab muslims. Who promptly evicted all the Jews from their land and property
When five Arab states attacked Israel, Israel was on the defensive. The land they captured during that war is now part of Israel. It's inside the green line and globally recognized. Israel is also a member of the U.N. Also, the Palestinians recognize that land as being Israel's.The land that Israel declared independence on however was not conquered through force. The Jews practised sovereignty over the land, the SAME WAY THE PALESTINIANS DID OVER THEIR LAND, as I have proved. Declaring independence over land is NOT conquering it. Why can't you understand that ?
So because 5 neighboring countries attacked Israel (???) and lost (???) Israel won land from Palestine?

Do you have a link to that legal theory?

They won no land from the nation of Palestine because it does not yet exist, so the land outside of that allocated to Israel was free for the taking. Because the arab league invaded they altered the status of the land allowing Israel to lay claim to what they captured in 1949. This was inline with common practise at the time and did not constitute acquiring land by force. In 1967 it was a different set of rules in force and the land occupied belonged to Egypt and Jordan. So that land was not claimed as Israeli.

Do you understand this ?

The "Arab League" intervened in an attempt to stop the aggression of the hostile European colonists (HEC) who were planning to establish a separate European colony within Palestine. None of the land was "free for the taking" by European colonists. No matter how you dress it up, it was simply the dispossession of land from the local inhabitants by colonists from Europe.

Are you unable to comprehend this simple fact?

They surrounded Israel from all sides and attacked them with threats of annihalation. The 'European colonist' thing is Palestinian propaganda.

They were European and colonized Palestine. What don't you understand?

That you an be so idiotic in making these claims when there is no evidence to support them. Most of the Jewish migrants came from other areas well away from Europe, and they were invited by the lands legal owners to migrate.

Now what don't you understand about the facts and reality, and stop posting RACIST LIES
When five Arab states attacked Israel, Israel was on the defensive. The land they captured during that war is now part of Israel. It's inside the green line and globally recognized. Israel is also a member of the U.N. Also, the Palestinians recognize that land as being Israel's.The land that Israel declared independence on however was not conquered through force. The Jews practised sovereignty over the land, the SAME WAY THE PALESTINIANS DID OVER THEIR LAND, as I have proved. Declaring independence over land is NOT conquering it. Why can't you understand that ?
So because 5 neighboring countries attacked Israel (???) and lost (???) Israel won land from Palestine?

Do you have a link to that legal theory?

They won no land from the nation of Palestine because it does not yet exist, so the land outside of that allocated to Israel was free for the taking. Because the arab league invaded they altered the status of the land allowing Israel to lay claim to what they captured in 1949. This was inline with common practise at the time and did not constitute acquiring land by force. In 1967 it was a different set of rules in force and the land occupied belonged to Egypt and Jordan. So that land was not claimed as Israeli.

Do you understand this ?

The "Arab League" intervened in an attempt to stop the aggression of the hostile European colonists (HEC) who were planning to establish a separate European colony within Palestine. None of the land was "free for the taking" by European colonists. No matter how you dress it up, it was simply the dispossession of land from the local inhabitants by colonists from Europe.

Are you unable to comprehend this simple fact?

They surrounded Israel from all sides and attacked them with threats of annihalation. The 'European colonist' thing is Palestinian propaganda.

They were European and colonized Palestine. What don't you understand?

No they didn't. But that has nothing to do with 5 Arab states surrounding Israel and attacking them with threats of annihalation.
So because 5 neighboring countries attacked Israel (???) and lost (???) Israel won land from Palestine?

Do you have a link to that legal theory?

They won no land from the nation of Palestine because it does not yet exist, so the land outside of that allocated to Israel was free for the taking. Because the arab league invaded they altered the status of the land allowing Israel to lay claim to what they captured in 1949. This was inline with common practise at the time and did not constitute acquiring land by force. In 1967 it was a different set of rules in force and the land occupied belonged to Egypt and Jordan. So that land was not claimed as Israeli.

Do you understand this ?

The "Arab League" intervened in an attempt to stop the aggression of the hostile European colonists (HEC) who were planning to establish a separate European colony within Palestine. None of the land was "free for the taking" by European colonists. No matter how you dress it up, it was simply the dispossession of land from the local inhabitants by colonists from Europe.

Are you unable to comprehend this simple fact?

They surrounded Israel from all sides and attacked them with threats of annihalation. The 'European colonist' thing is Palestinian propaganda.

They were European and colonized Palestine. What don't you understand?

That you an be so idiotic in making these claims when there is no evidence to support them. Most of the Jewish migrants came from other areas well away from Europe, and they were invited by the lands legal owners to migrate.

Now what don't you understand about the facts and reality, and stop posting RACIST LIES

All the evidence supports the fact that the Zionists came from Europe. The Zionists were not invited by the ";legal" owners. The legal owners, were the existing inhabitants of the Ottoman territories, after WW1. As per the Covenant of the League of Nations and the Mandate system. The territories were placed in trust with the Mandatories. You haven't figured that out yet?

To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant.

The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League."

Avalon Project - The Covenant of the League of Nations
No they didn't. But that has nothing to do with 5 Arab states surrounding Israel and attacking them with threats of annihalation.
The arab states went in to restore order and preserve the rights of the indigenous, non-Jewish population that was being terrorized by Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.
No they didn't. But that has nothing to do with 5 Arab states surrounding Israel and attacking them with threats of annihalation.
The arab states went in to restore order and preserve the rights of the indigenous, non-Jewish population that was being terrorized by Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

They attacked Israel from ALL sides while making threats of destroying the newly found state. Restore order my ass.

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem
(Radio Berlin, March 1, 1944; quoted in Robert Wistrich, Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger[American Jewish Committee, 2002], p. 47)

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict
They won no land from the nation of Palestine because it does not yet exist, so the land outside of that allocated to Israel was free for the taking. Because the arab league invaded they altered the status of the land allowing Israel to lay claim to what they captured in 1949. This was inline with common practise at the time and did not constitute acquiring land by force. In 1967 it was a different set of rules in force and the land occupied belonged to Egypt and Jordan. So that land was not claimed as Israeli.

Do you understand this ?

The "Arab League" intervened in an attempt to stop the aggression of the hostile European colonists (HEC) who were planning to establish a separate European colony within Palestine. None of the land was "free for the taking" by European colonists. No matter how you dress it up, it was simply the dispossession of land from the local inhabitants by colonists from Europe.

Are you unable to comprehend this simple fact?

They surrounded Israel from all sides and attacked them with threats of annihalation. The 'European colonist' thing is Palestinian propaganda.

They were European and colonized Palestine. What don't you understand?

That you an be so idiotic in making these claims when there is no evidence to support them. Most of the Jewish migrants came from other areas well away from Europe, and they were invited by the lands legal owners to migrate.

Now what don't you understand about the facts and reality, and stop posting RACIST LIES

All the evidence supports the fact that the Zionists came from Europe. The Zionists were not invited by the ";legal" owners. The legal owners, were the existing inhabitants of the Ottoman territories, after WW1. As per the Covenant of the League of Nations and the Mandate system. The territories were placed in trust with the Mandatories. You haven't figured that out yet?

To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant.

The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League."

Avalon Project - The Covenant of the League of Nations

So you should be able to pull a link out of your underwear showing that the arab muslims negotiated surrender terms with the Ottomans making them the legal land owners. Have you figured that out yet the arab muslims were catered for with Syria, Iraq and trans Jordan. Article 22 was complied with in full by splitting Palestine in to two parts along the demographic boundaries with 78% going to the arab muslims and 22% going to the Jews.

But I note that once again you manipulate a legal document and omit those parts that show you are a RACIST LIAR and an islamomoron propagandist.
Here it is in full with the parts destroying your POV highlighted for all to see

To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant.

The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League.

The character of the mandate must differ according to the stage of the development of the people, the geographical situation of the territory, its economic conditions and other similar circumstances.

Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory.

Other peoples, especially those of Central Africa, are at such a stage that the Mandatory must be responsible for the administration of the territory under conditions which will guarantee freedom of conscience and religion, subject only to the maintenance of public order and morals, the prohibition of abuses such as the slave trade, the arms traffic and the liquor traffic, and the prevention of the establishment of fortifications or military and naval bases and of military training of the natives for other than police purposes and the defence of territory, and will also secure equal opportunities for the trade and commerce of other Members of the League.

There are territories, such as South-West Africa and certain of the South Pacific Islands, which, owing to the sparseness of their population, or their small size, or their remoteness from the centres of civilisation, or their geographical contiguity to the territory of the Mandatory, and other circumstances, can be best administered under the laws of the Mandatory as integral portions of its territory, subject to the safeguards above mentioned in the interests of the indigenous population.

In every case of mandate, the Mandatory shall render to the Council an annual report in reference to the territory committed to its charge.

The degree of authority, control, or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory shall, if not previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, be explicitly defined in each case by the Council.

A permanent Commission shall be constituted to receive and examine the annual reports of the Mandatories and to advise the Council on all matters relating to the observance of the mandates.

So you see Abdul the arab muslims are embodied in this inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves so they were offered the services of a Hashemite prince to set them on the proper path in the new arab muslim homeland of trans Jordan.
No they didn't. But that has nothing to do with 5 Arab states surrounding Israel and attacking them with threats of annihalation.
The arab states went in to restore order and preserve the rights of the indigenous, non-Jewish population that was being terrorized by Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

The IRGUN were actually defending unarmed Jews from being not just terrorised but mass murdered by hordes of arab muslims. The initial start of the arab league attacks started in 1929 when the leader of the Palestinian arab muslim hordes commanded them to kill the Jews in Hebron.
Your history is skewed if you think that the arab muslims were being terrorised when it was the other way round
No they didn't. But that has nothing to do with 5 Arab states surrounding Israel and attacking them with threats of annihalation.
The arab states went in to restore order and preserve the rights of the indigenous, non-Jewish population that was being terrorized by Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

The IRGUN were actually defending unarmed Jews from being not just terrorised but mass murdered by hordes of arab muslims. The initial start of the arab league attacks started in 1929 when the leader of the Palestinian arab muslim hordes commanded them to kill the Jews in Hebron.
Your history is skewed if you think that the arab muslims were being terrorised when it was the other way round
Let me get this straight. European Jews went to Palestine to be terrorized by the locals?

Why would they want to do that?
No they didn't. But that has nothing to do with 5 Arab states surrounding Israel and attacking them with threats of annihalation.
The arab states went in to restore order and preserve the rights of the indigenous, non-Jewish population that was being terrorized by Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

The IRGUN were actually defending unarmed Jews from being not just terrorised but mass murdered by hordes of arab muslims. The initial start of the arab league attacks started in 1929 when the leader of the Palestinian arab muslim hordes commanded them to kill the Jews in Hebron.
Your history is skewed if you think that the arab muslims were being terrorised when it was the other way round
Let me get this straight. European Jews went to Palestine to be terrorized by the locals?

Why would they want to do that?

No they went to Palestine from all over the world because they were promised their National Home. If by locals you mean Syrians, Iraqi's, Egyptians's and Saudi's then yes they terrorised the Jews and Christians because that is what they have done since 635 C.E. when mo'mad commanded them to " KILL THE JEWS "
They attacked Israel from ALL sides while making threats of destroying the newly found state. Restore order my ass.

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem
(Radio Berlin, March 1, 1944; quoted in Robert Wistrich, Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger[American Jewish Committee, 2002], p. 47)

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict
And this is why they felt that way...

"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."
- Ahad Ha'am
After years of seeing that shit going on, Arab states decided to act.
The IRGUN were actually defending unarmed Jews from being not just terrorised but mass murdered by hordes of arab muslims. The initial start of the arab league attacks started in 1929 when the leader of the Palestinian arab muslim hordes commanded them to kill the Jews in Hebron.
Your history is skewed if you think that the arab muslims were being terrorised when it was the other way round
Irgun was a terrorist organization no different than al Qaeda.

Today they're known as the Likud Party.
They attacked Israel from ALL sides while making threats of destroying the newly found state. Restore order my ass.

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem
(Radio Berlin, March 1, 1944; quoted in Robert Wistrich, Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger[American Jewish Committee, 2002], p. 47)

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict
And this is why they felt that way...

"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."
- Ahad Ha'am
After years of seeing that shit going on, Arab states decided to act.

You have things twisted. After the Jews were attacked and massacred on several occasions, the Jews decided to fight back.
They attacked Israel from ALL sides while making threats of destroying the newly found state. Restore order my ass.

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem
(Radio Berlin, March 1, 1944; quoted in Robert Wistrich, Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger[American Jewish Committee, 2002], p. 47)

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict
And this is why they felt that way...

"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."
- Ahad Ha'am
After years of seeing that shit going on, Arab states decided to act.

So says an arab muslim who as we all know are taught to spout this islamonazi propaganda as soon as they can talk. Yet the historical evidence shows that it was the Jews and Christians that where being treated with hostility and cruelty, deprived of their rights, offended constantly and raped, beaten and murdered on a whim by the muslims. The Jews being predominantly elderly couples and children did not have the strength in numbers to do any of this to the arab muslims.
The IRGUN were actually defending unarmed Jews from being not just terrorised but mass murdered by hordes of arab muslims. The initial start of the arab league attacks started in 1929 when the leader of the Palestinian arab muslim hordes commanded them to kill the Jews in Hebron.
Your history is skewed if you think that the arab muslims were being terrorised when it was the other way round
Irgun was a terrorist organization no different than al Qaeda.

Today they're known as the Likud Party.

Read the history books again dildo as Irgun were a defence force that went around Palestine protecting Jewish communities from arab muslim attacks. Because they were so good at this the arab muslims made up fantasy stories about the various groups set up to protect innocent Jews from attak by extremist muslims.
They attacked Israel from ALL sides while making threats of destroying the newly found state. Restore order my ass.

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem
(Radio Berlin, March 1, 1944; quoted in Robert Wistrich, Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger[American Jewish Committee, 2002], p. 47)

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict
And this is why they felt that way...

"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."
- Ahad Ha'am
After years of seeing that shit going on, Arab states decided to act.

You have things twisted. After the Jews were attacked and massacred on several occasions, the Jews decided to fight back.

The Europeans went to Palestine to take the land from the local inhabitants and establish a state for themselves. The European colonists were the first to massacre the locals. If the Europeans had not gone to Palestine to establish a colony, the locals would not have had to defend themselves from the colonists. That's just a fact, no matter how you try to twist the truth.
They attacked Israel from ALL sides while making threats of destroying the newly found state. Restore order my ass.

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem
(Radio Berlin, March 1, 1944; quoted in Robert Wistrich, Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger[American Jewish Committee, 2002], p. 47)

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict
And this is why they felt that way...

"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."
- Ahad Ha'am
After years of seeing that shit going on, Arab states decided to act.

You have things twisted. After the Jews were attacked and massacred on several occasions, the Jews decided to fight back.

The Europeans went to Palestine to take the land from the local inhabitants and establish a state for themselves. The European colonists were the first to massacre the locals. If the Europeans had not gone to Palestine to establish a colony, the locals would not have had to defend themselves from the colonists. That's just a fact, no matter how you try to twist the truth.

Actually I already proved countless times that it was the Arabs who initiated the violence. They were the first to start the massacring.
There were no European colonists, that is a Palestinian propaganda term..

Why does the truth bother you so much, I just don't get it ?

"If the Europeans had not gone to Palestine to establish a colony"

They established a sovereign state. Who were the Palestinians to say if European Jews can or can't come? The region was NOT ARAB CONTROLLED. They had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land.

The Jews declared independence, and were able to hold on to it after 5 Arab states attacked from all sides.
They attacked Israel from ALL sides while making threats of destroying the newly found state. Restore order my ass.

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem
(Radio Berlin, March 1, 1944; quoted in Robert Wistrich, Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger[American Jewish Committee, 2002], p. 47)

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict
And this is why they felt that way...

"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."
- Ahad Ha'am
After years of seeing that shit going on, Arab states decided to act.

You have things twisted. After the Jews were attacked and massacred on several occasions, the Jews decided to fight back.

The Europeans went to Palestine to take the land from the local inhabitants and establish a state for themselves. The European colonists were the first to massacre the locals. If the Europeans had not gone to Palestine to establish a colony, the locals would not have had to defend themselves from the colonists. That's just a fact, no matter how you try to twist the truth.

Actually I already proved countless times that it was the Arabs who initiated the violence. They were the first to start the massacring.
There were no European colonists, that is a Palestinian propaganda term..

Why does the truth bother you so much, I just don't get it ?

"If the Europeans had not gone to Palestine to establish a colony"

They established a sovereign state. Who were the Palestinians to say if European Jews can or can't come? The region was NOT ARAB CONTROLLED. They had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land.

The Jews declared independence, and were able to hold on to it after 5 Arab states attacked from all sides.

People being colonized cannot, logically, be the aggressors. That is just logic. Get it through your thick head.
They attacked Israel from ALL sides while making threats of destroying the newly found state. Restore order my ass.

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion.”
- Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem
(Radio Berlin, March 1, 1944; quoted in Robert Wistrich, Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger[American Jewish Committee, 2002], p. 47)

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict
And this is why they felt that way...

"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."
- Ahad Ha'am
After years of seeing that shit going on, Arab states decided to act.

You have things twisted. After the Jews were attacked and massacred on several occasions, the Jews decided to fight back.

The Europeans went to Palestine to take the land from the local inhabitants and establish a state for themselves. The European colonists were the first to massacre the locals. If the Europeans had not gone to Palestine to establish a colony, the locals would not have had to defend themselves from the colonists. That's just a fact, no matter how you try to twist the truth.

Actually I already proved countless times that it was the Arabs who initiated the violence. They were the first to start the massacring.
There were no European colonists, that is a Palestinian propaganda term..

Why does the truth bother you so much, I just don't get it ?

"If the Europeans had not gone to Palestine to establish a colony"

They established a sovereign state. Who were the Palestinians to say if European Jews can or can't come? The region was NOT ARAB CONTROLLED. They had NO SOVEREIGNTY over the land.

The Jews declared independence, and were able to hold on to it after 5 Arab states attacked from all sides.

People being colonized cannot, logically, be the aggressors. That is just logic. Get it through your thick head.

Except there was no colonization when Jews were being massacred. Actually, there never was colonization. Israel declared independence the SAME WAY the 'Palestinians' did so in 1988.
Get that through your think skull.

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