Do republican voters even have a solution to healthcare?

Get a job and guarantee it to yourself.


Heath Ledger
Michael Jackson
Whitney Houston

Fenton has a hard time explaining how humanity survived the past 10k years without government sponsored health insurance...
Hardly, but you're not here to find out anything or learn the views of others merely, to spew and vomit up what you listen to on your TV and radio.
1. you cannot search and find anything that I parroted. Just because you are a birdbrain does not prove everyone else is. Some of us think and ask questions. You never do. You parrot one left wing lie after another, and when those get outed as lies, you go right back to the same source and parrot fresh new ones.

2. you cannot disprove or discredit anything I've posted, because it is all true, especially the part of you having precisely zero understanding of basic economics...
Agreed, and they would not have given us a Heritage Foundation think tank plan like the ACA.

That is clearly the "talking point" for left wing sub human parrots here, that the ACA is somehow "conservative" since Fenton can parrot that it somehow comes from Heritage Foundation.... which oh by the way had no problem when W socialized senior drugs in 2004.... by lying to the Congres about the estimated cost...
Congress is too stupid to check things out for themesleves? Have you ever considered running? You're certainly qualified in that regard.
Here is the democrat voter solution:


The solution is of course to get government out of health care.
Does this logic of yours mean you never drive on public roads?

You couldn't elaborate on this idea of yours if your life depended on it.

Does this reply mean you never use any private services, not paid at other people's expense?

What a complete moron.
Lol what? Man this reply makes you look dumb. Why wouldn't I use private service? I never said I had a problem with private industry. You on the other hand are a hypocrite who claims to hate "free shit" yet you take advantage of it everyday.

Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.
Here is the democrat voter solution:


The solution is of course to get government out of health care.
Does this logic of yours mean you never drive on public roads?

You couldn't elaborate on this idea of yours if your life depended on it.

Does this reply mean you never use any private services, not paid at other people's expense?

What a complete moron.
Lol what? Man this reply makes you look dumb. Why wouldn't I use private service? I never said I had a problem with private industry. You on the other hand are a hypocrite who claims to hate "free shit" yet you take advantage of it everyday.

Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Congress is too stupid to check things out for themesleves? Have you ever considered running? You're certainly qualified in that regard.

Even some left wing "news" sources reported the truth... even as they supported the bill...

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

"An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted."

Indeed, O-care was failing in the Senate... until O took $6 billion US taxdollars and BRIBED 2 or more Senators to vote for it....
1. you cannot search and find anything that I parroted. Just because you are a birdbrain does not prove everyone else is. Some of us think and ask questions. You never do. You parrot one left wing lie after another, and when those get outed as lies, you go right back to the same source and parrot fresh new ones.

2. you cannot disprove or discredit anything I've posted, because it is all true, especially the part of you having precisely zero understanding of basic economics...
So basically all you're here to do is prattle on about partisanshithead nonsense and you aren't really interested in anything else.

Have a nice Sabbath my friend, the rest of the advanced post industrial world has figured this all out and enjoys better healthcare outcomes for far less expense and inefficiency; why, Canadians even pay less than you do for US pharmaceuticals.

And there is NO difference in this topic between your parties; reps/"cons" and dems/"libs" when to comes to healthcare in america. Enjoy the "exceptionalism".
No, but libertarians do.

1. end the mandate to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance
2. expand medical savings account
3 repeal W's socialization of Senior Drugs
4. Dramatically cut/hack/gut MediCare and MedicAid
5. make individuals accountable for their own health
6. cover only catastrophic injury for uninsured
7 force the medical profession to respond to a FREE MARKET by CUTTING PRICES on BASIC SERVICES or lose business/money
8. new law - anyone busted for filing a deliberately false health care claim to Uncle Sam gets the firing squad and total asset forfeiture
lol and how would any of those ideas guarantee the consumer affordable healthcare?

They wouldn't. That's not the job of government. But they would remove impositions by government that have help drive up prices in the first place.
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1. you cannot search and find anything that I parroted. Just because you are a birdbrain does not prove everyone else is. Some of us think and ask questions. You never do. You parrot one left wing lie after another, and when those get outed as lies, you go right back to the same source and parrot fresh new ones.

2. you cannot disprove or discredit anything I've posted, because it is all true, especially the part of you having precisely zero understanding of basic economics...
So basically all you're here to do is prattle on about partisanshithead nonsense and you aren't really interested in anything else.

Have a nice Sabbath my friend, the rest of the advanced post industrial world has figured this all out and enjoys better healthcare outcomes for far less expense and inefficiency; why, Canadians even pay less than you do for US pharmaceuticals.

And there is NO difference in this topic between your parties; reps/"cons" and dems/"libs" when to comes to healthcare in america. Enjoy the "exceptionalism".
i agree. the asinine effort to get back at the other side and have 1 party huddle up is inviting a fight and nothing else. the repubs HATED IT when the dems rolled their shit through and now they can't even do the same back to them cause they're so dysfunctional.

get experts from both sides in a room, remove partisan nametags and figure this shit out. tired of 1 side trying to one-up the other.
the rest of the advanced post industrial world has figured this all out

Why not move to Cuba or another country with your views and your type of health care????

Indeed, you seem to imply the people of those countries are satisfied with government health care. There is very very little evidence to support that claim. Those who can afford to shun their "free" government health care come here and pay out of pocket....
Does this logic of yours mean you never drive on public roads?

You couldn't elaborate on this idea of yours if your life depended on it.

Does this reply mean you never use any private services, not paid at other people's expense?

What a complete moron.
Lol what? Man this reply makes you look dumb. Why wouldn't I use private service? I never said I had a problem with private industry. You on the other hand are a hypocrite who claims to hate "free shit" yet you take advantage of it everyday.

Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.
Does this reply mean you never use any private services, not paid at other people's expense?

What a complete moron.
Lol what? Man this reply makes you look dumb. Why wouldn't I use private service? I never said I had a problem with private industry. You on the other hand are a hypocrite who claims to hate "free shit" yet you take advantage of it everyday.

Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.

Job doesn't merely make me "feel" superior. It absolutely makes me, or anyone superior at paying for health care.

Single payer is the solution if the problem is "How to become Venezuela?". It's also a solution to your embarrassing yearning for free shit. A other solution? Grow up.
Does this reply mean you never use any private services, not paid at other people's expense?

What a complete moron.
Lol what? Man this reply makes you look dumb. Why wouldn't I use private service? I never said I had a problem with private industry. You on the other hand are a hypocrite who claims to hate "free shit" yet you take advantage of it everyday.

Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.
yea, kinda like when look down on "cons" with all your arrogance you just did after you claim someone else did it to feel manly and superior.

so, why did you do it? i'm conservative. have done well for myself and family and still don't believe my money needs to go to all YOUR social causes.
Republicans want to toss out vague, random individual "ideas" and leave the cost monkey for health insurance on the backs of American business.
Republicans want to toss out vague, random individual "ideas" and leave the cost monkey for health insurance on the backs of American business.
and some people like to stereotype cause it means it's just that simple.

republicans = whatever you say.

liberals = whatever stereotype i say - you'll argue you're more "complex" than a stereotype, but look at ya. boiling it down to something simple we both know is bullshit.
Lol what? Man this reply makes you look dumb. Why wouldn't I use private service? I never said I had a problem with private industry. You on the other hand are a hypocrite who claims to hate "free shit" yet you take advantage of it everyday.

Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.

Job doesn't merely make me "feel" superior. It absolutely makes me, or anyone superior at paying for health care.

Single payer is the solution if the problem is "How to become Venezuela?". It's also a solution to your embarrassing yearning for free shit. A other solution? Grow up.
So, you never actually answered the question. Do you drive on public roads? I guarantee you whatever you pay in taxes per year is a small fraction of the overall costs of maintaining those roads. Single payer, like public roads, will be paid for with taxes. Quit being a self righteous little bitch about this. You are part of the system like anyone else is.

Oh and socialized medicine works great in many European nations. You cherry pick Venezuela because it's convenient.
Lol what? Man this reply makes you look dumb. Why wouldn't I use private service? I never said I had a problem with private industry. You on the other hand are a hypocrite who claims to hate "free shit" yet you take advantage of it everyday.

Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.
yea, kinda like when look down on "cons" with all your arrogance you just did after you claim someone else did it to feel manly and superior.

so, why did you do it? i'm conservative. have done well for myself and family and still don't believe my money needs to go to all YOUR social causes.
It's not about how I feel. The rightwing just demonstrates ignorance on this subject everytime they speak on it.
Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.

Job doesn't merely make me "feel" superior. It absolutely makes me, or anyone superior at paying for health care.

Single payer is the solution if the problem is "How to become Venezuela?". It's also a solution to your embarrassing yearning for free shit. A other solution? Grow up.
So, you never actually answered the question. Do you drive on public roads? I guarantee you whatever you pay in taxes per year is a small fraction of the overall costs of maintaining those roads. Single payer, like public roads, will be paid for with taxes. Quit being a self righteous little bitch about this. You are part of the system like anyone else is.

Oh and socialized medicine works great in many European nations. You cherry pick Venezuela because it's convenient.

There is no reason to pay for your free shit with taxes. There are 20 trillion reasons not to.

If you want someone else to pay for your free shit, I am fine with paying one way tickets to Venezuela for you guys with my tax contributions.
Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.
yea, kinda like when look down on "cons" with all your arrogance you just did after you claim someone else did it to feel manly and superior.

so, why did you do it? i'm conservative. have done well for myself and family and still don't believe my money needs to go to all YOUR social causes.
It's not about how I feel. The rightwing just demonstrates ignorance on this subject everytime they speak on it.
people who simply stereotype everything and pretend anyone who disagrees with them fits the stereotype mold 100% show their ignorance.

we all exhibit parts of the "group" we are in but that does not make a stereotype correct about any of us in our entirety does it?

if you're "liberal" can i assume that you agree and/or back every liberal trait out there? or are you not a stereotype?

yea, i/we am/are not either.

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