Do republican voters even have a solution to healthcare?

We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

the right has solut9oins to nothing.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.

Job doesn't merely make me "feel" superior. It absolutely makes me, or anyone superior at paying for health care.

Single payer is the solution if the problem is "How to become Venezuela?". It's also a solution to your embarrassing yearning for free shit. A other solution? Grow up.
So, you never actually answered the question. Do you drive on public roads? I guarantee you whatever you pay in taxes per year is a small fraction of the overall costs of maintaining those roads. Single payer, like public roads, will be paid for with taxes. Quit being a self righteous little bitch about this. You are part of the system like anyone else is.

Oh and socialized medicine works great in many European nations. You cherry pick Venezuela because it's convenient.

There is no reason to pay for your free shit with taxes. There is 20 trillion reasons not to.

If you want someone else to pay for your free shit, I am fine with paying one way tickets to Venezuela for you guys with my tax contributions.

what free s**t is that, moron?

education? are you bitter because you're uneducated and uninformed? that's an easy fix. get educated and get informed.

are you bitter because your like sucks?

that's an easy fix... stop blaming your failures on anyone who isn't white christian male.

real simple, trump loon
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.
Have you discussed this issue with any of your health care providers for their insights?
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.
yea, kinda like when look down on "cons" with all your arrogance you just did after you claim someone else did it to feel manly and superior.

so, why did you do it? i'm conservative. have done well for myself and family and still don't believe my money needs to go to all YOUR social causes.
It's not about how I feel. The rightwing just demonstrates ignorance on this subject everytime they speak on it.
people who simply stereotype everything and pretend anyone who disagrees with them fits the stereotype mold 100% show their ignorance.

we all exhibit parts of the "group" we are in but that does not make a stereotype correct about any of us in our entirety does it?

if you're "liberal" can i assume that you agree and/or back every liberal trait out there? or are you not a stereotype?

yea, i/we am/are not either.

When liberals stereotype others they consider it justified.

When others stereotype, liberals consider it homophobia/racism/sexism/bigotry/misogyny.
Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.
yea, kinda like when look down on "cons" with all your arrogance you just did after you claim someone else did it to feel manly and superior.

so, why did you do it? i'm conservative. have done well for myself and family and still don't believe my money needs to go to all YOUR social causes.
It's not about how I feel. The rightwing just demonstrates ignorance on this subject everytime they speak on it.
people who simply stereotype everything and pretend anyone who disagrees with them fits the stereotype mold 100% show their ignorance.

we all exhibit parts of the "group" we are in but that does not make a stereotype correct about any of us in our entirety does it?

if you're "liberal" can i assume that you agree and/or back every liberal trait out there? or are you not a stereotype?

yea, i/we am/are not either.

When liberals stereotype others they consider it justified.

When others stereotype, liberals consider it homophobia/racism/sexism/bigotry/misogyny.
both sides like to bitch at stereotypes and pretend the person they are bitching at fits said "image".

maybe we should talk more, assume less, and we'd not be so angry all the time with "the other side".
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.

Job doesn't merely make me "feel" superior. It absolutely makes me, or anyone superior at paying for health care.

Single payer is the solution if the problem is "How to become Venezuela?". It's also a solution to your embarrassing yearning for free shit. A other solution? Grow up.
So, you never actually answered the question. Do you drive on public roads? I guarantee you whatever you pay in taxes per year is a small fraction of the overall costs of maintaining those roads. Single payer, like public roads, will be paid for with taxes. Quit being a self righteous little bitch about this. You are part of the system like anyone else is.

Oh and socialized medicine works great in many European nations. You cherry pick Venezuela because it's convenient.

There is no reason to pay for your free shit with taxes. There are 20 trillion reasons not to.

If you want someone else to pay for your free shit, I am fine with paying one way tickets to Venezuela for you guys with my tax contributions.
Oh great. Well I'm sure you'll learn your lesson from now and stop driving on public roads. Of course that wouid also mean you wouid refuse emergency services as well. You wouid also have to go to war if needed because you are no longer going to pay that government leech in a uniform to do it for you.
Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.

Job doesn't merely make me "feel" superior. It absolutely makes me, or anyone superior at paying for health care.

Single payer is the solution if the problem is "How to become Venezuela?". It's also a solution to your embarrassing yearning for free shit. A other solution? Grow up.
So, you never actually answered the question. Do you drive on public roads? I guarantee you whatever you pay in taxes per year is a small fraction of the overall costs of maintaining those roads. Single payer, like public roads, will be paid for with taxes. Quit being a self righteous little bitch about this. You are part of the system like anyone else is.

Oh and socialized medicine works great in many European nations. You cherry pick Venezuela because it's convenient.

There is no reason to pay for your free shit with taxes. There are 20 trillion reasons not to.

If you want someone else to pay for your free shit, I am fine with paying one way tickets to Venezuela for you guys with my tax contributions.
Oh great. Well I'm sure you'll learn your lesson from now and stop driving on public roads. Of course that wouid also mean you wouid refuse emergency services as well. You wouid also have to go to war if needed because you are no longer going to pay that government leech in a uniform to do it for you.

I am not going to stop driving on public roads, or using other government services. If other people vote for stupid shit, I will be the FIRST to take advantage of it. Even if I know the nation and millions will suffer as result of the disaster policies.

I am sure that any patriot who loves this nation would pay for your one way ticket to Venezuela. Why try demolishing the country when you can simply move to an already demolished country?
So the argument from the left is that ACA might be thoroughly screwed up but the health care was also screwed up before ACA. The ironic thing is that democrats don't seem to have the slightest intention of fixing it or repealing the ACA. Are democrats so stupid that they think they will be able to blame republicans when the system finally collapses?
No, but libertarians do.

1. end the mandate to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance
2. expand medical savings account
3 repeal W's socialization of Senior Drugs
4. Dramatically cut/hack/gut MediCare and MedicAid
5. make individuals accountable for their own health
6. cover only catastrophic injury for uninsured
7 force the medical profession to respond to a FREE MARKET by CUTTING PRICES on BASIC SERVICES or lose business/money
8. new law - anyone busted for filing a deliberately false health care claim to Uncle Sam gets the firing squad and total asset forfeiture
lol and how would any of those ideas guarantee the consumer affordable healthcare?

That's a question that would only be asked by somebody who flunked Economics 101. Of course, I'm probably giving you too much credit. I doubt you actually graduated high school
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

Yes. It's the same one we have had for decades. Remove certain regulations that were put in place to increase insurance company profits, then allow the free market to fix the problem. It would.
Here is the democrat voter solution:


The solution is of course to get government out of health care, and before passing the bill, read what's in it.

No regulations. No oversight.

They would certainly work. dummy.
Do republican voters even have a solution to healthcare?

Pay for your own healthcare and stop mooching off me. I'm also not interested in paying for your food, your housing, your toilet paper, toothpaste, booze, drugs, your electric bill, or any of your other bills. Get a job, get two jobs, don't be a sponge.
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.
Eat right. Do your push ups. Control your genitals.
Do republican voters even have a solution to healthcare?

Pay for your own healthcare and stop mooching off me. I'm also not interested in paying for your food, your housing, your toilet paper, toothpaste, booze, drugs, your electric bill, or any of your other bills. Get a job, get two jobs, don't be a sponge.
Other people already pay for your public roads, emergency services, and the people who fight your wars for you. Under single payer, everyone would pay for taxes for it like any other government service.

Think about how many government services you already take advantage for. Your tax contribution alone is a tiny fraction of what's spent per year on those programs. This amounts to trillions per year. Meanwhile, you complain about a program like food stamps that costs 60 billion per year. By the way, the large majority of people on food stamps are children. The disabled and veterans also benefit from that program. Should we just say "fuck you" to all those people?
Cut taxes for the wealthy and all else will fall into place.

Cutting taxes and spending is precisely what the Gingrich/Clinton budgets did in the 1990s, and there you were screaming bloody murder and the sky is falling.... only to now, 20 years later, give credit for such policy to DEMOCRATS who ALL VOTED AGAINST THOSE BUDGETS.

Tax and spending cuts WORKED!!!

The boom of the 1990s proves it...

Liar. There were plenty of bipartisan votes in the process.

Clinton + Republican Congress => balanced budget

Bush + same basic Congress => Deficits, debt, worst recession in 80 yearts, housing collapse, near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars. Blame the DEmocrats.

Funny chit.
Republicans blocked Hillarycare in 1995.

There were incapable of doing anything for the next 14 years.

The Democrats fix ed it.

The Republicans had a fit & still can;t do anything.
Our health care "system" (ha) is now politicized, which means it's dumbed down, bumper sticker-ized and therefore completely hopeless.

As usual, partisans wreck things.
Here is the democrat voter solution:


The solution is of course to get government out of health care, and before passing the bill, read what's in it.

No regulations. No oversight.

They would certainly work. dummy.
Neither party's extremes are good.

The regulations currently are designed to keep participants out of health care market, and make whoever donates most to politicians, rich.

Yes, it would be great development to see these regulations go.

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