Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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The flyover voted for Trump to help them and instead he is screwing them. That's not just random shit, that's the news of the day.

You speak for Trump voters now?
They speak for themselves which is why Trump is losing their approval daily.

Says the man that supports Female genital mutilation.
Never said I supported it and you have no problems cutting the genitals of a boy now do you?
Your the one that wants to destroy the system that has led to this great nation, not to mention any possibility of peaceful change once you get your way.
Who said that? No one. I want democracy. How terrible of me.

You want leftist rule, through any and every means possible. That is clear to all. You just got through crowing about how great it was that the leftist courts crushed democracy in California so you Bolsheviks could get your way. You are no fan of democracy, you simply want power for your filthy and shameful party.
Yes, I see, you oppose one man one vote. Some are more equal than others, those like you. Now, should your vote equal three or four of say, my vote?

I support the residents of Georgia voting for the elected representatives of that state, not the residents of California forcing their choice of whom will represent those of other states.

You don't get to vote for the Mayor of Yorba Linda if you live in San Francisco, despite how much you desire to rule over others.
Well, in this country, Americans don't get to vote for the highest office in the land and the majority doesn't get their choice. See any issues with that, maybe just one?
Americans don't get to vote for the highest office in the land

They don't?

What's stopping them?

and the majority doesn't get their choice

the electoral beat the popular 4 times out of 44, I believe.

and the 'majority' don't like the choice of candidates they're given.

the problem with none of the above on the ballot?

we end up with no one.
1. Here?

2. This is female "circumcision" and anyone that equates it with male circumcision is either ignorant or a vile liar who supports the mutilation of female children.

3. We don't need this type of shit. America would be a better place if this had never happened here.
Let's see, using a blade on a boy's genitals to remove something based upon a religious teaching is different than using a blade on a girl's genitals to remove something also based upon a religious teaching? Yep, nope, not seeing the difference.

Your pretense that there is no difference shows that you are a vile liar that supports the mutilation of female children.

YOu said "here". Where is "here" that such barbaric practices are legal?
Can you explain to us what's makes it okay to take a knife to genitals of a boy but not a girl? And both of which are based upon the teachings of a religion?

Because boy parts and girl parts are different.

THe boy part they cut off, is not that important.

The girl part they cut off, really harms the child.

But you knew that, you were just being a dick.
I see, so if a religion says cut ____ off, not that's it's necessary but it's tradition, and you think that part doesn't matter then it's okay to take a knife to a child's genitals?

We of the United States, the nation your are at war to overthrow, have established a nation of 50 sovereign states united for common defense and a common system of government.
News flash: We are no longer under the Articles of Confederation.

We are under the Constitution and will remain so, despite your treason.
We are under it, for now.

You will not prevail in your civil war. We will keep our Constitution. How far are you willing to go to overthrow the nation? Do you just sit back and root for the DNC terrorist squad of ANTIFA, or will you take up arms to put an end to the Constitution?

You see, we normals are willing to go all the way to protect our liberty and the form of government we established in 1787
Luckily, thank God for the rest of us, your kind is nothing like "normal".


Comrade, you might want to check on who is president, and who has all three branches of government.

We normals are "woke," and we are pissed.
Of this I am well aware. It changes nothing at all of what said. The system is - wrong.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

California DID pass a law proposition by the majority of voters to define marriage as what it actually is. But you Communists said "Fuck the will of the people, fuck democracy" and dictated your desire through unelected judges instead.
The majority doesn't have the right to vote on the rights of the minority. Very sad for you.

Things like the Bill of Rights apply to all. Shameful, I know.

Says the confused man that is upset we don't live in a pure Democracy.
I am confused about nothing, The Electoral College is undemocratic. Americans do not have the the right to vote for the highest office in the land. Those are facts, not confusion.
Easy observation...... Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party, but the Nation of Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood are
Most democrats, as most Americans, are Christians. Planning to try again?

They are welcome to vote, but not to talk. Especially not about their Faith or anything related to it.

Unless they are black, then it's cool.

Especially if they are Black Liberation Theology.

Like Rev Wright.
Let's see, using a blade on a boy's genitals to remove something based upon a religious teaching is different than using a blade on a girl's genitals to remove something also based upon a religious teaching? Yep, nope, not seeing the difference.

Your pretense that there is no difference shows that you are a vile liar that supports the mutilation of female children.

YOu said "here". Where is "here" that such barbaric practices are legal?
Can you explain to us what's makes it okay to take a knife to genitals of a boy but not a girl? And both of which are based upon the teachings of a religion?

Because boy parts and girl parts are different.

THe boy part they cut off, is not that important.

The girl part they cut off, really harms the child.

But you knew that, you were just being a dick.
I see, so if a religion says cut ____ off, not that's it's necessary but it's tradition, and you think that part doesn't matter then it's okay to take a knife to a child's genitals?

Great. You, and the Jews, and the Muslims are now in agreement about taking knives for religious tradition to the genitals of children.
We are under the Constitution and will remain so, despite your treason.
We are under it, for now.

it will take blood, or 3/4s of the states, (and a few other things), to get us out from under it.
It will take a power grid failure, or a reasonably paced deadly virus more than likely. And nation-wide natural disaster will do the same, or aliens. The list of what ends the USA is actually rather long. Nothing lasts forever.

well, until that happens...

live with it,
I do, and I'm not the one all pissy because gays and Muslims also have rights under it.

Oh you support Gays, and Muslims.

So, what happens when the Muslims you support throw the Gays off of the roof top?
When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

California DID pass a law proposition by the majority of voters to define marriage as what it actually is. But you Communists said "Fuck the will of the people, fuck democracy" and dictated your desire through unelected judges instead.
The majority doesn't have the right to vote on the rights of the minority. Very sad for you.

Things like the Bill of Rights apply to all. Shameful, I know.

Says the confused man that is upset we don't live in a pure Democracy.
I am confused about nothing, The Electoral College is undemocratic. Americans do not have the the right to vote for the highest office in the land. Those are facts, not confusion.

Wow. Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
News flash: We are no longer under the Articles of Confederation.

We are under the Constitution and will remain so, despite your treason.
We are under it, for now.

You will not prevail in your civil war. We will keep our Constitution. How far are you willing to go to overthrow the nation? Do you just sit back and root for the DNC terrorist squad of ANTIFA, or will you take up arms to put an end to the Constitution?

You see, we normals are willing to go all the way to protect our liberty and the form of government we established in 1787
Luckily, thank God for the rest of us, your kind is nothing like "normal".


Comrade, you might want to check on who is president, and who has all three branches of government.

We normals are "woke," and we are pissed.
Clinton won the popular voting making Trump voters, not normal.
We are under it, for now.

it will take blood, or 3/4s of the states, (and a few other things), to get us out from under it.
It will take a power grid failure, or a reasonably paced deadly virus more than likely. And nation-wide natural disaster will do the same, or aliens. The list of what ends the USA is actually rather long. Nothing lasts forever.

well, until that happens...

live with it,
I do, and I'm not the one all pissy because gays and Muslims also have rights under it.

Oh you support Gays, and Muslims.

So, what happens when the Muslims you support throw the Gays off of the roof top?
What happens is they go to prison here and in Muslim nations they are once acting like, the Jews and the Christians. That gay thing really gets stuck in the wheels of religion.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

Your the one that wants to destroy the system that has led to this great nation, not to mention any possibility of peaceful change once you get your way.
Who said that? No one. I want democracy. How terrible of me.

You want leftist rule, through any and every means possible. That is clear to all. You just got through crowing about how great it was that the leftist courts crushed democracy in California so you Bolsheviks could get your way. You are no fan of democracy, you simply want power for your filthy and shameful party.
Please, please, please stop bleating and blathering about how we leftists today are Stalinist. It is dishonest, stupid and you are embarrassing yourself with that trip.

I know where you get this from. It is ancient history and you are either knowingly perpetuating it for you own purpose, or you are to stupid to know what your doing.

The Democrat’s Stalinist Mentality

The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant to dramatize was the fact that a regime as monstrous as Stalin’s, which murdered 40 million people and enslaved many times more, was nonetheless able to persuade progressives and “social justice” advocates all over the world to act as its supporters and defenders.

To the progressives seduced by Stalinism, democratic America represented a greater evil than the barbaric police states of the Soviet bloc.

How were these delusions of otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people possible? How were otherwise informed individuals able to deny the obvious and support the most brutal and oppressive dictatorship in history? How did they come to view a relatively humane, decent, democratic society like the United States as evil, while regarding the barbarous communist regime as its victim? The answer lies in the identification of Marxism with the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values, which will take place in a magical socialist future. Defense of the progressive idea trumped recognition of the reactionary fact

The vast majority of progressives and liberals now know better. So cut your moronic crap!!
Your pretense that there is no difference shows that you are a vile liar that supports the mutilation of female children.

YOu said "here". Where is "here" that such barbaric practices are legal?
Can you explain to us what's makes it okay to take a knife to genitals of a boy but not a girl? And both of which are based upon the teachings of a religion?

Because boy parts and girl parts are different.

THe boy part they cut off, is not that important.

The girl part they cut off, really harms the child.

But you knew that, you were just being a dick.
I see, so if a religion says cut ____ off, not that's it's necessary but it's tradition, and you think that part doesn't matter then it's okay to take a knife to a child's genitals?

Great. You, and the Jews, and the Muslims are now in agreement about taking knives for religious tradition to the genitals of children.

Your pretense there is no difference is idiocy transparent to anyone with any experience with both sets of genitals.

It is noted as strong evidence that you are completely dishonest.

Unless you are very, very inexperienced sexually.

If so, at this point would be good to defer to someone older.

Otherwise, I will be treating you from here on as someone deeply dishonest.
it will take blood, or 3/4s of the states, (and a few other things), to get us out from under it.
It will take a power grid failure, or a reasonably paced deadly virus more than likely. And nation-wide natural disaster will do the same, or aliens. The list of what ends the USA is actually rather long. Nothing lasts forever.

well, until that happens...

live with it,
I do, and I'm not the one all pissy because gays and Muslims also have rights under it.

Oh you support Gays, and Muslims.

So, what happens when the Muslims you support throw the Gays off of the roof top?
What happens is they go to prison here and in Muslim nations they are once acting like, the Jews and the Christians. That gay thing really gets stuck in the wheels of religion.

Atheist Communists didn't treat Gays very well either.

Look at Castro / Che's Atheist Gay camps in Communist Cuba.
It will take a power grid failure, or a reasonably paced deadly virus more than likely. And nation-wide natural disaster will do the same, or aliens. The list of what ends the USA is actually rather long. Nothing lasts forever.

well, until that happens...

live with it,
I do, and I'm not the one all pissy because gays and Muslims also have rights under it.

Oh you support Gays, and Muslims.

So, what happens when the Muslims you support throw the Gays off of the roof top?
What happens is they go to prison here and in Muslim nations they are once acting like, the Jews and the Christians. That gay thing really gets stuck in the wheels of religion.

Atheist Communists didn't treat Gays very well either.

Look at Castro / Che's Atheist Gay camps in Communist Cuba.
Most people love to hate on the faggots, no matter why there's always an excuse.
if islam isn't a religion, what is it?

It is a creed. Islam covers every aspect of society, both ecumenical and civil. It is both government and religion.

Then what is this??

Seven Mountains theology teaches that conservative Christians are to take control of the seven primary institutions, or “mountains,” that shape and control our culture — (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion — and use them to implement biblical standards and spread the Gospel.

David Barton Will Train Christians To Take Control Of Government And Transform America Into The ‘Nation That God Wants It To Be’ | Right Wing Watch
“Our”? The only impeachmentbthus cebtury was when Bill Clinton was impeached.
You lost an election for the White House. You lost the House. You lost the Senate. You lost the recounts. You are a loser. And you can’t undo that. Seven more years :)

In fact more people voted for Hillary. The GoP lost seats in the house and senate in the last election. 2018 is going to be interesting.
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