Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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They wouldn't. The one with the most votes, nationally, wins. That's democracy right, majority rule? If the EC gets to pick who they want, and they do, you might as well just say well, American citizen, you don't get to vote for the President since, you don't.

Comrade, New York and California together hold a majority of people. So as a good Communist, you demand that the right to vote be removed from the other 48 states in the Union?

How totalitarian of you.
One man, one vote. The majority rules. How very unfair of me.

So will you Stalinists be courting the Chinese and South African Vote?

We of the United States, the nation your are at war to overthrow, have established a nation of 50 sovereign states united for common defense and a common system of government. We are not a totalitarian dictatorship ruled from DC, NY City, or Mexico City (via their puppet Sacramento). While I grasp that is the desire of you Stalinists, it is one you shall be denied. We do indeed cling to "god, guns, and the Constitution." It is our guns that will thwart the war you wage on our Constitution.

Each state independently elects the person they as free people choose as President. California has no power to decide for Montana, nor New York for Georgia. We
are free people, we decide who will represent us, we do not cede to you the right to rule us. We have an electoral college to protect the rights of the minority, something you Communist occasionally pay lip service to, but have no grasp of.

You will not take this nation.
IF that's true, then you lefties are using the Means of Information Control to nullify the election after the fact.

YOu sure you want to put the final nail in the coffin of Peaceful Change in America?

Have you really considered the consequences?
Impeachment here is peaceful. This won't be our first rodeo.

You will have demonstrated that Peaceful Change is not longer an option.

Are you too stupid to realize the implications of the actions you are attempting?
Trump will leave on his own, as soon as the real balls start dropping. That's why he's already in a panic today. And besides, he hates the job anyway. He doesn't care that much and never has.

He will leave on his own in 7 years. After choosing his successor.
He won't even live that long nor will he ever be elected again.

Are you Marxists actively working to assassinate the President of the United States? What level of treason will you pigs not engage in?
They wouldn't. The one with the most votes, nationally, wins. That's democracy right, majority rule? If the EC gets to pick who they want, and they do, you might as well just say well, American citizen, you don't get to vote for the President since, you don't.

Comrade, New York and California together hold a majority of people. So as a good Communist, you demand that the right to vote be removed from the other 48 states in the Union?

How totalitarian of you.
One man, one vote. The majority rules. How very unfair of me.

indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

That is not the system established under the United States Constitution.

Perhaps you should learn how the form of government you wage your civil war against actually works? The treason you engage in only benefits oligarchs which you will never be one of.
'most' Americans voted against both of them, by staying home
In an election only those who vote matter. That's reality.

You really don't understand, do you?

MOST people voted against BOTH of them, by staying home.

They said, "we don't want either of those pieces of shit in the White House, an we're not going to help them get there"

(I knew you were dense from your comments last night, but seriously?)
The funny thing about an election is, the only ones who matter are those allowed to vote and those who do. The rest might as well be turds down the toilet since they had no say at all. Like you, they matter not at all. They never cared enough to bother showing up. Personally, I'd purge you from the system after two missed elections. You obviously don't care enough to express a right so you are therefore unworthy of said thing.

Is that why you seek to deny the vote to 48 of the states, Comrade?
One man one vote doesn't deny anyone a vote. That's democracy.

Do you know what a "state " is, Comrade? Do you grasp why this is the United States and not the "Empire of Marx in America" that you yearn for?

You do indeed seek to deny the vote to "fly over country" as you arrogantly spewed. Your entire purpose in seeking to to end the EC is to force the desires of the urban centers on the coasts down the throats of the rest of the nation, who you demand should shut up and obey.
In an election only those who vote matter. That's reality.

You really don't understand, do you?

MOST people voted against BOTH of them, by staying home.

They said, "we don't want either of those pieces of shit in the White House, an we're not going to help them get there"

(I knew you were dense from your comments last night, but seriously?)
The funny thing about an election is, the only ones who matter are those allowed to vote and those who do. The rest might as well be turds down the toilet since they had no say at all. Like you, they matter not at all. They never cared enough to bother showing up. Personally, I'd purge you from the system after two missed elections. You obviously don't care enough to express a right so you are therefore unworthy of said thing.

Is that why you seek to deny the vote to 48 of the states, Comrade?
One man one vote doesn't deny anyone a vote. That's democracy.

Do you know what a "state " is, Comrade? Do you grasp why this is the United States and not the "Empire of Marx in America" that you yearn for?

You do indeed seek to deny the vote to "fly over country" as you arrogantly spewed. Your entire purpose in seeking to to end the EC is to force the desires of the urban centers on the coasts down the throats of the rest of the nation, who you demand should shut up and obey.
So, you don't accept the concept of one man one vote but I'm the communist? Curious.

What you want is more than your fair share of influence over others. How very communist. Would you like your vote to count as two, three, four or more votes just because you live in the middle of nowhere?
Comrade, New York and California together hold a majority of people. So as a good Communist, you demand that the right to vote be removed from the other 48 states in the Union?

How totalitarian of you.
One man, one vote. The majority rules. How very unfair of me.

indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

What "liberal" nation, Comrade? First off you are are Stalinist, a leftist who is the opposite of "liberal," further what nation do you represent? North Korea? Cuba?
They wouldn't. The one with the most votes, nationally, wins. That's democracy right, majority rule? If the EC gets to pick who they want, and they do, you might as well just say well, American citizen, you don't get to vote for the President since, you don't.

Comrade, New York and California together hold a majority of people. So as a good Communist, you demand that the right to vote be removed from the other 48 states in the Union?

How totalitarian of you.
One man, one vote. The majority rules. How very unfair of me.

indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

That is not the system established under the United States Constitution.

Perhaps you should learn how the form of government you wage your civil war against actually works? The treason you engage in only benefits oligarchs which you will never be one of.
The system is overdue to be, majority rule. How deeply radical of me.
indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

Your the one that wants to destroy the system that has led to this great nation, not to mention any possibility of peaceful change once you get your way.
Who said that? No one. I want democracy. How terrible of me.

You want leftist rule, through any and every means possible. That is clear to all. You just got through crowing about how great it was that the leftist courts crushed democracy in California so you Bolsheviks could get your way. You are no fan of democracy, you simply want power for your filthy and shameful party.
One man, one vote. The majority rules. How very unfair of me.

indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

What "liberal" nation, Comrade? First off you are are Stalinist, a leftist who is the opposite of "liberal," further what nation do you represent? North Korea? Cuba?
When the gays are getting married you live in a liberal nation. Saudi Arabia is still trying to figure out if women can actually drive those new fangled horseless carriage contraptions.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

Your the one that wants to destroy the system that has led to this great nation, not to mention any possibility of peaceful change once you get your way.
Who said that? No one. I want democracy. How terrible of me.

You want leftist rule, through any and every means possible. That is clear to all. You just got through crowing about how great it was that the leftist courts crushed democracy in California so you Bolsheviks could get your way. You are no fan of democracy, you simply want power for your filthy and shameful party.
Yes, I see, you oppose one man one vote. Some are more equal than others, those like you. Now, should your vote equal three or four of say, my vote?
We of the United States, the nation your are at war to overthrow, have established a nation of 50 sovereign states united for common defense and a common system of government.
News flash: We are no longer under the Articles of Confederation.

We are under the Constitution and will remain so, despite your treason.
We are under it, for now.

it will take blood, or 3/4s of the states, (and a few other things), to get us out from under it.
indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

What "liberal" nation, Comrade? First off you are are Stalinist, a leftist who is the opposite of "liberal," further what nation do you represent? North Korea? Cuba?
When the gays are getting married you live in a liberal nation. Saudi Arabia is trying to figure out if women can actually drive those new fangled horseless carriage contraptions.


You are a dumb one, no wonder you're a Communist.

Liberal - an advocate of liberty. Precisely the opposite of what you and the Stalinist party laughingly known as "democrats" represent.

A liberal is one like me, who affords all the right to live as they please as long as it harms no one else. Once a person shrieks "BAKE THE CAKE PEASANT," then any pretense of "liberal" is gone. You are a totalitarian thug, you represent a totalitarian party that is at war to end all civil liberty. You attack the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech (hate speech, PC speech codes, et al) you crush the right to assemble (safe places, white free zones), you attack the right of the people to defend their lives and property, you attack the right of persons to be secure in their person and papers (NSA wire taps, spying on citizens including Trump)

There is nothing even remotely liberal about you or the disgusting party you blindly serve.
We of the United States, the nation your are at war to overthrow, have established a nation of 50 sovereign states united for common defense and a common system of government.
News flash: We are no longer under the Articles of Confederation.

We are under the Constitution and will remain so, despite your treason.
We are under it, for now.

it will take blood, or 3/4s of the states, (and a few other things), to get us out from under it.
It will take a power grid failure, or a reasonably paced deadly virus more than likely. And nation-wide natural disaster will do the same, or aliens. The list of what ends the USA is actually rather long. Nothing lasts forever.
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