Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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Err, then how would the state outcomes be decided?
They wouldn't. The one with the most votes, nationally, wins. That's democracy right, majority rule? If the EC gets to pick who they want, and they do, you might as well just say well, American citizen, you don't get to vote for the President since, you don't.

The Founders were very much against straight Democracy. OUr system is all about limiting the dangers of mob rule.
Of this I am well aware. It changes nothing at all of what said. The system is - wrong.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

California DID pass a law proposition by the majority of voters to define marriage as what it actually is. But you Communists said "Fuck the will of the people, fuck democracy" and dictated your desire through unelected judges instead.
How can I prove something does not exist? If you think you can, you are an idiot.

Why don't you cite the part of the Constitution where it says a Muslim cannot hold office? No one has done that, except to quote the wrong parts and reveal their ignorance.

A Muslim can not hold office if Americans do not want muslims to hold office and vote against them.
I think that’s just about the best idea...second only to stopping the importation of muslims.
----------------------------------------- totally agree , my only head scratching problem is WHY lefties even want muslims in the USA . I mean , if you let them into the USA then at the minimum you have to SHARE the USA with alien type muslims . It doesn't make sense to me DOTR !!

You so crazy.

And miss out of cultural diversity like THIS?

Second Detroit Doctor Arrested for Female Genital Mutilation

"A Michigan doctor and his wife were arrested Friday morning for providing the clinic where Dr. Jumana Nagarwala allegedly performed female genital mutilation surgeries on girls as young as six."

Why deny our children the right to go to school with people that practice such an interesting culture?
Genital mutilation here is known as circumcision, an ancient religious practice, and it's perfectly legal (for small penises). It's also performed by doctors and others who are not doctors, legally.

1. Here?

2. This is female "circumcision" and anyone that equates it with male circumcision is either ignorant or a vile liar who supports the mutilation of female children.

3. We don't need this type of shit. America would be a better place if this had never happened here.
Let's see, using a blade on a boy's genitals to remove something based upon a religious teaching is different than using a blade on a girl's genitals to remove something also based upon a religious teaching? Yep, nope, not seeing the difference.
Trump having a message that spoke up for Middle America, cost Clinton the election.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.

I remember growing up in the Rust Belt. I've lived in it my whole life. I never though that these generations long union voters would flip to the GOP.

But Trump spoke for them and they heard him, despite the din of lies from people like you trying to drown him out.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you just randomly fling shit in hopes of causing a stink? You have no real idea what the subject is and certainly have no rational or reasoned arguments.

Well, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright, now are you?
The flyover voted for Trump to help them and instead he is screwing them. That's not just random shit, that's the news of the day.

The decline of illegal entry and the rise in deportations is a plus.

The conservative Court will help protect US from people like you.

And it's still early.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

Your the one that wants to destroy the system that has led to this great nation, not to mention any possibility of peaceful change once you get your way.
Who said that? No one. I want democracy. How terrible of me.

1. YOu're supporting the idea of using massive propaganda to nullify the election after the fact.

2. YOu want to use the Third World swollen numbers of California to further end any possibility of any peaceful political change.

3. It is terrible of you, and if you get your way, you and yours will not like the way it works out for you.
1. no. 2. no. 3. no. Besides that you're doin' just great.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

Those who take upon themselves and be awarded with a public office must take an oath to uphold, to defend, the United States Constitution. Obviously, to be president, they must be born of this nation. In following these two set rules, they must refrain from any foreign culture influence and interest that contradicts with the oath to preserve and protect our Constitutional system of government. We have an established system that all cultures and religions must assimilate to, not a system that must bow and assimilate to your own set of values you once held in your country or region of origin. If they respect and uphold to that understanding regarding our nation’s government, I don’t see a problem.
Tell that to the Christion Dominionists

I know ...things like the little manger Nativity, and Merry Christmas, are the biggieman of the Big Federal Government Progressive. :lol:
No Sparky, I'm talking about this:

David Barton is a chief proponent of what he calls Seven Mountains Dominionism : Seven Mountains theology teaches that conservative Christians are to take control of the seven primary institutions, or “mountains,” that shape and control our culture — (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion — and use them to implement biblical standards and spread the Gospel.

It is worth remembering that Barton is not only an influential Republican activist but also runs one of the main super PACs supporting Ted Cruz.

David Barton Will Train Christians To Take Control Of Government And Transform America Into The ‘Nation That God Wants It To Be’ | Right Wing Watch
A Muslim can not hold office if Americans do not want muslims to hold office and vote against them.
I think that’s just about the best idea...second only to stopping the importation of muslims.
----------------------------------------- totally agree , my only head scratching problem is WHY lefties even want muslims in the USA . I mean , if you let them into the USA then at the minimum you have to SHARE the USA with alien type muslims . It doesn't make sense to me DOTR !!

You so crazy.

And miss out of cultural diversity like THIS?

Second Detroit Doctor Arrested for Female Genital Mutilation

"A Michigan doctor and his wife were arrested Friday morning for providing the clinic where Dr. Jumana Nagarwala allegedly performed female genital mutilation surgeries on girls as young as six."

Why deny our children the right to go to school with people that practice such an interesting culture?
Genital mutilation here is known as circumcision, an ancient religious practice, and it's perfectly legal (for small penises). It's also performed by doctors and others who are not doctors, legally.

1. Here?

2. This is female "circumcision" and anyone that equates it with male circumcision is either ignorant or a vile liar who supports the mutilation of female children.

3. We don't need this type of shit. America would be a better place if this had never happened here.
Let's see, using a blade on a boy's genitals to remove something based upon a religious teaching is different than using a blade on a girl's genitals to remove something also based upon a religious teaching? Yep, nope, not seeing the difference.

Americans see a difference...I’m not surprised you don’t.
A Muslim can not hold office if Americans do not want muslims to hold office and vote against them.
I think that’s just about the best idea...second only to stopping the importation of muslims.
----------------------------------------- totally agree , my only head scratching problem is WHY lefties even want muslims in the USA . I mean , if you let them into the USA then at the minimum you have to SHARE the USA with alien type muslims . It doesn't make sense to me DOTR !!

You so crazy.

And miss out of cultural diversity like THIS?

Second Detroit Doctor Arrested for Female Genital Mutilation

"A Michigan doctor and his wife were arrested Friday morning for providing the clinic where Dr. Jumana Nagarwala allegedly performed female genital mutilation surgeries on girls as young as six."

Why deny our children the right to go to school with people that practice such an interesting culture?
Genital mutilation here is known as circumcision, an ancient religious practice, and it's perfectly legal (for small penises). It's also performed by doctors and others who are not doctors, legally.

1. Here?

2. This is female "circumcision" and anyone that equates it with male circumcision is either ignorant or a vile liar who supports the mutilation of female children.

3. We don't need this type of shit. America would be a better place if this had never happened here.
Let's see, using a blade on a boy's genitals to remove something based upon a religious teaching is different than using a blade on a girl's genitals to remove something also based upon a religious teaching? Yep, nope, not seeing the difference.

Your pretense that there is no difference shows that you are a vile liar that supports the mutilation of female children.

YOu said "here". Where is "here" that such barbaric practices are legal?
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.

I remember growing up in the Rust Belt. I've lived in it my whole life. I never though that these generations long union voters would flip to the GOP.

But Trump spoke for them and they heard him, despite the din of lies from people like you trying to drown him out.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you just randomly fling shit in hopes of causing a stink? You have no real idea what the subject is and certainly have no rational or reasoned arguments.

Well, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright, now are you?
The flyover voted for Trump to help them and instead he is screwing them. That's not just random shit, that's the news of the day.

The decline of illegal entry and the rise in deportations is a plus.

The conservative Court will help protect US from people like you.

And it's still early.
One year later and Trump has managed to make the Supreme Court just what it was under Obama, five years ago, and that's all so far. Great work.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

Those who take upon themselves and be awarded with a public office must take an oath to uphold, to defend, the United States Constitution. Obviously, to be president, they must be born of this nation. In following these two set rules, they must refrain from any foreign culture influence and interest that contradicts with the oath to preserve and protect our Constitutional system of government. We have an established system that all cultures and religions must assimilate to, not a system that must bow and assimilate to your own set of values you once held in your country or region of origin. If they respect and uphold to that understanding regarding our nation’s government, I don’t see a problem.
Tell that to the Christion Dominionists

I know ...things like the little manger Nativity, and Merry Christmas, are the biggieman of the Big Federal Government Progressive. :lol:
No Sparky, I'm talking about this:

David Barton is a chief proponent of what he calls Seven Mountains Dominionism : Seven Mountains theology teaches that conservative Christians are to take control of the seven primary institutions, or “mountains,” that shape and control our culture — (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion — and use them to implement biblical standards and spread the Gospel.

It is worth remembering that Barton is not only an influential Republican activist but also runs one of the main super PACs supporting Ted Cruz.

David Barton Will Train Christians To Take Control Of Government And Transform America Into The ‘Nation That God Wants It To Be’ | Right Wing Watch

I wish David Barton would run for something. Him I would vote for.
Err, then how would the state outcomes be decided?
They wouldn't. The one with the most votes, nationally, wins. That's democracy right, majority rule? If the EC gets to pick who they want, and they do, you might as well just say well, American citizen, you don't get to vote for the President since, you don't.

The Founders were very much against straight Democracy. OUr system is all about limiting the dangers of mob rule.
Of this I am well aware. It changes nothing at all of what said. The system is - wrong.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.
YES! Thank you Supreme court! That is how things work in a constitutional republic.
----------------------------------------- totally agree , my only head scratching problem is WHY lefties even want muslims in the USA . I mean , if you let them into the USA then at the minimum you have to SHARE the USA with alien type muslims . It doesn't make sense to me DOTR !!

You so crazy.

And miss out of cultural diversity like THIS?

Second Detroit Doctor Arrested for Female Genital Mutilation

"A Michigan doctor and his wife were arrested Friday morning for providing the clinic where Dr. Jumana Nagarwala allegedly performed female genital mutilation surgeries on girls as young as six."

Why deny our children the right to go to school with people that practice such an interesting culture?
Genital mutilation here is known as circumcision, an ancient religious practice, and it's perfectly legal (for small penises). It's also performed by doctors and others who are not doctors, legally.

1. Here?

2. This is female "circumcision" and anyone that equates it with male circumcision is either ignorant or a vile liar who supports the mutilation of female children.

3. We don't need this type of shit. America would be a better place if this had never happened here.
Let's see, using a blade on a boy's genitals to remove something based upon a religious teaching is different than using a blade on a girl's genitals to remove something also based upon a religious teaching? Yep, nope, not seeing the difference.

Your pretense that there is no difference shows that you are a vile liar that supports the mutilation of female children.

YOu said "here". Where is "here" that such barbaric practices are legal?
Can you explain to us what's makes it okay to take a knife to genitals of a boy but not a girl? And both of which are based upon the teachings of a religion?
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

Those who take upon themselves and be awarded with a public office must take an oath to uphold, to defend, the United States Constitution. Obviously, to be president, they must be born of this nation. In following these two set rules, they must refrain from any foreign culture influence and interest that contradicts with the oath to preserve and protect our Constitutional system of government. We have an established system that all cultures and religions must assimilate to, not a system that must bow and assimilate to your own set of values you once held in your country or region of origin. If they respect and uphold to that understanding regarding our nation’s government, I don’t see a problem.
Tell that to the Christion Dominionists

I know ...things like the little manger Nativity, and Merry Christmas, are the biggieman of the Big Federal Government Progressive. :lol:
No Sparky, I'm talking about this:

David Barton is a chief proponent of what he calls Seven Mountains Dominionism : Seven Mountains theology teaches that conservative Christians are to take control of the seven primary institutions, or “mountains,” that shape and control our culture — (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion — and use them to implement biblical standards and spread the Gospel.

It is worth remembering that Barton is not only an influential Republican activist but also runs one of the main super PACs supporting Ted Cruz.

David Barton Will Train Christians To Take Control Of Government And Transform America Into The ‘Nation That God Wants It To Be’ | Right Wing Watch

I wish David Barton would run for something. Him I would vote for.
He's been running for Anti-Catholic Pope of America for decades.
You so crazy.

And miss out of cultural diversity like THIS?

Second Detroit Doctor Arrested for Female Genital Mutilation

"A Michigan doctor and his wife were arrested Friday morning for providing the clinic where Dr. Jumana Nagarwala allegedly performed female genital mutilation surgeries on girls as young as six."

Why deny our children the right to go to school with people that practice such an interesting culture?
Genital mutilation here is known as circumcision, an ancient religious practice, and it's perfectly legal (for small penises). It's also performed by doctors and others who are not doctors, legally.

1. Here?

2. This is female "circumcision" and anyone that equates it with male circumcision is either ignorant or a vile liar who supports the mutilation of female children.

3. We don't need this type of shit. America would be a better place if this had never happened here.
Let's see, using a blade on a boy's genitals to remove something based upon a religious teaching is different than using a blade on a girl's genitals to remove something also based upon a religious teaching? Yep, nope, not seeing the difference.

Your pretense that there is no difference shows that you are a vile liar that supports the mutilation of female children.

YOu said "here". Where is "here" that such barbaric practices are legal?
Can you explain to us what's makes it okay to take a knife to genitals of a boy but not a girl? And both of which are based upon the teachings of a religion?

Americans never paid any attention to non-judaeo-Christians would be my guess. We practice the one passed down through our culture.
They wouldn't. The one with the most votes, nationally, wins. That's democracy right, majority rule? If the EC gets to pick who they want, and they do, you might as well just say well, American citizen, you don't get to vote for the President since, you don't.

The Founders were very much against straight Democracy. OUr system is all about limiting the dangers of mob rule.
Of this I am well aware. It changes nothing at all of what said. The system is - wrong.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

California DID pass a law proposition by the majority of voters to define marriage as what it actually is. But you Communists said "Fuck the will of the people, fuck democracy" and dictated your desire through unelected judges instead.
The majority doesn't have the right to vote on the rights of the minority. Very sad for you.

Things like the Bill of Rights apply to all. Shameful, I know.
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