Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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The faith (and ego) of a flyover ditch digger in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Don’t need evidence. Just needed to reject the ruling elite and put trump on. You can’t propaganda your way to victory.
A New York billionaire isn't an elite? Do you see now why people call you flyover ditch diggers morons?

Tell the truth Katie...on Election Day you shouted “oy vey” and then bawled all night.
I hope you still do occasionally.
No. I was disappointed. But now that Trump is fucking over the ditch diggers that voted for him I just laugh, a lot.

Says the arrogant ass that can't understand why the working class doesn't trust him and those like him.
We understand perfectly, we just don't care, as we don't need to. Now, if we want your votes so we wrap ourselves in an American flag and shout lets hang some ni**ers and Muslims from the nearest trees, that's just politics that you'll love just like you love Trump. We don't want your vote that much. To do so would mean we had no morals at all, like Trump.
If a Muslim is elected to public office, do Republicans feel they should be allowed to server or should they be banned?

Those who take upon themselves and be awarded with a public office must take an oath to uphold, to defend, the United States Constitution. Obviously, to be president, they must be born of this nation. In following these two set rules, they must refrain from any foreign culture influence and interest that contradicts with the oath to preserve and protect our Constitutional system of government. We have an established system that all cultures and religions must assimilate to, not a system that must bow and assimilate to your own set of values you once held in your country or region of origin. If they respect and uphold to that understanding regarding our nation’s government, I don’t see a problem.
Tell that to the Christion Dominionists

What laws have they put in place that supplant the Constitution, Comrade Bigot?
What do you think ? They only want white Christian Men to be in office .

You are a race baiting asshole.
You've obviously not read some of the stuff here about that Rep up in Minnesota.....people lost their minds when he was sworn in on a Koran.

Have you read the Koran? It teaches hate for anything non-Islamic, and has open ended commands to kill unbelievers.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

'most' Americans voted against both of them, by staying home
In an election only those who vote matter. That's reality.

You really don't understand, do you?

MOST people voted against BOTH of them, by staying home.

They said, "we don't want either of those pieces of shit in the White House, an we're not going to help them get there"

(I knew you were dense from your comments last night, but seriously?)
The funny thing about an election is, the only ones who matter are those allowed to vote and those who do. The rest might as well be turds down the toilet since they had no say at all. Like you, they matter not at all. They never cared enough to bother showing up. Personally, I'd purge you from the system after two missed elections. You obviously don't care enough to express a right so you are therefore unworthy of said thing.

Is that why you seek to deny the vote to 48 of the states, Comrade?
One man one vote doesn't deny anyone a vote. That's democracy.
What legal Constitutional argument can you provide in a link, that says Sharia Law can coexist separately from our judicial rule of law under the Constitution?

Let me challenge the basis of your argument and see how well you can back it up. Links please.

You obviously do not know what Sharia Law is. I suggest educating yourself first.

On the contrary, and a great dodge of actually backing your answer by the way. Having trouble?

How can I prove something does not exist? If you think you can, you are an idiot.

Why don't you cite the part of the Constitution where it says a Muslim cannot hold office? No one has done that, except to quote the wrong parts and reveal their ignorance.

A Muslim can not hold office if Americans do not want muslims to hold office and vote against them.
I think that’s just about the best idea...second only to stopping the importation of muslims.
----------------------------------------- totally agree , my only head scratching problem is WHY lefties even want muslims in the USA . I mean , if you let them into the USA then at the minimum you have to SHARE the USA with alien type muslims . It doesn't make sense to me DOTR !!

You so crazy.

And miss out of cultural diversity like THIS?

Second Detroit Doctor Arrested for Female Genital Mutilation

"A Michigan doctor and his wife were arrested Friday morning for providing the clinic where Dr. Jumana Nagarwala allegedly performed female genital mutilation surgeries on girls as young as six."

Why deny our children the right to go to school with people that practice such an interesting culture?
They wouldn't. The one with the most votes, nationally, wins. That's democracy right, majority rule? If the EC gets to pick who they want, and they do, you might as well just say well, American citizen, you don't get to vote for the President since, you don't.

Comrade, New York and California together hold a majority of people. So as a good Communist, you demand that the right to vote be removed from the other 48 states in the Union?

How totalitarian of you.
One man, one vote. The majority rules. How very unfair of me.

indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.
'most' Americans voted against both of them, by staying home
In an election only those who vote matter. That's reality.

You really don't understand, do you?

MOST people voted against BOTH of them, by staying home.

They said, "we don't want either of those pieces of shit in the White House, an we're not going to help them get there"

(I knew you were dense from your comments last night, but seriously?)
The funny thing about an election is, the only ones who matter are those allowed to vote and those who do. The rest might as well be turds down the toilet since they had no say at all. Like you, they matter not at all. They never cared enough to bother showing up. Personally, I'd purge you from the system after two missed elections. You obviously don't care enough to express a right so you are therefore unworthy of said thing.

Is that why you seek to deny the vote to 48 of the states, Comrade?
One man one vote doesn't deny anyone a vote. That's democracy.

Your lies won't protect you, if you get your way.
Comrade, New York and California together hold a majority of people. So as a good Communist, you demand that the right to vote be removed from the other 48 states in the Union?

How totalitarian of you.
One man, one vote. The majority rules. How very unfair of me.

indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

Your the one that wants to destroy the system that has led to this great nation, not to mention any possibility of peaceful change once you get your way.


Turkey is not a Muslim democracy. Turkey was established by the great Ataturk as a SECULAR republic with free and fair elections. Islam and Sharia are specifically PROHIBITED from government affairs by the Turkish Constitution. As Islam infects and corrupts Turkey, democratic elections and representation dissolve.

Sorry, that was a bad choice, it nearly refutes the point you seek to make.
You obviously do not know what Sharia Law is. I suggest educating yourself first.

On the contrary, and a great dodge of actually backing your answer by the way. Having trouble?

How can I prove something does not exist? If you think you can, you are an idiot.

Why don't you cite the part of the Constitution where it says a Muslim cannot hold office? No one has done that, except to quote the wrong parts and reveal their ignorance.

A Muslim can not hold office if Americans do not want muslims to hold office and vote against them.
I think that’s just about the best idea...second only to stopping the importation of muslims.
----------------------------------------- totally agree , my only head scratching problem is WHY lefties even want muslims in the USA . I mean , if you let them into the USA then at the minimum you have to SHARE the USA with alien type muslims . It doesn't make sense to me DOTR !!

You so crazy.

And miss out of cultural diversity like THIS?

Second Detroit Doctor Arrested for Female Genital Mutilation

"A Michigan doctor and his wife were arrested Friday morning for providing the clinic where Dr. Jumana Nagarwala allegedly performed female genital mutilation surgeries on girls as young as six."

Why deny our children the right to go to school with people that practice such an interesting culture?
Genital mutilation here is known as circumcision, an ancient religious practice, and it's perfectly legal (for small penises). It's also performed by doctors and others who are not doctors, legally.
One man, one vote. The majority rules. How very unfair of me.

indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

Your the one that wants to destroy the system that has led to this great nation, not to mention any possibility of peaceful change once you get your way.
Who said that? No one. I want democracy. How terrible of me.
In an election only those who vote matter. That's reality.

You really don't understand, do you?

MOST people voted against BOTH of them, by staying home.

They said, "we don't want either of those pieces of shit in the White House, an we're not going to help them get there"

(I knew you were dense from your comments last night, but seriously?)
The funny thing about an election is, the only ones who matter are those allowed to vote and those who do. The rest might as well be turds down the toilet since they had no say at all. Like you, they matter not at all. They never cared enough to bother showing up. Personally, I'd purge you from the system after two missed elections. You obviously don't care enough to express a right so you are therefore unworthy of said thing.

Is that why you seek to deny the vote to 48 of the states, Comrade?
One man one vote doesn't deny anyone a vote. That's democracy.

Your lies won't protect you, if you get your way.
Majority rule isn't a lie, it's democracy. The Electoral College is not democracy but that's what you prefer.

  • Hillary Clinton paid to have a fake "dossier" created to slander and libel Trump in hopes of altering the election in her favor.
  • James Comey colluded with Russian agents including using taxpayer funds to help the Clinton campaign in this act
  • Mueller has a massive conflict of interest in the affair
Oh, and DailyBeast, a leftist website, is reporting that Cambridge CEO Alexander Nix is the subject of the indictment to be handed down. This amounts to yet another nothing burger for either side.

The insane like Timmy and deantard were dreaming that Trump would be indicted.
The average forum Stalinists were hoping Manafort would be indicted
The normals, those who elected Trump were hoping John Podesta would be indicted

Nix is a meaningless indictment. While Mueller would like to crush free speech, there is nothing even remotely illegal about a private citizen urging Assange to release emails from the corrupt Stalinist democrats. No court in the nation will even hear the case.

Looks like Mueller is engaging in a stalling tactic to try and keep the heat off of the corrupt dims during the Sunday political shows.

If it is indeed Nix, no one gains anything from this.
Comey, and the EC, cost Clinton the election. Don't go there.

Trump having a message that spoke up for Middle America, cost Clinton the election.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.

I remember growing up in the Rust Belt. I've lived in it my whole life. I never though that these generations long union voters would flip to the GOP.

But Trump spoke for them and they heard him, despite the din of lies from people like you trying to drown him out.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you just randomly fling shit in hopes of causing a stink? You have no real idea what the subject is and certainly have no rational or reasoned arguments.

Well, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright, now are you?
----------------------------------------- totally agree , my only head scratching problem is WHY lefties even want muslims in the USA . I mean , if you let them into the USA then at the minimum you have to SHARE the USA with alien type muslims . It doesn't make sense to me DOTR !!

I hope I can get back to this with you pismoe. It’s been fun here just slapping back and forth but you ask a serious question.
For starters watch this thirty second video. There are three reasons liberals want to import Muslims and this video is one part of it albeit with Europe as the target before moving to the us.

On the contrary, and a great dodge of actually backing your answer by the way. Having trouble?

How can I prove something does not exist? If you think you can, you are an idiot.

Why don't you cite the part of the Constitution where it says a Muslim cannot hold office? No one has done that, except to quote the wrong parts and reveal their ignorance.

A Muslim can not hold office if Americans do not want muslims to hold office and vote against them.
I think that’s just about the best idea...second only to stopping the importation of muslims.
----------------------------------------- totally agree , my only head scratching problem is WHY lefties even want muslims in the USA . I mean , if you let them into the USA then at the minimum you have to SHARE the USA with alien type muslims . It doesn't make sense to me DOTR !!

You so crazy.

And miss out of cultural diversity like THIS?

Second Detroit Doctor Arrested for Female Genital Mutilation

"A Michigan doctor and his wife were arrested Friday morning for providing the clinic where Dr. Jumana Nagarwala allegedly performed female genital mutilation surgeries on girls as young as six."

Why deny our children the right to go to school with people that practice such an interesting culture?
Genital mutilation here is known as circumcision, an ancient religious practice, and it's perfectly legal (for small penises). It's also performed by doctors and others who are not doctors, legally.

1. Here?

2. This is female "circumcision" and anyone that equates it with male circumcision is either ignorant or a vile liar who supports the mutilation of female children.

3. We don't need this type of shit. America would be a better place if this had never happened here.
They wouldn't. The one with the most votes, nationally, wins. That's democracy right, majority rule? If the EC gets to pick who they want, and they do, you might as well just say well, American citizen, you don't get to vote for the President since, you don't.

Comrade, New York and California together hold a majority of people. So as a good Communist, you demand that the right to vote be removed from the other 48 states in the Union?

How totalitarian of you.
One man, one vote. The majority rules. How very unfair of me.

indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.

We can only hope.
Comey, and the EC, cost Clinton the election. Don't go there.

Trump having a message that spoke up for Middle America, cost Clinton the election.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.

I remember growing up in the Rust Belt. I've lived in it my whole life. I never though that these generations long union voters would flip to the GOP.

But Trump spoke for them and they heard him, despite the din of lies from people like you trying to drown him out.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you just randomly fling shit in hopes of causing a stink? You have no real idea what the subject is and certainly have no rational or reasoned arguments.

Well, you're not a Communist because you're particularly bright, now are you?
The flyover voted for Trump to help them and instead he is screwing them. That's not just random shit, that's the news of the day.
indeed. YOur totalitarian dreams will be fought against, forever.
That's democracy, you might have heard of it maybe?

Yes, and America has been against that type of shit from day one.

Your desire to oppress your enemies is going to lead to a response you better be prepared for, lefty.
Well, you are an enemy of this liberal nation, that much is true.

Your the one that wants to destroy the system that has led to this great nation, not to mention any possibility of peaceful change once you get your way.
Who said that? No one. I want democracy. How terrible of me.

1. YOu're supporting the idea of using massive propaganda to nullify the election after the fact.

2. YOu want to use the Third World swollen numbers of California to further end any possibility of any peaceful political change.

3. It is terrible of you, and if you get your way, you and yours will not like the way it works out for you.
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