Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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1. President Trump is a genius. Only a fool would deny it.

2. The rest of the world, wants the US to continue to be their bitch on Trade and Immigration. They are welcome to go fuck themselves.

3. Those you call "deplorable" are the back bone of this great nation, and you are welcome to go fuck yourself personally.

Also, fuck you some more.

Only a person with the IQ of a peanut would see The Orange Buffoon as a genius. If he's a genius, Jimmy Peau is the greatest boxer of all time. Who? you say? Exactly.

No, the world wants the US to be strong. It needs it to be strong. Being isolationist won't make you strong, it will make you a third-world shit hole while China takes your spot. Nobody who likes democracy wants that. Nobody. But as long as you have somebody as dumb as a sack of rocks in charge and kowtows to the Deplorable scum (only to enrich himself and your expense), you are only headed one way.

No, the Deplorables are racist, misogynistic, homophobic, trailer trash white fat fucks.

1. President Trump, genius. Only your butthurt prevents you from admitting it to yourself.

2. Bullshit. A strong US wouldn't put up with the bullshit trade behavior from Europe or China.

3. China is growing only because we have been their bitch on trade for decades. If Trump can/will turn that around, they will be lucky to not collapse.

4. Those you call Deplorable are far better people than shit like you. Fuck off and die.
No, they did not. It's something we call math.
Yes, they did. It's something we call SUBTRACTION. Subtracting out the millions of illegal alien votes = big win for Trump of the AMERICAN popular vote (and the electoral vote)
That's how we ended up with Clinton and Trump as candidates
Clinton would have done fine for most Americans. Trump is fucking most of them over but it doesn't matter a damn what you think, you didn't vote.

America loves Trump.
His approval rating, by Fox no less, is 38%. That's love for Ebola.

IF that's true, then you lefties are using the Means of Information Control to nullify the election after the fact.

YOu sure you want to put the final nail in the coffin of Peaceful Change in America?

Have you really considered the consequences?
Impeachment here is peaceful. This won't be our first rodeo.

“Our”? The only impeachmentbthus cebtury was when Bill Clinton was impeached.
You lost an election for the White House. You lost the House. You lost the Senate. You lost the recounts. You are a loser. And you can’t undo that. Seven more years :)
That's how we ended up with Clinton and Trump as candidates
Clinton would have done fine for most Americans. Trump is fucking most of them over but it doesn't matter a damn what you think, you didn't vote.

America loves Trump.
His approval rating, by Fox no less, is 38%. That's love for Ebola.

IF that's true, then you lefties are using the Means of Information Control to nullify the election after the fact.

YOu sure you want to put the final nail in the coffin of Peaceful Change in America?

Have you really considered the consequences?
Impeachment here is peaceful. This won't be our first rodeo.

You will have demonstrated that Peaceful Change is not longer an option.

Are you too stupid to realize the implications of the actions you are attempting?
1. President Trump is a genius. Only a fool would deny it.

2. The rest of the world, wants the US to continue to be their bitch on Trade and Immigration. They are welcome to go fuck themselves.

3. Those you call "deplorable" are the back bone of this great nation, and you are welcome to go fuck yourself personally.

Also, fuck you some more.

Only a person with the IQ of a peanut would see The Orange Buffoon as a genius. If he's a genius, Jimmy Peau is the greatest boxer of all time. Who? you say? Exactly.

No, the world wants the US to be strong. It needs it to be strong. Being isolationist won't make you strong, it will make you a third-world shit hole while China takes your spot. Nobody who likes democracy wants that. Nobody. But as long as you have somebody as dumb as a sack of rocks in charge and kowtows to the Deplorable scum (only to enrich himself and your expense), you are only headed one way.

No, the Deplorables are racist, misogynistic, homophobic, trailer trash white fat fucks.

1. President Trump, genius. Only your butthurt prevents you from admitting it to yourself.

2. Bullshit. A strong US wouldn't put up with the bullshit trade behavior from Europe or China.

3. China is growing only because we have been their bitch on trade for decades. If Trump can/will turn that around, they will be lucky to not collapse.

4. Those you call Deplorable are far better people than shit like you. Fuck off and die.
The faith (and ego) of a flyover ditch digger in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Except for every other one in the world.

Aust has a better system. As does NZ. As do the Scandanavian countries. As does France. As does Germany....

We have either kicked their ass or bailed every one of those countries.
But for a liberal “anywhere but here” is always better.
When was the last time we did jack shit for New Zealand?

“We” again? Are you pretending to be an American?
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

False, most Americans voted FOR Trump. The Stalinists had 3 million illegal aliens voting with them in California, but Americans chose Trump.
That's utter horseshit and not a single person on earth can prove such a thing. Trump lost the popular vote, cuck.

Oh, were you one of those dems that didn't know how elections are done in this country? Despite the Bush vs Gore issue?

Wow. That most have been VERY embarrassing for you.
I understand how the EC is undemocratic perfectly, That's why it should never have been created. There's no reason for a popular vote for President here since that's not how it's decided.

So Comrade, should California and New York have the exclusive right to vote for President, or should the party simply appoint our rulers? :dunno:
1. President Trump is a genius. Only a fool would deny it.

2. The rest of the world, wants the US to continue to be their bitch on Trade and Immigration. They are welcome to go fuck themselves.

3. Those you call "deplorable" are the back bone of this great nation, and you are welcome to go fuck yourself personally.

Also, fuck you some more.

Only a person with the IQ of a peanut would see The Orange Buffoon as a genius. If he's a genius, Jimmy Peau is the greatest boxer of all time. Who? you say? Exactly.

No, the world wants the US to be strong. It needs it to be strong. Being isolationist won't make you strong, it will make you a third-world shit hole while China takes your spot. Nobody who likes democracy wants that. Nobody. But as long as you have somebody as dumb as a sack of rocks in charge and kowtows to the Deplorable scum (only to enrich himself and your expense), you are only headed one way.

No, the Deplorables are racist, misogynistic, homophobic, trailer trash white fat fucks.

1. President Trump, genius. Only your butthurt prevents you from admitting it to yourself.

2. Bullshit. A strong US wouldn't put up with the bullshit trade behavior from Europe or China.

3. China is growing only because we have been their bitch on trade for decades. If Trump can/will turn that around, they will be lucky to not collapse.

4. Those you call Deplorable are far better people than shit like you. Fuck off and die.
The faith (and ego) of a flyover ditch digger in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Don’t need evidence. Just needed to reject the ruling elite and put trump on. You can’t propaganda your way to victory.
We are all citizens of the world, you are just too stupid to acknowledge the obvious. Radiation fallout and deadly viruses do not obey arbitrary national borders no matter how high you build your walls.

No we are not.

The Germans don't give a damn about you. The Chinese don't give a damn about you. The Indians don't give a damn about you.
And you don't give a damn about them but that matters not a damn in reality. What they do there affects you and vice versa.

oh, totally.

Their governments are out to advance the interests of their citizens at your expense.

You didn't think those massive ever bigger trade deficits are the result of Free Trade did you?
Free trade is capitalism at work. If you don't like the results then you don't like the effects of capitalism or capitalism itself. No one ever said it was fair.

"Free Trade" is not required for Capitalism.

Also, my point was that such lop sided deficits are the result of purposeful trade policies by those nations' governments to advance the interests of their citizens at your expense.

You might be sitting there thinking you are a citizen of the world, but the rest of the world is not seeing you as their brother, they are out to fuck you.

And they are, fucking you. Right now.


Free trade in a free and uncoerced market is the definition of capitalism.
Clinton would have done fine for most Americans. Trump is fucking most of them over but it doesn't matter a damn what you think, you didn't vote.

America loves Trump.
His approval rating, by Fox no less, is 38%. That's love for Ebola.

IF that's true, then you lefties are using the Means of Information Control to nullify the election after the fact.

YOu sure you want to put the final nail in the coffin of Peaceful Change in America?

Have you really considered the consequences?
Impeachment here is peaceful. This won't be our first rodeo.

You will have demonstrated that Peaceful Change is not longer an option.

Are you too stupid to realize the implications of the actions you are attempting?
Trump will leave on his own, as soon as the real balls start dropping. That's why he's already in a panic today. And besides, he hates the job anyway. He doesn't care that much and never has.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

False, most Americans voted FOR Trump. The Stalinists had 3 million illegal aliens voting with them in California, but Americans chose Trump.
That's utter horseshit and not a single person on earth can prove such a thing. Trump lost the popular vote, cuck.

Oh, were you one of those dems that didn't know how elections are done in this country? Despite the Bush vs Gore issue?

Wow. That most have been VERY embarrassing for you.
I understand how the EC is undemocratic perfectly, That's why it should never have been created. There's no reason for a popular vote for President here since that's not how it's decided.

So Comrade, should California and New York have the exclusive right to vote for President, or should the party simply appoint our rulers? :dunno:

That’s what they do in the Democratic Party. Superdelegates appoint the leaders...then the leaders appoint superdelegates.
1. President Trump is a genius. Only a fool would deny it.

2. The rest of the world, wants the US to continue to be their bitch on Trade and Immigration. They are welcome to go fuck themselves.

3. Those you call "deplorable" are the back bone of this great nation, and you are welcome to go fuck yourself personally.

Also, fuck you some more.

Only a person with the IQ of a peanut would see The Orange Buffoon as a genius. If he's a genius, Jimmy Peau is the greatest boxer of all time. Who? you say? Exactly.

No, the world wants the US to be strong. It needs it to be strong. Being isolationist won't make you strong, it will make you a third-world shit hole while China takes your spot. Nobody who likes democracy wants that. Nobody. But as long as you have somebody as dumb as a sack of rocks in charge and kowtows to the Deplorable scum (only to enrich himself and your expense), you are only headed one way.

No, the Deplorables are racist, misogynistic, homophobic, trailer trash white fat fucks.

1. President Trump, genius. Only your butthurt prevents you from admitting it to yourself.

2. Bullshit. A strong US wouldn't put up with the bullshit trade behavior from Europe or China.

3. China is growing only because we have been their bitch on trade for decades. If Trump can/will turn that around, they will be lucky to not collapse.

4. Those you call Deplorable are far better people than shit like you. Fuck off and die.
The faith (and ego) of a flyover ditch digger in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Don’t need evidence. Just needed to reject the ruling elite and put trump on. You can’t propaganda your way to victory.
A New York billionaire isn't an elite? Do you see now why people call you flyover ditch diggers morons?
1. President Trump is a genius. Only a fool would deny it.

2. The rest of the world, wants the US to continue to be their bitch on Trade and Immigration. They are welcome to go fuck themselves.

3. Those you call "deplorable" are the back bone of this great nation, and you are welcome to go fuck yourself personally.

Also, fuck you some more.

Only a person with the IQ of a peanut would see The Orange Buffoon as a genius. If he's a genius, Jimmy Peau is the greatest boxer of all time. Who? you say? Exactly.

No, the world wants the US to be strong. It needs it to be strong. Being isolationist won't make you strong, it will make you a third-world shit hole while China takes your spot. Nobody who likes democracy wants that. Nobody. But as long as you have somebody as dumb as a sack of rocks in charge and kowtows to the Deplorable scum (only to enrich himself and your expense), you are only headed one way.

No, the Deplorables are racist, misogynistic, homophobic, trailer trash white fat fucks.

1. President Trump, genius. Only your butthurt prevents you from admitting it to yourself.

2. Bullshit. A strong US wouldn't put up with the bullshit trade behavior from Europe or China.

3. China is growing only because we have been their bitch on trade for decades. If Trump can/will turn that around, they will be lucky to not collapse.

4. Those you call Deplorable are far better people than shit like you. Fuck off and die.
The faith (and ego) of a flyover ditch digger in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You drip hate and scorn from every post, and yet act as though you expect those you hate and scorn to believe that you are on their side.

What part of that makes sense to you?

Hillary, like you, defined herself as my enemy. A potted plant would have got my vote before her.

TRUMP, actually offered a serious and hopeful platform.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

False, most Americans voted FOR Trump. The Stalinists had 3 million illegal aliens voting with them in California, but Americans chose Trump.
That's utter horseshit and not a single person on earth can prove such a thing. Trump lost the popular vote, cuck.
You ever hear of the "motor voter" law in California? It makes voting by illegals a protected act.

Go ahead and spout your Marxist NUHN UHN - I'll be back to humiliate you with the text of the law later.
Motor voter is about registration to vote, not voting, Illegals don't vote, it's illegal. And all US states are required to have motor voter. It's Federal law.

One thing I can count on with you Stalinists is utter ignorance of any subject you spew your idiocy on.

{This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

Rope a dope always works with you Marxists, because you're all fucking dopes.
1. President Trump is a genius. Only a fool would deny it.

2. The rest of the world, wants the US to continue to be their bitch on Trade and Immigration. They are welcome to go fuck themselves.

3. Those you call "deplorable" are the back bone of this great nation, and you are welcome to go fuck yourself personally.

Also, fuck you some more.

Only a person with the IQ of a peanut would see The Orange Buffoon as a genius. If he's a genius, Jimmy Peau is the greatest boxer of all time. Who? you say? Exactly.

No, the world wants the US to be strong. It needs it to be strong. Being isolationist won't make you strong, it will make you a third-world shit hole while China takes your spot. Nobody who likes democracy wants that. Nobody. But as long as you have somebody as dumb as a sack of rocks in charge and kowtows to the Deplorable scum (only to enrich himself and your expense), you are only headed one way.

No, the Deplorables are racist, misogynistic, homophobic, trailer trash white fat fucks.

1. President Trump, genius. Only your butthurt prevents you from admitting it to yourself.

2. Bullshit. A strong US wouldn't put up with the bullshit trade behavior from Europe or China.

3. China is growing only because we have been their bitch on trade for decades. If Trump can/will turn that around, they will be lucky to not collapse.

4. Those you call Deplorable are far better people than shit like you. Fuck off and die.
The faith (and ego) of a flyover ditch digger in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Don’t need evidence. Just needed to reject the ruling elite and put trump on. You can’t propaganda your way to victory.
A New York billionaire isn't an elite? Do you see now why people call you flyover ditch diggers morons?

Wow. Reading comprehension not your strong suit, I see.
America loves Trump.
His approval rating, by Fox no less, is 38%. That's love for Ebola.

IF that's true, then you lefties are using the Means of Information Control to nullify the election after the fact.

YOu sure you want to put the final nail in the coffin of Peaceful Change in America?

Have you really considered the consequences?
Impeachment here is peaceful. This won't be our first rodeo.

You will have demonstrated that Peaceful Change is not longer an option.

Are you too stupid to realize the implications of the actions you are attempting?
Trump will leave on his own, as soon as the real balls start dropping. That's why he's already in a panic today. And besides, he hates the job anyway. He doesn't care that much and never has.

He will leave on his own in 7 years. After choosing his successor.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

False, most Americans voted FOR Trump. The Stalinists had 3 million illegal aliens voting with them in California, but Americans chose Trump.
That's utter horseshit and not a single person on earth can prove such a thing. Trump lost the popular vote, cuck.

Oh, were you one of those dems that didn't know how elections are done in this country? Despite the Bush vs Gore issue?

Wow. That most have been VERY embarrassing for you.
I understand how the EC is undemocratic perfectly, That's why it should never have been created. There's no reason for a popular vote for President here since that's not how it's decided.

Err, then how would the state outcomes be decided?

By the party of course.
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