Do Republicans believe a Muslim should be allowed to serve in public office if elected?

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Name one Muslim democracy.
Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Iraq .... :cool:

Now how did I miss those paradises on Earth? :)

You said name one. There was no other requirement. Remember, you asked and it was answered.

But you didn’t name one. You named your idea of nice places to live but none are democracies.

Turkey is a democracy. They hold elections.

Why are you moving the goalposts? Was that last attempt a little too short?
The Founders were very much against straight Democracy. OUr system is all about limiting the dangers of mob rule.
Of this I am well aware. It changes nothing at all of what said. The system is - wrong.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

Would be relevant if I had said anything like, "California is the only problem in America".

As I didn't, it is not.

My point stands.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.[
The seventh largest economy in the world is a cess pit? Try again, ditch digger.

California, like the US as a whole is coasting on the advantages our ancestors gave US, despite some serious idiocy.

THe rest of this nation does not want the whackjobs that dominate California, dominating the Country.

Your personal attack is noted and held against you, ass.
Trump having a message that spoke up for Middle America, cost Clinton the election.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.

I remember growing up in the Rust Belt. I've lived in it my whole life. I never though that these generations long union voters would flip to the GOP.

But Trump spoke for them and they heard him, despite the din of lies from people like you trying to drown him out.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you're dropping your claim that it was moronic of voters in "flyover" to vote in for him in the election?
The very opposite. They voted against their best interests, as usual. That's what fucking stupid people do, usually.

They voted against their best interests, as usual.

That's how we ended up with Clinton and Trump as candidates
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.

I remember growing up in the Rust Belt. I've lived in it my whole life. I never though that these generations long union voters would flip to the GOP.

But Trump spoke for them and they heard him, despite the din of lies from people like you trying to drown him out.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you're dropping your claim that it was moronic of voters in "flyover" to vote in for him in the election?
The very opposite. They voted against their best interests, as usual. That's what fucking stupid people do, usually.

So, why are you bring up information that was not available to the voters when the decision was being made?

That's completely unreasonable. Even unreasonING.

My point stands.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.
Trump has never protected the little guy, not once in his entire life. He got rich off their gambling habits and stupidity. To think a billionaire GOP candidate will serve your interests as a dirt farmer in the middle of the flyover is the very definition of idiotic. Trump conned people like you and now he is fucking you over. You reap what you sow.
Of this I am well aware. It changes nothing at all of what said. The system is - wrong.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

Would be relevant if I had said anything like, "California is the only problem in America".

As I didn't, it is not.

My point stands.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.[
The seventh largest economy in the world is a cess pit? Try again, ditch digger.

California, like the US as a whole is coasting on the advantages our ancestors gave US, despite some serious idiocy.

THe rest of this nation does not want the whackjobs that dominate California, dominating the Country.

Your personal attack is noted and held against you, ass.
The Flyover ditch diggers like you voted for the very obvious Con Man. And they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Oh it is to laugh.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

False, most Americans voted FOR Trump. The Stalinists had 3 million illegal aliens voting with them in California, but Americans chose Trump.
That's utter horseshit and not a single person on earth can prove such a thing. Trump lost the popular vote, cuck.

Oh, were you one of those dems that didn't know how elections are done in this country? Despite the Bush vs Gore issue?

Wow. That most have been VERY embarrassing for you.
I understand how the EC is undemocratic perfectly, That's why it should never have been created. There's no reason for a popular vote for President here since that's not how it's decided.

Not only is there no reason for a popular vote...there is no popular vote. It is unconstitutional in a federal republic to vote nationally on anything.
Is there no part of the constitution a leftist doesn’t despise?
I seem to remember part of the Constitution being about "supreme law of the land" That makes Islam unconstitutional (illegal)

Sorry! Wrong answer. Thank you for playing! Johnny, tell us about our nice parting gifts for our contestants!

What legal Constitutional argument can you provide in a link, that says Sharia Law can coexist separately from our judicial rule of law under the Constitution?

Let me challenge the basis of your argument and see how well you can back it up. Links please.

You obviously do not know what Sharia Law is. I suggest educating yourself first.

On the contrary, and a great dodge of actually backing your answer by the way. Having trouble?

The section of the Constitution that applies has been posted in this thread numerous times already. Are you incapable of reading and understanding the language?

Religious test has nothing to do with a Muslim family choosing to exercise Sharia Law over our long established judicial system of government. Again, why the need for Sharia Law AT ALL the first place ... if our own nation’s system of laws, established under the Constitution, grants everyone equal rights, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? Are these questions just to hard for you to answer? Come on ... you’re smarter than this I’m sure.
Muslims suck. Piss on them. The stupid Moon Bats elected a Muslim President and he was a disaster for this country Why ever take a chance on another one? No vote for me.
Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.

I remember growing up in the Rust Belt. I've lived in it my whole life. I never though that these generations long union voters would flip to the GOP.

But Trump spoke for them and they heard him, despite the din of lies from people like you trying to drown him out.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you're dropping your claim that it was moronic of voters in "flyover" to vote in for him in the election?
The very opposite. They voted against their best interests, as usual. That's what fucking stupid people do, usually.

So, why are you bring up information that was not available to the voters when the decision was being made?

That's completely unreasonable. Even unreasonING.

My point stands.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.
Trump has never protected the little guy, not once in his entire life. He got rich off their gambling habits and stupidity. To think a billionaire GOP candidate will serve your interests as a dirt farmer in the middle of the flyover is the very definition of idiotic. Trump conned people like you and now he is fucking you over. You reap what you sow,

Trump's job was never to protect the little guy before.

Trump never got his job because of the little guy before.

Trump never had to depend on KEEPING his job, on the little guy before.

It was/is completely reasonable to hope for a serious attempt at his campaign platform.

And it would be IDIOTIC to vote for Hillary who, like you, was pretty clear in having nothing but contempt for the little guy and actively hostile to them/US.
No. Most Americans voted against Trump. He was always going to win the morons in the flyover.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.

I remember growing up in the Rust Belt. I've lived in it my whole life. I never though that these generations long union voters would flip to the GOP.

But Trump spoke for them and they heard him, despite the din of lies from people like you trying to drown him out.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you're dropping your claim that it was moronic of voters in "flyover" to vote in for him in the election?
The very opposite. They voted against their best interests, as usual. That's what fucking stupid people do, usually.

They voted against their best interests, as usual.

That's how we ended up with Clinton and Trump as candidates
Clinton would have done fine for most Americans. Trump is fucking most of them over but it doesn't matter a damn what you think, you didn't vote.
When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

Would be relevant if I had said anything like, "California is the only problem in America".

As I didn't, it is not.

My point stands.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.[
The seventh largest economy in the world is a cess pit? Try again, ditch digger.

California, like the US as a whole is coasting on the advantages our ancestors gave US, despite some serious idiocy.

THe rest of this nation does not want the whackjobs that dominate California, dominating the Country.

Your personal attack is noted and held against you, ass.
The Flyover ditch diggers like you voted for the very obvious Con Man. And they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Oh it is to laugh.

They would have regretted Hillary even more
What legal Constitutional argument can you provide in a link, that says Sharia Law can coexist separately from our judicial rule of law under the Constitution?

Let me challenge the basis of your argument and see how well you can back it up. Links please.

You obviously do not know what Sharia Law is. I suggest educating yourself first.

On the contrary, and a great dodge of actually backing your answer by the way. Having trouble?

How can I prove something does not exist? If you think you can, you are an idiot.

Why don't you cite the part of the Constitution where it says a Muslim cannot hold office? No one has done that, except to quote the wrong parts and reveal their ignorance.

A Muslim can not hold office if Americans do not want muslims to hold office and vote against them.
I think that’s just about the best idea...second only to stopping the importation of muslims.
Any religion (or none) can hold office here. If you don't like that then more to Iran. They are your kind of folks.

You don’t have to move to think you are already there. Giving orders about who can vote for what. I may vote against a person because of his party, his religion or his hairstyle. There is nothing you can do about least until you import more foreigners to outvote Americans.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you're dropping your claim that it was moronic of voters in "flyover" to vote in for him in the election?
The very opposite. They voted against their best interests, as usual. That's what fucking stupid people do, usually.

So, why are you bring up information that was not available to the voters when the decision was being made?

That's completely unreasonable. Even unreasonING.

My point stands.

Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.
Trump has never protected the little guy, not once in his entire life. He got rich off their gambling habits and stupidity. To think a billionaire GOP candidate will serve your interests as a dirt farmer in the middle of the flyover is the very definition of idiotic. Trump conned people like you and now he is fucking you over. You reap what you sow,

Trump's job was never to protect the little guy before.

Trump never got his job because of the little guy before.

Trump never had to depend on KEEPING his job, on the little guy before.

It was/is completely reasonable to hope for a serious attempt at his campaign platform.

And it would be IDIOTIC to vote for Hillary who, like you, was pretty clear in having nothing but contempt for the little guy and actively hostile to them/US.
The little guy, and fucking him, is how Trump got rich. To think he would change that just shows what dupes the flyover is made of but they are waking up and starting to see he's going to seriously fuck them over.
California, like the US as a whole is coasting on the advantages our ancestors gave US, despite some serious idiocy.

THe rest of this nation does not want the whackjobs that dominate California, dominating the Country.

Your personal attack is noted and held against you, ass.

Instead you'd go for a bloated fat fuck who shows about as much intelligence as an amoeba with dementia. The Orange Buffoon is a disgrace and making the US the laughing stock of the world. Trust me, we are laughing long and hard at you. Not the normal Yanks, just the Deplorables.
Not only is there no reason for a popular vote...there is no popular vote. It is unconstitutional in a federal republic to vote nationally on anything.
Is there no part of the constitution a leftist doesn’t despise?

Which is why the US has one of the crappiest political systems in the western world..
When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

Would be relevant if I had said anything like, "California is the only problem in America".

As I didn't, it is not.

My point stands.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.[
The seventh largest economy in the world is a cess pit? Try again, ditch digger.

California, like the US as a whole is coasting on the advantages our ancestors gave US, despite some serious idiocy.

THe rest of this nation does not want the whackjobs that dominate California, dominating the Country.

Your personal attack is noted and held against you, ass.
The Flyover ditch diggers like you voted for the very obvious Con Man. And they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Oh it is to laugh.

Your unsupported opinion is noted and dismissed.

It is funny that you can't help but be an arrogant ass while you are complaining that people did not vote for an arrogant ass like you, ie HIllary.

Trump spoke up for those "ditch diggers" you keep ridiculing, while HIllary called them names.

Guess which plan worked better?
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

Would be relevant if I had said anything like, "California is the only problem in America".

As I didn't, it is not.

My point stands.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.[
The seventh largest economy in the world is a cess pit? Try again, ditch digger.

California, like the US as a whole is coasting on the advantages our ancestors gave US, despite some serious idiocy.

THe rest of this nation does not want the whackjobs that dominate California, dominating the Country.

Your personal attack is noted and held against you, ass.
The Flyover ditch diggers like you voted for the very obvious Con Man. And they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Oh it is to laugh.

They would have regretted Hillary even more
No. she would have been Bill in pink granny panties. They would have been much better off, just like they were under Bill.
Your Lefty contempt for Middle American certainly figured into Trump's plan to make a play for them.

It is the exact opposite of moronic to vote for the person who, for the first time in generations, wants to enact polices designed to serve your interests.

I remember growing up in the Rust Belt. I've lived in it my whole life. I never though that these generations long union voters would flip to the GOP.

But Trump spoke for them and they heard him, despite the din of lies from people like you trying to drown him out.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you're dropping your claim that it was moronic of voters in "flyover" to vote in for him in the election?
The very opposite. They voted against their best interests, as usual. That's what fucking stupid people do, usually.

They voted against their best interests, as usual.

That's how we ended up with Clinton and Trump as candidates
Clinton would have done fine for most Americans. Trump is fucking most of them over but it doesn't matter a damn what you think, you didn't vote.

America loves Trump.
CA tried to ban gay marriage and just look at that now you have gay marriage thanks to, the Supreme Court.

Would be relevant if I had said anything like, "California is the only problem in America".

As I didn't, it is not.

My point stands.

When I look at the cess pit that you lefties have made of California?

I would rather fight than be ruled by such.[
The seventh largest economy in the world is a cess pit? Try again, ditch digger.

California, like the US as a whole is coasting on the advantages our ancestors gave US, despite some serious idiocy.

THe rest of this nation does not want the whackjobs that dominate California, dominating the Country.

Your personal attack is noted and held against you, ass.
The Flyover ditch diggers like you voted for the very obvious Con Man. And they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Oh it is to laugh.

Your unsupported opinion is noted and dismissed.

It is funny that you can't help but be an arrogant ass while you are complaining that people did not vote for an arrogant ass like you, ie HIllary.

Trump spoke up for those "ditch diggers" you keep ridiculing, while HIllary called them names.

Guess which plan worked better?
Lying to the stupid worked. So glad you support such a thing.
Trump just made it harder for farmers to fight big AG and consumers to fight with the credit card companies. And his tax plan gives even more money to the very wealthy. You were saying?

So, you're dropping your claim that it was moronic of voters in "flyover" to vote in for him in the election?
The very opposite. They voted against their best interests, as usual. That's what fucking stupid people do, usually.

They voted against their best interests, as usual.

That's how we ended up with Clinton and Trump as candidates
Clinton would have done fine for most Americans. Trump is fucking most of them over but it doesn't matter a damn what you think, you didn't vote.

America loves Trump.
His approval rating, by Fox no less, is 38%. That's love for Ebola.
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