Do Republicans hate America?

Why else would they suggest that a line worker makes too much at $35 hr but it is ok for a CEO to make $20 million?
As soon as you find where anyone, no matter who they are or what their stripe is, actually said or wrote that, please feel free to link it here so we can all check it out.:eusa_liar:

I don't need to prove it to you. All I need to do is ask the question.

Should a line worker at GM make $35 hr plus benefits?

So do you support a maximum wage? I didn't think so.

Remember you guys were attacking unions and how much they make?

But then we realized that you weren't just attacking Unions, because unions only make up around 18% of our workforce. No, you were attacking all labor. Then once the jobs are all down south, you'll send the jobs to mexico because even southern labor makes too much. But divide and concur. They can't hit us all at once or we will hit back.
Who's "you guys," Beavis? Are you assuming facts not in evidence?

Oh and, that's one of the knocks on FoxNews, they post rhetorical questions with no proof to back up the assumed conclusion. So, it's not OK for them to do so but it is OK for you?

No, it's not. Find where anyone ever said or wrote that, link it here to back your assertion, or just admit it's a regurgitated strawman talking point and let it go.
If conservative policies actually worked, I would be for them. I don't think in general that they do.
Bush didn't have, or employ, any conservative policies. Bush wasn't a conservative.

then why did conservatives vote for him, TWICE Marauder? in both of those campaigns, no conservatives were touting that he wasn't a conservative.....they were busy getting him reelected.

they only did this after they got their butts kicked in the 2006 election....after this is when they tried to separate themsleves from him, but not prior to that, if memory serves me?

President Bush, was a social conservative...we can give him that...

Most if not all of his republican majority congress went along with all of the proposals of president Bush's as well...

If he was conservative, he would not have ventured in to Iraq....conservatives prefer status quo and are suppose to be very cautious , they do not venture in to nation building....but he and his congress did....

then he instituted the largest social program in our history, with his and congress's medicare pill bill, without the ability to negotiate bulk discounts and curbed free trade with not allowing states to import their drugs for their medicaid recipients from Canada, to save money.....

you are right, that President Bush was not Conservative, but neither was his Republican Majority Congress either.

Wanting Obama to fail in terms of spening exhorbitant amounts of money and generally enacting more socialistic policies is a hair different than hoping people suffer. Much as you would like them to be, the two ideas are not mutally exclusive.

Exactly, they ARE NOT mutually exclusive. That's my whole point. :cool:
Reading through many of these threads it strikes me as somewhat peculiar to see so many self-identified republicans hoping (even praying) that Obama fails miserably and that America is befallen by an economic catastrophe of never-before-seen epic proportions. Isn't the only logical conclusion that they must hate America? What other reason could they have to so desperately hope for Americans to suffer more than we've ever suffered before?


Funny when W was in office the Democrats were hoping for a failure in Iraq, Afghanistan and for every policy bush presented. How things have changed.

However, I think most fiscal conservatives see it this way, they actually hope Obama succeed; however, there conventional wisdom tells them that he won't!
Sealy is right, and marauder is wrong.

I swear you are now trying to get someone shot...:eek:

This title reminds me of something I was thinking yesterday. When people talk about people in other countries hating America, do we ever think why? Liberals might, but conservatives get mad anytime you ever suggest there might be a legitimate reason for people in other countries hating America or Americans. Maybe that's because it is conservative policies that these other countries usually hate. Look at how Bush raped Iraq's resources.

And this is why Obama is raising taxes on the rich. They wanted the Iraq war, so they need to pay for it.
then why did conservatives vote for him, TWICE Marauder? in both of those campaigns, no conservatives were touting that he wasn't a conservative.....they were busy getting him reelected.
Limbaugh and Hannity and the rest of conservadom admitted they were holding their nose to vote for Bush both times. Because the alternatives were just so bad. I don't know anyone who for one second believed however, that Bush would be as far away from conservative as you can get and still be an R.

Any idea Bush might have had to govern as a conservative went away when those planes hit the towers. He knew probably right then that in order to prosecute a war against IslamoNazis he was going to need Democrats in Congress to financially back his play. So, with a wink and a nod, they gave him what he wanted while he looked the other way on their massive spending, earmarks and pork.

But once the piglets are at the tit, they don't want to let it go and more piglets want the milk. The current piglets are busy making more tits with no end in sight as hordes of piglets line up to grum-mumble, wriggle in and suckle.
As soon as you find where anyone, no matter who they are or what their stripe is, actually said or wrote that, please feel free to link it here so we can all check it out.:eusa_liar:

I don't need to prove it to you. All I need to do is ask the question.

Should a line worker at GM make $35 hr plus benefits?

So do you support a maximum wage? I didn't think so.

Remember you guys were attacking unions and how much they make?

But then we realized that you weren't just attacking Unions, because unions only make up around 18% of our workforce. No, you were attacking all labor. Then once the jobs are all down south, you'll send the jobs to mexico because even southern labor makes too much. But divide and concur. They can't hit us all at once or we will hit back.
Who's "you guys," Beavis? Are you assuming facts not in evidence?

Oh and, that's one of the knocks on FoxNews, they post rhetorical questions with no proof to back up the assumed conclusion. So, it's not OK for them to do so but it is OK for you?

No, it's not. Find where anyone ever said or wrote that, link it here to back your assertion, or just admit it's a regurgitated strawman talking point and let it go.

I found it! I should have made you bet me you little shit! LOL..

I created a thread about this. And wouldn't you know, the first reply I got was this:

I think that the problem people have with $30 per hour salaries has nothing to do with jealousy, nothing to do with wanting people to have trouble raising their families...and everything to do with whether or not that salary is economically feasible given the fact that people, by and large, do not seem to want to buy the $30 per hour employees cars as much as they want the $15 per hour employees car.

If a business is losing money because people don't want their product AND they are continuing to pay their employees double what other companies are paying...they are going to have trouble. And giving them more money so that they can continue to pay their employees double what other companies are paying and making products that the people don't want isn't going to solve the problem...its just going to delay the next time the company comes begging for money to save its employees.
I don't need to prove it to you. All I need to do is ask the question.

Should a line worker at GM make $35 hr plus benefits?

So do you support a maximum wage? I didn't think so.

Remember you guys were attacking unions and how much they make?

But then we realized that you weren't just attacking Unions, because unions only make up around 18% of our workforce. No, you were attacking all labor. Then once the jobs are all down south, you'll send the jobs to mexico because even southern labor makes too much. But divide and concur. They can't hit us all at once or we will hit back.
Who's "you guys," Beavis? Are you assuming facts not in evidence?

Oh and, that's one of the knocks on FoxNews, they post rhetorical questions with no proof to back up the assumed conclusion. So, it's not OK for them to do so but it is OK for you?

No, it's not. Find where anyone ever said or wrote that, link it here to back your assertion, or just admit it's a regurgitated strawman talking point and let it go.

I found it! I should have made you bet me you little shit! LOL..

I created a thread about this. And wouldn't you know, the first reply I got was this:
Your link doesn't take me where you wanted. Try copying the link on the specific post number you want me to see.
I don't need to prove it to you. All I need to do is ask the question.

Should a line worker at GM make $35 hr plus benefits?

So do you support a maximum wage? I didn't think so.

Remember you guys were attacking unions and how much they make?

But then we realized that you weren't just attacking Unions, because unions only make up around 18% of our workforce. No, you were attacking all labor. Then once the jobs are all down south, you'll send the jobs to mexico because even southern labor makes too much. But divide and concur. They can't hit us all at once or we will hit back.
Who's "you guys," Beavis? Are you assuming facts not in evidence?

Oh and, that's one of the knocks on FoxNews, they post rhetorical questions with no proof to back up the assumed conclusion. So, it's not OK for them to do so but it is OK for you?

No, it's not. Find where anyone ever said or wrote that, link it here to back your assertion, or just admit it's a regurgitated strawman talking point and let it go.

I found it! I should have made you bet me you little shit! LOL..

I created a thread about this. And wouldn't you know, the first reply I got was this:

I think that the problem people have with $30 per hour salaries has nothing to do with jealousy, nothing to do with wanting people to have trouble raising their families...and everything to do with whether or not that salary is economically feasible given the fact that people, by and large, do not seem to want to buy the $30 per hour employees cars as much as they want the $15 per hour employees car.

If a business is losing money because people don't want their product AND they are continuing to pay their employees double what other companies are paying...they are going to have trouble. And giving them more money so that they can continue to pay their employees double what other companies are paying and making products that the people don't want isn't going to solve the problem...its just going to delay the next time the company comes begging for money to save its employees.

sealy, i don't know what meds you usually take, but the generics aren't cutting it. go back to the brand name stuff.
Who's "you guys," Beavis? Are you assuming facts not in evidence?

Oh and, that's one of the knocks on FoxNews, they post rhetorical questions with no proof to back up the assumed conclusion. So, it's not OK for them to do so but it is OK for you?

No, it's not. Find where anyone ever said or wrote that, link it here to back your assertion, or just admit it's a regurgitated strawman talking point and let it go.

I found it! I should have made you bet me you little shit! LOL..

I created a thread about this. And wouldn't you know, the first reply I got was this:
Your link doesn't take me where you wanted. Try copying the link on the specific post number you want me to see.

I just made a comment in the thread, "WE'RE LOWERING YOUR WAGES".

Hit New Posts and it will be one of the newest posts.

In it, you will see people on your side arguing that $30 hr is too much, it's artificial, it's too much because we can get it cheaper in Mexico.

Read through and tell me what you think.

But I'm sorry if you don't find some right winger saying exactly the words, "labor should not make $30hr."

But instead, they explain why labor should't get $30 hr.
skull said

The market decides the value of a job or service.

If the market dictates that a guy who installs 2 screws and a nut all day for 8 hours and gets 6 weeks paid time off a year isn't worth paying $1200 a week then the company who pays that guy 1200 a week will go out of business.

And that company should go out of business.

Do you really want the government using our tax dollars to prop up the pay of a bunch of assembly line monkeys? Hell MY money should be left in my pocket not given to the fucking auto companies that have been failing for years.

If you let these poorly run, profitless companies fail, you won't have to worry about CEO pay because they'll all be unemployed too, as they should be.

The government is basically forcing we the tax payers to buy worthless stocks. What would you do if you got a letter from Uncle Sam saying that you had to buy 2500 dollars worth of stock in Company X ,and you were subject to incarceration if you don't, even though that company hadn't posted a profit in 5 years?

What would you do if you got that letter?

Well WAKE UP because this is exactly what the government is doing but without the letter.
I would say that Republicans hate America as much as Obama supporters.

Obama supporters are middle class Americans. Republicans hate poor people and middle class people. Why else would they suggest that a line worker makes too much at $35 hr but it is ok for a CEO to make $20 million?

So, we sort of resent it when rich people who got a big tax break over the last 8 years cry because Obama's going to take it away.

It was you guys who wanted the Iraq war. Well, it's time to start paying for it. Or did you think you would never have to pay for it?

I can never get a Republican to answer that. When do they want to pay for Iraq?

Obama supporters are members of the Democrat Party and they are now the party of the rich. I guess you missed the memo.

And the deal about the Iraq war... I never wanted it and now Obama is ramping up the war in Afghanistan. I can bet at least 35,000 troops will remain in Iraq until at least 2012. It's Obama's war now.
people on your side
You don't know what my "side" is, this is why I asked you earlier if you were assuming facts not in evidence. You are.

Bumping a thread isn't the same as linking specifics, but I guess you know that too.

You said: Find where anyone ever said or wrote that, link it here to back your assertion, or just admit it's a regurgitated strawman talking point and let it go.

And I showed you, you little cock sucker. Now shut the fuck up! Straw man. What a pussy you must be. :lol:
I found it! I should have made you bet me you little shit! LOL..

I created a thread about this. And wouldn't you know, the first reply I got was this:
Your link doesn't take me where you wanted. Try copying the link on the specific post number you want me to see.

I just made a comment in the thread, "WE'RE LOWERING YOUR WAGES".

Hit New Posts and it will be one of the newest posts.

In it, you will see people on your side arguing that $30 hr is too much, it's artificial, it's too much because we can get it cheaper in Mexico.

Read through and tell me what you think.

But I'm sorry if you don't find some right winger saying exactly the words, "labor should not make $30hr."

But instead, they explain why labor should't get $30 hr.

i believe you're not addressing the question that was posed to you-shocker, indeed.

Why else would they suggest that a line worker makes too much at $35 hr but it is ok for a CEO to make $20 million?
As soon as you find where anyone, no matter who they are or what their stripe is, actually said or wrote that, please feel free to link it here so we can all check it out.:eusa_liar:

so again, where is the wanker who thinks $35/hr is too much AND $20MM for a CEO is just fine? because that's what you said.
I would say that Republicans hate America as much as Obama supporters.

Obama supporters are middle class Americans. Republicans hate poor people and middle class people. Why else would they suggest that a line worker makes too much at $35 hr but it is ok for a CEO to make $20 million?

So, we sort of resent it when rich people who got a big tax break over the last 8 years cry because Obama's going to take it away.

It was you guys who wanted the Iraq war. Well, it's time to start paying for it. Or did you think you would never have to pay for it?

I can never get a Republican to answer that. When do they want to pay for Iraq?

Obama supporters are members of the Democrat Party and they are now the party of the rich. I guess you missed the memo.

And the deal about the Iraq war... I never wanted it and now Obama is ramping up the war in Afghanistan. I can bet at least 35,000 troops will remain in Iraq until at least 2012. It's Obama's war now.

Are you suggesting the Afgan war should not be won/finished?

Bush didn't lie us into Afganistan. He just may have allowed it to happen so he could use it to invade Iraq. But that doesn't give Bin Ladin or the people who hate us a free pass.

And for 6 years Bush let the Taliban train and plot in Pakistan. And he did nothing because they are a soverign country. He should have learned that before he went to Iraq.

Are you as big of a pussy as Bush? What happened to enemy number one, dead or alive. Smoke him out. I am so embarrassed. You republicans should be ashamed of yourselves. And now you want to say Obama owns the war? Lucky for us he isn't an idiot like Bush/McCain. And you.

OMG, now you right wing aholes are going to start second guessing the war on terror? Fuck you all!
people on your side
You don't know what my "side" is, this is why I asked you earlier if you were assuming facts not in evidence. You are.

Bumping a thread isn't the same as linking specifics, but I guess you know that too.

You said: Find where anyone ever said or wrote that, link it here to back your assertion, or just admit it's a regurgitated strawman talking point and let it go.

And I showed you, you little cock sucker. Now shut the fuck up! Straw man. What a pussy you must be. :lol:
You didn't link what was asserted. Your inability to operate in a civil, intelligent manner and need to resort to profanity and name-calling shows your complete lack of intelligence. Your insistence on lumping me in with Republicans or conservatives shows your complete ignorance. You have shown nothing, proven nothing, and have failed to back your strawman, regurgitated assertion.

Exactly like I knew would happen.
Obama supporters are middle class Americans. Republicans hate poor people and middle class people. Why else would they suggest that a line worker makes too much at $35 hr but it is ok for a CEO to make $20 million?

So, we sort of resent it when rich people who got a big tax break over the last 8 years cry because Obama's going to take it away.

It was you guys who wanted the Iraq war. Well, it's time to start paying for it. Or did you think you would never have to pay for it?

I can never get a Republican to answer that. When do they want to pay for Iraq?

Obama supporters are members of the Democrat Party and they are now the party of the rich. I guess you missed the memo.

And the deal about the Iraq war... I never wanted it and now Obama is ramping up the war in Afghanistan. I can bet at least 35,000 troops will remain in Iraq until at least 2012. It's Obama's war now.

Are you suggesting the Afgan war should not be won/finished?

Bush didn't lie us into Afganistan. He just may have allowed it to happen so he could use it to invade Iraq. But that doesn't give Bin Ladin or the people who hate us a free pass.

And for 6 years Bush let the Taliban train and plot in Pakistan. And he did nothing because they are a soverign country. He should have learned that before he went to Iraq.

Are you as big of a pussy as Bush? What happened to enemy number one, dead or alive. Smoke him out. I am so embarrassed. You republicans should be ashamed of yourselves. And now you want to say Obama owns the war? Lucky for us he isn't an idiot like Bush/McCain. And you.

OMG, now you right wing aholes are going to start second guessing the war on terror? Fuck you all!

Struck a nerve, eh? :lol:

We should bring our troops home. Period. End of story. No amount of insults from you or anyone else will change my mind on that.

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