Do republicans Like Talking About George W. Bush?

I think compared to ted cruz, rand paul and the rest of the cut, slash and burn idiots. George W Bush is not all that bad.
Your side does it enough for everyone. Nuff said.
I never see you guys mention him here. Why is that?
You ignorant fucking fool. :slap:
Nigga plz :piss2::mad-61:
You ignorant fucking fool. :slap:
Uh oh lemme get some talcum powda fo' mah pimp hand!

I never see you guys mention him here. Why is that?

Republicans never admit a mistake. But neither do Democrats.

If you ever bring up a Bush mistake they always say, "Blame Bush" It was by design because of how many things Obama was blamed for started under Bush and their media/party didn't want their small IQ followers to know it.

The ObamaPhone? BushPhone.
The Bank Bailout? Bush
The Auto-Bailout? Bush

To be fair, Obama continued this bad behavior. But watching the party puppets ignore it ever happened under their party control and think it's Liberally Bias to say something bad about Bush gives me a headache.
Hell they blamed the entire national debt on Obama..As if it was a brand new thing. This was before Obama had ever signed any major spending bills. The ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT was his personal fault....

Then the Growth Spending charts surfaced. It shut up most of them. But some are still blindly paroting
I think compared to ted cruz, rand paul and the rest of the cut, slash and burn idiots. George W Bush is not all that bad.

Bush sounded good in the debates. But like all politicians, after they win, the ones who donated come to collect.
Because Bush wasn't very fiscally conservative, there were no WMDs in Iraq, there wasn't enough Wall Street oversight, the Patriot Act sucks, NSA spying, the TSA and the Department of Fatherland Security are all his babies. I'm not saying he didn't do anything good, but he certainly didn't do anything great.

Same with Obama. He continued a lot of Bush policies including NSA spying and the Patriot Act, he managed to lose a war we had won, the Arab Spring he touted has been a complete nightmare, Libya is his baby, he is personally responsible for that mess, along with Benghazi and the rise of ISIS (that's what happens when you depose a dictator without boots on the ground), traded terrorist leaders for a deserter, fucked up the Obamacare rollout, Gitmo is still fact I can't think of much he'll be remembered for other than being the first black president. Doubt we'll hear much about him either after he's gone.

I guess he managed not to get impeached, so at least there's that.
Don't mind, but we prefer to talk about Reagan...or Obama's dismal failure.

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